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COMM 444 Media Effects

Literature Review
150 Points Possible
S = subject matter knowledge, G = genre knowledge, R = rhetorical knowledge, W = writing process knowledge Your Possible
Score Pts
Abstract & introduction (abstract summarizes entire paper well [5]; introduction discusses
topic overall, intersection with comm and media effects, and significance of topic, with appropriate
length and source citations [10])—S, G, R

Excellent abstract and introduction! 15


Body structure & synthesis (has clear structure with appropriate headings, sub-headings, and
transitions [10]; body is appropriate length [5], provides clear conceptualization [10], focuses on
relevant research details/results [10], integrates studies around common themes and relevant differences
[20], and is written as lit. review not a book review [15])—S, G, R

Strong structure and synthesis for this paper! In a few places, you included details that do not 68 70
seem relevant (sample size) but could add some details that would help to explain the
results/make them more meaningful.

Summary & implications (summarizes main areas of lit. review with appropriate source
citations [10]; identifies and discusses relevant implications of this media effects topic [20])—S, G, R

WOW! Impressive.
30 30

Writing style (correct use of quotes, grammar, spelling, and pronouns; language choices;
arguments presented; clarity and specificity; sentences/paragraph development)—G, R, W

Overall, a very well written paper! 19 20

Citations & Format (follows APA guidelines—title page, font, running head, page numbers,
margins, spacing, headings, etc.; 10+ scholarly sources; correct in-text citations and references)—G, R

Excellent! Thank you for your careful attention to detail! 15 15

+5 bonus points for turning it in BEFORE spring break!!!

Total Points 152 150

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