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Preparatory 1 – Vocabulary – Ways of Speaking

Ways of Speaking

If you ask someone something, you say something to them in the form of a question because
you want to know the answer.

When you reply to something that someone has said or written to you, you say or write an
answer to them.

Writers sometimes use exclaim to show that someone is speaking suddenly, loudly, or
emphatically, often because they are excited, shocked, or angry.

When you whisper, you say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your throat,
so that only one person can hear you.

If you shout, you say something very loudly, usually because you want people a long distance
away to hear you or because you are angry.

If someone whimpers, they make quiet unhappy or frightened sounds, as if they are about to
start crying.

If you explain something, you give details about it or describe it so that it can be understood.

If you brag, you say in a very proud way that you have something or have done something.

If you complain about a situation, you say that you are not satisfied with it.

If you moan, you make a low sound, usually because you are unhappy or in pain.

If you mumble, you speak very quietly and not at all clearly with the result that the words are
difficult to understand.

When you chuckle, you laugh quietly.

Preparatory 1 – Vocabulary – Ways of Speaking

Fill in the gaps with one of the words in red. 

1. The angry mother ___________ , “Get out of the month immediately!”

2. “Have you done your homework?” ___________ the teacher.

3. “I almost finished it,” ___________ Bob.

4.  “I hate this assignment,”__________ Jean under her breath, so her teacher would not
hear her.

5. “I have the nicest car in the school,” _____________ Charles.

6. “I heard a good joke today,” said Fred, then he _______________.

7. “I hate washing dishes, and I always have to wash them,” _________ Maria.

8. “I want to go too,” _________ the little boy softly when his mother left him with a

9. “I'm in such pain,” _______________  Jeff.

10. The teacher ___________ the lesson so well that all the students understood it.

11. “What a beautiful dress!” __________ Martha.

12. “Have you heard what happened to Monica?” Jennifer _________ in her friend’s ear.

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