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Radio Script

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00:00:00 Jingle

00:00:50: Introduction: [Milly Coleman] hi guys welcome to my

radio production. Today I will be discussing the issues and
stigma surrounding climate change and global warming.
Since 1969 the world’s population has more than doubled. The
world’s population has gone up by 5.5 billion people and we
have lost 30% of our wildlife.
According to research, by 2100, our planet is going to become
4 degrees warmer.

Our world is getting warmer because of us humans burning

fossil fuels and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
This has been one of the main reasons for the 5 mass
extinctions our planet has had and if we don’t start taking
action now, another mass extinction is predicted to happen in
the next 80 years, if not two.

In 40 years, the ice at sea has reduced by 40%. The oceans are
now unable to absorb the excess heat from us humans, which is
causing the ocean to heat up.
We as a group of young British youths are the generation that
this burden sadly falls upon.

In 2019, around 100,000 people attended a protest in central

London as well as 20,000 in Edinburgh.

UAL Creative Media Production

The Henley College

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