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Siena College, Inc.

Quezon City
Integrated Basic Education Department
AY 2020-2021

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Grade and Section: Date:

Worksheet #3- The remainder and Factor Theorem

In our last discussion, we learned the division algorithm P ( x ) =D ( x ) Q ( x ) + R( x ), where P( x ) is

dividend, D( x ) is divisor, Q(x ) is a quotient and R( x ) is a remainder. And when we divide a polynomial
we can use two methods, long division and synthetic division. In today’s discussion after working two
examples we will lead to the theorem which part in dividing polynomial; the remainder theorem and the
factor theorem.

Let’s have an example;

1. Using synthetic division, find the quotient Q(x ) and the remainder R(x ) when
P ( x ) =2 x 3−3 x 2 +5 x−2 is divided by D ( x ) =x+ 2
2−3 5−2∟−2
−4 14−38
2−7 19−40
Hence by the division algorithm, 2 x3 −3 x2 +5 x−2 ¿ ( 2 x 2−7 x+19 ) ( x +2 )−40.
If the divisor is (x – r), then the division algorithm tells you that the remainder should be less
than the degree of (x –r) or a constant. In this case the division algorithm fan be rewritten as
P ( x ) =( x−r ) Q ( x ) + R , where R is a constant. This leads you to the following theorem.

The Remainder Theorem

If r is a number and the polynomial P( x ) is divide by ( x−r ), then the remainder is
P(r ), where P(r ) is the value of polynomial P( x ) at r , in other words, R=P (r ).

2. Let’s have another example, using synthetic division, find the quotient Q(x) and remainder R
when P ( x ) =x3 −3 x2 + 4 x+ 1 is divided by x−1.
1−3 4 1∟ 1
1−2 2
1−2 2 3=P ( r )=R
P ( 1 )=1 −3 ¿
An important consequence of the remainder theorem is a factor theorem.

The Factor Theorem

x−r is a factor of the polynomial P( x ) if and only if P(r )=0 .
3. Show that (x-2) is a factor of P ( x ) =x5 −4 x 3−3 x 2 +10 x−8.
5 3 2
P ( 2 )=2 −4 ( 2 ) −3 ( 2 ) +10 ( 2 )−8=0, therefore (x – 2) is factor of P(x). Alternatively, you
could also show it by synthetic division.
1 0−4−3 10 8∟ 2
2 4 0−6−8
2 0−3 4 0=P ( r )=R
Note: For other example, you may open your Math book on page 61- 66

Exercises: Answer Part III on page 56, nos. 1- 5 (Synthetic Division) and Part II on page 68 nos. 1- 10
(Remainder and Factor Theorem). Write your solution on a clean paper, take a picture of your answer
then paste at this worksheet. Please follow the direction. Good luck and God bless.

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