IME-241& IME-241L: Thermo-Fluids

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IME-241& IME-241L


Objectives of the course
The objectives of this course are;
• To cover the basic principles of thermodynamics,
fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.
• To present diverse real-world engineering examples
to give students a feel for how Thermo-fluid sciences
are applied in engineering practice.
• To develop an intuitive understanding of Thermo-
fluid sciences by emphasizing the physics and
physical arguments.
Chapter 1
Topics to be discussed

1. Introduction to Thermo-Fluid Sciences

✓ Application areas of Thermo-fluid sciences

2. Thermodynamics
3. Heat Transfer
4. Fluid Mechanics

5. Problem-Solving Technique

• Word Thermo stems from the Greek word
therme (Thermo sciences = sciences that deal
with heat).
• Many engineering systems involve the transfer,
transport, and conversion of energy, and the
sciences that deal with these subjects are
broadly referred to as Thermo-fluid sciences.
• Thermo-fluid sciences are studied under the
subcategories of thermodynamics, heat transfer,
and fluid mechanics.

• In this subject we present the basic principles of

these sciences, and apply them to situations that the
engineers are likely to encounter.

• The design and analysis of most systems such as

power plants, automotive engines, and
refrigerators involve all categories of Thermo-fluid


For example, designing the radiator of

a car involves:
• the determination of the amount of
energy transfer from a knowledge of
the properties of the coolant using

• the determination of the size and

shape of the inner tubes and the
outer fins using heat transfer,

• the determination of the size and

type of the water pump using fluid
mechanics. 7
Application Areas of THERMO-Fluid Sciences

• The human comfort is closely tied to the rate of

metabolism. We try to control this heat transfer rate by
adjusting our clothing to the environmental conditions.

• Many ordinary household appliances for examples,

the electric or gas range, the heating and air
conditioning systems, the refrigerator, and even the
computer and the TV are designed by using the
principles of Thermo-fluid sciences.

• The size, location, and the power input of the fan of

your computer is also selected after a thermodynamic,
heat transfer, and fluid flow analysis of the computer.
Application Areas of Thermo-Fluid Sciences

• The name thermodynamics stems from the
Greek words therme (heat) and dynamis
• Power of heat: the capacity of hot
bodies to produce work.

Conservation of energy principle

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

The first law of thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics
states that heat is a form of energy, and
thermodynamic processes are
therefore subject to the principle of
conservation of energy. 10
• The second law of thermodynamics: It asserts that
energy has quality as well as quantity, and actual processes
occur in the direction of decreasing quality of energy.

Heat flows in the direction of decreasing temperature.

• Heat: The form of energy that can be
transferred from one system to another
as a result of temperature difference.
• Heat Transfer: The science that deals
with the determination of the rates of
such energy transfers and variation of

Thermodynamics is concerned with the

amount of heat transfer as a system
undergoes a process from one equilibrium
state to another, and it gives no indication
about how long the process will take.

But in engineering, we are often interested in

the rate of heat transfer, which is the topic of
the science of heat transfer.
A substance in the liquid or gas phase.

• Fluid mechanics: The science that

deals with the behavior of

✓ fluids at rest (fluid statics)

✓ fluids in motion (fluid dynamics),
Fluid mechanics deals with
✓ interaction of fluids with solids or liquids and gases in motion
other fluids at the boundaries. or at rest.
Fluid mechanics itself is also divided into several categories.

• Hydraulics, deals with liquid flows in pipes and

open channels.
• Gas dynamics deals with flow of fluids that
undergo significant density changes, such as the
flow of gases through nozzles at high speeds.
• The category aerodynamics deals with the flow of
gases (especially air) over bodies such as aircraft,
rockets, and automobiles at high or low speeds.
• Some other specialized categories such as
meteorology, oceanography, and hydrology
deal with naturally occurring flows. 14

• A substance exists in three primary

phases: solid, liquid, and gas. A substance
in the liquid or gas phase is referred to as
a fluid.
• Distinction between a solid and a fluid is
made on the basis of applied shear (or
tangential) stress.
• A solid can resist an applied shear stress
by deforming, whereas a fluid deforms
continuously under the influence of hear
stress, no matter how small. 15

• Stress is defined as force per

unit area, and is determined by
dividing the force by the area
upon which it acts.

• The normal component of a

force acting on a surface per
unit area is called the normal
stress, and the tangential
component of a force acting on
a surface per unit area is called
shear stress.
• In a fluid at rest, the normal stress is called pressure.
The supporting walls of a fluid eliminate shear stress,
and thus a fluid at rest is at a state of zero shear
• When a liquid container is tilted, a shear develops.
• Although solids and fluids are easily distinguished in
most cases, this distinction is not so clear in some
borderline cases.
• For example, asphalt appears and behaves as a
solid since it resists shear stress for short periods
of time. But it deforms slowly and behaves like a
fluid when these forces are exerted for extended
periods of time. 17
• Step 1: Problem Statement
✓ Make sure you understand the problem and the objectives
• Step 2: Schematic
✓ Draw a realistic sketch of the physical system involved, and list
the relevant information
• Step 3: Assumptions and Approximations
✓ State any appropriate assumptions and approximations made to
simplify the problem to make it possible to obtain a solution.
• Step 4: Physical Laws
✓ Apply all the relevant basic physical laws and reduce them to
their simplest form by utilizing the assumptions made.
• Step 5: Properties
✓ Determine the unknown properties at known states necessary
to solve the problem from property relations or tables.
• Step 6: Calculations
✓ Substitute the known quantities into the simplified relations
and perform the calculations to determine the unknowns. Pay
particular attention to the units and unit cancellations, and
remember that a dimensional quantity without a unit is
• Step 7: Reasoning, Verification, and Discussion
✓ Check to make sure that the results obtained are reasonable
and intuitive, and verify the validity of the questionable
assumptions. Repeat the calculations that resulted 19in
unreasonable values.

1. Introduction to Thermo-Fluid Sciences

✓ Application areas of Thermo-fluid sciences

2. Thermodynamics
3. Heat Transfer
4. Fluid Mechanics

5. Problem-Solving Technique

Chapter 2
• Identify the unique vocabulary associated
with thermodynamics through the precise
definition of basic concepts to form a sound
foundation for the development of the
principles of thermodynamics.

• System: A quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study.
• Surroundings: The mass or region outside the system
• Boundary: The real or imaginary surface that separates the system from
its surroundings.
• Mathematically speaking (assumption), the boundary has zero thickness,
and thus it can neither contain any mass nor occupy any volume in space
• The boundary of a system can be fixed or movable.
• Systems may be considered to be closed or open.

• Closed system (Control mass): A closed system (also known as a
control mass) consists of a fixed amount of mass, and no mass can cross
its boundary.

• A closed system (also known as a control mass) consists of a fixed

amount of mass, and no mass can cross its boundary. That is, no mass
can enter or leave a closed system. But energy, in the form of heat or
work, can cross the boundary; and the volume of a closed system does
not have to be fixed.
• If, as a special case, even energy is not allowed to cross the boundary,
that system is called an isolated system.

Open system (control volume): A
properly selected region in space.

• It usually encloses a device that

involves mass flow such as a
compressor, turbine, or nozzle.

• Flow through these devices is best

studied by selecting the region
within the device as the control

• Both mass and energy can cross

the boundary of a control volume.26
Open system (control volume):
• A large number of engineering problems
involve mass flow in and out of a system
and, therefore, are modeled as control
• A water heater, turbine, and a
compressor all involve mass flow and
should be analyzed as control volumes
(open systems) instead of as control
masses (closed systems).
• In general, any arbitrary region in space
can be selected as a control volume and
there are no concrete rules for the
selection of control volumes.
• Control surface: The boundaries of a
control volume. It can be real or
Systems can be studied from a macroscopic or a microscopic
point of view.
The macroscopic approach to thermodynamics is concerned
with the overall behavior. This is sometimes called classical
thermodynamics. No model of the structure of matter at
the molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels is directly
used in classical thermodynamics.
The microscopic approach to thermodynamics, known as
statistical thermodynamics, is concerned directly with the
structure of matter. The objective of statistical
thermodynamics is to characterize by statistical means the
average behavior of the particles making up a system of
interest and relate this information to the observed
macroscopic behavior of the system. 28

• Property: Any characteristic of a system.

Some familiar properties are pressure P, temperature T, volume
V, and mass m.
• Properties are considered to be either intensive or extensive.

• Intensive properties: Those that are independent of the

mass of a system, such as temperature and density.
✓ As the amount of substance is changed property does not change

• Extensive properties: Those whose values depend on the

size—or extent—of the system. {Mass, Length, Volume]
✓ Property that varies with amount
Intensive VS Extensive properties


• From the macroscopic perspective, the description of
matter is simplified by considering it to be distributed
continuously throughout a region. The correctness of
this idealization, known as the continuum hypothesis
• When substances can be treated as continua, it is
possible to speak of their intensive thermodynamic
properties “at a point.” Thus, at any instant the density
ρ at a point is defined as:

• where V’ is the smallest volume for which a definite

value exists. 33
Density Specific gravity: The ratio of
the density of a substance
to the density of some
standard substance at a
Specific volume specified temperature
(usually water at 4°C).

Density is
mass per unit
specific volume
is volume per
unit mass.

• Thermodynamics deals with equilibrium

• Equilibrium: A state of balance.

• In an equilibrium state there are no
unbalanced potentials (or driving
forces) within the system.
• Thermal equilibrium: If the
temperature is the same throughout the
entire system.
• Mechanical equilibrium: If there is no
change in pressure at any point of the
system with time.
• Chemical equilibrium: If the chemical
composition of a system does not
change with time, that is, no chemical
reactions occur. 35
Process: Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to another.

Path: The series of states through which a system passes during a process.
To describe a process completely, one should specify the initial and final states, as
well as the path it follows, and the interactions with the surroundings.
Quasistatic or quasi-equilibrium process: When a process proceeds in such a
manner that the system remains infinitesimally close to an equilibrium state at all

• Process diagrams plotted by employing
thermodynamic properties as
coordinates are very useful in visualizing
the processes.
• Some common properties that are used
as coordinates are temperature T,
pressure P, and volume V (or specific
volume v).
• The prefix iso- is often used to designate
a process for which a particular property
remains constant.
• Isothermal process: A process during
which the temperature T remains
• Isobaric process: A process during
which the pressure P remains constant.
• Isochoric (or isometric) process: A
process during which the specific
volume v remains constant.
• Cycle: A process during which the initial
and final states are identical.
The Steady-Flow Process
• The term steady implies no change with time. The
opposite of steady is unsteady, or transient.
• A large number of engineering devices operate for
long periods of time under the same conditions,
and they are classified as steady-flow devices.
• Steady-flow process: A process during which a
fluid flows through a control volume steadily.
• Steady-flow conditions can be closely
approximated by devices that are intended for
continuous operation such as turbines, pumps,
boilers, condensers, and heat exchangers.

Absolute pressure: The actual pressure at a given position. It is measured relative
to absolute vacuum (i.e., absolute zero pressure).

Gage pressure: The difference between the absolute pressure and the local
atmospheric pressure. Most pressure-measuring devices are calibrated to read
zero in the atmosphere, and so they indicate gage pressure.

Vacuum pressures: Pressures below atmospheric pressure.

Pressure Measurement
• Bourdon tube: Consists of a hollow metal
tube bent like a hook whose end is closed
and connected to a dial indicator needle.
• Pressure transducers: Use various
techniques to convert the pressure effect to
an electrical effect such as a change in
voltage, resistance, or capacitance.
• Pressure transducers are smaller and faster,
and they can be more sensitive, reliable, and
precise than their mechanical counterparts.
• Piezoelectric transducers: Also called solid-
state pressure transducers, work on the
principle that an electric potential is generated
in a crystalline substance when it is subjected
to mechanical pressure.


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