How Did You Feel Teaching Your Online Class

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First Activity

How did you feel teaching your online class/mini lesson?

At the beginning I felt very nervous because it was the first time that I was teaching in a remote
way and I did not know what the reaction of the students would be.

What challenges did you encounter while doing so?

One of the challenges is that he did not know if the students were paying attention to the class or
not, since as such they cannot be forced to turn on their cameras all the time.

What challenges did your students face while doing the activities?

I think that the problem is not the way I teach the students but the interference children face in
their homes (noise) etc.

Do teachers need technology to consider it innovation? Why?

Technology is not precisely required to innovate, but currently and due to the Covid problems that
the world population faces; the use of technologies is a way to carry out teaching and thus achieve
learning by students. In this sense, I consider that innovation can be achieved if virtual learning
objects are created that do not require the use of the Internet for the case of students who do not
have this privilege.

Why do teachers need to innovate?

I believe that as the population or subjects change the ways of teaching they should do so, since if
we compare the education that our grandparents or parents received, it is not the same education
that students receive today, that is why it is extremely important. It is important to implement
different changes in education, be it the improvement of techniques, methods, strategies,
approaches and if it is possible that these can be accompanied with the use of technology it would
be a good idea.

Can innovation occur in low resources environments?

An example of this would be to look back at the past and think that before the wheel was made of
stone, its innovation was to have turned it into wood or iron to be pulled by carts or horses and
somehow it could become a means of transport.

Second activity

How can Exploratory Action Research help us innovate our practice in the classroom?

First of all, for the exploratory action research to be carried out in teachers, they must think about
a situation that they consider can improve, once the problem is defined they must:

1. collect information about that situation or context through surveys, interviews, observation, etc.
2. Investigation of the case study

3. Establish the hypothesis

4. Support investigations

Note: it is worth mentioning that decision-making occurs through the beliefs we have.

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