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WK 5

NOVEMBER 2014 55939/CTV9B

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10  1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1. List some applications of ANN.

2. Which type of learning can be used for training

artificial neural network?

3. Distinguish between supervised and unsupervised


4. What do you mean by AI learning?

5. List few advantages of neural networks.

6. Give any two examples for mathematical


7. Define : Heuristics.

8. What is hybrid model?

9. What is parallel model?

10. Define : Differentiation model.

11. What is Spatio-temporal neural network?

12. List few learning procedures of structures.

WK 5

PART B — (5  5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Give short notes on inference in ANN.

14. What is AI learning? Give short account on AI


15. Write an importance of network training.

16. Explain about constraint based neural networks.

17. What is meant by symbolic method? Explain in


18. Explain about hybrid models of NN.

19. Briefly explain about learning procedures of NN.

PART C — (4  10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

20. Explain the basic concepts of neural networks.

21. Explain in detail about classification models of

neural networks.

22. Give detail explanation on rule based neural


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WK 5

23. What are the applications of neural networks?

Explain in detail.

24. Explain in detail about parallel models of


25. Explain in detail about spatio-temporal neural



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