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Simple PDM Pattern Generation for an AC/AC Resonant Converter

Abdelhalim Sandali, Ahmed Chkriti and Pierre Sicard

Hydro-Quebec Research Chair on Power and Electrical Energy
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering
UniversitC du Qutbec a Trois-Rivihes
C.P. 500, Trois-Rivikres, Qukbec, Canada G9A 5H7,,

Abstract PDM control applied to a series resonant inverter principle of PDM control is presented in Section 11. The
reduces switching losses and eliminates the requirement for the procedure to solve numerically for an optimal PDM pattern
rectifier dc voltage smoothing filter. Synthesis of a PDM control is described in Section 111. In Section IV, the system of
signal is quite complex and the aim of the paper is to simplify equations that governs the PDM control law is simplified
the PDM control law based equations. In the control law
and a particular solution of this system is established. A
derived from the simplified model, PDM signal is generated by
comparing a triangular carrier and a power reference signal. It method for automatic PDM pattern generation is presented
is shown that the proposed simplified model is very accurate if in Section V. Simulation results are presented in Section VI
the carrier frequency is below a certain limit. Validation of the and the conclusion in Section VII.
simplified model is based on the comparison of harmonics
content of the input current. Simulation results validate the 11. PRINCIPLE OF PDM CONTROL
proposed PDM pattern generator.
PDM is one of the techniques suitable to control series
I. INTRODUCTION resonant inverters. Its main objectives are to maintain
switching losses at zero in the inverter and to vary the load
Power engineers are confronted to a push for the reduction power. To achieve the first objective, the switching
of the size and cost as well as the improvement of the frequency is maintained equal to the resonance frequency of
efficiency of static converters [I]. Significant gains can be the load. To vary load power, freewheeling phases, with
obtained by simplification of converter topology and the duration equal to a multiple of the switching period, are
reduction of the switching stress. The PDM (Pulse Density introduced into the operation cycle of the inverter. During
Modulation) control technique brings these so much desired the freewheeling phases, the load voltage and the supply
simplification and reduction of the constraints. Indeed, its current are zero. The control signals of the inverter switches
application to a series resonant inverter makes it possible to (Fig. la) can be generated using logical operations applied to
eliminate the switching losses. In addition, a diode rectifier a signal at the resonance frequency (S-Res) and the PDM
bridge without any smoothing filter of the dc voltage can pattern (P-PDM) (Fig. lb). The PDM pattern is
supply the inverter [2] [3] [4]. This combination results into characterized by its length k and its duty cycle D . k is the
an ac/ac converter without switching-loss in the inverter. The ratio of the PDM pattern period ( T p D M ) and the resonance
use of a decoupling capacitor to absorb high frequency
ripples of the current in the rectifier makes it possible to period ( T,, ):
have a unity power factor at maximum output power [2] [3]. = TPDM ITres (1)
In [2]-[6], the analysis of the operation of these converters is The duty cycle D is defined by:
made under the assumption of a constant intermediate dc D=1-T,/TpD, 3 (2)
voltage during all PDM sequences. Moreover, no
where is in the duration of the freewheeling phase (Fig.
relationship was established between the power factor and
the transmitted power when the latter varies. A PDM control 1c).
strategy was presented in [7] using the concept of holes, with If voltage E remains constant during all PDM sequences,
the relaxed assumption that the intermediate dc voltage is transmitted power (P.u.) is [ 2 ] :
constant only during one switching period of the inverter. An p = D2 if TPDM<< z (3.1)
explicit relationship between the transmitted power and the p = D if TPDM>> z (3.2)
power factor was also established in [7]. With the same
strategy, the power factor of the converter can be improved where r is the time constant of the load current envelope. It
by adding a low-pass filter at the input of the rectifier, whose is defined by:
size can be small if the number holes is high [8]. z =(2+L)/R (4)
Unfortunately, the complexity of calculations increases Reference power is given by:
considerably with the number of holes in the pattern, and Pres = (2/7r). E . I,,, . COS @ (5)
there is no indication on the maximum achievable number of where E is the inverter supply voltage, which we assume to
holes. The main goal of this paper is to develop a control
be constant during the PDM sequence, I,,, is the load
strategy with the same level of performance as that
developed in [7], but without complex calculations. The current peak value for a unity duty cycle and @ is the angle

0-7803-7474-6/02/$17.0002002 IEEE 294

between the load current and fundamental voltage of the 111. CALCULATION OF PDM PATTERN
square wave with amplitude E. Feasibility of supplying the
series resonant inverter by a single-phase diode bridge For the control of the converter shown in Fig. 2, a new
rectifier without smoothing filter of the dc voltage was PDM pattern generation strategy was presented in [7], with
proven, and it was also shown that it is possible to have a the following characteristics (Fig. 3):
unit power factor, when the PDM is not applied (i.e. at 1. The period of the pattern is equal to the period of the
maximum output power) by using a decoupling capacitor rectified voltage U. Therefore, the length of the PDM
)(, to absorb the high frequency ripple of the current in sequence is constant and equal to N with:
the rectifier [2] [3]. The result is a low size and low cost N = Fres /(2 F ) ' (6)
ac/ac converter (Fig. 2). Equation (3) is not valid for the where Fre, = l/Tres is the resonance frequency and
converter of Fig. 2 because the input voltage of the inverter F = 1/T the ac-supply frequency.
is not constant and a more precise expression is developed in
Section IV. 2. This pattern comprises q holes. Each hole is characterized
by its starting index nlk and ending index nSk with
k = 1.2,..., 9 . These boundaries satisfjr:
1I rill I nsl I ...........Inlq Insq I N
In absence of the holes, the input current of the converter is:
ireC,;(t)= A, sin($t] (7)

a) Inverter topology
and a = 1- 7t{/J;-s. (9)

where 5 =A m is the damping ratio of the load.

In the presence of holes, input current ireC,; can be expressed
in terms of a Fourier series as:

Expressions for a, and b , are given in appendix. A PDM

b) Logic control circuit for the power switches
pattern with q holes generates 2q unknown variables, namely
nIk and nSk with k = 1,2,....., 4 . To determine these 2q
unknown variables, it is necessary to solve for a system with
2q equations. We formulate the 2q equations using (A.l) to
(A.9) (Appendix) and the following criterion: i) assign
values in the range 0 to 1 to the desired power (P.u.)
transmitted by the converter a,,d, ii) cancel the (2q-1)
coefficients of lower order in the Fourier series of irec,i , i.e.
coefficients 4 , a3.b ,......, q q - l , b2q-l . The system to solve
c) Inverter input control signals
Fig. I. Generation of inverter control signals

Fig.2. Ac/ac converter with intermediate stage without smoothing filter

(A.4) becomes:
6, Z O (15.2)
. . . . (A.6) becomes:
if m = 2.h.(q+l)-1 (15.3)
. .
. .
....... I r
. .
a, .-'"sin(--)
mlr An
2 N
if r n = 2 . h - ( q + l ) + l (15.4)

b a, S O otherwise (15.5)
O n11 nsl n1, nSq N n
where h is an integer.
Fig. 3. PDM pattern with holes (A.8) becomes:
b, z 0 (15.6)
The power then varies by steps of 2 . (q + 1)/N . This defines
a relationship between the number of holes and the
resolution with which the power varies. Considering the duty
cycle defined in (2) and that:
where E is the tolerance for the optimization algorithm. The TI = A n . Tres (16)
pattern is calculated off-line to impose the transmitted power
and TfDM = (N/(q+ l)). Tres 3 (17)
and to cancel selected harmonics of the current irec,i. This
(15.1) becomes:
control strategy makes it possible to improve the power U, Z D (1 8 )
factor of the ac/ac converter directly [7] or indirectly [ 8 ] , if
Contrary to (9,the reference power given by:
the number of holes is very large. However, the complexity
of calculations becomes very important as q increases. Pref = Ln, @ ( l + ~ ) ~ ( l + & ) - l ) ? ~ (19)
is independent of the PDM sequence. This reference is
defined for an inverter that is supplied with a rectified sine
Assume that the load has a low damping coefficient (a is
close to l), and that the PDM pattern contains a large wave voltage.
number of holes, i.e. that nlk and risk are very close. Then
amrk and bmlk terms admit small values. We then
approximate: PDM pattern can be generated by comparing a discretized
am *,,I ' (12.1) triangular carrier and a reference signal. From (13), the
maximum width of a hole is N/(q i- 1) , so that the number of
bm ',I (12.2)
If w e assume an odd number of holes q , that all the holes levels of the carrier must be equal to N / ( 2 . (q + 1)). Fig. 4
have the same width (An) and that the center of each hole is: illustrates an example of caqier when N = 40 and q = 3 .
The carrier can be assimilated to a continuous triangular
signal, whose frequency is:
F,,, = 2 ' q . F (20)
we obtain:
if the number of holes per period of the rectified voltage and
nSk = nk + An12 (14.1)
the number of levels are large. Henceforth, the resonance
nIk = nk - An12 (14.2) frequency ( Fres), the carrier frequency ( F,, ) and the
with An an even number. Under these conditions,
(A.2) becomes:
rectified voltage frequency ( 2 F ) must satisfy the
following condition:
a, zI--(q+l) (15.1) F << Fcor << Fres (21)

0 N n

Fig. 4. Definition of discretized carriel

Taking into account (6) and (20), (2 1) becomes: I, I

1<<2.q<<2.N (22)
To obtain the PDM pattern, the continuous triangular carrier
Theoretics! spectrum ~

is compared with a control signal defined by:
=(l-Pd)'ficar, (22.1)
where U,,, is the peak value of carrier and P d is the desired
"0 100 200 300 400
power load (P.u.). Equation (22.1) simplifies to
=P d ' (22.2)
1, Simulated,spectrum I

if we invert the carrier signal by an angle of 180". Therefore

practical implementation can be obtained with the circuit of
Fig. 5. This comparison must be synchronized to positive or
negative edge of the resonance signal S-Res. This guarantees
zero-switching commutations in the inverter.
"0 100 200 300 400

a ) p = 0.8 p a .
Simulations are carried out in Matlab-Simulink
environment. The model of the PDM pattern generator is 1
e Theoretical spectrum
shown in Fig. 5. We consider a load ?

{L = 18.7 pH; R = 2.82 R;C = 15nF} and an ac-supply k

(1 10V/60Hz). Under these conditions, F,, = 300 kHz

N = 2500 and = 0.04. We also used E = 0.01 in (1 1). d

0 100 200 300 400

? , Simulatedspectrum ,

@ I I
carrier P-PDM


D Latch
I "0 100 200
Order of harmonics
300 400

b)p = 0.5 p.u.

Fig. 5. Generator of PDM pattern

The results of two simulation series with q = 21 and q = 41

are presented in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. The harmonics spectrum
of irec,i calculated using (15) and obtained by simulation are

, ,I
shown. Fig. 8 compares the transmitted power and the
desired power for q = 21 and q = 41. We observe a good
agreement between the results of simplified calculations and "0 100 200 300 400
the simulation results. This proves the validity of the
determination of PDM pattern by comparison of triangular Simulated spectrum

1 , ,;, ,
? I I

a 0.4 . . . . , . . . . - , - - - - -,- - - ~ -
carrier and a voltage related to the desired power, i.e. by 4
(22.2). However, if the number of holes is very high, the
theoretical results deviate from the simulated results, = 02 . . . . : . . . . '. . . . . .'. . . . .

because assumption (12) becomes less valid. The reason is 8 .

that the number of the terms being neglected (amlk and n ,
bmlk) is more important and the errors accumulate. "0 100 200 300 400
Order of harmonics

c ) p = 0.2 p.u.
Fig. 6. Harmonics spectrum of irec,i for q = 2 1

11 ~ Thehetical spectrum :


. _' . . .'. . . ..
, 41 :
. . . /p. .: . . : . .:.
. . . . . . .-

4 ,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Desired power(p.u.)
Fig. 8. Transmitted power as a function of desired power

'(! \00 '200 ' 300- 4bb 0!5 VII. CONCLUSION

Order of harmonics
A new step towards real-time generation of PDM patterns
a) p = 0.8 p.u. for the control of an aclac converter was presented. Under
reasonable conditions, pattern generation depends only on
l r r 1 the resonant frequency of the load and does not require any
calculations. PDM patterns are generated by comparison of ii
05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
triangular carrier at frequency equal to 2.q.F (F is the ac-
supply frequency) and a reference voltage equal to (1 - Pd )
( P d is the desired load power). Cumbersome calculations
are thus avoided, whereas the effects on the input current OF
"0 100 200 300 400 500 the converter are comparable to those of a calculated PDM
pattern. However, a very large number of holes degrades the
resolution of the variation of the transmitted power and the
precision of the simplified model. The converter, object OF
this paper, can be used in low power applications including
induction heating. The implementation of the proposed PDM
control is similar to the well-known PWM control, but with
additional frequency and synchronization constraints.
0 100 200 300 400 500
b) p = 0.5 p.u.
This project was supported by grants received from the
Hydro-Qukbec Research Chair on Power and Electrical
Energy (CPEE) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Simulations were
performed on a system obtained with the support of
Canadian Innovation Funds, Government of Quebec, Opal,-
RT Technologies inc. and the Japanese Research Institute.

"0 100 200 300 400 500 IX. REFERENCES

~ Simulatedspectrum I
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. , . . . - , - . - -
? 0.4.. . . r . . -,- - -
4 roadmap," in Proceeding of the 2001 Applied Power
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We write a i and b, as a, = am,l+ C amIkand b, = bm,l+
ib,,, (A.1)

with,form= 1, al,l= I - 5-+-Z

k=l N
1 '[ ( );
h k = I
sin 2n- -sin
k = l ( 2n- ;)] (A4

altk= -- (A.3)

bl,l = _f_
2TC k=l
i[cos(2n%)-cos(2n%)] (A.4)

bltk =-- N
CO { a2(N-nsk) +cos a-
( e) + a-2n.yk 3
a2nSh cos
( nSh
N )

and, for m + l am,1=- -Csin (m+l)%x
n m+lk=l N ' ( ) ( -sin (m+l)-x
) -
~ s i n ( ( m - I ) ~ n ) - - s i n ( ( m - l ) ~ n ) } (A.6)



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