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Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909

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Strategic capacity planning for smart production: Decision modeling

under demand uncertainty
Chen-Fu Chien a , Runliang Dou b,∗ , Wenhan Fu a
Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Department of Information Management and Management Science, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Semiconductor manufacturing is a capital-intensive industry that capital utilization rate significantly
Received 30 September 2016 affect the capacity effectiveness and final profit. Capacity portfolio planning strategy must coordinate
Received in revised form 24 April 2017 capacity expansion and migration decisions in balance for utility maximization for smart production
Accepted 1 June 2017
and supply chain effectiveness. Manufacturers have to determine capital investments based on various
Available online 6 June 2017
demand forecasts of products in advance for long lead time in manufacturing process. Rapid develop-
ment in semiconductor technology makes it difficult for companies to estimate future tool requirement
especially for new-generation products planning decisions.
Capacity planning
Smart production
This study aims to develop an uncertain multi-objective decision (UMD) strategy framework based
Semiconductor manufacturing on uncertainty theory for capacity expansion and migration problem. The objective of proposed model
Uncertainty theory is to minimize the potential loss of capacity oversupply or shortage under uncertain environment. An
Uncertain programming empirical study was conducted for validation and the results showed practical viability of the proposed
approach. The proposed model performs better than existing approach in minimizing the capacity cost
loss of shortage, surplus, and migration. Therefore, the proposed approach can be employed as embedded
decision support mechanism for smart production solutions for Industry 4.0.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction phases. Wafer fabrication normally requires 100–500 operation

steps over a total cycle time of many weeks. A modern 300 mm
In semiconductor industry, production technology updates wafer fabrication facility costs in excess of US$3 billion with various
rapidly. Following Moore’s law [1], the number of transistors on tools that worth US$1–13 million [4]. Equipment expense accounts
an integrated circuit doubled every 12–24 months during the past for more than 60% of the total cost in manufacturing process. Sur-
forty years. A new generation of production technology need to plus or shortage of products in wafer fabrication procedure will
be developed and employed every 12–24 months to maintain the lead to enormous loss of capacity utilization or sales order owing
shrinkage of Integrated Circuit (IC) features. The production tech- to make-to-order business model in IC industry.
nology determines the scale of circuits on a chip that could be Capacity planning problem is the configuration decision to
fabricated on the wafer. Advanced technologies can make more manage tool capacity and technology demand effectively [5]. Semi-
transistors patterned in the wafer areas. High-tech products are conductor capacity planning decisions are basically divided into
difficult to be produced as more advanced and expensive tools are two parts: capacity expansion and migration. Capacity expansion
required, with more complex and sophisticated devices enabled. is the process that adds new facilities over time into manufactur-
The total market value of global semiconductor will be about 340 ing process to meet the growing demand [6]. Capacity migration
billion dollars with market growth of 3%–7% in 2017. is the transition between technologies to balance capacity out-
The process of semiconductor manufacturing is composed of put temporarily. Tools designed for new generation technology
four primary phases: wafer fabrication, wafer probe, assembly and are expected to support the former generations in case of need.
packing, and final test [2,3]. Wafer fabrication is the most tech- Manufacturers in IC industry with high level of horizontal spe-
nologically complicated and capital-intensive part among the four cialization must invest in the latest technology to keep their
market competitiveness in today’s globalized world. The lead
time for semiconductor manufacturers from placing tool procure-
∗ Corresponding author. ment orders to actual operation is 6–9 months, which causes
E-mail address: (R. Dou).
1568-4946/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909 901

technologies of multiple generations equipped in same wafer fab- due to several reasons: rapid technology change, complex fabrica-
rication to maintain stability of manufacturing plans. tion process, long lead time of increment, high cost in equipment,
Through a number of surveys, Kahneman and Tversky [7] and demand uncertainties [12]. Each semiconductor manufactur-
showed that human beings usually overvalue uncertain events and ing tool may charge tens of millions of dollars as a high threshold.
their estimation may result much larger variance than real event Indeed, capacity deviation causes huge difference in capital invest-
frequency. The predicted demand figures made by domain experts ment and business revenue for capital-intensive industry. Besides,
are based on their concrete market experience instead of enough the short life cycles of products make demands impulsive and
observed data. Without enough samples, probability distributions cause capacity scarcity or wasting [11,13]. The objective of capac-
(ex. normal distribution) will be inaccurate in contrast with true ity planning strategy is to maximize fabrication profit through
frequency. Under these circumstances, the fundamental premise decision-making process at different time nodes. Based on planning
of classic probability theory is invalid and statistical methodologies horizon and decision scope, capacity decision problems are gener-
developed in this mathematical system become unsuitable. Espe- ally classified into three levels: strategic, tactical and operational
cially, for the description of human belief degree, some examples levels.
[8] show that subjective probability and fuzzy theory are inappro- For strategic thinking, capacity planning focuses on the invest-
priate as well. ment of productive resources (such as tools, equipment, facilities,
As a well-defined supplement of classic probability theory, etc.) for expansion. These plans are in the highest management
uncertainty theory without frequency assumption was found by level and need support of entire company. Strategic planning will
Liu [9] to model imprecise quantities in uncertain events based consume up within a longer period (1–2 years) in common. Those
on the normality, duality, subadditivity, and product axioms. The long-term planning decisions are normally based on demand fore-
main difference between uncertainty theory and probability the- cast due to long lead time of tool procurement. This study will focus
ory is that the product of uncertain measure is the minimum of on strategic planning decision-making connected with demand
uncertain measures of uncertain events while the product prob- uncertainty.
ability measure is the product of probability measures of random At tactical level, capacity plans convert long-term plans to spe-
events. Uncertain programming [10] is the mathematical program- cific ones which are relevant to distinct parts of the fabrication.
ming technique built on uncertainty theory to solve optimization For instance, product-mix and production planning are popular
problem in uncertain environment. To address the needs in real problems regarded as mid-term planning that refers to monthly
problems that imprecise quantities like human’s belief degrees or quarterly plan to be modified in this level. Once changes occur-
are unavoidable in business operation, it is vital to establish a ring in the number of resource like employees, tools and machines,
framework based on uncertainty theory considering human inde- company can reply as soon as possible.
terminacy for semiconductor manufacturers. In semiconductor industry, operational capacity planning aims
This research aims to propose an uncertain multi-objective deci- to solve capacity disequilibrium problem in a short time [14].
sion strategy framework based on uncertainty theory for capacity Capacity plans which refer to daily or weekly production schedul-
expansion and migration to minimize the potential cost loss of ing situation, are adjusted frequently to act in concert with actual
surplus/shortage under uncertain environments. To validate the production situation. Those decisions are designed for the specific
model’s effectiveness, an empirical study has been done by using procedures and processes that occur within the lowest levels of the
data from a lead semiconductor company in Taiwan. The proposed organization, such as machine breakdown, urgent orders, and hold
decision framework and process will assist manufacturers in tool lots.
procurement and capacity planning decision-making faced with
historical data deficiency and demand uncertainty. 2.2. Demand uncertainty in semiconductor capacity planning
The structure of the paper is organized as follows. Section 1
introduces the background, significance and motivation of the In semiconductor industry, main sources of uncertainty in long-
research. In Section 2, capacity problem in semiconductor industry, term capacity planning problems consist of demand forecast for
demand uncertainty in capacity planning and fundamental con- technologies and capacity estimations for fabrication facilities [5].
cepts of uncertainty theory are introduced. Section 3 expounds It is critical to obtain accurate demand forecast due to the long
the framework of proposed model and decision process. Section lead time of new fab construction and tool procurement [13]. Some
4 presents an empirical example to illustrate the decision model mathematical methodologies such as time series method for short-
designed in Section 3. Section 5 concludes with discussions and term forecast and diffusion model for long-term prognostication
Section 6 points out some future research directions. may handle demand uncertainty through analyzing historical data
There is a rich literature in capacity planning problem in
2. Literature review
semiconductor manufacturing industries as listed in Table 1.
Swaminathan [16] firstly assigned equal chance for different
Capacity planning, or tool portfolio problems in semiconductor
scenarios and experimented scenarios with other probabilities.
industry are popular research topics for decades. In this section,
Gerchak, Hassini and Ray [17] applied newsvendor model to
we respectively review the related study, including capacity plan-
monitor demand uncertainty as random variables in non-linear
ning problems in semiconductor manufacturing domain, demand
programming. Christie and Wu [5] set demand change parame-
uncertainty in capacity planning and fundamentals of uncertainty
ters to generate demand scenarios for analyzing. Hood, Bermon
and Barahona [18] set up three rules-of thumb for scenario prob-
abilities based on empirical experiments. Chou, Cheng, Yang and
2.1. Capacity planning problems in semiconductor Liang [19] introduced a geometric Brownian motion process to
manufacturing industry illustrate uncertainty of demand and solve the problem by sim-
ulation. Wu and Chuang [20] described uncertainty by Markov
In semiconductor industry, corporations strategically focus on decision processes and use Monte Carlo simulation to solve multi-
core competences and outsource other activities to enhance capital generation capacity portfolio planning problem. Chien and Zheng
effectiveness [11]. However, it is especially hard for semiconduc- [4] proposed a mini–max regret strategy considering both the
tor companies to make capacity expansion and migration decision risks of capacity shortage and surplus along the time to reduce
902 C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909

Table 1
Methods demand uncertainty in semiconductor capacity planning.

Study Methodology Uncertainty description

Swaminathan [12] Stochastic planning approach Equal chance for scenarios first and then experimented with other probabilities
Gerchak, Hassini and Ray [17] Non-linear programming Newsvendor model
Christie and Wu [5] Scenarios analysis Demand change parameters
Hood, Bermon and Barahona [18] Stochastic optimization Three rules-of thumb for scenario probabilities
Chou, Cheng, Yang and Liang [19] Simulation analysis Geometric Brownian motion process
Wu and Chuang [20] Monte Carlo simulation Markov decision processes
Chien and Zheng [4] Mathematical programming Mini-max regret
Chien, Wu and Chiang [21] Dynamic optimization Markov decision process
Chou, Sung, Lin and Jahn [22] Simulation Geometric Brownian motion process
Chou, Yang and Chen [23] Simulation Geometric Brownian motion processes

overall risk and improve capacity utilization. Chien, Wu and Chiang where k are arbitrarily chosen events from Lk for k = 1, 2, · · ·,
[21] represented demand uncertainty by a Markov chain of market respectively.
states through transition probability matrix between two decision An uncertain variable ␰ is a measurable function from an uncer-
epochs. Chou, Sung, Lin and Jahn [22] compared a canonical timing tainty space (, L, M) to the set of real numbers. The uncertainty
and a canonical sizing models by simulation and formulate uncer- distribution  of an uncertain variable ␰ is defined by ˚(x) = M{ ≤
tainty as geometric Brownian motion process. Chou, Yang and Chen x}for any real number x. The expected value of ␰ is defined by
[23] generalized demand shocks for uncertain demand and com-
pare VC model which is Brownian motion of volatility and SC model 
+∞ 0
which is simple model of shock by simulation. E[] = M{ ≥ x}dx − M{ ≤ x}dx
According to the literature review, the methods focusing on the
capacity planning problem can be generally separated into two 0 −∞

categories: mathematical programming and simulation. Demand

uncertainty in capacity planning is usually modeled by three types: The inverse function −1 (˛) is called the inverse uncertainty
scenarios, random variables, and stochastic processes. Indeed, distribution of . Moreover, if the expected value is available, then
domain experts in semiconductor manufacturing companies may the expected value can be presented as:
analyze demand uncertainty through some mathematical tech-
nique but still should judge the scenario partition by domain 0
experience, human’s subjectivity causes more uncertainty of their

E  = ˚−1 (˛) d˛
demand forecast results than theoretical probabilities owing to
rapid change of diverse impact factors.

An uncertain variable ␰ is called normal if it has a normal

2.3. Uncertainty theory −1
uncertain distribution ˚(x) = (1 + exp( (e−x)
√ )) , −∞ < x

Uncertainty theory was founded by Liu [9] to measure and devoted by N (e,

The inverse uncertainty distribution of N (e,
model uncertainty in human’s belief degree. It has been applied is ˚−1 (x) = e +
3 ln 1−x

in some optimization problems such as machine scheduling [24], programming model

Liu [30] proposed the following uncertain
vehicle routing [25], facility location-allocation [26], railway trans- with uncertain objective function f x,  , uncertain constraints

portation planning [27] and solid transportation problem [28,29]. gj x,  ≤ 0, and confidence levels ␣j ,
All these applications were based on numerical experiments and
no prior work at practical manufacturing industry still now. In this ⎧

subsection, some necessary preliminaries of uncertainty theory are

⎨ minE f x, 
introduced. subjectto : (1)
Let  be a nonempty set, and L be a ␴-algebra over . Each

⎩ M g x,  ≤ 0 ≥ ˛ , j = 1, 2, ..., p
j j
element  L is called an event. Liu [9] present a set function M
from L to [0,1] which is called an uncertain measure if it satisfies
Let ␰1 , ␰2 ,..., ␰n be independent uncertain variables with reg-
the following axioms:
ular uncertainty distributions 1 , 2 · · · n , respectively.
If f is a
Axiom 1 (Normality Axiom) M{ } = 1 for the universal set ;
C strictly increasing function, then = f 1 , 2 , ..., n is an uncer-
Axiom 2 (Duality Axiom) M{ } + M{ } = 1 for any event ;
Axiom 3 (Subadditivity Axiom) For every sequence of events variable −1
with an inverse uncertainty distribution ˚−1 (˛) =
{ i ∈ L}, we have f ˚−1 1 (˛) , ˚2 (˛) , ..., ˚−1
n (˛)
If f is also strictly decreasing with respect to ␰k+1 , ␰k+2 ,· · ·, ␰n .

gj is strictly increasing with respect to ␰1 , ␰2 , · · ·, ␰kj , and strictly
M{ ∪ i } ≤ M{i }
i=1 decreasing with respect to ␰kj +1 , ␰kj +2 , · · ·, ␰n for j = 1, 2, · · · , p. Then
the uncertain programming model (1) is equivalent to the following
Axiom 4 (Product Axiom) Let ( k , Lk , Mk ) be uncertain space crisp model,
for k = 1, 2,..., Then the product uncertain measure M is an uncertain
measure satisfying
⎧ 1

∞  ⎪
⎨ min f x, ˚−1 (˛) , · · ·, ˚−1 (˛) , ˚−1 (˛) , · · ·, ˚−1
n (1 − ˛) d˛

1 k k+1
k=1   x
M k = ∧ Mk k ⎪ 0
∞ ⎪
⎪ subjectto :
k=1 ⎩
gj x, ˚−1
(˛) , · · ·, ˚−1
(˛) , ˚−1
(˛) , · · ·, ˚−1
(1 − ˛) ≤ 0, j = 1, 2, · · ·, p
C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909 903

For decision problems with multiple objectives, uncertain pro- mii t Capacity migration from product i to product i in time t.
gramming model can be extended to uncertain multi-objective uitt Upper bound of capacity level with maximum expansion
programming model as follows, speed for product i in period t refer to time t.

litt Lower bound of capacity level without expansion of product

⎨ min (E f1 x,  , E f2 x,  , · · ·, E fm x,  ) i in period t refer to time t.
subjectto : (3) Dit Actual demand of product i in time t.

⎩   dit Predicted demand of product i in time t.
M gj x,  ≤ 0 ≥ ˛j , j = 1, 2, · · ·, p
xijt Predicted demand of product i by predictor j in time t.

it Uncertain distribution of predicted demand of product i in
where E fi x,  , i = 1, 2, · · ·, m are real-valued objective func-
tions. time t.
A vector x is called a feasible solution to the uncertain multi- −1 it
Inverse uncertainty distribution of it
objective programming model (3) if Ei Maximal total expansion of product i.
␺i Uncertain distribution of maximal expansion of product i.
M{gj (x, ) ≤ 0} ≥ ˛j , j = 1, 2, · · ·, p (4) i−1 Inverse uncertainty distribution of ␺i
Ft Maximal total expansion at time t.
A feasible solution x* is called a Pareto solution to the uncer-
ϑt Uncertain distribution of maximal expansion at time t.
tain multi-objective programming model (4) if there is no feasible
−1 t Inverse uncertainty distribution of ϑ t
solution x such that

Mi Maximal total migrations of product i.
E fi x∗ ,  ≤ E fi x,  , i = 1, 2, · · ·, m (5) ␻i Uncertain distribution of maximal total migrations of product

and E fk x∗ ,  < E fk x,  for at least one index k −1 Inverse uncertainty distribution of ␻i
Wo Cost weight of capacity oversupply loss.
3. Uncertain multi-objective decision framework Ws Cost weight of capacity shortage loss.
WM Cost weight of capacity migration loss.
This section illustrates the proposed methodology to deal with WiP Value weight of product i.
the capacity expansion and migration problem under uncertain ROit Loss of capacity oversupply of product i in time t.
environment in high-tech industry like semiconductor fabrication. RSit Loss of capacity shortage of product i in time t.
Following the UNISON decision framework [31], we proposed a RMit Loss of capacity migration of product i in time t.
framework of uncertain multi-objective decision model including
six parts: problem definition, niche identification, influence struc- 3.1. Problem definition
ture, model description, overall judgments and decision scheme as
shown in Fig. 1. Strategic capacity planning problem is to find the expansion
The right side in Fig. 1 shows the process to characterize uncer- and migration plan of capacity resources for different products.
tain environment. In this study, demand uncertainty and capacity Semiconductor corporations adopt a rolling mechanism to update
uncertainty are uncertain variables. These two types of uncertain- estimated prediction of product demand referring to the latest
ties are from prediction subjective by working staff (or domain business information in the market. Suppose the lead time of tool
experts). The accuracy confident levels of those imprecise pre- procurement is 2 quarters, the capacity decision of Quarter 3 should
dictions are measured by forecast belief degree in third level. As be confirmed in Quarter 1.
mentioned in Section 2, uncertainty theory is appropriate to mea- Semiconductor companies usually have demand and capacity
sure and compute this kind of human belief degree. Uncertain planning forecast made by multiple departments for different prod-
variables are used to formulate demand and capacity uncertainty ucts from the beginning of their lifetime to the decision epoch. The
in multi-objective optimization. actual demand will be get 2 quarters later from the decision epoch
The left column of the framework shows the practical elements of corresponding predicted demand. Actual demand and capacity
of decision maker. In this study, the decision maker is semicon- planning of multiple products will be get at that time.
ductor manufacturer. From top to bottom are practical managerial
niche to mathematical parameters step by step. Manufacturer want
to maximize capacity utilization which is inflexible for computing 3.2. Demand uncertainty
directly. The key influence in capacity utilization is cost loss of tools
and machines if capacity planning and actual demand are unbal- Considering insufficient data under uncertain environment for
anced. To evaluate such cost loss, some information parameters normal distribution estimation, it is reasonable to generate demand
were set in mathematical model as input constants or criteria. distribution for different situations.
The middle line consists of mathematical modelling in capac-
ity planning problem. Strategy formulation is our goal which can 3.2.1. Expert investigation method for no historical data
serve as guideline for companies to apply into practical manufac- For some semiconductor products, especially new advanced
turing decision-making process. The capacity planning decision in technology with no historical data for quantized prediction,
manufacturing follows a rolling mechanism so it is needed to do there are some qualitative prediction through expert investigation
multi-objective optimization at all decision points. Finally, a case method such as subjective probability, leading indicator method
study is conducted to validate the proposed model and get some and Delphi method. However, subjective probability method is
result for practical guidelines. another interpretation of probability different from frequentist
The parameters and decision variables used in the proposed probability or classical probability, which is the theoretical assump-
model are listed as follows: tion of uncertainty theory. Thus, subjective probability method
i, 1, 2,..., n Product number cannot be used in this study. Indeed, leading indicator method is
j, 1, 2,..., m Predictor number appropriate to be used by domain experts to find out the leading
t, 1, 2,..., T Decision time point indicators from economic environment and product market and
eit Capacity expansion for product i in time t make a demand forecast. These demand predictions serve as uncer-
cit Accumulate capacity for product i in time t tain information resource for this study to estimate the degree
904 C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909

Fig. 1. Multi-objective decision framework under uncertainty.

of uncertainty. Delphi method [32] has been applied to estimate Step 4. it is generated as the uncertain distribution of dit , which
uncertain distribution in education field. is the predicted demand for product i in time t.
In our set up, dit is the predicted demand for product i in time Step 5. Uncertain programming model is constructed and solved
t, which supposed to be monitored by data collected and it is to decide the capacity planning solution.
uncertain distribution of dit . Step 6. Real demand for predicted product will be attained and
The expert investigation flowchart based on Delphi method prediction error for difference sources should be updated.
includes 7 steps as illustrated in Fig. 2. Step 7. An initial dataset is obtained for prediction error method.
Step 1. m domain experts are supposed to provide predicted Expert investigation method stage is finished.
demand data xijt , i = 1, 2,..., n, j = 1, 2,..., m combined with their
own belief degrees ␣ijt , j = 1, 2,..., ni , based on former prediction
record. For new predictor, ␣ijt is set as 0. The forecasting sequence 3.2.2. Prediction error method for small data set
of domain experts is If the raw dataset is given but insufficient, uncertain demand
distribution should be estimated by domain experts’ historical pre-
xijt , ˛ijt , i = 1, 2, · · ·, m, j = 1, 2, · · ·, ni .
diction errors as their belief degrees in demand forecasting. Each
Step 2. The jth domain expert’s uncertainty distribution domain expert or forecasting staff need to make prediction for vari-
function j (x) are generated from the jth expert’s forecast
ous products. For product i, let Dit and dit be the actual and predicted
data: (xi1t , ˛i1t ) , (xi2t , ˛i2t ) · · ·, xini t , ˛ini t . Then capacity empiri- demand of product i in time t respectively. Then we define the
cal uncertainty distribution ijt (x) can be formulated as normalized error of prediction from source j as:

⎪ 0, ifx < xi,1,t

⎪ Dit − xijt
⎨ ˛i,j+1,t − ˛i,j,t x − xi,j,t errorijt = (7)
ijt (x) = ˛i,j,t + , ifxi,j,t < x < xi,j+1,t

⎪ xi,j+1,t − xi,j,t

1, ifx > xi,ni ,t Positive prediction error means that predictor is pessimistic
(6) and negative error caused by overestimate of future demands.
According to the relation between prediction errors and forecast
where 1 ≤ j < ni subjectivity, it is reasonable to generate uncertain normal distribu-

m   −1
(ε√ijt −x)
Step 3. Overall forecasting distribution it (x) = ωijt ijt (x) tion ˚ijt (x) = 1 + exp , −∞ < x
0 devoted by
1 Nijt εijt ,
ijt for predictor j as prediction error. The inverse uncer-
is generated, where ωj is weight of the jth domain expert undated √

ijt 3
at the decision point due to last forecasting accuracy. tainty distribution of Nijt εijt ,
ijt is ˚−1 (x) = εijt + x
ln 1−x
C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909 905

As the cumulative capacity, cit is equal to the sum of capacity in

the previous decision point, capacity expansion in this period and
net migration of product i at time t.
cit = ci(t−1) + eit + mait − mibt (11)
/ i b=
/ i

The upper and lower capacity bounds of product i during time

period from t − 1 to t are formed as:

uitt = cit + t − t (Ei + Mi ) (12)

litt = cit − t − t Mi (13)

Define RSit represents capacity shortage loss of product i at

time t. ROit denotes the capacity oversupply loss of product i. RMit
denotes the capacity migration
 loss of product i in time t.
Shortage loss RSit = ( it − uitt ) will emerge if product
demand is greater
 than capacity. Otherwise, capacity oversupply
loss ROit = (litt − it ) will generate when demand is insuf-
ficient compared with manufacturing capacity. In addition to
capacityexpansion, migrations between technologies cause loss
RMit = mii t as well. The objectives of the proposed model,
 loss of 
 and migration, are computed by
RSit , ROit and RMit respectively.
i t i t i t

3.4. Model optimization

3.4.1. Model description

Fig. 2. Expert investigation flowchart.
Following the parameters and notions above, the UMD model
The mean and standard deviation formula of prediction error can be formulated as:
are: ⎧       
errorijt ⎪
⎪ min E RSit , E ROit , E RMit
εj = t i
(8) ⎪
⎪ x
t ⎪


i t i t i t

  2 ⎪

t i
errorijt − εijt ⎨ Subjectto

j = (9)
t−1 eit ≤ Ei


Then the uncertain demand distribution of product i at decision ⎪
⎪ eit ≤ Ft
point t is ⎪




⎪ mait + mibt ≤ Mi
˚it = ωitj xijt + xijt Nijt εijt ,
ijt (10) ⎩
/ i b=
/ i
j (14)

3.3. Capacity loss

The three constraints imply that capacity expansion and migra-
In semiconductor manufacturing industry, huge cost loss is cre- tion of each product for each time period are limited due to actual
ated every day for disequilibrium between available capacity and restrictions in fabrications. The decision variable of model (14) is

real demand. If stand-by capacity is in shortage status, some orders (eit , mii t ), i = 1, 2, · · ·, i − 1, i + 1, · · ·, n.
cannot be delivered on time, which causes demand fulfillment In practice, capacity expansion and migration ranges of specified
problem refer to loss of total revenue and business reputation. products estimated by manufacturers are not certain due to irreg-
The capacity loss of oversupply lasts for the whole product life- ular factors. For instance, machines in semiconductor fabrications
time while tool lifetime (few years) is much longer than company usually maintain round-the-clock situation, which is based on sta-
financial account report (yearly or quarterly). On contrary, capacity ble continuously electricity supply. Once electricity break happens
migration is basically a temporary planning decision approach able in municipal power pipes, diesel generator engine unit is used as
to balance capacity of related products. Therefore, migration need the backup power to ensure an uninterrupted operation of facilities.
to be considered and capacity shortage, oversupply and migration Thus, capacity capability estimation for fabrications are uncertain
cost loss can be set as basic multiple objectives of the proposed under complicate manufacturing environment. Uncertain parame-
model. ters with belief degree should be added to monitor such uncertainty
906 C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909

as formulated in model (15).



⎪ min E RSit , E ROit , E RMit 3.4.3. Equivalent crisp model

⎪ x

Uncertainty measure in weighed model (17) is still hard to

i t i t i t
be computed directly. According to formula (2), the compromise

⎪ model (17) by uncertain measure can be transformed into inverse


⎨ uncertain distribution expression as shown below:
M eit ≤ ␺i ≥ ␶i


⎪ min [ W S RSit + W O ROit + W M RMit ]d˛

⎪ M eit ≤ ϑt ≥ ␤t


⎪ ⎧ i ⎫ 0 i t i t i t

⎪ ⎨ ⎬ Subject to


⎪ M m + m ≤ ␻ ≥ ␥i eit ≤ −1

⎩ ⎩
ait ibt i
⎭ i
(i )
/ i b=
/ i 
(15) { eit ≤ −1
t (ˇt )

Suppose the maximal total expansion of product i, maximal total mait + mibt ≤ ˝i−1 (i )
expansion of decision point t, and maximal total migrations of prod-

/ i b=
/ i
ucti. migration are uncertain variables ␺i , ϑt and ␻i respectively. WiP = 1
The confidence levels ␶, ␥, and ␤ represent belief degrees of these
parameters. The first constraint implies that the total expansion of WS + Wo + WM = 1
product i should be less than its limit capacity at confidence level ␶ (18)
as well as the others.

3.4.2. Weighted compromise model The deterministic model (18) can be solve by integral opera-
Some researches have been done on solving uncertain multi- tion of objective function to find Pareto optimal solutions through
objective programming problems so far. Zhong, Chen, Zhou and mathematical optimization approach.
Liu [33] introduced an interactive satisficing approach for multi-
objective programming with uncertain parameters. Liu and Chen 4. Empirical study
[34] proposed uncertain goal programming to balance the conflict-
ing objectives. An empirical case was conducted based on real data of a lead-
The objectives in this problem are capital cost loss with same ing semiconductor company in Taiwan to validate the proposed
unit, which means the basic linear weighted sum method is model. For proprietary information protection, the history data
appropriate for proposed model. For basic model (3), following have been systematical transformed. This dataset contains two
compromise model

is formulated through weighting the objective sources of demand forecast updated, actual demand and capacity
functions E fi x,  by i . plan in practice. The two sources are sales and marketing depart-
⎧ ments. The sales make prediction based on customer information

⎪ min( i E fi x,  )
analysis from different areas while the market focusing on industry

x long trends and economic cycles. In particular, the capacity config-

ured as two product types in the fabrication can be expanded to
⎨ subjectto :
  fulfill the demand and the lead time for capacity expansion is two
M gj x,  ≤ 0 ≥ ˛j , j = 1, 2, · · ·, p (16)

quarters for both products. The installed capacity is measured by

⎪ i = 1
monthly wafer output of each product type. Two types of products

⎪ in different phases of lifetime with distinct demand trend are con-

⎩ i
sidered as shown in Fig. 3. The installed capacity is measured by
i > 0
monthly wafer output of each technology type.
Let x* be an optimal solution of model (14), then x* is a Pareto Product A is mature technology with stable demand and Product
optimal solution to the model (3) [35]. Therefore, it is reasonable B is a new technology with high speed increase at beginning of this
to transform model (13) to weighted compromise model (17) as cycle and fall down during the final quarter.
follows, According to real manufacturing environment, the cost loss of
   shortage, oversupply and migration is at the ratio of 300, 100, and
   10. Thus, the cost loss ratio weight WS , Wo and WM of three capac-
min E W S RSit + W O ROit + W M RMit
x ity statuses is characterized as 0.732, 0.244 and 0.024 respectively.
i t i t i t
Technology capacity value of product A is 2000 units and 2200 units
Subject to
for B, which can be simplified as W1 :W2 = 1:1.1 to be relatively value
M{eit ≤ i} ≥ i importance ratio between these two kinds of products for valida-
 tion experiments. The uncertain confidence levels of constraints
M{ eit ≤ ϑt } ≥ ˇt
are ␶i = 0.95 ˇt = 0.95, ␥i = 0.9 respectively. Since a history dataset

i  with limited demand data for 2 quarters before forecast duration is
M{ mait + mibt ≤ ˝i } ≥ i available in this case, prediction error method is used to generate
/ i b=
/ i uncertain demand distribution.
WiP =1 To estimate the validity, the solution of the proposed model
i is compared with the actual capacity planning decisions and the
WS + Wo + WM = 1 average of two forecast by sales and marketing department in the
(17) company.
C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909 907

Product A Product B

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 3. Demand trend chart of products.

Demand Plan Average UMD










1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 4. Capacity decision with respect to real demand for product A.

As illustrated in Fig. 4, for mature product A, the demand stays and oversupply is 3:1, the total capacity loss equals to the sum of
in a stable level. UMD model performs better than the other two three times of capacity shortage plus capacity oversupply.
methods for product A with stable demand through these 6 time The left half of Fig. 6 is the result of product A and the right
periods. The average seems to be the worst one that means the sales half is for product B. For mature product A, both actual plan and
and marketing cannot enhance each other. UMD perform well. Actual plan controls capacity oversupply better
As shown in Fig. 5, it is difficult to forecast demand and make while UMD seems to be better at shortage control. For new prod-
capacity decisions for new advanced product B. Product B raises uct B, UMD’s robust control on capacity shortage saves at least 250
from quarter 1 to quarter 4, then drops for one season and increases more units than the other two approaches. In this situation, the
again during the final period. UMD method in this product planning proposed decision model saves about 30% cost loss. 30% reduction
changes slowly and slightly. Throughout the whole period, UMD in capacity loss will significantly affect the profitability of the com-
model is the most robust one in three approaches with no huge pany because of high capital investment and the associated fixed
mistake. In the third quarter, average forecast falls to a quite low costs in semiconductor manufacturing.
number which implies either the sales or marketing made a mis- Since uncertain normal distribution has larger range of fluctua-
take at that time. At the fifth quarter, the average demand is too high tion than normal distribution, it increases rapidly in rising period.
with another fault. The actual plan appears conservative among the The UMD method performs better at capacity shortage and not so
planning approach and its trace is very close to UMD method. How- good for controlling capacity oversupply. However, the weight of
ever, the actual plan does not reflect the slight decrease of demand capacity shortage is small, so the proposed model was the least cost
in quarter 5. The average decision performs well in characterizing loss decision strategy in this study.
this trend.
For capacity shortage and capacity oversupply loss comparison,
Fig. 6 indicates that the proposed model can effectively minimize 5. Conclusion
the capacity cost loss of shortage and surplus in sum compared
with actual capacity planning or average forecast planning of two To address one of the visions for Industry 4.0 for flexible deci-
departments. Since the ratio of weight between capacity shortage sions and smart production, this study proposed an uncertain
multi-objective decision framework and a novel capacity planning
908 C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909

Demand Plan Average UMD









1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 5. Capacity decision with respect to real demand for product B.

Fig. 6. The loss of capacity oversupply and shortage due to different approaches.

approach based on uncertainty theory to deal with capacity plan- of oversupply or shortage. Therefore, the proposed approach can
ning under uncertain demands in real settings of semiconductor be employed as embedded decision support mechanism for smart
manufacturing that is capital-intensive. The proposed approach production solutions for Industry 4.0.
has considered realistic needs of multiple technologies, capacity
migration, and capacity supply uncertainty. Also, demand uncer-
6. Future research
tainty in capacity planning process was represented as uncertain
distribution generated from various initial predictions.
Further studies should be done to address flexible decisions and
To estimate the validity of the proposed approach, realistic
smart production for various manufacturing systems in real set-
data was employed to compare the efficiency and viability of the
tings to derive useful findings to realize intelligent manufacturing
proposed approach to minimize the total capacity loss including
for Industry 4.0. Also, future research can be done to consider more
oversupply, shortage, and migration over a period. The results of
decision elements and variables such as price fluctuation and price
empirical studies have shown practical viability of this approach to
elasticity, as well as to formulate the present problem from differ-
effectively deal with the uncertainty for semiconductor manufac-
ent strategic perspectives such as revenue management or market
turing capacity planning. Indeed, most of the existing approaches
power. In addition, soft computing and revolutionary algorithms
cannot effectively address the involved decision uncertainty for
such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) or genetic algorithms
capacity planning with long lead time and significant capital risks
(GA) can be incorporated to improve the computing efficiency of the
C.-F. Chien et al. / Applied Soft Computing 68 (2018) 900–909 909

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