N.B Nite Kale I Sure Ku Meaning Ya Compare Na Contrast

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Lungelo Dlamin MiExercise 1 ICT .

JUNE 2020

1. Compare and contrast between digital and paper-based

communication giving examples [5]

N.B nite kale I sure Ku meaning ya

Compare na contrast
-Both are used as medium of advertisement or communication
-Both uses computerised software applications to be produced or published e.g Microsoft publisher and
-Both requires devices for processing and production
- Digital communication involves creating documents and files and then displaying them via a computer e.g
Multimedia presentation and Catoons yet a paper based communication involves producing hard copies of
documents e.g Newsletters
-Digital communications requires a computer and screen to present features or data in the in the document while
paperbase a device and a printer

2. Give three reasons other than hyperlinks, sound and videos why
the head teacher thinks it is a good idea to replace the paper
version of a school magazine to a website version.
-It's is easier to update a website where by there is no need to re print and distribute the new version
'Website version can't be defaced or thrown away

-Website version advance by having hit counters which could promote a business or the website

3. The head teacher wants to replace the current printed school

magazine with on slide show available on a number of machines
in a computer room at parents’ evenings. Name three features
available in a multimedia presentation not available in a hard copy
Lungelo Dlamin MiExercise 1 ICT . JUNE 2020

magazine. For each, state how it could be used in the schools

multimedia presentation. [3]
-Animations - grabs audience or customer attention and make it easier to follow and understand

-Hyperlinks- help to access the website for more information

-Transitions effects- Advances the websites by displaying facts in a key helping audience to follow up

4. Many teachers are using websites to support their lessons but

also use word-processed worksheets. Describe three features
that can be found on a website but are not present in a worksheet .
-Website hyperlinks- Enable the user to access other pages that could provide more clarity towards that

-Sounds- Audio in a website are possible to give more specification content

'Video - Videos effect that are very useful in bring attention to one accessing the website

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