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Medicam Group of Companies is a Pakistan based organisation. This organisation includes many
companies like KNEV (Khalil Nanitalwala Education Valley) which focuses on education and
learning services, Mendoza pvt, and many smaller organisations. Medicam Dental cream is their
most in demand product which is recognised all over Pakistan. Their mission statement is
“enhancing smiles around Pakistan”. They aim to provide good dental care for all consumers in
Pakistan with affordable prices for the low-income economy. Their vision differs from other
competitors as they focus on more mental aspects of dental hygiene like aches, and bleeding,
rather than focus more cosmetic aspects like better flavor and colour of the toothpaste.

Medicam currently has to operating factories located in Pakistan which produce the toothpaste
supply for the whole country. Distributers collect the goods and distribute around all major and
minor supermarkets and stores around the country. For the past 25 years, there growth has
been steady and promising as it is now one of the leaders in the Pakistan market. However, in
their long journey, they were unable to develop and expand heavily in to other regions and
make their signature product accessible for a new consumer base. However, the bboard of dire
tors have expressed their goal to expand in UAE and I have been given the task to evaluate
whether this is the best decision for the company.

3 sets of primary data was collected to investigate this proposal. I conducted an interview with
the managing director at the company and was able to obtain valuable pieces of information.
With knowledge I was able to understand the goals and aims of the company, and the
resources the company was ready to utilise in order to expand in the new area. I also used
secondary data to analyse the market of which the product was entering. With this I was able to
understand marketing techniques and strategies of existing competitors, market share per
competitors, government regulations of importing and licensing a new product, and market
regulations of purchasing an imported item. After utilising this new information, I was able to
understand views and approaches of all stakeholders of the company.

Medicam dental creams income statement and balance sheet was obtained to evaluate and
calculate ratios for analysis. I was also given their target audience for the new market and
techniques they wish to utilise in order to acquire this audience. I was also able to obtain a
transcript of the interview I conducted with the MD of the company. I was able to discuss
possible limitations in the process, as well as main priorities of the company, targeted market
share over the next couple of years, and potential marketing strategies for the expansion of the
product. As well as these key pieces of information, I was able to understand the personal
opinion of the Managing director. He believes Medicam Dental Cream could be very successful
in a new market because of improved quality which he states as better than other competitors.
His opinions do come with bias as he is heavily involved in this organisation hence making him
believe his product is the best because of his physical and emotional attachment. Market
research based on the new geographical location was limited, hence resulting in hypothesized
arguments to estimate payback period later on in my investigation.

Results and Findings:

The questionnaire conducted was able to provide valuable information which I will use in my
investigation. All data shown below is primary data collected through surveys, interviews and

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4:
Figure 5:

The questionnaires were utilised to form figures and graphs to display the key information in a
presentable and easily understandable way. They convey specific aspects of knowledge about
the current market Medicam is active which could be used to help target new audiences
through the use of acquired primary knowledge. As evident in figure 4, Medicam was sold
mostly in South-east area where about 90% of their sales came from. The product was not
available in the north regions of Asia, and scarcely available in the middle east and east Asia.
This is because of the lack of imports through distributers.

Medicam dental cream is a medicated toothpaste product created to help with teeth ache,
bleeding and gum ache. Hence, their marketing strategy included the promotion of resolving
these problems through the product. Over the last 25 years, they have been able to attract a
highly mature audience. As seen in figure two, about 85% of Medicams consumers were above
the age of 27. This is also due to the fact of problems occurring in your teeth as you grow older.
Due to Medicams market strategy of focusing on advertising the solution of these problems,
majority of their sales are consumers whose motive to buy is to receive relief or treatment of
those problems. As seen in figure one, a large quantity of consumers admitted to buy Medicam
to receive treatments of those problems. This not only indicates our potential target audience
but also indicates that the promotion of treatment regarding these problems is the most risk-
free way to invest.

Figure 5 evaluates the sale of different variants of the product and determines the percentage
of sales per variant. This is an indication of how much of which variant to import in order to
stock based on their popularity. Overstock could increase cost price and decrease the purchase
of new stocks if old ones don’t sell quick enough. Proper import percentages of all variants
need to be set in order to avoid this conflict. For example, a higher percentage of 25 grams of
toothpaste with a toothbrush needs to be imported instead of 500 grams of toothpaste.

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