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Name: _____________ Class: K.

G Section: ___________
Date: ______________ Paper: Islamic studies Date: ______________
Answer the following question.
Q.1: What should we recite after hearing Azan? /2
Q.2: What is the second kalimah? /2
Q.3: How many books of Allah Almighty are there? /2
Q.4: How many parts of Paras are there in the Holy Quran? /2
Q.5: Who is Satan and what does he want? /2
Q.6: What does Bismillahir- rahmanir- Rahim mean? /2
Q.7: How many pillars of Islam are there? /2
Q.8: Mention pillars of Islam? /2
Q.9: What is Ka’bah? /2
Q.10: Who built Ka’bah? /2

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