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COMM 444 Media Effects

Movie Review
100 Points Possible

Your Score Possible

Introduction & Plot Summary: (basic information about the movie [5]; central
concept of the review [5]; brief plot summary [5])

-Great job introducing the film and its emphasis on graphic violence
-Plot summary is specific, but concise 15 15

Description & Analysis: (detailed description of your experience watching the movie
[10]; specific application of media effects research to thematic content[50])

-Good job describing your own viewing experience

-Good connections to uses & grats., desensitization, and priming: developing the possible 58 60
impacts even more specifically for desensitization and priming would make this section even

Conclusion/Evaluation: (summary of general thoughts/impressions based on media

effects [5]; why the movie is or is not worth seeing [10])

-Evaluation based on media effects could have been more in depth

-Good concluding thoughts and clear recommendation 13 15

Writing style (correct use of quotes, grammar, spelling, and pronouns; language choices;
arguments presented; clarity and specificity; sentences/paragraph development)

-Great writing style, argument is engaging and clear

10 10

Additional comments:

I enjoyed reading your movie review, Courtney!

Total Points 96 100

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