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Scott McClary⼁609-815-6696⼁217 Ivanhoe Drive, Robbinsville, NJ

Stockton University Galloway, NJ
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science – Concentration: General Expected May 2021
Minor: Political Science
• GPA: 3.95
• Dean's List Years: Fall 2017 – Present
• Member of Stockton University Honors Program
Relevant Coursework:
 Environmental Policy and Law
 Women and the Law
 Constitutional Law
 Environmental Issues

Relevant Experience:
New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Lawrenceville, NJ
Intern Summer 2019
• Implemented a new organization system for paper data and documents of work sites to allow for
easy retrieval and sorting of future documents
• Compared and contrasted different data sources for discrepancies to create an accurate record of
data for future use in an Excel spreadsheet
• Learned how to use databases to obtain relevant information to identify related documents
• Helped coworkers with research and varied administrative tasks
• Participated in an ecological survey to find and record the locations of bug infested trees
• Learned how to use a hand-held air quality test kit to test the air for wells on the property
Professional Experience:
Stockton Greenhouse Galloway, NJ
Student Worker Fall 2018- Spring 2020
• Cleaned and repotted various plant species in order to optimize plant health
• Routinely cleaning the interior of the greenhouse and exterior work room
• Regularly watering and giving plants nutrients as needed to keep the plants healthy
• Transferred materials from the old greenhouse and organized the new greenhouse’s workroom.
Stockton Polling Institute Galloway, NJ
Polling Interviewer Fall 2017-Spring 2018
• Demonstrated skills to communicate effectively with people over the phone to receive answers for
a poll
• Managed to balance work and schoolwork by self-scheduling the week to include the required
number of work hours.

Leadership Positions:
Stockton University Environmental Club Galloway, NJ
Treasurer Spring 2018- Present
• Managing the club budget for activities and fundraisers using an excel to record expenses
• Communicating efficiently with other members of the club to set up meetings and jobs
• Filling out budget request and purchase request forms for events like tote bag painting
Stockton Action Volunteers for the Environment (S.A.V.E.) Galloway, NJ
Member Fall 2017-Present
• Participating in club meetings
• Made and helped table to sell coasters for a club fundraiser
Community Service:
Stockton’s Day of Service and the Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service Galloway, NJ
Participated in the Honors Program Activities 2017-Current
• Aided in making enrichment toys for injured animals to send to a local zoo.
• Contributed to an environmentally focused letter-writing campaign to our state’s representative
• Wrote petitions to be posted on and advertised by the honors program to encourage

Related Lab Work:

Environmental Issues Galloway, NJ
Transportation usage: survey and analysis Fall, 2020
 Designed a web survey using google forms to ask Stockton students virtually their driving habits
for the week
 Created an Excel document to calculate the average amount that students drive, how much gas
they use, and an average of how much money is spent
 Analyzed different solutions to reduce driving times and gas usage for college students
Waste and Recycling analysis Fall, 2020
 Organized contents of a garbage bin and recycling bin to determine percentages of contents
 Analyzed the contents to determine what was correctly thrown out or recycled properly
 Created an excel document to create percentages of each type of waste and recycling to create
graphs for visual representation
 Researched how to encourage people to recycle
Ecological Principles Galloway, NJ
Wildlife Cameras Fall 2018
 Reviewed multiple sets of wildlife camera photograph and recorded sightings of wildlife
 Analyzed the dates and times of the wildlife appearances to determine a trend in the sightings
 Researched the behaviors of wildlife to compare to the results of the study.
Biodiversity and Evolution Galloway, NJ
High vs. Low elevation plant growth Fall 2017
 Surveyed plant growth at higher elevations and low elevations above the water table to record the
amount of each plant present
 Reviewed information on whether each type of plant need large amounts of water or not and
compared that information to their locations
 Created and excel to display the information of each group of plants in a graph

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