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Since pathologists are the one who examines and diagnose patients, they should be in a
state wherein their mind is capable of abstaining from negative thoughts and should focus on
productive and constructive tasks, must be able to demonstrate interpersonal and
communication skills that result in effective information exchange and teaming with patients,
and can sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else
might be thinking or feeling. Since the pathologists are the one who determines what test
should be carried out by the clinical staffs, it is expected that they should have the ability to
focus on their actions, and thoughts, their emotions should not align with their internal
standards, and can handle challenging situations with inner strength, wisdom and insight.


Mostly, all of the responsibilities related to the Chief Medical Technologist apply
knowledge of study designs and statistical methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and other
information on diagnostic. One of the responsibilities of a chief medical technologist is to
supervise the performance of personnel and maintenance of the laboratory. In line with that,
the chief medical technologist should have the capability to empower changes and to build on
our areas of strength as well as identify areas where improvements can be made. They should
be also able to accurately read a situation and see clues that things are not stable and can
provide alternatives solutions to a situation.


Being a clinical chemist requires you to have social skills and good communication skills
that can be able to liaise with the healthcare team and also to advise and reassure patients. A
clinical chemist should naturally know the importance of and how to maintain a healthy
professional-personal balance in their lives and can generally accept and perform a job with
appropriate demeanor, respect, and possessing proficiency. In line with their responsibilities,
clinical chemists should acquire analytical thinking skills and must possess complex problem-
solving skills and be thorough, and pay attention to every detail about their work.


A Microbiologist should be able to effectively communicate their research processes and

findings so that knowledge may be applied correctly. In line with their responsibilities, they
should be able to draw conclusions from experimental results through sound reasoning and
judgment. They should be also emotionally stable, meaning, they should be good at things
handling stress, controlling their impulses, and defusing anger.


Histopathologists should have the ability to communicate effectively with people with a
wide range of hospital and medical colleagues, have
the ability to keep a cool head in an emergency and they should be in a state wherein their
mind is capable of abstaining from negative thoughts and should focus on productive and
constructive tasks. They should be also capable of taking responsibility for their actions and are
not ruled by their emotions. In line with their job responsibilities, a histopathologist should be
excellent in organizational skills and good in decision-making and problem-solving skill.


Hematologists should have empathy towards patients with chronic and terminal
disorders and should be able to accurately read a situation and see clues that things are not
stable and can provide alternatives solutions to a situation. They should also possess the ability
to apply scientific knowledge to patient care.


Clinical Microscopist should naturally know the importance of and how to maintain a
healthy professional-personal balance in their lives. They should also be capable of providing
mutual support for difficult or hard-to-navigate situations and have the ability to get to the
source of the problem and find a workable solution.


Immunologists must have key skills, such as strong communication skills, leadership
skills, attention to detail, organizational skills, problem-solving skills, patience, and empathy.
More specifically, they should also tend to be social, meaning that they thrive in situations
where they can interact with, persuade, or help people. They must also possess the ability to
monitor and manage your energy states, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that are
acceptable and produce positive results such as well-being, loving relationships, and learning.


A rotating medical technologist must be able to communicate and interact with

patients, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language, and our personal
appearance and work effectively with others as a member of a health care team. Since the
rotating medical technologists are the ones responsible for verifying results if matched correctly
and organizing and labeling all tests for easy retrieval, they should follow directions carefully to
help avoid errors, specifically when administering a patient’s medication.

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