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Thomond Community College

Pobal Choláiste Thuamhumhan

Community College
Code of Behaviour

Revised June 2018

Addendum added Sept 2020 re Covid-19


Thomond Community College is established under the auspices of the Limerick and
Clare Education & Training Board and is funded by the Department of Education and
Skills. It is an Amalgamation of the Salesian Secondary School and St. Nessan’s
Community College.

Thomond Community College is a multi-denominational, co-educational school. It is

comprehensive in its intake and in its curricular provision.


The school motto ACE- Appreciate, Celebrate, Educate is a clear statement that
we value and appreciate students in our care, we celebrate and recognise the
achievements and events in their lives and we educate, in a holistic and person
centred way, developing the intellectual, moral, and social capabilities of our

Mission Statement

Thomond Community College aims to create a welcoming, caring, positive and

supportive learning environment. We will endeavour to facilitate the development of
the human, spiritual and academic potential in every student. This will provide
students with a deep sense of respect for themselves and others, thereby enabling
them to become responsible members of society.

The Code of Behaviour of Thomond Community College is based upon the principle
of RESPECT. Respect for oneself, for those we meet on a daily basis and for the
environment in which we live and work.

The school’s Code of Behaviour promotes and supports positive behaviour. This is
achieved by the whole school community working in partnership to implement the
code, and involves regular planning and reviewing of the behaviour policy. The
school also recognises and celebrates positive behaviour on a regular basis e.g.

monthly attendance Awards, monthly Class Tutor Awards, monthly Yearhead
Awards and end of Academic Year Awards, etc.

Scope of the Code of Behaviour of Thomond Community College

The code of behaviour and its' associated standards of behaviour apply to all school
activities and events organised by the staff of Thomond Community College. These
events will in the most part be during school hours but on some occasions may be
outside of school hours when organised by a teacher with the advance knowledge of
the Principal. 

Thomond Community College cannot be used to book extra-curricular activities, by

any third party, by students or parents, without the prior consent of the Board of
Management (see out-of-School Activities, Section 9)

Any events organised by students without previous consent of the Board of

Management are not deemed as school events. Thomond Community College
therefore does not accept any responsibility for the event or persons attending the

Thomond Community College Aims to:

 Create an environment where learning can flourish

 Create a happy and welcoming school
 Protect the basic rights of safety, learning and respect
 Teach students about socially appropriate and acceptable choices
 Create a climate in which students can reach their full potential

Standards of Behaviour

Students are expected to:

1. Come to school every day, arrive on time and attend all classes.
2. Come to school in full uniform and be clean and tidy.

3. Come to school prepared for their subjects.
4. Co-operate in the classroom and always try their best with classwork,
homework and all extra-curricular activities.
5. Show respect, consideration and good manners in their dealings with
everyone. This includes fellow students, teachers, other staff members,
visitors and local residents.
6. Respect school property, the property of others and the environment.
7. Respect everybody’s right to be safe from harm and injury.
8. Abide by all the school’s policies in Thomond Community College.

Rules provide a framework for reasonable and responsible behaviour.

All rules apply during all school activities, during examination time and while away
from Thomond Community College on official school trips or matches.

All rules apply to all students including those who are over 18 years of age.


1. That you come to school every day, arrive on time and attend all classes
This means that

 You arrive on time and be organised for classes prior to assembly and be
punctual for all remaining classes.
 All absences are explained by note in the journal from parents or guardians to
the Year Head.
 If you must leave Thomond Community College during the day, you bring in a
note to the year head or the office to get permission to leave and you must
sign the book at the office on departure and be collected by a parent/guardian
or an adult designated by the parent/guardian.
 You must have a note in your journal to be out of class.


 Attendance at assembly is essential for school communication and being on

time shows respect for your teachers and fellow students.

 Good attendance and good timekeeping helps everyone to do well. Time
missed is hard to make up.
 Thomond Community College is responsible for you during school time.

2. That you come to Thomond Community College well- presented and in full

It is compulsory to wear the Thomond Community College school uniform.

This means that

 You wear the Thomond Community College uniform. The school uniform is
unique to our school. It should be worn with pride and respect with no
 Jewellery should be discreet and kept to a minimum. Chains may not be worn
outside the uniform.
 A high standard of personal hygiene is expected. Excessive make-up, fake
tan or long false nails are not permitted.


 This is the uniform agreed by parents/guardians, students, and Thomond

Community College authorities.
 Health and Safety in Thomond Community College is an important issue.

3. That you come in prepared for your subjects

This means that

 You have correct books, any special materials required, student journal,
completed homework, pens and copies.


 You cannot participate fully without them.

 Teaching and learning is inhibited if you are not prepared for class.

4. That you co-operate in the classroom and always try your best with
classwork, homework and all extra-curricular activities.

This means that

 You listen to your teachers and do not disturb class.

 That you stay in the place assigned to you by the teacher and do not move
about the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
 You always carry your school journal and always enter your homework in it.
 You show respect and co-operate fully with teachers and other Thomond
Community College staff.
 You participate in all timetabled curricular activities, unless you have a note
from parents/guardians for once off occurrences and a medical cert for on-
going occurrences.
 You only access computers and the Internet under the direct supervision of
teaching staff.


 The teacher has a right to teach and students have a right to learn.
 Homework builds on the work done in class.

5. That you show respect, consideration and good manners at all times in
your dealings with everyone. This includes fellow students, teachers, other
staff members, parents, visitors and local residents.

This means that

 You do not pick on, victimise or bully others and that you report any incidents
of bullying to the Year Head.
 You do not engage in Cyber-bullying by using social media, text messaging,
email, instant messaging or any other medium.
 You do not engage in aggressive behaviour, e.g. fighting or threatening to
fight, inside or outside of Thomond Community College.

 Show courtesy, consideration and good manners and are not aggressive in
behaviour etc.
 You carry out instructions in a co-operative manner.
 You do not loiter in classrooms, toilets or changing rooms.
 You keep phone/non approved electronic devices not visible or audible and
switched off at all times.
 All students and their parent/guardians sign Thomond Community College
Acceptable User Policy as part of Thomond Community College rules.
 You use entrance/exit assigned when entering and leaving the College
building. Emergency doors are to be used for emergencies only.


 You would like to be shown respect and consideration by others.

 Bullying, homophobic bullying and victimisation can cause fear, hurt, misery
and illness. We want our school to be a safe space.
 Aggressive behaviour could cause serious injury or accidents and has no
place in the wider school community.
 Teachers are entitled to teach without interruptions.
 The use of digital video/photos and other recording devices can lead to an
invasion of privacy.
 Use of electronic devices during break time can lead to isolation and limit the
opportunity for socialisation.
 Use of electronic devices can increase peer pressure to have the latest
 The Office phone is available if you need to make an essential call or if your
parent/guardians/guardians need to contact you during school hours.
 Mutual respect and positive behaviour help to create a safe and welcoming
experience for everyone.

6. That you respect school property, the property of others and the

This means that

 All students’ belongings must be labelled and kept in their lockers. Lockers
must be locked when not in use. Lockers remain the property of the Thomond
Community College and are subject to search.
 Personal property such as valuables and money is entirely the responsibility
of the student. Students should only bring what is absolutely necessary to
school each day.
 All books, school bags, copies and diaries must be maintained in good
condition, properly covered and without graffiti.
 School property, walls, toilets, etc., must be free of graffiti.
 You contribute to keeping the school clean and free of litter.
 All food and drink must be consumed in the canteen area by Junior School
Student. 5th & 6th Year Students may consume food in their respective social
 You do not interfere with or damage any safety equipment.
 You do not return to Thomond Community College grounds outside of school
hours without explicit permission from the school or invite anyone from
outside the school community onto the premises without schools permission.


 Everyone benefits from working in a safe, pleasant and clean environment.

 We are all responsible for maintaining a clean school.
 Thomond Community College is private property.

7. That you respect everybody’s right to be safe from harm and injury.

This means that

 You do not bring, or facilitate the bringing on to the Thomond Community

College campus, or on any Thomond Community College related activity, any
object/substances likely to cause injury.
 You do not remove equipment from any room that can be used to cause harm
or injury.

 You do not target, victimise or bully others and you report any incidents of
bullying to the Year Head.
 You do not use, distribute or sell alcohol, stimulating or illegal
drinks/substances/solvents/aerosols or cigarettes at any time on Thomond
Community College campus or during Thomond Community College related
 You abide by Health & Safety regulations set out within each practical subject


 Such objects can present a serious threat to the Health and Safety of the
school community and in some instances it may be illegal.
 Bullying and victimisation cause fear, hurt, misery and illness. We want our
school to be a safe space.
 The use and sale of addictive substances is a Health and Safety issue.
 It is illegal and is strictly forbidden - If anyone is found in possession of illegal
substances, parent/guardians and Gardaí will be contacted immediately.
 The reputation and good standing of the college in the community is a vital
consideration for doing the right thing and also in not engaging in behaviour
that might endanger others.

8. That you abide by all the school’s policies of Thomond Community

College including the following :

- Code of Behaviour

- Anti-bullying policy

- Child Protection policy, etc.

This list is not exhaustive.

9. Out-of-school activities, etc.

Thomond Community College will not allow activities to be organised by third parties,
on behalf of students of TCC, without the prior consent of the Board of Management.

Students of TCC are also excluded, under the name of the college, from organising
extra-curricular activities, without the prior consent of the Board of Management.

The college’s name cannot be used to book extra-curricular activities, by any third
party, by students or parents, without the prior consent of the Board of Management.
The Board of Management will not allow the name of the college to be used to book
an activity when the college is not directly involved in the activity. There will be no

Thomond Community College Plan for Promoting Positive Behaviour

The key features of a positive approach are:

 An emphasis on positive rather than negative statements
 Regular and sustained use of praise and rewards
 Enabling and teaching students the social skills they need to be successful
 Redirecting students towards success rather than highlighting their mistakes
 The school journal should be used as a communication tool between parents
and school.


Thomond Community College promotes, in a positive manner, our values and our
expectations of students within the College. However, when breaches occur,
sanctions will be applied. This is done in accordance with the principles of natural
justice to ensure fairness for all. We support the concept of parental partnership as
outlined in the Education Act 1998 and take cognisance of the Department of
Education and Science Circular M33/91.

Good practice in the use of sanctions ensures that:

 They are a part of a plan to change behaviour
 They are used consistently
 Sanctions are proportionate
 Sanctions are appropriate
 Students and parents know what sanctions are used in Thomond Community

Thresholds for unacceptable behaviour are:

 Rights being disrespected

 Somebody being hurt or a threat to hurt (including bullying, harassment,
discrimination and victimisation)
 Property threatened or damaged
 Inability of the student to take responsibility
 Use of illegal substances
 Repeated disruption of the learning environment

The approach to students’ inappropriate behaviour is a problem solving

approach where the teacher and school respond. Sanctions do not change
behaviour but they can limit it in the short term. The following lists of
interventions may be used.

 Students will be reminded of the class rule.

 Students may be directed to work elsewhere in the room.
 Students may be directed to take cool-off time or five minutes to sit quietly
and calm down in a quiet area of the room.
 Students may be asked to stay back and work out a solution with their
teacher, or fix things up or put things right.
 Temporary confiscation of property.
 Removal of privileges.
 Temporary/Permanent removal of a student role of responsibility e.g.
Class Prefect; Student Council, etc.
 Parents may be notified.
 Referral to the Class Tutor
 Placed on behaviour support cards levels 1-3, green, orange and red,
 Referral to the Behavioural Support Team (NBSS)
 Referral to care team or student support team
 Referral to the guidance counsellor
 Student Behaviour Plan
 Restorative Practice/Tasks
 Detention
 Discipline Hearing. The committee comprises of:
o Deputy Principal or his/her nominee
o Year Head or his/her nominee
o One Assistant Principal
o Any other teacher
 Suspension or expulsion

Sanctions are applied as a choice and therefore as a logical consequence to the

student’s indiscipline/action.

Students who refuse to abide by the sanctions imposed will:

 In the first instance, be verbally reminded of their responsibility, under the
Code of Behaviour, to carry out the sanction given;

 Be given an opportunity to reflect on their decision to refuse to carry out the
sanction and will be offered another opportunity to carry out the sanction
 If a student continues to refuse to comply with the Code of Behaviour, the
student may be suspended by the Principal pending a meeting with parent(s).

Roles and Responsibilities

Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s)

Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) are asked to ensure their students abide by the Code of
Behaviour and work collaboratively with the school to ensure the code is fulfilled.

Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) are required to provide up-to-date contact details to the

school authorities in the event of an emergency (be it of a medical or disciplinary
nature) involving their son/daughter or legal ward.


All students on all occasions and in all circumstances are expected to uphold the
Code of Behaviour when they are on the school premises, while on trips and outings,
when engaged in extra-curricular activities or attending events organised by the

Class Teacher / Class Tutor / Year Head / Deputy Principal / Principal / Board
of Management

The Class Teacher / Class Tutor / Year Head / Deputy Principal / Principal / Board of
Management will implement fairly and justly the Code of Behaviour. In the event that
a teacher/tutor/year head/deputy principal/principal is directly or personally involved
in the incident, the adjudication regarding the imposition of a sanction will be dealt
with by others, this is in accordance with the principles of natural justice.

Fair Procedures and Natural Justice
 Thomond Community College is required by law to follow fair procedures in
respect of proposals to suspend or expel a student. Any failure on the part of
the Thomond Community College Board of Management to ensure that these
procedures are observed would breach the schools legal obligations.
 Any investigation should be free of bias. The Principal, class or subject
teacher, or other staff, or other staff member involved in the behaviour matter
in the first instance, should not be involved in conducting the investigation of
the alleged misbehaviour or making a decision to impose a sanction.
 The absence of bias in the decision maker would mean for example that
the right of reply and to cross examine witnesses are central to fair decision
making. Both the parents and the students should be facilitated in presenting
their views on the allegations made. The Board should take steps to ensure
that the procedures and the proceedings are understood by the parent.
 It is also preferable that, if at all possible, in terms of the principle of
impartiality in decision making different people or groups carry out the task
of investigating misbehaviour and that of deciding whether a serious sanction
is warranted. This may not always be possible in a small school where the
Principal may have to carry out the investigation and make the decision;
he/she must act justly, and be seen to act justly.

Policies and Procedures for Suspension

Thomond Community College will follow fair procedures when proposing to suspend
a student. Where a preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious
misbehaviour that could warrant suspension, the following procedure will be
 the student and his/her parents will be informed about the complaint
 Parents and student will be given an opportunity to respond
 the student and parents have the right to be heard
 The student and parents have the right to impartiality
 Fair procedures must be apply to:

 the investigation of alleged misbehaviour that may lead to suspension or
 the process of decision-making as to (a) whether the student did engage in
the misbehaviour and (b) what sanction to impose.

Schools or Colleges established or maintained by an Education and Training

Board (ETB)

The ETB holds the authority to suspend a student. Limerick and Clare Education
and Training Board (LCETB) has devolved this authority under Section 31 of the
Vocational Education (Amendment) Act 2001 to the Board of Management of
Thomond Community College.

The Board of Management has the authority to suspend a student. Where this
authority is delegated to the Principal, the delegation should be done formally and in
writing. Suspension will be a proportionate response to the behaviour that is
causing concern. In considering whether to suspend a student the Board of
Management will be presented with a report containing the following:
 The nature and seriousness of the behaviour
 The context of the behaviour
 The impact of the behaviour
 The interventions tried to date
 Whether suspension is an appropriate/proportionate response

Parents will be notified in writing of the decision to suspend. The letter will contain
the following
 The period of the suspension and the dates on which the suspension will
begin and end
 The reason for the suspension
 A clear statement that the student is under the care of the parent(s)/
guardian(s) for the duration of the suspension and that the student must not
enter the school grounds during the period of suspension.

 Expectations of a student while on suspension, e.g. that the student is not
allowed on the premises of the school or to participate in any extra- curricular
activities whilst on suspension.
 If TUSLA has been informed, this should be stated
 Rights of appeal (if any) e.g. Section 29 Appeal if applicable
 If consideration is being given to exclusion as a sanction, the letter must state
this unambiguously.

Policies and Procedures for Expulsion

A proposal to expel a student requires serious grounds such as that:

 The student’s behaviour is a persistent cause of significant disruption to the
learning of others or to the teaching process
 The student’s continued presence in Thomond Community College
constitutes a real and significant threat to safety
 The student is responsible for serious damage to property
 The grounds for expulsion may be similar to the grounds for suspension. In
addition to factors such as the degree of seriousness and the persistence of
the behaviour, a key difference is that, where expulsion is considered,
Thomond Community College authorities have tried a series of other
interventions, and believe they have exhausted all possibilities for changing
the student’s behaviour
 Students, having completed Junior Cycle, may, at the discretion of the
Principal, be requested to reapply for a school place in Senior Cycle. The
Board of Management, having considered the application, will determine
whether a student will be offered a school place in Senior Cycle.

Expulsion for a once off event:

There may be exceptional circumstances where the Board of Management forms the
opinion that a student should be expelled for a first offence. The kinds of behaviour
that might result in a proposal to expel on the basis of a single breach of the code
could include.

 A serious threat of violence against another student or member of staff
 Actual violence or physical assault
 Supplying illegal drugs to other students in Thomond Community College
 Sexual assault.

N.B. This list is not exhaustive

A detailed investigation will be carried out under the direction of the Principal. Where
a preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious misbehaviour that could
warrant expulsion, the procedural steps will include:

1. A detailed investigation carried out under the direction of the Principal

2. A recommendation to the Board of Management by the Principal
3. Consideration by the Board of Management of the Principal’s
recommendations and the holding of a hearing
4. Board of Management deliberation and actions following the hearing
5. Consultations arranged by the Education Welfare Officer
6. Confirmation of the decision to expel

Section 29 Appeal

If the total number of days for which the student has been suspended in the current
school year reaches twenty days, the parents, or a student aged over eighteen years
of age, may appeal the suspension under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998, as
amended by the Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2007.(when commenced)

At the time when parents are being formally notified of such a suspension/expulsion,
they and the student should be told about the right to appeal. The appeal must be
made in the first instance to the Education Officer of LCETB or Designated Officer.
Where an appeal to the LCETB is concluded, parents, or a student aged over
eighteen years, may appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education
and Skills.

Addendum to Code of Behaviour Policy during Covid-19


In light of the need for students to be more mindful of attending school during the
current Covid-19 climate, this amendment to the Code of Behaviour Policy is
required so that students will be aware of specific rules on their return to school. Our
guiding principle when making any changes or adjustments to this policy is to be
able to keep all of our students, families and staff safe. These amendments will be
communicated to students, parents and staff.

Note to Parents/Guardians:

 Parents/guardians are asked to speak to their child/children and support the

school in the implementation of these Covid-19 Health & Safety expectations &

 Parents/guardians are required to observe and respect all social distancing

protocols in relation to any contact with the school. This includes:
o Maintain a two metre distance to other families when dropping off or collecting
their children from the school.
o Do not arrive to the school without an appointment. Please make an
appointment in advance through the school office if you need to come into the
school building.

Behaviour Expectations: Amended School Routines and Procedures during


Our school requires every member of the school community to observe and respect
the principles of hand-sanitising, social distancing, cough and sneeze etiquette and
make every effort to minimise risk to oneself and others.

This requires students to modify behaviours as outlined below:

● Arrive to and depart from school premises at the agreed times and follow the
altered routines for arrival and departure:
○ Sanitise hands on entering & exiting the school building

○ Have your mask on before you enter the building
○ Breakfast club:Enter the school through the front door from 8:15am
Sit in the designated seating for the year group
○ Pink Zone: Enter through the front door from 8:40am
○ Green Zone: Enter through the side door from 8:40am
○ 1st Yrs: Exit through the fire door beside room 10 when the bell goes
○ 2nd Yrs: Exit through the side door when the bell goes
○ 3rd Yrs: Exit through the fire door beside rm 10, 5 mins before bell goes
○ TYs: Exit through the side door 5 mins before the bell goes
○ 5th Yrs: Exit through the front door when the bell goes
○ 6th Yrs: Exit through the courtyard & lane when the bell goes

● Proceed to the designated classroom without delay

○ Students move to their base area at 8:40am

● Appropriate use of Face coverings:

○ Students must bring their own mask to school & have it on before they enter
the building.
○ Students should have a spare mask in their bag.
○ Students should wear a face mask that fits well over the nose and chin and
does not require the student to be constantly adjusting it.
○ Students must wear a face mask at all times inside the school building.
○ The only time a student can take their mask off is when they are seated and
eating at break / lunch times.

● Remain in the designated seating within the classroom during classes

○ Students must sit in the seat designated by the teacher
○ Students must not move around the room unless instructed by the teacher

● Follow instructions from staff members on movement throughout the school

○ Follow directions for movement within Pink & Green zones
○ Use Pink / Green stairs as appropriate
○ Keep a safe distance from other students when moving around the school
○ No physical contact with other students
○ Wear your mask whilst moving around the school
● Break / lunch times, including where students may congregate & socialise with
○ Keep your mask while queueing at the food counter.
○ Stand on the yellow dots when queueing
○ Use hand sanitiser when you approach the counter
○ Keep your mask on until you sit down
○ You can remove your mask while you are eating & drinking
○ You MUST remain seated while eating & drinking
○ You are not allowed to move from table to table or walk around the GPA
during break/lunch
○ Put your mask on before you stand up and keep it on until you go outside
○ Leave your school bag on the green dot you were sitting on
○ No bags, food or water bottles outside
○ You can remove your mask outside if you stay 2m from others
○ You must stay in the zone allocated to your year group
○ You can only socialise with your own year group

● Sharing of equipment or other items including drinking bottles

○ Sharing of items is not permitted, all students must have their own materials.

● Use of toilets
○ Use Pink / Green toilets as appropriate
○ Ask for permission to go to the toilet.
○ Do not enter toilets between classes.
○ Do not exceed the maximum number indicated on the door

● Hygiene, including handwashing and sanitising

○ Sanitise your hands when you enter and leave the building
○ Sanitise your hands when you enter a classroom
○ Wipe down your desk & chair when you enter a classroom
○ Wash & sanitise your hands after using the bathroom
○ Sanitise your hands before and after eating
○ Long, false fingernails are not permitted
○ Students may not wear gloves in the building

● Sneezing, coughing, tissues and disposal

○ Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands
○ Sneeze/cough into your elbow
○ Place used tissues in the Covid bins in classrooms
○ Coughing / spitting at another person is strictly forbidden and will result in

● If you feel unwell:

○ Tell an adult if you are feeling unwell
○ Principal/Deputy Principal/Year Head will bring you to the GPA & decide what
to do.

● Distance / Remote learning: See full details in the ICT Acceptable Use Policy
○ Students are expected to use MicroSoft Teams & Office 365 for the purposes
of teaching, learning & assessment
○ Students should be in an appropriate location, i.e., kitchen, living room for
engaging with live classes
○ Students must not engage in any activity that is harmful or disruptive to the
operation of on-line classes.
○ Students must not post, stream or transmit any content, including live video
that is offensive to students / staff.
○ Contact with teachers should be within normal school hours.

Wellbeing and Social and Emotional Learning

Our school provides a safe and pleasant environment and spends a considerable
amount of time liaising with students on promoting their wellbeing. This includes;
● Curriculum changes to support students during SPHE, PE and CSPE classes
● Additional time devoted to in-class discussions on general wellbeing and
● Additional supports that students can access outside of classroom if required

Sanctions for unsafe behaviour during the Covid-19 pandemic

Incidents which involve students who deliberately fail to comply with instructions on
the following list, will be addressed in line with sanctions of our current Code of
Behaviour Policy.

These include;

● failure to wear a face covering or to wear it properly as per HSE advice and the
Return to School Protocol
● failure to comply with requests from staff to practice social distancing
● behaving inappropriately which causes offence or concern to other students and
members of staff including fake coughs/sneezes
● spitting or coughing at other students or members of staff
● spreading unfounded rumours or stories that a students or members of staff
have tested positive for Covid-19.

Covid-19 is a public health matter and is a serious threat to the health & welfare of
our school community. Our school has made considerable efforts to keep staff and
students and their families safe. School can only continue to be safe if all members
of the school community work together to protect each other.

Students who regularly fail to comply with the school’s expectations as outlined
above will face the more serious sanctions in our Code of Behaviour including after-
school detentions and suspension.

In the event that such sanctions do not bring about a change in a students’
behaviour, in the interest of public safety, the student will be brought in front of the
Board of Management with a recommendation for exclusion.

This amendment to the Code of Behaviour was adopted by the Board of

Management at their meeting on September 28th 2020.

Signed: Signed:

Chairperson of the BOM Principal


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