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Proximity of the roots of posterior teeth

to the maxillary sinus in different facial
Maria-Carmen Costea,a Cosmina-Ioana Bondor,b Alexandrina Muntean,c M^ındra E. Badea,d
Anca-Ştefania Mesaroş,e and Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtmanf
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Introduction: Orthodontists consider facial growth pattern and oral function when developing a treatment plan.
Less attention is given to the relationship between the maxillary posterior teeth and the maxillary sinus. We
aimed to evaluate the relationship between the roots of the maxillary posterior teeth and the floor of the maxillary
sinus. Methods: Proximity of the roots to the maxillary sinus was scored for the left and right first and second
premolars and molars (scores, 0-3). Mean scores per patient and per tooth type were calculated. The influences
of age, sex, and facial biotype on mean scores per patient and tooth were analyzed. Results: The mean scores
per patient and the second molar scores were significantly lower in the normodivergent subjects compared with
the hypodivergent subjects, and in the hypodivergent vs the hyperdivergent groups, indicating that the hypodi-
vergent biotype had significantly fewer second molar roots into the sinus than the normodivergent and hyperdi-
vergent biotypes. Age had no effect on mean score per patient, but in the hyperdivergent group, the
second molar score increased with age, meaning that second molar roots tend to be closer to the sinus floor.
Conclusions: In a young population (7-24 years), the positions of the apices of the maxillary second molar roots
in relation to the maxillary sinus floor are associated with the facial biotype. In a hypodivergent biotype, the roots
of the second molars are located farther from the sinus floor compared with the normodivergent and hyperdiver-
gent facial patterns. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2018;154:346-55)

hen determining a treatment plan for a patient, maxilla. The maximum volume is reached in the
orthodontists consider the facial growth second decade in girls and the third decade in men,1 or
pattern and oral function. However, less atten- by the age of 20 to 25 years as described by other au-
tion is given to the relationship between the maxillary pos- thors.2,3 Evaluating the position of the roots of the
terior teeth and the maxillary sinus floor. The maxillary maxillary teeth in relation to the maxillary sinus is
sinuses are small at birth and enlarge with the growing important for a comprehensive orthodontic diagnosis
and treatment plan, especially when endodontic
treatment might be needed, severely displaced impacted
Private practice, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
teeth are present, extractions or dental implants are
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Informatics and Biostatistics, Iuliu
Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. considered, vertical control methods are required during
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, Iuliu Haţieganu University of treatment, or orthognathic surgery is planned.4-6 Because
Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
d maxillary sinus enlargement during facial growth is
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Iuliu Haţieganu Uni-
versity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. related to the vertical increase in the alveolar process, we
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Propaedeutics and Aesthetics, Iuliu Haţie- expected to find a relationship between the facial growth
ganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
pattern and the 3-dimensional (3D) position of the poste-
Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology, Radboud University Med-
ical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands rior maxillary teeth in relation to the maxillary sinus. There-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- fore, the aim of this study was to relate the proximity of the
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
roots of the maxillary posterior teeth to the floor of the
Address correspondence to: Alexandrina Muntean, Iuliu Haţieganu University of
Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, 33 maxillary sinus in different facial growth patterns.
Calea Moţilor Street, First floor, 400001 CJ Cluj-Napoca, Romania; e-mail,
Submitted, December 2016; revised, January 2017; accepted, January 2018. MATERIAL AND METHODS
Ó 2018 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. This was a retrospective cross-sectional study based on the dental charts of 1455 patients from a private
Costea et al 347

Fig 1. Images processed with Dolphin 3D software. Upper row: full size scans: A, 3D surface
rendering; B, lateral cephalogram reformat obtained from the full size CBCT scan; C, digitized
CBCT lateral cephalogram reformat obtained from the full size CBCT scan data. Lower row: limited field
of view CBCT scans: D, CBCT 3D surface rendering; E, lateral cephalogram reconstructed from the
limited field of view CBCT scan; F, digitized CBCT lateral cephalogram reconstructed from the limitied
field of view CBCT scan data.

dental practice in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Partial or full- To determine the facial biotype, a lateral cephalogram
size cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans was reconstructed from the CBCT data set with no built-
were available for these patients. CBCT imaging was per- in magnification. The images were processed using 3D
formed for orthodontic and orthognathic treatment software (version 11.7 Premium; Dolphin Imaging,
planning and the diagnosis of temporomandibular ab- Chatsworth, Calif). Because of the young age of the pa-
normalies. From these charts, patients were selected tients and since most scans had a limited field of view,
based on the following inclusion criteria: young adults, cephalometric landmarks such as sella, nasion, and other
adolescents, and children (ages, 7-25 years), in either cranial structures could not be identified on the scans
the mixed or permanent dentition. Exclusion criteria (Fig 1). However, to personalize the cephalometric anal-
were craniofacial deformities, genetic syndromes, sys- ysis, the following landmarks were identified on the
temic diseases, previous injuries or trauma in the maxil- lateral cephalogram: porion, orbitale, menton, gonion,
lofacial region, or previous orthodontic treatment. mandibular incisor tip, and mandibular incisor root
The ethics commission of the Iuliu Haţieganu Univer- apex. The Frankfort mandibular plane angle (FMA) was
sity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, calculated as the angle formed by the intersection of
approved the study. the Frankfort horizontal plane and the mandibular plane.
All CBCT images were acquired with the same i-CAT A normal value was considered to be 25 6 3 .7
CBCT machine (Imaging Sciences International, Hat- Based on the Tweed triangle7 and the FMA angle, the
field, Pa). The scanning parameters were 120 kV(p), patients were divided into 3 facial biotype groups: group
23.87 mA, exposure time of 10 to 20 seconds, and voxel A, normodivergent (FMA, 22 -28 ); group B, hypodiver-
size of 0.4 mm. The x-ray machine was calibrated twice a gent (FMA, \22 ); and group C, hyperdivergent
day, and the data were saved in DICOM format. (FMA, .28 ).

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348 Costea et al

All images were analyzed by an orthodontist

(M.-C.C.) using the Dolphin 3D software. The observer
was blinded to each patient's name, age, sex, and the
reason for the CBCT scan. To assess the intraobserver
reliability, 30 randomly selected lateral cephalograms
were remeasured after 3 weeks by the same observer,
who was blinded to the results of the previous evalua-
The vertical relationship between each root tip of
the posterior teeth and the maxillary sinus was
analyzed on CBCT scans by another orthodontist
(A.-S.M.). The second observer was also blinded to pa-
tient information and the facial assessment of the first
For each patient, the maxillary left and right first and
second premolars, and left and right first and
second molars were analyzed. Premolars with either 1
root or 2 roots were analyzed. If a maxillary posterior
tooth was not fully erupted or not touching the
mandibular antagonist teeth, it was excluded from the
Each root tip was tagged with a landmark in the
Dolphin 3D digitize/measurement menu. These land-
marks were then saved for visualization in the coronal
and axial views, and rechecked in the 3D image view
to ensure that the tip of the root was properly assessed
(Fig 2). The relationship was then categorized after a
root type classification modified from the study of
Jung and Cho8 (Fig 3), and a score from 0 to 3 was as-
signed to each root depending on its relationship with
the maxillary sinus: 0, the root of the tooth is away
from the cortical border of the sinus with a zone of
cancellous bone in between (Fig 3, A); 1, the root is
laterally projected, away from the cortical border of
the sinus (Fig 3, B); 2, the tip of the root is in contact
with the cortical border of the sinus (Fig 3, C); and 3,
the tip of the root projects into the maxillary sinus
(Fig 3, D). The most favorable score from a dental
point of view was 0, and a score of 3 was the most
To determine the intraobserver reliability, 30
Fig 2. Dolphin 3D images: A, landmarks placed on every
randomly selected teeth were reassessed after 3 weeks
root apex of the maxillary posterior teeth; B, coronal slide
by the same observer blinded to the results of the previ- showing dental roots with the assessed landmarks; C, ac-
ous evaluation. curate placement of the root landmarks in the axial view.

Statistical analysis
For each patient, an average patient score (Patient In the same manner, without taking sides into ac-
score) was calculated using the following formula: count, an average tooth score (Tooth score) was calcu-
P lated for the first premolar (PM1 score), second
Patient score 5
of all root scores of the patient premolar (PM2 score), first molar (M1 score), and
total number of roots of the patient second molar (M2 score) using the following formula:

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Fig 3. Modified scores from the study of Jung and Cho8 for root tip-maxillary sinus relationship: A,
score 0: the root of the tooth is away from the cortical border of the sinus, with a zone of cancellous
bone in between; B, score 1: the root is laterally projected, away from the cortical border of the sinus;
C, score 2: the tip of the root is in contact with the cortical border of the sinus; D, score 3: the tip of the
root is projecting into the maxillary sinus.

left tooth root scores 1 right tooth root scores
Tooth score 5
number of left 1 right roots

We divided our sample into age categories: children between PM1 score, PM2 score, M1 score, and M2 score
(younger than 10 years), adolescents (10-19 years), were analyzed by the Spearman coefficient of correla-
and young adults (over 19 years).9 tion.
All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS Sta- The influence of facial biotype on Tooth score and
tistics for Windows software (version 19.0; IBM Armonk, Patient score was analyzed using a general linear regres-
NY). To determine the test-retest reliability of the assess- sion model with fixed effects after controlling for con-
ment of facial biotype and root proximity to the maxil- founding factors identified in univariate analysis. The
lary sinus (qualitative data), the unweighted Cohen results for each factor are the adjusted coefficient, the
kappa coefficient was calculated. 95% confidence interval of the same coefficient, and
Data were presented as percentages or arithmetic the P value. In the parameter estimates, the hypodiver-
means and standard deviations for scores, and medians gent facial biotype group was taken as the reference
and interquartile intervals for age, teeth per patient, group.
and roots per patient. The chi-square test was used to Significance was set at P \0.05.
analyze the differences between groups according to
sex. For quantitative data, we tested the normal distribu-
tion using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The Kruskal- RESULTS
Wallis test was used to analyze the differences between The final sample consisted of 128 patients (Fig 4).
facial biotype groups for variables that were not nor- The main reason for exclusion was age greater than
mally distributed: age, teeth per patient, roots per pa- 25 years. The unweighted Cohen kappa coefficients for
tient, Patient scores, and Tooth scores. The analysis the determination of facial biotype and root assignment
was followed by the post hoc test with the Bonferroni between test-retest were k 5 0.91 (P \0.001) and
correction. k 5 0.82 (P \0.001), respectively.
The Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze sex The distributions of age, sex, number of teeth, and
differences in the computed average scores. Correlations number of roots according to facial biotype are given

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Fig 4. Patient selection flow chart.

Table I. Comparisons between groups for age, sex, and numbers of teeth and roots per patient
Total Hypodivergent Normodivergent Hyperdivergent
Parameters (n 5 128) (n 5 30) (n 5 64) (n 5 34) P value
Age (y) 12 (9-17) 14 (10-19) 12 (9.5-17) 11 (9-14) 0.15*
Male, n (%) 38 (29.7) 8 (26.7) 20 (31.3) 10 (29.4) 0.90y
Teeth per patient 6.5 (2-8) 8 (4-8) 7.5 (2-8) 4 (2-8) 0.09*
Roots per patient 15 (6-18) 16 (10-18) 15 (6-18) 10 (6-18) 0.12*
Median and interquartile interval/absolute and relative frequencies are given.
*Kruskal-Wallis test; ychi-square test.

in Table I. When we compared age, sex, number of teeth, M2 score, and between hypodivergent and hyperdiver-
and number of roots by facial biotype, we found no sta- gent biotypes for M2 score (Table IV). The hypodivergent
tistically significant differences between the groups. facial biotype had significantly fewer second molar roots
A total of 703 teeth were examined (389 molars, 314 into the sinus than did the normodivergent and hyperdi-
premolars): 186 teeth and 420 roots in the hypodiver- vergent biotypes.
gent group, 356 teeth and 819 roots in the normodiver- When the correlations between Tooth scores were
gent group, and 161 teeth and 381 roots in the analyzed, the PM2 score significantly and positively
hyperdivergent group. The most frequent root scores correlated with the PM1 score (Spearman's rho [r] 5
were 0 (34.3%) and 3 (37.1%) (Table II). 0.29; P 5 0.01), M1 score (r 5 0.66; P \0.001), and
Table III shows the distribution of root position M2 score (r 5 0.37; P 5 0.002). M1 score and M2 score
scores for all roots per tooth type for each facial pattern. were also correlated (r 5 0.50; P \0.001), as well as
When comparing facial biotypes in post hoc analysis, we PM1 score and M1 score (r 5 0.32; P 5 0.003).
found significant differences between the normodiver- Age was not significantly correlated with Patient
gent and hypodivergent biotypes for Patient score and score (r 5 0.016; P 5 0.886). The Patient score was

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Table II. Frequencies (number and percentage) of root position scores for the relationship between the maxillary sinus
floor and maxillary posterior teeth for the facial patterns
Hypodivergent Normodivergent Hyperdivergent Total number
(n 5 30) (n 5 64) (n 5 34) of roots
Root score n (%)
0 180 (42.8) 259 (31.6) 116 (30.4) 555 (34.3)
1 23 (5.5) 39 (4.8) 7 (1.8) 69 (4.3)
2 108 (25.7) 169 (20.6) 118 (31.0) 395 (24.3)
3 109 (26.0) 352 (43.0) 140 (36.8) 601 (37.1)
Total n (%) 420 (100) 819 (100) 381 (100) 1620 (100)
For explanation of the root scores, see the legend of Figure 3.

not significantly different between age categories: chil- biotype and the proximity of the roots of the maxillary
dren (7-9 years; n 5 32), 1.81 6 0.57; adolescents (10- posterior teeth to the maxillary sinus. Earlier studies on
19 years; n 5 79), 1.64 6 071, and young adults (20- the relationship between maxillary posterior teeth and
24 years; n 5 16), 1.65 6 0.66 (P 5 0.623, Kruskal- the maxillary sinus floor did not consider facial biotype.
Wallis test). The PM2 score was not significantly The most unfavorable root score from the dental
different between age categories (data not shown). perspective (ie, 3) was found most frequently in the nor-
When we analyzed the correlation between age and modivergent group, indicating that the roots were
Tooth scores, only the PM2 score was significantly and- generally projected into the maxillary sinus. However,
positively correlated with age (r 5 0.27; P 5 0.041). the second molar roots in the hyperdivergent group
The Patient score did not differ significantly for male were closer to the sinus floor than in the hypodivergent
and female subjects (1.61 6 0.68 vs 1.71 6 0.67; group. A score of 3 was also predominant in the hyper-
P 5 0.40, Mann-Whitney test). There were also no sig- divergent group, with scores of 0 and 1 found in fewer
nificant sex differences in Tooth scores. than one third of patients. The second molars were
The results of the multivariate analysis are presented significantly closer to the sinus floor (higher M2 score)
in Table V. Age was taken as a covariate in the general- in the hyperdivergent group than in the hypodivergent
ized linear regression model analysis, with Patient score, group. For the first molars (M1 score), we found the
PM1 score, PM2 score, M1 score, and M2 score as the same results as for the second molar, but significance
dependent variables. After controlling for age, a signifi- was exactly on the threshold (P 5 0.05).
cant difference was found between the normodivergent Furthermore, in the hyperdivergent group, the
and hypodivergent facial biotype groups for Patient second molar score increased with age, meaning that
score; the normodivergent group had a higher frequency the second molar roots tended to be closer to the sinus
of maxillary tooth roots near the maxillary sinus than did floor. This is an important observation from an ortho-
the hypodivergent group. A coefficient of 0.38 translates dontic perspective; the treatment strategy for this facial
to a 0.38-fold increase in Patient score in the tested nor- biotype implies molar intrusion, meaning further
modivergent group compared with the hypodivergent displacement of the molars into the sinus. In contrast,
reference group. This was also found for the M1 score the most frequent score in the hypodivergent group
and M2 score. A significant difference was found be- was a favorable 0, and the Patient score was lower
tween the hyperdivergent and hypodivergent facial than in the normodivergent group, indicating that the
biotype groups for M2 score: the hyperdivergent group roots were far from the sinus floor. This allows for
had a higher frequency of maxillary second molar roots more freedom in planning orthodontic treatment strate-
near the maxillary sinus than did the hypodivergent gies, dental implant placement, and endodontic treat-
reference group (Table V). ment procedures in patients with a hypodivergent
Age was associated with M2 score in the multivariate biotype.
analysis (Table V); this confirms our results from the uni- The frequency of the first and second premolars near
variate analysis (r 5 0.26; P 5 0.03; n 5 69). the maxillary sinus was not associated with facial
biotype, probably because fewer premolars than molars
were scored, and a larger sample is needed to demon-
DISCUSSION strate the difference.
We studied the position of the roots of the maxillary The number of teeth per patient showed a decreasing
posterior teeth in relation to the sinus floor in different trend from the hypodivergent to the hyperdivergent pa-
facial biotypes and found a relationship between facial tients. This trend was due to the absence of premolars,

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Table III. Frequencies (number and percentage) of root position scores per tooth/root for the relationship between
the maxillary sinus floor and maxillary posterior teeth for the facial patterns
Roots (n) Root Score Hypodivergent Normodivergent Hyperdivergent Total
First premolar (n 5 166)
1 0 13 (36.1) 18 (50) 5 (13.9) 36 (100)
2 1 (25) 2 (50) 1 (25) 4 (100)
2 Buccal 0 33 (26.4) 63 (50.4) 29 (23.2) 125 (100)
2 (0) 1 (100) (0) 1 (100)
Palatal 0 33 (27.7) 60 (50.4) 26 (21.8) 119 (100)
2 (0) 4 (57.1) 3 (42.9) 7 (100)
Second premolar (n 5 149)
1 0 16 (30.8) 25 (48.1) 11 (21.2) 52 (100)
1 (0) 2 (100) (0) 2 (100)
2 11 (24.4) 20 (44.4) 14 (31.1) 45 (100)
3 10 (31.3) 15 (46.9) 7 (21.9) 32 (100)
2 Buccal 0 1 (10) 9 (90) (0) 10 (100)
2 1 (25) 3 (75) (0) 4 (100)
3 1 (25) 3 (75) (0) 4 (100)
Palatal 0 (0) 8 (100) (0) 8 (100)
2 2 (50) 2 (50) (0) 4 (100)
3 1 (16.7) 5 (83.3) (0) 6 (100)
First molar (n 5 253)
3 Mesiobuccal 0 15 (35.7) 14 (33.3) 13 (31) 42 (100)
1 2 (40) 3 (60) (0) 5 (100)
2 23 (30.3) 31 (40.8) 22 (28.9) 76 (100)
3 19 (14.6) 78 (60) 33 (25.4) 130 (100)
Distobuccal 0 11 (36.7) 12 (40) 7 (23.3) 30 (100)
1 2 (50) 2 (50) (0) 4 (100)
2 25 (30.9) 31 (38.3) 25 (30.9) 81 (100)
3 21 (15.2) 81 (58.7) 36 (26.1) 138 (100)
Palatal 0 15 (25.9) 25 (43.1) 18 (31) 58 (100)
1 13 (37.1) 19 (54.3) 3 (8.6) 35 (100)
2 13 (19.4) 28 (41.8) 26 (38.8) 67 (100)
3 18 (19.4) 54 (58.1) 21 (22.6) 93 (100)
Second molar (n 5 134)
3 Mesiobuccal 0 10 (62.5) 6 (37.5) (0) 16 (100)
1 1 (50) 1 (50) (0) 2 (100)
2 8 (34.8) 9 (39.1) 6 (26.1) 23 (100)
3 21 (22.6) 51 (54.8) 21 (22.6) 93 (100)
Distobuccal 0 14 (56) 9 (36) 2 (8) 25 (100)
1 1 (16.7) 4 (66.7) 1 (16.7) 6 (100)
2 12 (35.3) 12 (35.3) 10 (29.4) 34 (100)
3 13 (18.8) 42 (60.9) 14 (20.3) 69 (100)
Palatal 0 19 (55.9) 10 (29.4) 5 (14.7) 34 (100)
1 4 (26.7) 8 (53.3) 3 (20) 15 (100)
2 12 (24.5) 26 (53.1) 11 (22.4) 49 (100)
3 5 (13.9) 23 (63.9) 8 (22.2) 36 (100)
Total 420 (25.9) 819 (50.6) 381 (23.5) 1620 (100)

For explanation of the root scores, see the legend of Figure 3.

but the scores of their roots were generally low, and their It is difficult to compare our results with those of
absence did not influence the general score. Also, the earlier studies, because our study is the first in a young
differences between facial patterns can be due to the dif- population.8,10-14 Ok et al15 analyzed the relationship
ferences in the molar scores or the influence of age as a between premolars and molars with the sinus floor in a
confounding factor (controlled with statistical multivar- group of 10- to 20-year-olds at a dental school clinic
iate analysis method: generalized linear model). After as part of a larger study. All other studies were performed
controlling for age, the differences in the molar scores with older patients varying in mean age from 17.816 to
remained significant (Table V). 58.8 years.10

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Table IV. Mean patient scores and mean scores per tooth for the different facial patterns
Hypodivergent Normodivergent Hyperdivergent P value
Score (n 5 30) (n 5 64) (n 5 34) (Kruskal-Wallis test)
Patient score 1.41 6 0.73* 1.79 6 0.62 1.72 6 0.67 0.03
1.67 (0.74-1.88) 1.83 (1.42-2.17) 1.67 (1.43-2.11)
PM1 score 0.04 6 0.2 0.1 6 0.3 0.14 6 0.29 0.25
0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0)
PM2 score 1.49 6 1.12 1.34 6 1.12 1.5 6 0.98 0.81
1.33 (1-2.5) 1.5 (0-2.17) 1.5 (1-2)
M1 score 1.79 6 0.95 2.23 6 0.75 2.05 6 0.78 0.05
1.92 (1-2.5) 2.33 (1.83-2.83) 2.33 (1.5-2.67)
M2 score 1.51 6 0.99*,y 2.24 6 0.81 2.3 6 0.58 0.01
1.5 (0.83-2.5) 2.5 (1.83-2.83) 2.33 (1.83-2.83)

Scores were compared between facial biotypes with Kruskal-Wallis test (significant P value) followed by post hoc Bonferroni correction test; arith-
metic mean 6 standard deviation, and median (25th-75th percentiles).
*P \0.05, when comparing hypodivergent with normodivergent (post hoc Bonferroni test); yP \0.05, when comparing hypodivergent with hyper-
divergent (post hoc Bonferroni test).

Table V. Influence of the facial biotype on Tooth scores and Patient scores (dependent variables) analyzed with gen-
eral linear regression model, controlled for age (in the parameter estimates, the hypodivergent facial biotype group
was the reference group)
Adjusted coefficient b

Dependent variable Independent variable b 95% CI for b P value R2

Patient score Constant 1.50 1.04-1.96 \0.001 0.056
Age (mo) 0.006 0.033-0.020 0.641
Group (normodivergent)* 0.38 0.09-0.67 0.011
Group (hyperdivergent)y 0.30 0.003-0.64 0.075
PM1 score Constant 0.172 0.102-0.447 0.216 0.030
Age (mo) 0.008 0.024-0.008 0.304
Group (normodivergent)* 0.06 0.08-0.20 0.382
Group (hyperdivergent)y 0.09 0.08-0.26 0.293
PM2 score Constant 1.26 0.06-2.47 0.040 0.008
Age (mo) 0.014 0.054-0.083 0.678
Group (normodivergent)* 0.16 0.75-0.43 0.589
Group (hyperdivergent)y 0.02 0.70-0.73 0.960
M1 score Constant 1.43 0.88-1.99 \0.001 0.064
Age (mo) 0.024 0.008-0.057 0.136
Group (normodivergent)* 0.46 0.10-0.81 0.011
Group (hyperdivergent)y 0.32 0.09-0.72 0.123
M2 score Constant 0.50 0.054-1.54 0.341 0.204
Age (mo) 0.060 0.002-0.118 0.043
Group (normodivergent)* 0.72 0.26-1.17 0.002
Group (hyperdivergent)y 0.82 0.26-1.38 0.005

*Normodivergent group compared with hypodivergent group- the reference group; yHyperdivergent group compared with hypodivergent group-
the reference group.

The size of the maxillary sinus is not constant over are more closely related to the sinus floor than in older
time. At birth, the maxillary sinus is small and continues subjects. This agrees with the findings of Ok et al,15
to develop in lateral and inferior directions. Jun et al1 who showed that the frequency of scores 2 and 3 de-
demonstrated that the volume of the maxillary sinus in- creases with age, and the frequency of score 0 increases,
creases until the second decade in girls and the third meaning that the roots and the sinus drift apart with age.
decade in men, after which it decreases. Therefore, we In this study, a score of 3 was the most frequent vertical
hypothesized that, in a young population (children, ad- relationship for the molar roots, except for the palatal
olescents, young adults), the roots of the maxillary teeth root of the second molar, for which a score of 2 was

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2018  Vol 154  Issue 3
354 Costea et al

more frequent. Authors of other studies11-14 have found The limitations of our study are related to the size of
in older samples ranging from mean ages of 38.811 to the CBCT scans. To protect against radiation, limited
55.8 years13 that the most frequent relationship for field-of-view scans were performed in the younger age
molar roots was a score of 0, indicating that the roots group, and only the FMA could be used for the assess-
of the teeth are away from the cortical border of the si- ment of the facial biotype, since no other useful cepha-
nus with a zone of cancellous bone in between. lometric landmarks were available. The sample size of
Facial biotype is related to the growth of the our normodivergent group was approximately twice
mandible, and its rotation will affect the direction and that of both the hypodivergent and hyperdivergent
amount of growth at the level of the nasomaxillary com- groups. Although this represents the normal distribution
plex. The growth of the maxilla is a combination of pas- in the orthodontic population, the smaller sample size of
sive forward and vertical displacement and active growth the hypodivergent and hyperdivergent groups may have
in response to soft tissue stimuli.17,18 The maxilla follows influenced the results. The number of roots per patient
the mandibular growth pattern and responds by in the hyperdivergent group was smaller than in the
periosteal vertical apposition at the level of the other 2 groups; thus, our results regarding this group
dentoalveolar process.19 In hyperdivergent patients, had less power.
because of the short mandibular ramus and conse- If the difference between 2 molars with a 3-3-3
quently short posterior facial height, the maxillary plane (average, 3) score and a 1-1-1 (average,1) score is
rotates, inducing a compensatory dentoalveolar mecha- obvious, when we have differential molar root scores
nism in an anteroposterior direction. This is supported such as 0-0-3 (average 5 1) and 1-1-1 (average 5 1),
by the study of Sadek et al,20 who found no difference the difference is not obvious. Which is better? The ques-
in posterior dentoalveolar height between facial patterns tion remains unresolved, and it depends on the planned
and that the dentoalveolar compensatory mechanism orthodontic movement of the tooth (vertical or lateral).
acts by vertical adaptation in both arches, but only in The 3D position of the roots of the maxillary posterior
the frontal alveolar process. In addition, the hyperdiver- teeth needs to be considered from the beginning of
gent facial biotype has less dense buccal cortical bone the orthodontic treatment.29 For example, if a score 1
than do the other facial biotypes.21 This may allow for type of root is to be intruded, the chances of penetrating
expansion of the maxillary sinus and development to- the buccal cortical bone and pushing the roots out of its
ward the mandibular border. Thus, because of the lack bony margins are high. Maxillary posterior tooth intru-
of posterior dentoalveolar compensation, molar roots sion30,31 and space closure through the maxillary sinus
will project into the maxillary sinus. In contrast, in hypo- are difficult and limited.32,33 The degree of achievable
divergent patients, the mandibular ramus growth will intrusion through the maxillary sinus can sometimes
allow appropriate vertical dentoalveolar development be the difference between conventional orthodontic
and enough bone for the maxillary teeth. The muscular treatment and orthognathic surgery.30,34 If a score 2 or
forces2228 and greater osseous density21 in hypodiver- 3 type of root is to be moved through the maxillary
gent patients can be mechanisms involved in the devel- sinus, the design of the orthodontic appliance and the
opment of the maxillary sinus and the relationship applied forces need to be adapted to the clinical
between roots of the posterior maxillary teeth with the situation.3133
sinus floor.
In this study, we found only a difference of 0.23 in
Patient scores between age categories, demonstrating CONCLUSIONS
that age did not influence Patient score. This finding In a young population (7-24 years), the position of
suggests that the relationship between the maxillary si- the apices of the maxillary second molar roots in rela-
nus floor and the maxillary posterior teeth does not tion to the maxillary sinus floor is associated with the
change with age in a clinically significant manner, but facial biotype. In a hypodivergent biotype, the roots
further studies are needed. Age-related changes in the of the molars (especially the second molar) are
relationship between the posterior teeth and the maxil- located farther from the sinus floor compared with
lary sinus floor in different facial biotypes should also the normodivergent and hyperdivergent facial pat-
be studied in adults (.20-30 years, when the maxillary terns. A close relationship often exists between the
sinus volume peaks).1-3 Only then will it be possible to maxillary posterior teeth and sinus floor. Careful
prove a link between facial biotype, root proximity to analysis of the root-sinus floor relationship of the
the maxillary sinus floor, and maxillary sinus volume maxillary posterior teeth before orthodontic treat-
assessed on CBCT scans and fully understand this ment is recommended because it may change the
adaptation process. treatment plan.

September 2018  Vol 154  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Costea et al 355

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2018  Vol 154  Issue 3

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