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Using Your PHP Function

Now that you have completed coding your PHP function, it's time to put it through a test run. Below is a
simple PHP script. Let's do two things: add the function code to it and use the function twice.

PHP Code:
echo "Welcome to <br />";
echo "Well, thanks for stopping by! <br />";
echo "and remember... <br />";

PHP Code with Function:

function myCompanyMotto(){
echo "We deliver quantity, not quality!<br />";
echo "Welcome to <br />";
echo "Well, thanks for stopping by! <br />";
echo "and remember... <br />";

Welcome to
We deliver quantity, not quality!
Well, thanks for stopping by!
and remember...
We deliver quantity, not quality!

Although this was a simple example, it's important to understand that there is a lot going on and there are
a lot of areas to make errors. When you are creating a function, follow these simple guidelines:

• Always start your function with the keyword function

• Remember that your function's code must be between the "{" and the "}"
• When you are using your function, be sure you spell the function name correctly
• Don't give up!

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