12) What Is Semaphore? 13) What Is Aging in Operating System?

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1) What do you mean by a process?

2) What are the different states of a process?

3) What is the difference between process and program?

4) What is a thread?

5) What is FCFS?

6)Types of schedulers

7)types of device queues

8)What is PCB?

9)Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling.

10)What is deadlock

11)What is Banker’s algorithm

12) What is semaphore?

13) What is aging in Operating System?

14)Resource allocation graph

15)Scheduling criteria

The criteria include the following: Write definations.

CPU utilisation –  
Throughput – 
Turnaround time – 
Waiting time – 
Response time – 

16)Petersons solution
17)Discuss bounded waiting,mutual exclusion and progress in interprocess synchronization.

18)What do you mean by co-operating processes.

19)What is IPC.Differentiate between shared memory and message passing system

20)What is naming

21)What is copying?

22)What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous msg transfer.

23)Banker’s algorithm-Refer notes and word file i have given

Consider the set of 5 processes whose arrival time and burst time are given below-

Process Id Arrival time Burst time

P1 3 1

P2 1 4

P3 4 2

P4 0 6

P5 2 3

If the CPU scheduling policy is SJF non-preemptive, calculate the average waiting time and average turn around time.

Consider the set of 5 processes whose arrival time and burst time are given below-

Process Id Arrival time Burst time

P1 3 1

P2 1 4

P3 4 2

P4 0 6

P5 2 3
If the CPU scheduling policy is SJF preemptive, calculate the average waiting time and average turn around time.

Consider the set of 6 processes whose arrival time and burst time are given below-

Process Id Arrival time Burst time

P1 5 5

P2 4 6

P3 3 7

P4 1 9

P5 2 2

P6 6 3

If the CPU scheduling policy is Round Robin with time quantum = 3, calculate the average waiting time and average turn around time.

27)What is dispatcher?


Find the avg.waiting time and turn around time on basis of fcfs scheduling.

Find the avg waiting time and turn around time on basis of SRTN scheduling.

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