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Romel David Carrera Tapia


Módulo 4: Diseño del trabajo de titulación
Tercera actividad:
Búsqueda de un ámbito de estudio de su interés, considerando al menos la consulta
de 15 fuentes bibliográficas.


N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N001 Scopus Augmented reality Philipp A. Internation 11 2 2016 Augmented reality;

Academic smart glasses: An Rauschnab; al Journal smart glasses;
OneFile investigation of of wearables;
cnpLINKer technology Young K. Technology technology
Colección acceptance drivers Ro Marketing adoption;
de technology
negocios diffusion; TAM

Resumen: Microsoft Hololens and Google Glass (Project Aura) are two examples of a new stream of wearable
technology devices called Augmented Reality Smart Glasses that might substantially influence media usage in the near
future. In this study, the authors draw upon prior technology acceptance research and propose an exploratory model of
antecedents to smart glasses adoption. An empirical study reveals the importance of various drivers such as functional
benefits, ease of use, individual difference variables, brand attitudes, and social norms. Although smart glasses are
worn in a similar manner to fashion accessories and capture various personal information, self-presentation benefits
and potential privacy concerns seem less likely to influence smart glasses adoption. The findings provide pre-market
knowledge about smart glasses that can help scholars and managers understand this new technology.

Idea Central: Modelo exploratorio de antecedentes para la adopción de anteojos inteligentes

Referencia: Rauschnabel, P. A., & Ro, Y. K. (2016). Augmented reality smart glasses: An investigation of technology
acceptance drivers. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 11(2), 123-148.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Tecnologia Analisis Aplicación USA The 111
portátil; University of
Realidad Michigan-
aumentada Dearborn
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N002 Scopus Augmented reality to Jorge Computers 51 NA 2015 Augmented reality

Science promote collaborative Martín- in Human Engineering
Direct and autonomous Gutiérrez, Behavior education
Mendel learning in higher Peña Collaborative
ey education Fabiani, learning
Evolucio Wanda Interactive
nar Benesova, learning
Knovel María environments
Reaxys Dolores
ClinicalK Meneses,
ey Carlos E.

Resumen: The learning scenarios described in this work reach further than any previous approach. The connections
between augmented reality (AR) and traditional learning based on textbooks through the well-known augmented
books also known as ‘‘magic books,’’ are already there. However, they are restricted to just a few isolated uses that
commonly take place on a PC showing 3D information with few actions in higher education. In a collaborative and
autonomous way, this work combines every learning process from the electrical machines course in the electrical
engineering degree. It allows interactive and autonomous studying as well as collaborative performance of laboratory
practices with other students and without a teacher’s assistance. Tools presented in this work achieve a connection
between the theoretical explanations and the laboratory practices using augmented reality as a nexus. Students feel
comfortable about it and consider that tools are nice, easy, and useful, according to the goal of learning contents,
training on performance, and design of installations and machines.

Idea Central: Conexión entre las explicaciones teóricas y las prácticas de laboratorio utilizando la realidad aumentada
como nexo

Referencia: Martín-Gutiérrez, J., Fabiani, P., Benesova, W., Meneses, M. D., & Mora, C. E. (2015). Augmented reality to
promote collaborative and autonomous learning in higher education. Computers in human behavior, 51, 752-761.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Análisis Aplicativo Aplicación España University of 186
Educación La Laguna,
Resultados Faculty of
University of
Technology in
Faculty of
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N003 EBSCO Augmented reality in Kangdon TechTrends 56 2 2012 Augment Reality,

OmniFil education and training Lee Virtual Reality,
e Training,
EBSCO Educational
STM Technology

Resumen: There are many different ways for people to be educated and trained with regard to specific information and
skills they need. These methods include classroom lectures with textbooks, computers, handheld devices, and other
electronic appliances. The choice of learning innovation is dependent on an individual’s access to various technologies
and the infrastructure environment of a person’s surrounding. In a rapidly changing society where there is a great deal
of available information and knowledge, adopting and applying information at the right time and right place is needed
to main efficiency in both school and business settings. Augmented Reality (AR) is one technology that dramatically
shifts the location and timing of education and training. This literature review research describes Augmented Reality
(AR), how it applies to education and training, and the potential impact on the future of education

Idea Central: Innovación de aprendizaje aplicada a la educación y la capacitación, y el impacto potencial en el futuro de
la educación.

Referencia: Lee, K. (2012). Augmented reality in education and training. TechTrends, 56(2), 13-21.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Capacitacion Reflexión Aplicación USA University of 512
en tecnología Northern
potencial en
el estudio

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

Romel David Carrera Tapia

N004 EBSCO Fault diagnosis for Min Xia ; IEEE/ASME 23 1 2017 Fault diagnosis
SCOPUS rotating machinery Teng Li ; Lin Transaction Machinery
Scimago using multiple sensors Xu ; Lizhi s on Feature extraction
and convolutional Liu ; Mechatroni Sensor fusion
neural networks Clarence cs Convolution
W. de Silva Vibrations

Resumen: This paper presents a convolutional neural network (CNN) based approach for fault diagnosis of rotating
machinery. The proposed approach incorporates sensor fusion by taking advantage of the CNN structure to achieve
higher and more robust diagnosis accuracy. Both temporal and spatial information of the raw data from multiple
sensors is considered during the training process of the CNN. Representative features can be extracted automatically
from the raw signals. It avoids manual feature extraction or selection, which relies heavily on prior knowledge of
specific machinery and fault types. The effectiveness of the developed method is evaluated by using datasets from two
types of typical rotating machinery, roller bearings, and gearboxes. Compared with traditional approaches using
manual feature extraction, the results show the superior diagnosis performance of the proposed method. The present
approach can be extended to fault diagnosis of other machinery with various types of sensors due to its end to end
feature learning capability.

Idea Central: Diagnóstico de fallas de maquinaria rotativa con una precisión de diagnóstico más alta y más robusta

Referencia: Xia, M., Li, T., Xu, L., Liu, L., & De Silva, C. W. (2017). Fault diagnosis for rotating machinery using multiple
sensors and convolutional neural networks. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 23(1), 101-110.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Diagnóstico Aplicativo Experimental CANADÁ the Senior 65
de Canada
maquinaria. Research
Chair, and the
Selección Natural
automatizada Sciences and
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N005 DOAJ Realidad aumentada y Carlos Revista de 1 46 2015 Realidad

Iresie educación: análisis de Prendes Medios y Aumentada,
Redalyc experiencias prácticas Espinosa. Educación Educación,
ISOC Informe.

Resumen: La realidad aumentada es una prometedora tecnología, ya presente en muchas aulas, que puede ayudar a
mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una recopilación de proyectos
llevados a cabo en centros educativos en los últimos años que sirva como perspectiva general del estado del arte de la
aplicación de la tecnología de realidad aumentada en el ámbito de la educación en España. Esta recopilación se ha
obtenido a través de una investigación documental en revistas especializadas, bases de datos, catálogos on-line y
referencias de Internet.

Idea Central: Análisis de resultados del uso de la realidad aumentada en educación

Referencia: Prendes Espinosa, C. (2015). Realidad aumentada y educación: análisis de experiencias prácticas. Píxel-
Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 46, 187-203.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Análisis Análisis Aplicación España Consejería de 179
Educación educación de
Resultados la Región de
Murcia. IES
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N006 SciELO Uso de la Realidad Julio Formación 11 1 2018 Educación

Scimago Aumentada como Cabero- universitari tecnológica;
Recurso Didáctico en Almenara a realidad
la Enseñanza aumentada;
Universitaria Esteban recursos
Vázquez- didácticos;
Cano innovación
Eloy López- educación superior

Resumen: La presente investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación español (I+D+I) Realidad
aumentada para aumentar la formación. Diseño, producción y evaluación de programas de realidad aumentada para la
formación universitaria" (EDU-5746-P-Proyecto RAFODIUN). Se analiza una experiencia de innovación universitaria con
Realidad Aumentada con 117 estudiantes que cursan asignaturas de Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación en
la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España). Se ha aplicado una metodología de investigación cualitativa
mediante el diseño de un cuestionario abierto que permite analizar con mayor profundidad la funcionalidad,
limitaciones y posibilidades formativas de la realidad aumentada por estudiantes que han empleado la misma en sus
procesos formativos. El análisis se ha realizado con ayuda del programa Atlas-Ti y los resultados muestran que la
realidad aumentada es una tecnología emergente con amplias posibilidades formativas. Sin embargo, se precisa de una
formación e inversión económica para garantizar su éxito en las aulas.

Idea Central: Investigación, formación, evaluación de programas de realidad aumentada para formación universitaria

Referencia: Cabero-Almenara, J., Vázquez-Cano, E., & López-Meneses, E. (2018). Uso de la realidad aumentada como
recurso didáctico en la enseñanza universitaria. Formación universitaria, 11(1), 25-34.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Metodología Reflexión Aplicación España Universidad 15
de de Sevilla,
investigación Facultad de
cualitativa; Ciencias de la
Funcionalidad Educación;
; Universidad
Posibilidades Nacional de
formativas Educación a
Facultad de
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N00 AGRICOLA Cutting the cord: Rosina M. Analytical 410 11 2018 Instrumentation
7 BIOSIS virtual machines for Georgiadis; and software
Biological real instrumental Kristina Bioanalytic Virtual machines
Abstracts analysis not just at Streu; al Simulation
CAB the instrument Norman C. Chemistry Training
Abstracts Lee

Resúmen: This article describes how we virtualized instrumentation software in an advanced undergraduate chemistry
laboratory course in fall 2016 as part of a pilot program at Boston University (BU).
For the first time, cloud-based software was integrated into the curriculum. This integration transformed the classroom
and the laboratory experience and empowered students by allowing real learning about instrumental methods and
data analysis to happen away from the instrument itself (i.e., “cutting the cord” between student analyst and
instrument; This also eliminated a long-standing obstacle to teaching and learning in instrumental lab courses: the
asynchronous round-robin scheduling of equipment. It also created new self- and peer-learning opportunities.

Idea Central: Software basado en la nube se integró en el plan de estudios.

Referencia: Georgiadis, R. M., Streu, K., & Lee, N. C. (2018). Cutting the cord: virtual machines for real instrumental
analysis not just at the instrument. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 410(11), 2657-2662.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Software de Aplicativo Experimental USA Department 11
instrumentació of Chemistry
n Boston
Máquinas University
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N00 Scopus Just in time? Using Joseph Nurse 19 1 2016 Smartphones

8 EMCARE QR codes for multi- Tawanda education Just-in-Time
PubMed / professional learning Jamu; in practice learning
Medline in clinical practice Hannah QR codes
PubMed / LowiJonnes Clinical practice
Medline ;

Resúmen: Clinical guidelines and policies are widely available on the hospital intranet or from the internet, but can be
difficult to access at the required time and place. Clinical staff with smartphones could use Quick Response (QR) codes
for contemporaneous access to relevant information to support the Just in Time Learning (JIT-L) paradigm. There are
several studies that advocate the use of smartphones to enhance learning amongst medical students and junior doctors
in UK. However, these participants are already technologically orientated. There are limited studies that explore the
use of smartphones in nursing practice. QR Codes were generated for each topic and positioned at relevant locations
on a medical ward. Support and training were provided for staff. Website analytics and semi-structured interviews
were performed to evaluate the efficacy, acceptability and feasibility of using QR codes to facilitate Just in Time
learning. Use was intermittently high but not sustained. Thematic analysis of interviews revealed a positive assessment
of the Just in Time learning paradigm and context-sensitive clinical information. However, there were notable barriers
to acceptance, including usability of QR codes and appropriateness of smartphone use in a clinical environment. The
use of Just in Time learning for education and reference may be beneficial to healthcare professionals. However,
alternative methods of access for less technologically literate users and a change in culture of mobile device use in
clinical areas may be needed.

Idea Central: El personal con teléfonos inteligentes podría usar códigos de Respuesta Rápida (QR) para acceso
contemporáneo a información.

Referencia: Jamu, J. T., Lowi-Jones, H., & Mitchell, C. (2016). Just in time? Using QR codes for multi-professional
learning in clinical practice. Nurse education in practice, 19, 107-112.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Software de Aplicativo Experimental United University of 21
instrumentació Kingdom the West of
n England, UK
virtuales Imperial
Simulación College
Formación Healthcare
NHS Trust,
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N00 Academic A Learning Yuksel Educational 15 2 2015 QR Codes • U-

9 Search Environment for Arikan, Sciences: Learning •
Premier(EB English Vocabulary Sevil Orhan Theory & Ubiquitous
SCO) Using Quick Özen Practice learning • Learning
The Response Codes. English • Learning
Education vocabulary
n Center

Resúmen: This study focuses on the process of developing a learning environment that uses tablets and Quick
Response (QR) codes to enhance participants’ English language vocabulary knowledge. The author employed the
concurrent triangulation strategy, a mixed research design. The study was conducted at a private school in Izmir,
Turkey during the 2012-2013 academic year. The study sample was determined using the criterion sampling method.
The criterion for selection was participants’ possession of a mobile device. There were a total of 22 participants
including one English teacher in the study, of which 12 were female and 10 male. The students’ knowledge of English
vocabulary was pretested using the Vocabulary Check List (VCL). During eight classes, participants completed English
vocabulary activities using QR codes and tablet PCs. This learning environment integrated digital learning materials and
real learning objects using QR codes. After the activities, students’ knowledge of English vocabulary was again tested
using the VCL, and the participants’ opinions about the learning environment were solicited using semi-structured
interviews. The research’s qualitative data were analyzed using a descriptive analysis. The quantitative data were
analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and web analysis programs. The study found that the participants’ overall
rate of completing learning activities was low. The results of the VCL post-test indicated that participants’ English
language vocabulary knowledge had increases significantly. Participants’ opinions regarding the learning environment
were analyzed, and it was determined that although they had faced a few problems with the equipment, they
experienced a general feeling of curiosity and excitement while using the environment. They found the environment
entertaining and reinforcing, stating that learning environments of this kind should be used in other courses, too. The
participant teacher stated that although the environment was effective there were a number of time management
issues and caused difficulties in classroom management.

Idea Central: Proceso de desarrollo de un entorno de aprendizaje que utiliza tabletas y respuesta rápida.

Referencia: Arikan, Y. D., & Ozen, S. O. (2015). A Learning Environment for English Vocabulary Using Quick Response
Codes. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 15(2), 539-551.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Códigos QR Aplicativo Aplicación Turkia 19
Aprendizaje Reflexión Usak
Romel David Carrera Tapia

de University
Datos Ege
cuantitativos University
Entorno de

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N01 ABI Inform Digital Literacy Chan, Journal of 13 1 2017 Digital Literacy;
0 Directory Learning in Higher Banny S. K.; Internation Digital Storytelling;
of Research Education through Churchill, al Engage; Motivate
Journals Digital Storytelling Daniel; Education
Indexing Approach. Chiu, Research
Education Thomas K.
Resources F
n Center

Resúmen: It is necessary to develop digital literacy skills with which students can communicate and express their ideas
effectively using digital media. The educational sectors around the world are beginning to incorporate digital literacy
into the curriculum. Digital storytelling, one of the possible classroom activities, is an approach which may help engage
and motivate students to learn digital literacy skills. To investigate this approach, the present small-scale study employs
the methods including interviewing and analysing the artefacts of three students selected from a purposive sample on
a multimedia course. The findings indicate that the three students have improved in terms of three aspects of digital
literacy skills, namely, digital competence, digital usage and digital transformation regardless of their prior knowledge
and levels of digital literacy.

Idea Central: Uso de medios digitales en el plan de estudio de la educación superior

Referencia: Chan, B. S., Churchill, D., & Chiu, T. K. (2017). Digital Literacy Learning in Higher Education through Digital
Storytelling Approach. Journal of International Education Research, 13(1), 1-16.
Romel David Carrera Tapia

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Investigación Aplicativo Experimental China The 26
Alfabetización University of
digital Hong Kong
uso digital

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N01 Pubmed y Robust and fast Zhibo Yang IEEE 27 12 2018 Image color
1 Medline decoding of high- ; Huanle Xu Transaction analysis
capacity color QR ; Jianyuan s on Image Distortion
codes for mobile Deng ; Processing Decoding
applications Chen Lighting
Change Loy Robustness
; Wing Interference
Cheong Lau Two dimensional

Resúmen: The use of color in QR codes brings extra data capacity, but also inflicts tremendous challenges on the
decoding process due to chromatic distortion-cross-channel color interference and illumination variation. Particularly,
we further discover a new type of chromatic distortion in high-density color QR codes-cross-module color interference-
caused by the high density, which also makes the geometric distortion correction more challenging. To address these
problems, we propose two approaches, LSVM-CMI and QDA-CMI, which jointly model these different types of
chromatic distortion. Extended from SVM and QDA, respectively, both LSVM-CMI and QDA-CMI optimize over a
particular objective function and learn a color classifier. Furthermore, a robust geometric transformation method and
several pipeline refinements are proposed to boost the decoding performance for mobile applications. We put forth
and implement a framework for high-capacity color QR codes equipped with our methods, called HiQ. To evaluate the
performance of HiQ, we collect a challenging large-scale color QR code data set, CUHK-CQRC, which consists of 5390
high-density color QR code samples. The comparison with the baseline method on CUHK-CQRC shows that HiQ at least
outperforms by 188% in decoding success rate and 60% in bit error rate. Our implementation of HiQ in iOS and Android
also demonstrates the effectiveness of our framework in real-world applications.

Idea Central: Proceso de decodificación de códigos QR a color.

Referencia: Yang, Z., Xu, H., Deng, J., Loy, C. C., & Lau, W. C. (2018). Robust and fast decoding of high-capacity color QR
codes for mobile applications. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27(12), 6093-6108.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

Romel David Carrera Tapia

abordadas plataformas estudiado

Decodificación Aplicativo Experimental NY, USA The 1
Color alta University of
densidad Hong Kong

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N01 Science Distance Learning Michael Education 8 1 2018 Distance learning;

2 Citation and Assistance Using Spitzer; Sciences smart glasses;
Index Smart Glasses Ibrahim WebRTC;
Expanded Nanic; maintenance
(SCIE) y Martin
Scopus Ebner

Resúmen: With the everyday growth of technology, new possibilities arise to support activities of everyday life. In
education and training, more and more digital learning materials are emerging, but there is still room for improvement.
This research study describes the implementation of a smart glasses app and infrastructure to support distance learning
with WebRTC. The instructor is connected to the learner by a video streaming session and gets the live video stream
from the learner’s smart glasses from the learner’s point of view. Additionally, the instructor can draw on the video to
add context-aware information. The drawings are immediately sent to the learner to support him to solve a task. The
prototype has been qualitatively evaluated by a test user who performed a fine-motor-skills task and a maintenance
task under assistance of the remote instructor

Idea Central: Materiales de aprendizaje digital para realizar una tarea de mantenimiento con instructor remoto.

Referencia: Spitzer, M., Nanic, I., & Ebner, M. (2018). Distance Learning and Assistance Using Smart Glasses. Education
Sciences, 8(1), 21.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Aprendizaje Aplicativo Experimental Suiza Virtual Vehicle 1
digital Research Center
remoto Department
Transmisión Educational
de video Technology, Graz
Agregar University of
información Technology,
en tiempo Münzgrabenstraße
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N01 PubMed, Fatigue in Christian ROYAL 365 1851 2016 Monitoring

3 Web of aerostructures— Boller and SOCIETY Structures
Science and where structural Matthias PUBLISHIN Sensors
Scopus health monitoring Buderath G Aircraft
can contribute to a fatigue
complex subject

Resúmen: An overview of the aircraft design and maintenance process is given with specific emphasis on the fatigue
design as well as the phenomenon of the ageing aircraft observed over the life cycle. The different measures taken to
guarantee structural integrity along the maintenance process are addressed. The impact of structural health monitoring
as a means of possibly revolutionizing the current aircraft structural monitoring and design process is emphasized and
comparison is made to jet engines and helicopters, where health monitoring has already found the respective

Idea Central: Énfasis específico en el diseño de fatiga, así como en el fenómeno de la aeronave envejecida

Referencia: Structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure Structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure
Phil Trans R Soc A Society, May 2016

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Fatiga de Aplicativo Aplicación United Department of 10
estructuras kingdom Mechanical
Inspección Engineering,
Mantenimient University of
o SheffieldMappin
EADS Military
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N01 Inspec, Ei Augmented reality Anna IEEE 5 1 2017 Augmented reality

4 Compende smart glasses in the Syberfeldt ACCESS Glass
x, Scopus, smart factory: ; Oscar Production
EBSCOhost Product evaluation Danielsson facilities
y Google guidelines and ; Patrik Guidelines
Scholar review of available Gustavsson Companies
products Optics

Resúmen: Augmented reality smart glasses (ARSG) are increasingly popular and have been identified as a vital
technology supporting shop-floor operators in the smart factories of the future. By improving our knowledge of how to
efficiently evaluate and select the ARSG for the shop-floor context, this paper aims to facilitate and accelerate the
adoption of the ARSG by the manufacturing industry. The market for ARSG has exploded in recent years, and the large
variety of products to select from makes it not only difficult but also time consuming to identify the best alternative. To
address this problem, this paper presents an efficient step-by-step process for evaluating the ARSG, including concrete
guidelines as to what parameters to consider and their recommended minimum values. Using the suggested evaluation
process, manufacturing companies can quickly make optimal decisions about what products to implement on their
shop floors. This paper demonstrates the evaluation process in practice, presenting a comprehensive review of
currently available products along with a recommended best buy. This paper also identifies and discusses topics
meriting research attention to ensure that the ARSG are successfully implemented on the industrial shop floor.

Idea Central: Facilitar y acelerar la adopción del ARSG por la industria manufacturera

Referencia: Syberfeldt, A., Danielsson, O., & Gustavsson, P. (2017). Augmented reality smart glasses in the smart
factory: Product evaluation guidelines and review of available products. IEEE Access, 5, 9118-9130.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
Aplicativo Aplicación Australia Department 40
Gafas de Reflexión of
realidad Engineering
aumentada Science,
University of
Evaluar ARSG Skövde,
Productos Sweden
Romel David Carrera Tapia

N. Base Titulo Autor(es) Revista Vol Numero Año Palabras clave

N01 SCCI-JCR Posibilidades de Javier Educación 20 2 2017 Aprendizaje

5 SCOPUS utilización de la Fombona XX1 autónomo;
FECYT Geolocalización y Cadavieco geolocalización;
CIRC: A Realidad Aumentada Esteban realidad
ANEP: A+ en el ámbito Vázquez- aumentada; TIC
ERIH PLUS educativo Cano aplicadas a la
MIAR: 10,8 educación.

Resúmen: La reciente implantación de las tecnologías portátiles digitales en la sociedad, y especialmente entre los
jóvenes, supone un desafío para los docentes, y podría ser una oportunidad para obtener un mayor aprovechamiento
académico. Este artículo presenta una investigación sobre el uso educativo de aplicaciones de Geolocalización y
Realidad Aumentada con dispositivos digitales móviles en niveles de Enseñanza Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación
Profesional. Se trata de una investigación para averiguar si es posible emplear estos recursos en los dispositivos móviles
del alumnado para obtener un beneficio y mejora educativa. El trabajo se inicia con una revisión de estos desarrollos
tecnológicos desde una dimensión formativa. A continuación se realiza un macro estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo
entre 1832 alumnos en el que analizamos el tipo de dispositivos que poseen; para posteriormente analizar la opinión
del profesorado sobre la funcionalidad y utilidad didáctica de estos desarrollos. Los resultados clarifican la tipología y
penetración de los dispositivos entre los tres niveles educativos analizados, y los datos apuntan la posibilidad de
implementar estas tecnologías ya que sus equipos disponen de sistemas operativos avanzados y hardware GPS
apropiado. Desde la perspectiva docente se pueden superar las reticencias a su uso con la incorporación inicial en
tareas fuera del centro y en actividades no presenciales. Junto a las características de deslocalización espacio/temporal
propias del m-learning, surgen rasgos innovadores en la metodología educativa derivados de estrategias que impulsan
las relaciones colaborativas, no competitivas. La Realidad Aumentada aparece como elemento con alto poder
motivador en las tareas, abre puertas a la exploración autónoma, no lineal, de mundos virtuales que incorporan
actualmente un elevado componente sorpresivo para el usuario. Por otro lado la Geolocalización tiene opciones en
tareas de exploración del entorno, en la geo-referenciación espacial, y en el seguimiento individualizado de la tarea no

Idea Central: Geolocalización y Realidad Aumentada con dispositivos digitales móviles

Referencia: Cadavieco, J. F., & Vázquez-Cano, E. (2017). Posibilidades de utilización de la Geolocalización y Realidad
Aumentada en el ámbito educativo. Educación XX1, 20(2), 319-342.

Temáticas Tipo Experiencias Contexto Filiación Citas

abordadas plataformas estudiado
tecnologías Aplicativo Aplicación España Universidad 27
portátiles Reflexión de Oviedo
n realidad Universidad
aumentada Nacional de
GPS Educación a
utilidad Distancia
Romel David Carrera Tapia

didáctica (UNED)
Se ha realizado un proceso de búsqueda y selección de información acorde a la
temática de dispositivos de realidad aumentada y entornos virtuales que se acceden
mediante códigos QR, para ser aplicados en Educación superior como metodología
de enseñanza – aprendizaje en proceso de inspecciones, verificación de
funcionamiento, visualización de componentes y nombres, tipo de mantenimiento
a recibir, entre otras, sobre motores de automóvil, constitución de motores a
reacción de aeronaves, composición de mecanismos de maquinaria pesada, así
como también analizar la posibilidad de aplicar mencionada tecnología como
entornos digitales para el entrenamiento de personal civil o militar en procesos de
reconocimiento de condiciones geográficas tanto a nivel nacional como


Figura 1. Buscador científico Google Scholar

Romel David Carrera Tapia

Figura 2. Gurú Investigador Eric Topol.

Figura 3. Gurú investigador Lionel Tarassenko.

Romel David Carrera Tapia

Figura 4. Plataforma de revistas científicas The Royal Society .

Romel David Carrera Tapia

Figura 5. Buscador de revistas JCR en WOK.

Figura 6. Página web de Conferencia.

Romel David Carrera Tapia

Figura 7. Congreso sobre realidad virtual y aumentada, VAIRTECH.

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