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1) For obvious reasons for many Latin Americans there is a sense of complacency, when observing

the country that for so long wanted to be its teacher in democracy, elections and institutions,
today goes through such a confusing situation.

In my perception nowadays the USA looks like a quite a mess.

2) Many causes can be attributed to the current North American political chaos but summarizing
the situation: this is because the US faces a great internal disorder; some reasons could be:

internal struggle between sectors of its elite-ruling class (globalists vs nationalists), a polarized
society in the midst of a process of change, the design of a rigid- oligarchic socio-political-
institutional system, a "rigged system" in Trump's words, distant from popular representation and
social demands.

3) This superfluous discussion has become viral in the Argentine press when there really is no
"preferable candidate" for Argentina, which will have to continue facing the same strategic (and
therefore structural) challenges posed by its relationship with the United States:

The major challenge of achieving Argentine national interest despite being located in the same
immediate "geopolitical neighborhood" of the North American great-power.

4) A possible forecast could be:

“Strategic continuity (of the structural factors at stake) - tactical change (of approaches)”

In a general scheme (except for specific cases, such as the notable tension between the Democrats
and the Brazilian government of Bolsonaro) relations between the United States and its Latin
American neighborhood will not change too much, since they are too conditioned by geostrategic
factors, these strategic constraints imply that:

In the geopolitical codes, Latin America is its immediate sphere of influence, and since the early
2000s while the US concentrated its major foreign action in other areas of the world, the Americas
has seen the presence of other extra-regional actors consolidated in Latin and South America,
especially China which are currently seen as global strategic competitors. Therefore the US must
regain its undisputed supremacy as the hegemon of the Americas; such a North American strategic
objective would come into conflict with the interests of Latin American countries, thereby the
continuity of tense relations with Latin America.

These factors, without ruling out that certainly there could be certain elements (based on the
tradition-ideology of the party they come from, and Biden's experience as vice president) in a
future Biden-Harris Democratic administration that recall the approach that Obama took towards
Latin America, based on a kind of soft power and multilateralist approach, than the crude neo-
imperialism (Monroeism) of the” Trumpist” approach that the region saw in recent years.

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