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According to recent OPEC data (2015), Iraq has the fifth largest
proven oil reserves in the world and some of the lowest exploration
costs in the region (OPEC, 2015). The oil sector is the main source
of government revenue, constituting between 75 and 95 per cent of
total government revenue during the period 1970-2014.
2. The budget.
Budgeting defines estimating in advance, the course of action in
order to attain a specific goal in a given period of time alongside a
numerical expression of the inputs required and outputs expected.
In general, the government budget is divided into two parts: expected
revenue and expected expenditure. The expected total revenues are
achieved mainly from exporting oil and to a lesser extent from non-oil
sectors. Meanwhile, public expenditure is represented by two broad
sorts of government expenditure: the operating public expenditures
and investing expenditure. The operating public expenditures
correspond to the government purchases of current goods and services
such as salaries, current and consumables expenditure, social welfare,
aid, pensions, in addition to high military expenditure which high
proportion of operating expenditure.

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