Covid-19 Crash Program For Unity University Students

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Unity University



Office of Academic Programming and Scheduling

2012 A.Y Second Semester Course Offering

Friday, October 30, 2020

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

AR1E1N1/07 Advanced Landscape Architecture Arch 5256 3 4 A - Fra A T/Sun1,2 058

Advanced Landscape Architecture Arch 5256 3 4 Ged - Z B T/Sun1,2 058

Architectural practice and management II Arch 5022 2 3 A-Z A Se5/Sun3,4 058

Integrated design project IV Arch 5232 5 9 A-Z A M/W/F/Se2,3,4 058

Low-cost stategies in design Arch 5202 2 3 A-Z A Th/Se1 058

AR1E1N1/08 Appropriate building technology Arch 5201 2 3 A-Z A Sun1,2,3 066

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Architectural practice & management I Arch 5021 2 3 A-Z A M/Sun2 059

Interior design Arch 5252 3 5 A-Z A Th/Se3,4,5 059

Introduction to economics Econ 101 3 3 A-Z A T/Se1 059

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods Mgmt 332 2 3 A-Z A W/Se2 059

AR1E1N1/09 Arcitectural Science II (Light) Arch 3212 2 3 A- Leu A Th/Se5 060

Arcitectural Science II (Light) Arch 3212 2 3 Loz - Z B Th/Se5 060

Introduction to professional practice I Arch 3012 2 3 A-Z A Se1,2/Sun1 060

Surveying Arch 3192 3 4 A-Z A T/Se3,4 060

Theory of Architecture II Arch 4051 3 4 A-Z A W/Sun5,6 060

Urban design & planning II Arch 3122 3 5 A-Z A M/Sun2,3,4 060

AR1E1N1-2/11 Architectural design I Arch 2101 4 7 A-Z A W/Sun1,2,3/Sun5,6 061

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 A-Z A T/Se3 061

History of architecture II Arch 2031 2 3 A-Z A Se4,5,6 061

Model Making Workshop Arch 2252 1 3 A-Z A Th/Se2 061

AR1R1N1/09 Architectural practice and management II Arch 5022 2 3 A - Fin A W5,6/W7 070

Architectural practice and management II Arch 5022 2 3 Gen - Z B W5,6/W7 070

Construction management Arch 6261 3 4 A - Fik A T3,4/Th3,4 031

Construction management Arch 6261 3 4 Fin - Z B T3,4/Th3,4 031

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Integrated Design Project III Arch 5231 5 9 A - Hiy A M1,2,3,4/W1,2,3,4/F1 058

Integrated Design Project III Arch 5231 5 9 Kal - Z B M1,2,3,4/W1,2,3,4/F1 058

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods Mgmt 332 2 3 A - Fer A M5,6/S4 031

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods Mgmt 332 2 3 Fev - Z B M5,6/S4 031

Urban design & planning IV Arch 5131 3 5 A - Fik A Filed Filed

Urban design & planning IV Arch 5131 3 5 Fin - Z B Filed Filed

AR1R1N1/10 Architectural design III Arch 3111 4 7 A - Leu A M1,2,3,4/W2,3,4 059

Architectural design III Arch 3111 4 7 Mam - Z B M1,2,3,4/W2,3,4 059

Architectural Science I Arch 3211 2 3 A - Haf A T3,4/W7 032

Architectural Science I Arch 3211 2 3 Hai - Z B T3,4/W7 032

Introduction to professional practice I Arch 3012 2 3 A - Haf A M5,6/T8 032

Introduction to professional practice I Arch 3012 2 3 Hai - Z B M5,6/T8 032

Landscape architecture Arch 3141 2 3 A - Her A M3,4/F1,2 029/062

Landscape architecture Arch 3141 2 3 Her - Z B M3,4/F1,2 029/062

Theory of architecture I Arch 3052 3 4 A - Hai A M7,8/F3,4 104/032

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Theory of architecture I Arch 3052 3 4 Her - Z B M7,8/F3,4 104/032

Urban design & planning II Arch 3122 3 5 A - Her.Shi A T5,6,7/F5,6 059

Urban design & planning II Arch 3122 3 5 Her.Mas - Z B T5,6,7/F5,6 059

AR1R1N1-2 / 09 Appropriate building technology Arch 5201 2 3 A-Z A S1,2,3 061

Architectural Science III (heating, cooling &
ventilation) Arch 4211 2 3 A - Hai A M6,7,8 072
Architectural Science III (heating, cooling &
ventilation) Arch 4211 2 3 Has - Z B M6,7,8 072

Ecological architecture Arch 4141 2 3 A - Fev A W7/F7,8 033

Ecological architecture Arch 4141 2 3 Get - Z B W7/F7,8 033

Integrated design project II Arch 4221 4 7 A - Fik A T1,2,3,4/Th1,2,3 068

Integrated design project II Arch 4221 4 7 Fit - Z B T1,2,3,4/Th1,2,3 068

Introduction to professional practice II Arch 4011 2 3 A-Z A W6/S3,4 108/032

Urban design & Planning III Arch 4131 3 5 A-Z A T3,4/F1,2,3 059

AR1R1N1-2/10 Architectural Science I Arch 3211 2 3 A-Z A W8/F7,8 031/013

Communication skill for Engineers Enla 202 3 4 A-Z A T1,2/Th3,4 065/032

Communication skills V Arch 3081 3 5 A - Liy A T5,6,7/Th1,2 032

Communication skills V Arch 3081 3 5 Mas - Z B T5,6,7/Th1,2 032

Integrated design Project I Arch 3222 4 7 A - Liy A M1,2,3/W1,2,3,4 061

Integrated design Project I Arch 3222 4 7 Mah - Z B M1,2,3/W1,2,3,4 061

Landscape architecture Arch 3141 2 3 A-Z A Th5,6,7 060

Theory & design of structures IV Arch 3181 3 4 A - Mas A M5,6/W5,6 107/109

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Theory & design of structures IV Arch 3181 3 4 Mea - Z B M5,6/W5,6 107/109

AR1R1N2/09 Architectural practice and management II Arch 5022 2 3 A - Han A T3,4/S4 033

Architectural practice and management II Arch 5022 2 3 Jem - Z B T3,4/S4 033

Construction management Arch 6261 3 4 A - Han A M5,6/S1,2 058/060

Construction management Arch 6261 3 4 Lem - Z B M5,6/S1,2 058/060

Integrated Design Project III Arch 5231 5 9 A - Kal A M1,2,3,4/W1,2,3,4/F1 066

Integrated Design Project III Arch 5231 5 9 Lid - Z B M1,2,3,4/W1,2,3,4/F1 066

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods Mgmt 332 2 3 A - Jem A W5,6/S3 110/031

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods Mgmt 332 2 3 Kay - Z B W5,6/S3 110/031

Urban design & planning IV Arch 5131 3 5 A - Han A Filed Filed

Urban design & planning IV Arch 5131 3 5 Her - Z B Filed Filed

AR1R1N2/10 Architectural design III Arch 3111 4 7 A - Hel A M1,2,3,4/W2,3,4 067

Architectural design III Arch 3111 4 7 Hiw - Z B M1,2,3,4/W2,3,4 067

Architectural Science I Arch 3211 2 3 A - Han A W5/F5,6 105/033

Architectural Science I Arch 3211 2 3 Hel - Z B W5/F5,6 105/033

Introduction to professional practice I Arch 3012 2 3 A - Hiw A M7/T5,6 027/113

Introduction to professional practice I Arch 3012 2 3 Hun - Z B M7/T5,6 027/113

Landscape architecture Arch 3141 2 3 A - Hiw A W6,7,8 060

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Landscape architecture Arch 3141 2 3 Hun - Z B W6,7,8 060

Theory of architecture I Arch 3052 3 4 A - Hun A M5,6/F7,8 108/015

Theory of architecture I Arch 3052 3 4 Kal - Z B M5,6/F7,8 108/015

Urban design & planning II Arch 3122 3 5 A - Hiw A T1,2/Th1,2,3 060

Urban design & planning II Arch 3122 3 5 Hun - Z B T1,2/Th1,2,3 060

AR1R1N3/09 Architectural practice and management II Arch 5022 2 3 A - Lid.Moh A T5/T7,8 028/031

Architectural practice and management II Arch 5022 2 3 Lid.Ale - Z B T5/T7,8 028/031

Construction management Arch 6261 3 4 A - Mah A T1,2/Th1,2 032/031

Construction management Arch 6261 3 4 Mek - Z B T1,2/Th1,2 032/031

Integrated Design Project III Arch 5231 5 9 A - Leu A M1,2,3,4/W1,2,3,4/F1 068

Integrated Design Project III Arch 5231 5 9 Lid - Z B M1,2,3,4/W1,2,3,4/F1 068

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods Mgmt 332 2 3 A - Leu.Neg A T3,4/S1 107/033

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods Mgmt 332 2 3 Leu.Tes - Z B T3,4/S1 107/033

Urban design & planning IV Arch 5131 3 5 A - Kid A Filed Filed

Urban design & planning IV Arch 5131 3 5 Leu - Z B Filed Filed

AR1R1N3/10 Architectural design III Arch 3111 4 7 A-Z A M1,2,3,4/W2,3,4 070

Architectural Science I Arch 3211 2 3 A-Z A T2/F3,4 079/072

Introduction to professional practice I Arch 3012 2 3 A-Z A M8/T3,4 019/108

Landscape architecture Arch 3141 2 3 A-Z A T5,6,7 060

Theory of architecture I Arch 3052 3 4 A-Z A M5,6/F1,2 059/032

Urban design & planning II Arch 3122 3 5 A-Z A W5,6/Th5,6,7 059

AR1R1N4/10 Architectural design III Arch 3111 4 7 A-Z A M1,2,3,4/W2,3,4 071

Architectural Science I Arch 3211 2 3 A-Z A T5,6/F2 108/104

Introduction to professional practice I Arch 3012 2 3 A-Z A T7/F7,8 033/018

Landscape architecture Arch 3141 2 3 A-Z A T2,3,4 070

Theory of architecture I Arch 3052 3 4 A-Z A M7,8/F5,6 028/024

Urban design & planning II Arch 3122 3 5 A-Z A W7,8/S1,2,3 059

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

BA1E1N1/09 Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 A - Ede A T/Se5 002/098

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 Ekr - Mah.Dag B T/Se5 002/098

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 Mah.Tse - Z A F / Se3 012 / 083

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Kel A Th/Se4 002

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Mah - Z B Th/Se4 002

BA1E1N1/10 Advanced Accounting I ACFN 401 3 3 A - Fre A T/Se5 003

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Advanced Accounting I ACFN 401 3 3 Gel - Mul B T/Se5 020/004

Advanced Accounting I ACFN 401 3 3 Nes - Z A Sun1,2 / Sun7,8 062 / 062

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Haw A F/Se2,3 002

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Hel - Z B F/Se2,3 002

Research Methods Mgmt 332 3 3 A - Hli A W/Se1 002

Research Methods Mgmt 332 3 3 Ibr - Z B W/Se1 002

Sophomore English Enal 201 3 4 A - Fre A M/Th 002/003

Sophomore English Enal 201 3 4 Fur - Nat.Mel B M/Th 002/003

Sophomore English Enal 201 3 4 Nat.Was - Z A Sun3,4 / Sun5,6 093 / 063

BA1E1N1/11 Accounting Information System ACFN 322 3 3 A - Eyu A Th/Se3 004

Accounting Information System ACFN 322 3 3 Fas - Mer B Th/Se3 004

Accounting Information System ACFN 322 3 3 Met - Z A Sun1,2,3 079

Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A-Z A W/Se2 003

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Lid A M/Se1 003

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Mek - Z B M/Se1 003

Macro Economics Econ 212 3 3 A - Ket A F/Se4 003

Macro Economics Econ 212 3 3 Kif - Z B F/Se4 003

BA1R1N1/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Han A M7/W5,6 002

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Her - Z B M7/W5,6 002

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Her A T3,4/W2 002

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Kib - Z B T3,4/W2 002

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Gir A M1,2/W7 003

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Her - Z B M1,2/W7 003

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Kir A T1,2/Th1,2 002

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Kim - Z B T1,2/Th1,2 002

BA1R1N1/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A - Ked A T1,2/F1 004/002

Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 Kir - Z B T1,2/F1 004/002

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Ked A T5,6/F2 002

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Kir - Z B T5,6/F2 002

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Kir.Dan A T3/F3,4 004/002

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Kir.Ter - Z B T3/F3,4 004/002

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Ked A M1,2/Th5,6 004

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Kir - Z B M1,2/Th5,6 004

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Ked A M3,4/Th3,4 003

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Kir - Z B M3,4/Th3,4 003

BA1R1N10/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A-Z A T3,4/F2 010/003

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A-Z A M5,6/F3 002/003

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Liy A T1,2/F1 010/003

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Mar - Z B T1,2/F1 010/003

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Hel A M1,2/W3,4 010/002

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Her - Z B M1,2/W3,4 010/002

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A-Z A M3,4/W1,2 004/002

BA1R1N1-2 /10 Advanced Accounting II ACFN 402 3 3 A - Han A T5,6/F4 003

Advanced Accounting II ACFN 402 3 3 Hay - Z B T5,6/F4 003

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 A - Hel A W3,4/T7,8 096/097
Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 Mek - Z B W3,4/T7,8 096/097

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 A - Eli A Th3,4/F3 002/004

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 Emn - Nat.Gir B Th3,4/F3 062/101

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 Nat.Won - Z B Th3,4/F3 062/101

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management ACFN 421 3 3 A- Fno A Th1,2/F2 003/004

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management ACFN 421 3 3 Fre - Mic B Th1,2/F2 003/004

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management ACFN 421 3 3 Mil - Z A Sun1,2,3 082

Project Analysis and Evaluation ACFN 422 3 3 A - Eye A T3,4/S4 008/002

Project Analysis and Evaluation ACFN 422 3 3 Fno - Met B T3,4/S4 008/002

Project Analysis and Evaluation ACFN 422 3 3 Mic - Z A Sun5,6,7 065

Research Methods Mgmt 332 3 3 A - Bez A W1,2/S2 004/002

Research Methods Mgmt 332 3 3 Brk - Fre B W1,2/S2 004/002

Research Methods Mgmt 332 3 3 Fua - Luw A T1,2/S3 025/030

Research Methods Mgmt 332 3 3 Man - Sam B T1,2/S3 025/030

Research Methods Mgmt 332 3 3 Sar - Z A Se4,5,6 104

BA1R1N1-2/11 Accounting Software Applications ACFN 321 3 3 A - Has A T3,4/F4 Lab-2

Accounting Software Applications ACFN 321 3 3 Hel - Nat B T3,4/F4 Lab-2

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Accounting Software Applications ACFN 321 3 3 Neb - Z A T7/Th1,2 Lab-4

Basic Writing Skills Enla 102 3 4 A - Mar A M7,8/W3,4 003

Basic Writing Skills Enla 102 3 4 Mek - Z B M7,8/W3,4 003

Cost & Management Accounting II ACFN 212 3 4 A - Day A T5,6/W5,6 004/031

Cost & Management Accounting II ACFN 212 3 4 Edo - Kel B T5,6/F5,6 098/026

Cost & Management Accounting II ACFN 212 3 4 Kid - Sam A T5,6/F5,6 098/026

Cost & Management Accounting II ACFN 212 3 4 Sen - Z B T5,6/W5,6 004/031

Intermediate Financial Accounting I ACFN 231 3 4 A - Han A M1,2/F1,2 008/010

Intermediate Financial Accounting I ACFN 231 3 4 Has - Nat B M1,2/F1,2 092/029

Intermediate Financial Accounting I ACFN 231 3 4 Nig - Z A M1,2/F1,2 092/029

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Hel A M3,4/W1,2 010

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Hiw - Z B M3,4/W1,2 010

BA1R1N14/10 Advanced Accounting II ACFN 402 3 3 A - Est A T7,8/S3 002/003

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Advanced Accounting II ACFN 402 3 3 Eye - Mer B T7,8/S3 002/003

Advanced Accounting II ACFN 402 3 3 Met - Z A Se1,2,3 083

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 A - Eye A W1,2/S2 096

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 Fay - Mew B W1,2/S2 096

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 Min - Z A Sun5,6,7 014

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Kal A T5,6/W3 010

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Ked - Z B T5,6/W3 010

Project Analysis and Evaluation ACFN 422 3 3 A - Fet A T1,2/S1 008/003

Project Analysis and Evaluation ACFN 422 3 3 Fis - Z B T1,2/S1 008/003

BA1R1N15/10 Advanced Accounting II ACFN 402 3 3 A - Leu A T3,4/F3 007/010

Advanced Accounting II ACFN 402 3 3 Lid - Z B T3,4/F3 007/010

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 A - Mek.Mul A F1,2/S4 096

Business Policy and Strategic Management Mgmt 432 3 3 Mek.Mam - Z B F1,2/S4 096

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A-Z A W5,6/F4 003/004

Project Analysis and Evaluation ACFN 422 3 3 A - Kal A T5,6/S3 008/004

Project Analysis and Evaluation ACFN 422 3 3 Ked - Z B T5,6/S3 008/004

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

BA1R1N2/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Ele A M5,6/W7 003/002

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Els - Nar B M5,6/W7 003/002

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Nat - Z A Se1,2,3 078

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Med A M7/W3,4 004/008

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Mel - Z A M7/W3,4 004/008

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Kri A M3,4/W8 008/002

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Lid - Z B M3,4/W8 008/002

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Mel A M1,2/W1,2 007/008

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Nar - Z B M1,2/W1,2 007/008

BA1R1N2/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A - Lid A T5,6/F3 007/008

Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 Liy - Z B T5,6/F3 007/008

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Lem A T7,8/F1 003/004

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Leu - Z B T7,8/F1 003/004

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Fev A T4/Th3,4 004

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Fir - Nat B T4/Th3,4 004

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Ran - Z A Se1,2/ Sun3,4 092 / 064

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Fir A M3,4/Th7,8 007/002

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Gel - Nat.Bir B M3,4/Th7,8 007/002

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Nat.Erg - Z A Se3,4 / Sun1,2 093 / 007

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Lem A M1,2/Th5,6 006/002

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Leu - Z B M1,2/Th5,6 006/002

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

BA1R1N3/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Lid A M8/F5,6 002/003

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Mah - Z B M8/F5,6 002/003

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Kid A M3,4/W5 006/004

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Lid - Z B M3,4/W5 006/004

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Kal A M5,6/W6 004

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Lid - Z B M5,6/W6 004

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Lid A F1,2/S3,4 008/010

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Mah - Z B F1,2/S3,4 008/010

BA1R1N3/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A - Kis A T7,8/F5 105/104

Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 Liy - Z B T7,8/F5 105/104

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Han A T4/F3,4 006/007

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Kis - Z B T4/F3,4 006/007

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Liy A T5,6/S2 006/003

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Mah - Z B T5,6/S2 006/003

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Len A Th3,4/F1,2 010/007

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Mah - Z B Th3,4/F1,2 010/007

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Han A T1,2/Th1,2 007/004

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Kis - Z B T1,2/Th1,2 007/004

BA1R1N4/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Kid A W8/F7,8 003/002

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Lid - Z B W8/F7,8 003/002

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Mam A W7/F1,2 004/006

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Men - Z B W7/F1,2 004/006

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Kid A W3,4/S3 007/007

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Koa - Z B W3,4/S3 007/007

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Mam A F3,4/S1,2 006/004

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Men - Z B F3,4/S1,2 006/004

BA1R1N4/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A - Mer A W5,6/F4 010

Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 Mic - Z B W5,6/F4 010

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Mek A T2/Th3,4 006/008

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Mer - Z B T2/Th3,4 006/008

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Mat A Th5/S3,4 003/006

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Mek - Z B Th5/S3,4 003/006

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Mer A Th1,2/S1,2 010

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Mic - Z B Th1,2/S1,2 010

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Mic A T3,4/F1,2 011/011

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Nat - Z B T3,4/F1,2 011/011

BA1R1N5/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Her A T5,6/Th7 011/003

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Kal - Z B T5,6/Th7 011/003

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Hus A W6/F3,4 008/011

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Kal - Z B W6/F3,4 008/011

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Kal A W5/Th5,6 008/010

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Lei - Z B W5/Th5,6 008/010

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Her A W3,4/F1,2 006/012

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Hus - Z B W3,4/F1,2 006/012

BA1R1N5/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A-Z A W1,2/F2 007/013

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Ked A Th1,2/S2 008

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Liy - Z B Th1,2/S2 008

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Hel A W3,4/S1 011/008

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Hen - Nit B W3,4/S1 011/008

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Rah - Z A Sun1,2,3 091

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Ked A Th5,6/S3,4 008/011

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Liy - Z B Th5,6/S3,4 008/011

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A-Z A W5,6/F3,4 007/012

BA1R1N6/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Mih A T7,8/Th8 010/003

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Nah - Z B T7,8/Th8 010/003

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Nat A W8/Th5,6 004/007

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Pni - Z B W8/Th5,6 004/007

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Kis A T5,6/Th7 012/004

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Mel - Z B T5,6/Th7 012/004

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Nat A T3,4/W1,2 012/104

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Pni - Z B T3,4/W1,2 012/104

BA1R1N6/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A - Kid A W3,4/S3 012

Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 Mah - Z B W3,4/S3 012

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Kid A M5,6/S1 010/007

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Mah - Z B M5,6/S1 010/007

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Ker A W5,6/S2 011/007

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Mah - Z B W5,6/S2 011/007
Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Imr A M3,4/F3,4 011/013

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Kal - Z B M3,4/F3,4 011/013

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A-Z A M1,2/F1,2 011/014

BA1R1N7/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Ede A T5,6/F5 013/004

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Edo - Hel B T5,6/F5 013/004

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Hen - Z A Sun5,6,7 064

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Fek A M7,8/T3 010/006

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Fua - Z B M7,8/T3 010/006

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Fua A M5,6/T4 008/013

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Han - Z B M5,6/T4 008/013

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Eye A T7,8/F3,4 008/014

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Fek - Z B T7,8/F3,4 008/014

BA1R1N7/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A - Hld A F1/S1,2 013/006

Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 Kid - Z B F1/S1,2 013/006

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Jos A W5,6/F2 012/015

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Ked - Z B W5,6/F2 012/015

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Kal A W7/S3,4 010/013

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Kid - Z B W7/S3,4 010/013

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Hld A M1,2/T1,2 012/011

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Kal - Z B M1,2/T1,2 012/011

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A-Z A M5,6/F3,4 007/015

BA1R1N8/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Mar A T7/F6,7 007/004

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Mer - Z B T7/F6,7 007/004

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Mic A T5,6/W4 014/004

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Mik - Z B T5,6/W4 014/004

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Mer A T3/W5,6 013

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Mes - Z B T3/W5,6 013

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Mes A T1,2/W7,8 012/008

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Mic - Z B T1,2/W7,8 012/008

BA1R1N8/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A-Z A W5/F3,4 014/018

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A-Z A W7,8/F1 007/015

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Fie A W1,2/Th5 006

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Her - Z B W1,2/Th5 006
Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Ked A Th3,4/S1,2 101/011

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Kel - Z B Th3,4/S1,2 101/011

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A-Z A W3,4/S3,4 013/014

BA1R1N9/10 Business Law Law 201 3 3 A - Mih A T8/S1,2 004/012

Business Law Law 201 3 3 Min - Z B T8/S1,2 004/012

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 A - Min A M1,2/W6 013/014

International Finance ACFN 441 3 3 Mos - Z B M1,2/W6 013/014

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Mis A T7/W3,4 006/014

Operation Research Mgmt 411 3 3 Mos - Z B T7/W3,4 006/014

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Min A T5,6/W1,2 015/011

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Mos - Z B T5,6/W1,2 015/011

BA1R1N9/11 Auditing Principles & Practices I ACFN 411 3 3 A-Z A M5,6/W7 006

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 A - Ker A W1,2/F3 012/019

Financial Management I ACFN 341 3 3 Loz - Z B W1,2/F3 012/019

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 A - Her A Th3,4/F4 007/008

Government & Non Profit Accounting ACFN 331 3 3 Hib - Z B Th3,4/F4 007/008

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Loz A M7,8/Th1,2 008/007

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Mar - Z B M7,8/Th1,2 008/007

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 A - Her A W5,6/S1,2 015/013

Public Finance and Taxation ACFN 431 3 4 Hib - Z B W5,6/S1,2 015/013

BE1E1N1/09 Economics of Cooperatives Econ 461 3 3 A-Z A W/Se1 008/007

Monetary Economics Econ 471 3 3 A-Z A Th/Se2 007

Project Analysis and Development Planning Econ 481 3 4 A-Z A M/Se3,4 007/008

BE1E1N1/10 Development Economics Econ 362 3 3 A-Z A F/Se3 098

Industrial Economics Econ 342 3 3 A-Z A Th/Se4 006/007

International Economics Econ 361 3 3 A-Z A M/Se1 006

Rural Urban Economics Econ 401 3 3 A-Z A T/Se2 008/006

BE1E1N1/11 Computer Application in Economics Econ 263 3 3 A-Z A T/Se2 007/011

Econometrics II Econ 262 3 3 A-Z A M/Se1 011

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 A - Kib A W/Se4,5 007/006

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Let - Z B W/Se4,5 007/006

Introduction to Computer Technology Comp 105 3 3 A - Fek A F/Se3 Lab-4/007

Introduction to Computer Technology Comp 105 3 3 Fis - Nat B F/Se3 Lab-4/007

Introduction to Computer Technology Comp 105 3 3 Nuy - Z A T/ Se4 Lab-4/062

BE1R1N1/10 Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 A - Hab A T5,6/S3 029/026

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 Hea - Z B T5,6/S3 029/026

Economics of Cooperatives Econ 461 3 3 A - Fen A M5,6/W6 026/029

Economics of Cooperatives Econ 461 3 3 Fik - Z B M5,6/W6 026/029

Economics of the Service Sector Econ 441 3 4 A - Fen A T7,8/W3,4 020/028

Economics of the Service Sector Econ 441 3 4 Fik - Z B T7,8/W3,4 020/028

Monetary Economics Econ 471 3 3 A - Fen A Th7,8/S2 014/024

Monetary Economics Econ 471 3 3 Fik - Z B Th7,8/S2 014/024

Project Analysis and Development Planning Econ 481 3 4 A - Gat A M7,8 /Th5,6 020/023
Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Project Analysis and Development Planning Econ 481 3 4 Hab - Z B M7,8 /Th5,6 020/023

BE1R1N1/11 Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 3 A - Hea A M3,4/W6 026/030

Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 3 Kal - Z B M3,4/W6 026/030

Computer Application in Economics Econ 263 3 3 A - Leu A T2/W3,4 024/029

Computer Application in Economics Econ 263 3 3 Mah - Z B T2/W3,4 024/029

Development Economics II Econ 272 3 3 A - Kal A M1,2/W2 096/097

Development Economics II Econ 272 3 3 Lam - Z B M1,2/W2 096/097

Econometrics II Econ 262 3 3 A - Kal A T5,6/W5 030/029

Econometrics II Econ 262 3 3 Lam - Z B T5,6/W5 030/029

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

International Economics I Econ 281 3 3 A - Haw A M5,6/T7 027/021

International Economics I Econ 281 3 3 Kal - Z B M5,6/T7 027/021

Principles of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 A - Ede.Der A T3,4 / W7,8 028 /024

Principles of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Ede.Sit - Kob B T3,4/Th3,4 060/105

Principles of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Lam - Rah.Ale B T3,4 / W7,8 028 /024

Principles of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Rah.Zew - Z A T3,4/Th3,4 060/105

BE1R1N2/10 Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 A - Kew A T7,8/S4 025/019

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 Len - Z B T7,8/S4 025/019

Economics of Cooperatives Econ 461 3 3 A - Nei A M4 / W7,8 027/023

Economics of Cooperatives Econ 461 3 3 Rai - Z B M4 / W7,8 027/023

Economics of the Service Sector Econ 441 3 4 A - Nat A T5,6/S1,2 062/023

Economics of the Service Sector Econ 441 3 4 Nei - Z B T5,6/S1,2 062/023

Monetary Economics Econ 471 3 3 A - Rai A Th5,6/S3 022/027

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Monetary Economics Econ 471 3 3 Rut - Z B Th5,6/S3 022/027

Project Analysis and Development Planning Econ 481 3 4 A - Nat A M5,6 /Th7,8 028/015

Project Analysis and Development Planning Econ 481 3 4 Nei - Z B M5,6 /Th7,8 028/015

BE1R1N2/11 Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 3 A-Z A T5,6/W5 063/030

Computer Application in Economics Econ 263 3 3 A-Z A M5,6/W6 029/062

Development Economics II Econ 272 3 3 A-Z A M3,4/W4 096/097

Econometrics II Econ 262 3 3 A-Z A W7/F3,4 022/065

International Economics I Econ 281 3 3 A-Z A M7/T3,4 021/029

Principles of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 A - Lue A T7,8/W1,2 024/022

Principles of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Mel - Z B T7,8/W1,2 024/022

BG1E1N1/11 Fundamentals of Marketing Mgmt 312 3 3 A-Z A T/Se3 006

Leadership and Change Management Mgmt 325 2 2 A-Z A Se1,2 012

Management Information System Mgmt 311 3 3 A-Z A W/Se4 006/011

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A - Kal A M/Th 012/011

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 Kid - Z B M/Th 012/011

BG1R1N1/10 Business Ethics and Leadership Mgmt 431 3 3 A - Rah A M3,4/F7 028/096
Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Business Ethics and Leadership Mgmt 431 3 3 Red - Z B M3,4/F7 028/096

Managerial Economics Mgmt 322 3 3 A - Red A M2/F5,6 022/012

Managerial Economics Mgmt 322 3 3 Sal - Z B M2/F5,6 022/012

Operation and Production Management Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Sal A T5,6/S4 064/026

Operation and Production Management Mgmt 411 3 3 Sam - Z B T5,6/S4 064/026

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Red A T1,2/S3 023/028

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Sal - Z B T1,2/S3 023/028

BG1R1N1/11 Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 A - Huo A M3,4/F1,2 029/062

Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 Joc - Z B M3,4/F1,2 029/062

Global Marketing Management Mgmt 326 3 3 A - Hal A W1,2/S2 026/022

Global Marketing Management Mgmt 326 3 3 Hel - Z B W1,2/S2 026/022

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 A - Her A M1,2/S1 002

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 Hiw - Z B M1,2/S1 002

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 A - Hel A T3,4/S3,4 092/029

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 Hiw - Z B T3,4/S3,4 092/029

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Erm A W3,4/F3 030/078

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Fik - Mat B W3,4/F3 030/078

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Mek - Z A Sun1,2,3 019

BG1R1N1-2/11 Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 4 A-Z A W7,8/F3,4 026/079

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 A - Kir A T3,4/F2 030/063

Civics and Ethical Education Phil 103 3 3 Mek - Z B T3,4/F2 030/063

Fundamentals of Marketing Mgmt 312 3 3 A - Bon A W5,6/F6 063/013

Fundamentals of Marketing Mgmt 312 3 3 Bru - Her B T5,6/F5 065/007

Fundamentals of Marketing Mgmt 312 3 3 Kal - Nar A T5,6/F5 065/007

Fundamentals of Marketing Mgmt 312 3 3 Nat - Z B W5,6/F6 063/013

Leadership and Change Management Mgmt 325 2 2 A-Z A Se3,4 064

Management Information System Mgmt 311 3 3 A - Hel A W5,6/F6 063/013

Management Information System Mgmt 311 3 3 Kib - Z B W5,6/F6 063/013

Managerial Statistics Mgmt 313 3 4 A-Z A T7,8/S1,2 023/026

BG1R1N2/10 Business Ethics and Leadership Mgmt 431 3 3 A - Fit A M2/F3,4 026/082

Business Ethics and Leadership Mgmt 431 3 3 Fre - Red.Men B M2/F3,4 026/082

Business Ethics and Leadership Mgmt 431 3 3 Red.Wed - Z A Sun1,2 / Sun4 021

Managerial Economics Mgmt 322 3 3 A - Fit.Gir A M3,4/F7 030/007

Managerial Economics Mgmt 322 3 3 Fit.Noa - Neb B M3,4/F7 030/007

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Managerial Economics Mgmt 322 3 3 Red - Z A Sun5,6,7 015

Operation and Production Management Mgmt 411 3 3 A - Lun A T3,4/S3 062/062

Operation and Production Management Mgmt 411 3 3 Mah - Z B T3,4/S3 062/062

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Ken A T5/S1,2 078/027

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Lun - Z B T5/S1,2 078/027

BG1R1N2/11 Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 A - Ham A M5,6/F3,4 080/100

Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 Han - Mes B M5,6/F3,4 062/083

Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 Mik - Z A M5,6/F3,4 062/083

Global Marketing Management Mgmt 326 3 3 A - Ham.Osm A W3,4/S4 062/027

Global Marketing Management Mgmt 326 3 3 Ham.Mus - Z B W3,4/S4 062/027

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 A - Ham A M3,4/S3 002

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 Han - Z B M3,4/S3 002

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 A - Kal A T1,2/S1,2 029/028

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 Lid - Z B T1,2/S1,2 029/028

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Han.Kif A W1,2/F2 027/064

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Han.Gir - Z B W1,2/F2 027/064

BG1R1N3/11 Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 A - Ken A M1,2/T5,6 028/079

Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 Khe - Z B M1,2/T5,6 028/079

Global Marketing Management Mgmt 326 3 3 A-Z A T3,4/S3 063

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 A - Mar A T1,2/S4 003

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 Mek - Z B T1,2/S4 003

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 A - Lid.Ada A Th3,4/F1,2 018/065

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 Lid.Daw - Z B Th3,4/F1,2 018/065

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Khe A M5,6/F4 063/062

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Lid - Z B M5,6/F4 063/062

BG1R1N4/11 Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 A - Han A W1,2/Th5,6 028/026

Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 Hay - Nat B W3,4/Th3,4 Lab-3/104

Cost and Mgmt Accounting I ACFN 211 3 4 Neb - Z A W3,4/Th3,4 Lab-3/104

Global Marketing Management Mgmt 326 3 3 A - Lid.Hus A T5,6/S1 082/020

Global Marketing Management Mgmt 326 3 3 Lid.Sol - Z B T5,6/S1 082/020

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 A - Lid A T3,4/W3 003/004

Human Resources Management Mgmt 322 3 3 Mer - Z B T3,4/W3 003/004

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 A - Lid.Sol A T1,2/S3,4 022/064

Intermediate Financial Accounting ACFN 231 3 4 Lid.Til - Z B T1,2/S3,4 022/064

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Kir A W5,6/Th7 064/018

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Leu - Z B W5,6/Th7 064/018

BK1E1N1/09 Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A-Z A M/Se1 004

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Eln A W/Se3 004/015

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Els - Mer B W/Se3 004/015

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Mes - Z A Sun5,6,7 010

BK1E1N1/10 Agricultural Marketing Mrkt 322 3 3 A - Gir A Th/Se2 010

Agricultural Marketing Mrkt 322 3 3 Haw - Mes B Th/Se2 010

Agricultural Marketing Mrkt 322 3 3 Mih - Z A F / Sun4 013 / 004

Ethics and Civic Education for College Students Phil 103 3 3 A - Kif A W/Se4 010/004

Ethics and Civic Education for College Students Phil 103 3 3 Lat - Z B W/Se4 010/004

Industrial Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Edo A M/Se1 010

Industrial Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Eye - Mer B M/Se1 010

Industrial Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Mes - Z A Sun1,2,3 020

Marketing Information System Mrkt 322 3 3 A - Des A T/Se3 004/003

Marketing Information System Mrkt 322 3 3 Dia - Mah B T/Se3 004/003

Marketing Information System Mrkt 322 3 3 Mas - Z A Sun5,6,7 008

BK1E1N1/11 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A - Mek.Sol A F/Se4 004/010

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Mek.Fit - Z B F/Se4 004/010

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A-Z A Th/Se3 008/010

Organizational Behavior Mgmt 226 3 3 A - Mas A T/Se2 010/008

Organizational Behavior Mgmt 226 3 3 Mek - Z B T/Se2 010/008

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A-Z A M/Se1 008

BK1R1N1/10 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A - Kib A T5,6/F5 018/010

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Lem - Oly B T5,6/F5 018/010

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Pat - Z A Se1,2,3 091

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A - Han A T3,4/F2 014/018

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Hel - Mih B T3,4/F2 014/018

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Mik - Z A Se2,3,4 028

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Lem A T1,2/F1 013/018

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Lid - Z B T1,2/F1 013/018

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Lid A W5,6/F3 018/020

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Med - Z B W5,6/F3 018/020

BK1R1N1/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A-Z A T5,6/S2 019/014

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Hab A T3,4/S1 015/014

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Ham - Z B T3,4/S1 015/014

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A-Z A M3,4/F3 012/021

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A-Z A M7,8/S4 007/004

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Hab A T1,2/F4 014/019

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Ham - Z B T1,2/F4 014/019

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Ham A M5,6/F6 011/008

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Har - Z B M5,6/F6 011/008

BK1R1N10/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Han.Abd A W1,2/F1 013/019

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Han.Ali - Z B W1,2/F1 013/019

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Esr A M3,4/F2 013/019

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Eya - Mez B M3,4/F2 013/019

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Mic - Z A Sun5,6,7 007

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A - Haw A W5,6/F4 019/020

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Ikr - Z B W5,6/F4 019/020

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A - Han A M5,6/F6 012/010
Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 Haw - Z B M5,6/F6 012/010

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Gir A W3,4/F3 015/025

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Han - Z B W3,4/F3 015/025

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Han A M7,8/F7 006/003

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Haw - Z B M7,8/F7 006/003

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

BK1R1N11/10 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A - Mel A T7,8/F6 011/007

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Mic - Z B T7,8/F6 011/007

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A - Mic A T5,6/F1 020

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Mik - Z B T5,6/F1 020

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Ley A T3,4/F2 018/020

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Lid - Z B T3,4/F2 018/020

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Ley A W3,4/F4 018/021

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Lid - Z B W3,4/F4 018/021

BK1R1N1-2/10 Cost Accounting Acct 221 3 3 A - Ets.Abe A T5/W5,6 021/020

Cost Accounting Acct 221 3 3 Ets.Ala - Z B T5/W5,6 021/020

Financial Management I Acct 341 3 3 A - Han.Tew A T7,8/W4 012/010

Financial Management I Acct 341 3 3 Han.Fik - Z B T7,8/W4 012/010

Marketing Research Mrkt 421 3 3 A - Efa A M3,4/W3 014/019

Marketing Research Mrkt 421 3 3 Ets - Z B M3,4/W3 014/019

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Hen A W1,2/Th5 014/011

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Her - Z B W1,2/Th5 014/011

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 A - Bem A M5,6/Th6 Lab-4/104

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 Ber - Ets B M5,6/Th6 Lab-4/104

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 Eya - Jon A M7,8/Th4 062/103

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 Kab - Omn B M7,8/Th4 062/103

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 Pni - Z A Se1,2,3 105

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

BK1R1N1-2/11 Agricultural & Commodity Marketing Mrkt 312 3 3 A - Bez A W1/S1,2 021/015

Agricultural & Commodity Marketing Mrkt 312 3 3 Bir - Eyo B W1/S1,2 021/015

Agricultural & Commodity Marketing Mrkt 312 3 3 Fit - Z A Sun5,6,7 006

Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 4 A - Ble A W5,6/F3,4 021/113

Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 4 Che - Her.Tew B W5,6/F3,4 021/113

Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 4 Her.Bir - Z A Se3,4 / Sun3,4 063 / 065

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 A - Bet A M3,4/W7,8 064/011

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Bez - Ets B M3,4/W7,8 064/011

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Eyo -Kid.Hai A W7,8/F7,8 064/024

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Kid.Amh - Net B W7,8/F7,8 064/024

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Nur - Z A Se1,2 / Sun1,2 082 / 063

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Dag A T3,4/F2 019/021

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Daw - Z B T3,4/F2 019/021

International Marketing Mrkt 313 3 3 A - Bir.Der A T1,2/F1 015/021

International Marketing Mrkt 313 3 3 Bir.Tak - Her B T1,2/F1 015/021

International Marketing Mrkt 313 3 3 Isr - Z A T / Sun8 021 / 002

Organizational Behavior Mgmt 226 3 3 A - Ets A T5,6/S4 025/007

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Organizational Behavior Mgmt 226 3 3 Eye - Z B T5,6/S4 025/007

BK1R1N2/10 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A - Fil A F7,8/S4 008/012

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Han - Nao B F7,8/S4 008/012

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Nat - Z A Sun5,6,7 012

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A - Fil A F4/S2,3 024/018

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Fit - Nat B F4/S2,3 024/018

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Neb - Z A Sun5,6,7 011

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Han A T5,6/F3 024/023

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Her - Neb B T5,6/F3 024/023

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Red - Z A Sun1,2,3 083

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Lew A T3,4/F2 020/025

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Lid - Z B T3,4/F2 020/025

BK1R1N2/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Hen A W7/F3,4 012/022

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Hiw - Z B W7/F3,4 012/022

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Kha A M5,6/S4 014/015

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Mah - Z B M5,6/S4 014/015

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A - Hen A W3/S2,3 020/019

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Hiw - Z B W3/S2,3 020/019

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A-Z A M3,4/Th6 015/006

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Hiw A W4/Th3,4 019/006

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Mah - Z B W4/Th3,4 019/006

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Hen A W5,6/F8 025/003

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Hiw - Z B W5,6/F8 025/003

BK1R1N2-2/10 Cost Accounting Acct 221 3 3 A - Mun A M1/W3,4 014/021

Cost Accounting Acct 221 3 3 Nao - Z B M1/W3,4 014/021

Financial Management I Acct 341 3 3 A - Nat A T5,6/Th3 023/011

Financial Management I Acct 341 3 3 Rah - Z B T5,6/Th3 023/011

Marketing Research Mrkt 421 3 3 A - Nat A M2/W1,2 014/015

Marketing Research Mrkt 421 3 3 Rah - Z B M2/W1,2 014/015

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Sal A M5,6/Th4 015/011

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Sam - Z B M5,6/Th4 015/011

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 A - Eyu A M7,8/Th5 063

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 Fik - Nag B M7,8/Th5 063

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 Nan - Sar.Amo A M5,6/Th6 Lab-4/063

Risk Management and Insurance Mgmt 321 3 3 Sar.Ger - Z B M5,6/Th6 Lab-4/063

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

BK1R1N2-2/11 Agricultural & Commodity Marketing Mrkt 312 3 3 A - Mel A T2/S3,4 083/020

Agricultural & Commodity Marketing Mrkt 312 3 3 Mer - Z B T2/S3,4 083/020

Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 4 A - Lyu A W7,8/F1,2 013/093

Basic Writing Skills Enla 201 3 4 Mar - Z B W7,8/F1,2 013/093

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 A - Han A M7,8/T7,8 012/013

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Hay - Mes B M7,8/T7,8 012/013

Fundamentals of Accounting II ACFN 202 3 4 Met - Z A Sun1,2,3 092

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A-Z A W5,6/S1 024/018

International Marketing Mrkt 313 3 3 A - Lyu A M5,6/F3 018/026

International Marketing Mrkt 313 3 3 Mag - Z B M5,6/F3 018/026

Organizational Behavior Mgmt 226 3 3 A - Mic.Sha A T3,4/S2 021/020

Organizational Behavior Mgmt 226 3 3 Mic.Tag - Z B T3,4/S2 021/020

BK1R1N3/10 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A - Eye A Th5,6/S3 013/015

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Eyo - Z B Th5,6/S3 013/015

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A - Eya A Th3,4/S2 012/021

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Eye - Z B Th3,4/S2 012/021

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Eye A M1,2/Th1 015/006

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Eyo - Z B M1,2/Th1 015/006

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A-Z A M3,4/S4 018

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 B M3,4/S4 018

BK1R1N3/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Kir A W8/S3,4 010/021

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Lew - Z B W8/S3,4 010/021

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Kir A M7,8/F3 013/027

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Lew - Z B M7,8/F3 013/027

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A- Lid A W1,2/F1 018/025

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Loz - Z B W1,2/F1 018/025

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A - Lid A M1,2/Th5 018/014

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 Loz - Z B M1,2/Th5 018/014

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Kid A W3/Th1,2 025/011

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Kir - Z B W3/Th1,2 025/011

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Lew A M3,4/W4 019/020

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Lid - Z B M3,4/W4 019/020

BK1R1N4/10 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A- Mea A Th6/F3,4 011/028

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Meb - Z B Th6/F3,4 011/028

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A - Mah A Th5/S3,4 015/025

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Mea - Z B Th5/S3,4 015/025

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Mea A M3,4/Th2 020/006

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Meb - Z B M3,4/Th2 020/006

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A-Z A M5,6/F1 019/024

BK1R1N4/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A -Min A T7/Th5,6 014/018

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Mir - Z B T7/Th5,6 014/018

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Mer A T5,6/Th7 022/008

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Mic - Z B T5,6/Th7 022/008

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A - Mik A M6/T3,4 020/025

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Min - Z B M6/T3,4 020/025

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A - Mik A M5/W1,2 020/019

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 Min - Z B M5/W1,2 020/019

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A -Mik.Ger A M3,4/W5 021/023

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Mik.Get - Z B M3,4/W5 021/023

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Mic A M2/W7,8 019/014

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Mik - Z B M2/W7,8 019/014

BK1R1N5/10 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A - Kal A Th5/F1,2 019/023

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Lea - Z B Th5/F1,2 019/023

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A - Kal A Th7,8/F5 007/008

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Lea - Z B Th7,8/F5 007/008

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Mat A W3,4/Th6 024/012

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Mes - Z B W3,4/Th6 024/012

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Hli A M1,2/W2 020

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 Kal - Z B M1,2/W2 020

BK1R1N5/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Kir A M3,4/F3 025/029

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Mah - Z B M3,4/F3 025/029

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Kal A M2/T3,4 021/024

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Kir - Z B M2/T3,4 021/024

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A-Z A M7/T5,6 014/026

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A-Z A T7/W5,6 015/022

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Kir A M5,6/W2 021

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Mah - Z B M5,6/W2 021

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Kal A W7/F1,2 015/022

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Kir - Z B W7/F1,2 015/022

BK1R1N6/10 Business Law LawD 201 3 3 A - Mic A T3,4/Th7 023/006

Business Law LawD 201 3 3 Min - Z B T3,4/Th7 023/006

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 A - Mes A Th6/F6,7 014/006

Marketing Communication Mrkt 411 3 3 Mic - Z B Th6/F6,7 014/006

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 A - Mes A W5,6/F4 026/026

Marketing Strategy and Policy Mrkt 432 3 3 Mic - Z B W5,6/F4 026/026

Strategic Entrepreneurship Mgmt 412 3 3 A-Z A T6/W7,8 021/018

BK1R1N6/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Lin A M5/W3,4 025/023

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Luh - Z B M5/W3,4 025/023

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Mek A Th5,6/F1 064/026

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Mel - Z B Th5,6/F1 064/026

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A - Mer A T1,2/F2 019/026

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Nah - Z B T1,2/F2 019/026

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A -Mer A T3,4/W7 022/019

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 Nah - Z B T3,4/W7 022/019

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Mel.Get A W6/F3,4 023/106

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Mel.Tes - Z B W6/F3,4 023/106

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Nah A M6/W1,2 025

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Nat - Z B M6/W1,2 025

BK1R1N7/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Kid A W5,6/F4 027

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Lid - Z B W5,6/F4 027

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Kal A Th5,6/S3 020/024

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Kid - Z B Th5,6/S3 020/024

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A - Kal A W7,8/S4 020/024

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Kid - Z B W7,8/S4 020/024

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A- Kal A T1,2/Th7 020/011

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 Kid - Z B T1,2/Th7 020/011

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Kal A W1/F1,2 003/027

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Kid - Z B W1/F1,2 003/027

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Kal A W3,4/F3 022/062

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Kid - Z B W3,4/F3 022/062

BK1R1N8/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Mah A M7,8/W2 015/024

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Mat - Z B M7,8/W2 015/024

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Liy.Had A F3/S3,4 063/023

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Liy.Sol - Z B F3/S3,4 063/023

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A - Mah.Awr A M1,2/S1 025/019

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Mah.Hai - Z B M1,2/S1 025/019

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A - Liy.Had A M6/W3,4 024/026

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 Liy.Sol - Z B M6/W3,4 024/026

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Kal A W7/Th5,6 021

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Liy - Z B W7/Th5,6 021

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Liy A M3,4/F4 023/029

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Mah - Z B M3,4/F4 023/029

BK1R1N9/11 Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 A - Hiw A M6/T3,4 023/026

Industrial/Business Marketing Mrkt 311 3 3 Kew - Z B M6/T3,4 023/026

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 A - Hew A T2/F1,2 021/028

Macroeconomics Theory Econ 212 3 3 Hiw - Z B T2/F1,2 021/028

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 A - Kew A M5/T7,8 024/018

Physical Distribution and Channel Management Mrkt 413 3 3 Leu - Z B M5/T7,8 024/018

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Mrkt 412 3 3 A-Z A M7/T5,6 018/027

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 A - Her A M1,2/Th7 024/012

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Sales Management and Salesmanship Mrkt 323 3 3 Hiw - Z B M1,2/Th7 024/012

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 A - Kew A M8/Th5,6 004/025

Service Marketing Mrkt 321 3 3 Leu - Z B M8/Th5,6 004/025

CCS1E1N1/08 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt 412 3 3 A-Z A M/Se1 013

Simulation and Modeling Cosc 462 3 4 A-Z A W/Th 011/Lab-2

UNIX / LINIX Operating System (Elective) Cosc 455 3 4 A-Z A F/Se3,4 008/Lab-2

CCS1E1N1/09 Network Administration Cosc 481 4 4 A-Z A T/Th Lab-3/012

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 A-Z A F/Se3,4,5 Lab-2/012

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 4 A-Z A M/Se1,2 014/Lab-2

CCS1E1N1/11 Computer Organization & Architecture Cosc 241 3 3 A-Z A M/Se1 015/014
Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Linear Algebra Math 122 4 4 A -Fre A T/Se2,3 011/014

Linear Algebra Math 122 4 4 Gir - Nah.Geb B T/Se2,3 011/014

Linear Algebra Math 122 4 4 Nah.Neg - Z A F / Sun3,4 062 / 063

Structured System Analysis & Design Cosc 172 4 4 A - Kid A W/Th 012/013

Structured System Analysis & Design Cosc 172 4 4 Leu - Z B W/Th 012/013

CCS1R1N1/09 Computer system Security Cosc 482 3 4 A - Mer.Mer A M5,6/S3,4 064/Lab-2

Computer system Security Cosc 482 3 4 Mer.Keb - Z B M5,6/S3,4 064/Lab-2

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Jem A M2/W3,4 029/063

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt 412 3 3 Kid - Z B M2/W3,4 029/063

Simulation and Modeling Cosc 462 3 4 A - Hen A W7,8/S1,2 Lab-2/029

Simulation and Modeling Cosc 462 3 4 Isr - Z B W7,8/S1,2 Lab-2/029

CCS1R1N1/10 Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 A-Z A T3/Th1,2 064/012

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 A-Z A T1,2/S1,2 026/030

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 A-Z A T5,6/F5,6,7 Lab-2/014

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 A-Z A T7,8/Th5,6 022/027

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 A-Z A F1,2,3,4/S3,4 Lab-3/ 065

CCS1R1N1-2/10 Computer Graphics Cosc 363 3 4 A - Kal.Tad A M1,2/F3,4 Lab-4/092

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Computer Graphics Cosc 363 3 4 Kal.Sol - Z B M1,2/F3,4 Lab-4/092

Data Comm & Comp. Networking Cosc 383 4 5 A - Kal.Tek A M3,4/S2,3,4 Lab-4/078

Data Comm & Comp. Networking Cosc 383 4 5 Kal.Sol - Z B M3,4/S2,3,4 Lab-4/078

Formal Language Theory Cosc 353 3 3 A - Kal.Tad A F5,6/S1 015/021

Formal Language Theory Cosc 353 3 3 Kal.Sol - Z B F5,6/S1 015/021

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 A-Z A M5,6/T1,2,3,4 078/Lab-3

CCS1R1N2/09 Computer system Security Cosc 482 3 4 A - Har A T1,2/F3,4 Lab-2/093

Computer system Security Cosc 482 3 4 Kal - Z B T1,2/F3,4 Lab-2/093

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Fir A M3,4/F1 063/078

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt 412 3 3 Har - Z B M3,4/F1 063/078

Simulation and Modeling Cosc 462 3 4 A - Hab A W5,6/F5,6 079/Lab-2

Simulation and Modeling Cosc 462 3 4 Har - Z B W5,6/F5,6 079/Lab-2

CCS1R1N2/10 Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 A-Z A M7/W7,8 024/027

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 A - Min A Th3,4/S3,4 014/079

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 Nah - Z B Th3,4/S3,4 014/079

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 A-Z A Th5,6,7/S1,2 029/Lab-2

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 A-Z A M5,6/F3,4 082/096

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 A - Nat.Beh A M1,2,3,4//T5,6 Lab-1/091

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 Nat.Tas - Z B M1,2,3,4//T5,6 Lab-1/091

CCS1R1N3/09 Computer system Security Cosc 482 3 4 A- Isr A T3,4/F1,2 079/Lab-2

Computer system Security Cosc 482 3 4 Kal - Z B T3,4/F1,2 079/Lab-2

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt 412 3 3 A - Isr A W5,6/F4 082/097

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt 412 3 3 Kal - Z B W5,6/F4 082/097

Simulation and Modeling Cosc 462 3 4 A - Isr A Th5,6/F7,8 030/Lab-2

Simulation and Modeling Cosc 462 3 4 Kal - Z B Th5,6/F7,8 030/Lab-2

CCS1R1N3/10 Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 A - Fir A M5,6/T7 091/026

Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 Fua - Z B M5,6/T7 091/026

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 A-Z A T5,6/S1,2 092/063

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 A-Z A T2,3,4/S3,4 082/Lab-4

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 A - Fua A M7,8/F5,6 023/018

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 Hen - Z B M7,8/F5,6 023/018

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 A - Kal A W5,6,7,8/Th5,6 Lab-4/062

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 Lid - Z B W5,6,7,8/Th5,6 Lab-4/062

CCS1R1N4/10 Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 A - Mek A M8/T5,6 014/104

Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 Neb - Z B M8/T5,6 014/104

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 A - Kal A T7,8/Th5,6 027/063

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 Mek - Z B T7,8/Th5,6 027/063

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 A - Mat A Th3,4/F2,3,4 Lab-2/098

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 Mek - Z B Th3,4/F2,3,4 Lab-2/098

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 A - Mej A M3,4/S3,4 065/091

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 Mek - Z B M3,4/S3,4 065/091

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 A - Mek.Ame A T3,4/W5,6,7,8 091/Lab-1

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 Mek.Fik - Z B T3,4/W5,6,7,8 091/Lab-1

CCS1R1N5/10 Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 A - Erm A T8/Th3,4 007/019

Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 Eyo - Z B T8/Th3,4 007/019

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 A - Ede A Th7,8/S3,4 019/104

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 Elu - Z B Th7,8/S3,4 019/104

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 A-Z A Th5,6/F2,3,4 Lab-4/105

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 A - Eyo A F7,8/S1,2 011/064

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 Fai - Z B F7,8/S1,2 011/064

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 A - Eli A M1,2,3,4/T5,6 Lab-6/ 106

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 Elu - Z B M1,2,3,4/T5,6 Lab-6/ 106

CCS1R1N9/10 Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 A - Her A T2/W5,6 030/083

Human Computer Interaction Cosc 362 3 3 Jew - Z B T2/W5,6 030/083

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 A - Her A T3,4/Th3,4 093/020

Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Cosc 374 4 4 Jew - Z B T3,4/Th3,4 093/020
Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Principle of Compiler Design Cosc 354 4 5 A-Z A Th7,8/S1,2,3 Lab-2/106

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 A - Kal.Bir A T5,6/Th1,2 107/018

Software Project Management Cosc 372 4 4 Kal.End - Z B T5,6/Th1,2 107/018

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 A - Kal.Bir A M5,6,7,8/W1,2 Lab-3/029

Window Programming Cosc 322 4 6 Kal.End - Z B M5,6,7,8/W1,2 Lab-3/029

CE1E1N1/07 Construction Equipment CEng 5262 2 4 A-Z A F/Se3,4 007/013

Construction management CEng 5264 3 5 A-Z A M/W/se1 018/013/015

Irrigation Engineering CEng 5211 2 3 A - Kal A Se5/Sun1,2 013/002

Irrigation Engineering CEng 5211 2 3 Lan - Z B Se5/Sun1,2 013/002

Water Treatment CEng 5221 3 5 A-Z A T/Th/Se2 012/014/015

CE1E1N1/09 Basic electrical installation CEng 4332 2 3 A-Z A F/Sun4 006/002

Foundation Engineering I CEng 3142 3 5 A-Z A M/Se1,2,3 019/018

Fundamental of Architecture CEng 3162 2 3 A-Z A Th/Sun3 015/002

Highway Engineering I CEng 3242 3 5 A-Z A W/Sun5,6,7 014/002

Hydraulics Structure I CEng 3202 3 5 A-Z A T/Se4,5,6 013/014

CE1E1N1/10 General Geology CEng 2081 3 5 A-Z A T/Se4,5,6 014/015

Hydraulics - II CEng 2172 3 5 A-Z A M/Se1,2,3 020/019

Soil Mechanics II CEng 3133 3 5 A-Z A W/Sun 5,6,7 015/003

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Theory of Structure II CEng 2102 3 5 A-Z A Th/Sun1,2,3 018/003

CE1E1N1/11 Applied Mathematics III Math 331 4 6 A-Z A Se4,5,6/Sun1,2,3 018/004

Hydraulics - I CEng 2171 3 3 A-Z A Th/Se3 019/011

Strength of Material II CEng 2041 3 5 A-Z A T/Sun5,6,7 015/004

Surveying II CEng 2081 3 6 A-Z A M/W/Se1,2 021/018/020

CE1R1N1/08 Environmental Engineering (Elective) CENG 5404 2 4 A - Ede A F1,2/F5,6 082/011

Environmental Engineering (Elective) CENG 5404 2 4 Erm - Mel.Dag B F1,2/F5,6 082/011

Environmental Engineering (Elective) CENG 5404 2 4 Mel.Geb - Z A Se3,4 / Sun1,2 072 / 065

Fundamental of Bridge Design CEng 5501 3 5 A - Ind A M2,3,4/F7,8 062/091

Fundamental of Bridge Design CEng 5501 3 5 Jam - Z B M2,3,4/F7,8 062/091

CE1R1N1/10 Engineering Geology CEng 3132 3 4 A - Fes A T3,4/W5,6 096/091

Engineering Geology CEng 3132 3 4 Foz - Z B T3,4/W5,6 096/091

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Foundation Engineering I CEng 3142 3 5 A -Kal A M2,3,4/S3,4 078/107

Foundation Engineering I CEng 3142 3 5 Kid - Z B M2,3,4/S3,4 078/107

Fundamental of Architecture CEng 3162 2 3 A - Kal A M8/Th1,2 018/019

Fundamental of Architecture CEng 3162 2 3 Kid - Z B M8/Th1,2 018/019

Hydraulics Structure I CEng 3202 3 5 A - Jer A Th5,6,7/S1,2 033/079

Hydraulics Structure I CEng 3202 3 5 Kal - Z B Th5,6,7/S1,2 033/079

Integrated Civil Engineering Design I CEng 3252 3 4 A - Kir A T1,2/Th3,4 062/021

Integrated Civil Engineering Design I CEng 3252 3 4 Mic - Z B T1,2/Th3,4 062/021

Transport Engineering CEng 3231 3 5 A-Z A M5,6,7/W7,8 092/028

CE1R1N2/08 Environmental Engineering (Elective) CENG 5404 2 4 A - Ele A F3,4/F7,8 108/012

Environmental Engineering (Elective) CENG 5404 2 4 Ema - Mes B F3,4/F7,8 108/012

Environmental Engineering (Elective) CENG 5404 2 4 Mil - Z A Se1,2 / Sun3,4 063 / 062

Fundamental of Bridge Design CEng 5501 3 5 A - Edi A M6,7,8/S1,2 110/092

Fundamental of Bridge Design CEng 5501 3 5 Ele - Mar B M6,7,8/S1,2 110/092

Fundamental of Bridge Design CEng 5501 3 5 Mat - Z A Se5,6 / Sun1,2,3 072 / 096

CE1R1N2/10 Engineering Geology CEng 3132 3 4 A - Kid.Gir A T5,6/W7,8 109/030

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Engineering Geology CEng 3132 3 4 Kid.Zew - Z B T5,6/W7,8 109/030

Foundation Engineering I CEng 3142 3 5 A - Jer A W1,2,3/F1,2 091/092

Foundation Engineering I CEng 3142 3 5 Kas - Z B W1,2,3/F1,2 091/092

Fundamental of Architecture CEng 3162 2 3 A - Get A Se1,2,3 065

Fundamental of Architecture CEng 3162 2 3 Jer - Z B Se1,2,3 065

Hydraulics Structure I CEng 3202 3 5 A - Kas A Th1,2,3/S3,4 024/109

Hydraulics Structure I CEng 3202 3 5 Kid - Z B Th1,2,3/S3,4 024/109

Integrated Civil Engineering Design I CEng 3252 3 4 A - Ibr A Th5,6/F3,4 078/064

Integrated Civil Engineering Design I CEng 3252 3 4 Jer - Z B Th5,6/F3,4 078/064

Transport Engineering CEng 3231 3 5 A - Fev A T2,3,4/W5,6 104/093

Transport Engineering CEng 3231 3 5 Fey - Z B T2,3,4/W5,6 104/093

CM1R1N1/11 Data Structure and Algorithms COSC 262 4 5 A-Z A T5,6,7/Th1,2 083/Lab-3

Object Oriented Programming COSC 226 4 5 A-Z A M5,6,7/W7,8 065/Lab-3

Organization and Management Mgmt 231 3 3 A - Her A T7/W3,4 104/Lab-4

Organization and Management Mgmt 231 3 3 Hew - Nao B T7/W3,4 104/Lab-4

Organization and Management Mgmt 231 3 3 Nat - Z A Se1,2,3 093

System Analysis and Design II MISY 232 3 3 A-Z A M8/S1,2 011 / 025

Web Design and Implementation I Cosc 230 3 4 A-Z A F7,8/S3,4 Lab-3/082

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room
Construction Project Planning, Scheduling
CTME1N1/08 &Control CoMa 4068 3 5 A-Z A Se1,2,3/Sun1,2 021/010

Financial Management in Construction CoMa 4065 3 3 A - Des A W/Sun3 019/010

Financial Management in Construction CoMa 4065 3 3 Giz - Z B W/Sun3 019/010

Introduction to economics Econ 101 2 2 A-Z A M 025

Modern Construction Technology CoMa 4032 3 5 A - Fas A Th/Se4,5,6 020/019

Modern Construction Technology CoMa 4032 3 5 Giz - Z B Th/Se4,5,6 020/019

Technical Report Writing & Research Methods CoMa 4092 2 4 A - Eyo A T/F 018/011

Technical Report Writing & Research Methods CoMa 4092 2 4 Ggiz - Z B T/F 018/011

CTMR1N1/08 Construction Materials Management CoMa 5084 3 3 A - Hen A M3,4/W5 083/065

Construction Materials Management CoMa 5084 3 3 Isk - Z B M3,4/W5 083/065

Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective) CoMa 5086 3 3 A - Hen A M2/W6,7 023/105

Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective) CoMa 5086 3 3 Isk - Z B M2/W6,7 023/105

Construction Project Planning, Scheduling
CTMR1N1/09 &Control CoMa 4068 3 5 A - Mar A W5,6/S1,2,3 106/111
Construction Project Planning, Scheduling
&Control CoMa 4068 3 5 Mes - Z B W5,6/S1,2,3 106/111

Cost Engineering CoMa 4065 3 3 A-Z A M5,6/S4 105/106

Holistic Project CoMa 4049 3 7 A - Min A M1,2,3/T5,6,7,8 091/110

Holistic Project CoMa 4049 3 7 Moh - Z B M1,2,3/T5,6,7,8 091/110

Property Development Economics CoMa 4064 3 3 A - Hen A T2/Th3,4 063/023

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Property Development Economics CoMa 4064 3 3 Isk - Z B T2/Th3,4 063/023

CTMR1N1/10 Architectural Planning and Design CoMa 3043 3 7 A - Lin A T1,2/W5,6,7/F2,3 064/107/110

Architectural Planning and Design CoMa 3043 3 7 Mes - Z B T1,2/W5,6,7/F2,3 064/107/110

Construction Equipment & Plant Management CoMa 3066 3 3 A - Lin A Th3,4/F1 022/063

Construction Equipment & Plant Management CoMa 3066 3 3 Mer - Z B Th3,4/F1 022/063

Design of Timber and Steel Structures CoMa 3044 3 5 A - Hay A M3,4/Th5,6,7 092/082

Design of Timber and Steel Structures CoMa 3044 3 5 Hel - Z A M3,4/Th5,6,7 092/082

Health and Safety Management in Construction CoMa 4063 2 2 A - Min A T3,4 105

Health and Safety Management in Construction CoMa 4063 2 2 Mul - Z B T3,4 105

Principle of Accounting ACFN202 3 3 A - Mes A M1,2/F4 063/063

Principle of Accounting ACFN202 3 3 Mic - Z B M1,2/F4 063/063

Road and Bridge Construction II CoMa 3052 3 5 A - Lin A T5,6,7/W3,4 111/093

Road and Bridge Construction II CoMa 3052 3 5 Mes - Z B T5,6,7/W3,4 111/093

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Special 32 Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACFN 232 3 4 A - Bet.Tes A Se1,2/Sun1,2 023/006

Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACFN 232 3 4 Bet.Abo - Eli B Se1,2/Sun1,2 023/006

Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACFN 232 3 4 Eya - Isr A M7,8/Th3,4 064/029

Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACFN 232 3 4 Jam - Mih.Mes B M7,8/Th3,4 064/029

Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACFN 232 3 4 Mih.Sin - Sel.Dem A Se5,6 / Sun3,4 062 / 078

Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACFN 232 3 4 Sel.Des - Z B Se3,4 / Sun5,6 079 / 062

Special 34 General Psychology Psyc 201 3 3 A - Bet.Sel A Se1,2/Sun2 028/013

General Psychology Psyc 201 3 3 Bet.Mek - Fev B Se1,2/Sun2 028/013

General Psychology Psyc 201 3 3 Fit - Kob A M3/W1,2 027/065

General Psychology Psyc 201 3 3 Leu - Nao.Leg B M3/W1,2 027/065

General Psychology Psyc 201 3 3 Nao.Ber - Sek A T7,8/Se2 019/004

General Psychology Psyc 201 3 3 Sel - Z B T7,8/Se2 019/004

Special 35 Applied Mathematics II MATH 232 4 6 A-Z A Se3,4,5/Sun2,3,4 022/014

Special 37 Financial Management ACFN 341 3 3 A - Fir A Se3,4/Sun3 023/008

Financial Management ACFN 341 3 3 Fit - Mes B Se3,4/Sun3 023/008

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Financial Management ACFN 341 3 3 Met - Z A Sun5,6,7 078

Special 38 Financial Market and Institution ACFN 412 3 3 A - Fay A Se1,2/Se4 024

Financial Market and Institution ACFN 412 3 3 Fer - Mar B Se1,2/Se4 024

Financial Market and Institution ACFN 412 3 3 Mea - Neb A T / Se5 063/ 064

Financial Market and Institution ACFN 412 3 3 Red - Z D T / Se5 063/ 064
Working Capital Management and Financial
Special 39 Analysis ACFN 342 3 3 A - Mar A Sun1,2,3 011
Working Capital Management and Financial
Analysis ACFN 342 3 3 Mek - Z B Sun1,2,3 011
Working Capital Management and Financial
Special 40 Analysis ACFN 342 3 3 A-Z A Se3,4/Sun3 026/007

Special 41 Fundamentals of Accounting I ACFN 201 3 4 A - Dan A Se1,2/Sun1,2 022/012

Fundamentals of Accounting I ACFN 201 3 4 Daw - Met B Se1,2/Sun1,2 022/012

Fundamentals of Accounting I ACFN 201 3 4 Mic - Z A Se5,6 / Sun3,4 063 / 072

Special 42 Sales Management Mrkt 331 3 3 A - Eli A Se4,5/Sun1 021/013

Sales Management Mrkt 331 3 3 Eln - Kal.Ass B Se4,5/Sun1 021/013

Sales Management Mrkt 331 3 3 Kal.Giz - Rob A Sun2,3,4 025

Sales Management Mrkt 331 3 3 Rou - Z D Sun2,3,4 025

Special 43 Principles of Marketing II Mrkt 212 3 3 A - Elr A Se3,4/Sun1 020/008

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Principles of Marketing II Mrkt 212 3 3 Ema - Kal B Se3,4/Sun1 020/008

Principles of Marketing II Mrkt 212 3 3 Kid - Nat.Shi A Se5/Sun2,3 002/024

Principles of Marketing II Mrkt 212 3 3 Nat.Tes - Z B Se5/Sun2,3 002/024

Special 44 Purchasing Management Mrkt 332 3 3 A - Han A Se1,2/Sun2 026/008

Purchasing Management Mrkt 332 3 3 Hel - Sam.Mul B Se1,2/Sun2 026/008

Purchasing Management Mrkt 332 3 3 Sam.Aya - Z A Se5 / Sun7,8 010 / 013

Special 45 Marketing Ethics and Leadership Mrkt 441 3 3 A - Mer.Gir A Se3,4/Sun3 027/006

Marketing Ethics and Leadership Mrkt 441 3 3 Mer.Ahm - Z B Se3,4/Sun3 027/006

Special 46 Maths for Management Mgmt 221 3 3 A - Bet.Seb A Se1,2/Sun4 030/003

Maths for Management Mgmt 221 3 3 Bet.Ale - Lid B Se1,2/Sun4 030/003

Maths for Management Mgmt 221 3 3 Mah - Neb A Se3,4,5 106

Maths for Management Mgmt 221 3 3 Neb - Z B Se3,4,5 106

Special 47 Introduction to Management Mgmt 212 3 3 A - Din A Se2,3/Sun3 025/012

Introduction to Management Mgmt 212 3 3 Ema - Mer B Se2,3/Sun3 025/012

Introduction to Management Mgmt 212 3 3 Met - Z A Se6 / Sun5,6 003 / 012

Special 48 Physical Distribution Management Mrkt 334 3 3 A - Kok A Th1,2,3 065

Section Course Title Course No CrHr CoHr Alphabet Group Period Room

Physical Distribution Management Mrkt 334 3 3 Lid - Z B Th1,2,3 065

Special 49 Micro Economics Econ 221 3 3 A-Z A Se3,4/Sun2 029/015

Special 50 Calculus II Math 162 4 5 A-Z A Se3,4/Sun2,3,4 030/018

SS1R1N1/11 Ethnography of Africa SOSA 324 3 3 A-Z A M1,2 / W2 079 / 063

Gender ,Culture and Society SOSA 364 3 3 A-Z A M4/Th3,4 079 / 064

Social Development SOSA 334 3 3 A-Z A W7/Th5,6 062 / 065

Social Psychology Psyc 341 3 3 A-Z A W1/Th7,8 063 / 062

Sociological Theories II: Contemporary
Perspectives SOSA 314 3 3 A-Z A M7,8/W8 079/062

Sociology of Work ,Industry and Organization SOSA 344 3 3 A-Z A M3/W3,4 079 / 064

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