Observation 4

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11/15/2020 Tk20 by Watermark | Field Experience Fall 2020 - Student Teaching Field Experience (1 CT)


Student Name :

Burns, Megan M

This form is used by the assessor to document observations and evidence of performance associated with criteria during a single classroom
observation. It is a snapshot of teaching, and several observations and discussions would be required for a complete evaluation.


- For the eld instructor's assessment of the teacher candidate's lessons during the student teaching semester
- To conduct educator preparation program analysis for continuous program improvement


Directions to the person observed:

Please provide the eld instructor with a lesson plan for your scheduled observation. After the observation and discussion with
the eld instructor, please provide your eld instructor with a re ection about the lesson. This form is used for discussion and
instruction and contributes to the nal evaluation.

Directions to the evaluator or observer:

Please carefully read the de nition of each rating. Then read each indicator and rate the observed as if they were a beginning
teacher. Use the comment sections for clari cation, elaboration, examples and feedback.


Exceeds Expectations: The observed shows outstanding performance for this component.
Meets Expectations: The observed shows consistent and/or e ective performance of the component.
Inconsistently Meets Expectations: The observed attempts to address the component. But the performance is not consistent
and/or is not fully successful all of the time.
Does Not Meet Expectations: The opportunity to address this component was present; however, the observed did not address
the component or was unsuccessful.
NA: Not Observable: The opportunity to address this component was not present due to lesson, classroom, or school context.

Person Observed:*

Megan Burns

Observer Name:*

11/15/2020 Tk20 by Watermark | Field Experience Fall 2020 - Student Teaching Field Experience (1 CT)

Dean J Havelka

Grade Level(s) or Program level (e.g. infant, toddler, preschool) for Observation Lesson


Subject(s) Taught for Observation Lesson:



Path nder Elementary

School District or Program Location:



Student Teaching (14 weeks)


Term of Observation:*

Fall (September - December)



Date Observation Completed:*


Numbers in parentheses represent CAEP and InTASC Standards.

Pre-Lesson: Planning & Preparation*

3 2 1 0
  Exceeds Meets Inconsistently Meets Does Not Meet Score/Comment

1. Prepared materials (InTASC 7) 3  2 1  0  2

(CAEP 1.1, 1.2, 1.5)

2. Created detailed lesson plan 3  2 1  0  2

that meets all Alma College lesson
plan requirements (for current
students) (InTASC 7) (CAEP 1.1,
1.2, 1.4, 1.5)

11/15/2020 Tk20 by Watermark | Field Experience Fall 2020 - Student Teaching Field Experience (1 CT)

3. Prepared to arrange appropri- 3  2 1  0  2

ate grouping/physical environ-
ment including special needs ac-
commodation(s) (InTASC 2,3,7)
(CAEP 1.1)

4. Had Student Teacher Notebook 3  2 1  0  2

available and up-to-date (as re-
quired) (CAEP 1.1)

        Rubric Score 8

        Rubric Mean 2


I observed Megan today teaching a writing lesson to her 4th graders. Megan provided me with a detailed lesson plan outlining the
goals, rationale and standards being covered.

Lesson: Implementation

Classroom Management*

3 2 1 0
  Exceeds Meets Inconsistently Meets Does Not Meet Score/Comment

5. Sets student and classroom ex- 3  2 1  0  2

pectations (InTASC 3, 7) (CAEP 1.1)

6. Notices and reacts appropriate- 3  2 1  0  2

ly when students are not engaged
(InTASC 1,3,6) (CAEP 1.1)

7. Establishes and follows routines 3  2 1  0  2

(InTASC 3) (CAEP 1.1)

8. Monitors student transitions 3  2 1  0  2

(InTASC 3) (CAEP 1.1)

        Rubric Score 8

        Rubric Mean 2

Positive Learning Environment*

  3 2 1 0 Score/Comment

11/15/2020 Tk20 by Watermark | Field Experience Fall 2020 - Student Teaching Field Experience (1 CT)

Exceeds Meets Inconsistently Meets Does Not Meet

9. Creates environment of mutual 3 2  1  0  3

respect (InTASC 3) (CAEP 1.1)

10. Re ects an approachable, con- 3 2  1  0  3

dent, and professional presence
(InTASC 3) (CAEP 1.1)

11. Fosters a safe but challenging 3  2 1  0  2

environment for intellectual risk-
taking (InTASC 3) (CAEP 1.1)

12. Uses understanding of di er- 3  2 1  0  2

ences and diverse cultures and
communities to ensure inclusive
learning environments (InTASC 2,
3) (CAEP 1.1)

13. Attends to miscellaneous stu- 3  2 1  0  2

dent needs (InTASC 1, 9) (CAEP

        Rubric Score 12

        Rubric Mean 2.4


3 2 1 Inconsistently 0 Does Not Score/Com-

  Exceeds Meets Meets Meet ment

14. Implements content and de- 3  2 1  0  2

velopmentally appropriate in-
structional strategies (InTASC 7,
8) (CAEP 1.1)

15. Successfully implements 3  2 1  0  2

grouping structures (InTASC 1,3)
(CAEP 1.1)

16. Adjusts lesson as needed (In- 3  2 1  0  2

TASC 7,8) (CAEP 1.1)

17. Integrates appropriate in- 3 2  1  0  3

structional materials, such as
technology, manipulatives, arti-

11/15/2020 Tk20 by Watermark | Field Experience Fall 2020 - Student Teaching Field Experience (1 CT)

facts, and lab equipment (In-

TASC 7,8) (CAEP 1.1, 1.5)

18. Fosters motivation toward 3  2 1  0  2

learning (InTASC 1) (CAEP 1.1)

19. Uses appropriate recogni- 3  2 1  0  2

tion and praise (InTASC 3) (CAEP

20. Paces lesson appropriately 3  2 1  0  2

(InTASC 5) (CAEP 1.1)

21. Sca olds and supports stu- 3  2 1  0  2

dent learning through use of
questions, prompts, cues, exam-
ples, representations, and con-
nections (InTASC 7, 8) (CAEP 1.1)

22. Engages students in tasks 3  2 1  0  2

that develop understanding of
concepts (InTASC 6, 8) (CAEP 1.1)

23. Provides productive intro- 3 2  1  0  3

duction, such as linking with stu-
dent prior knowledge, eliciting
student attention and interest,
and/or setting purposes for the
lesson (InTASC 7, 8) (CAEP 1.1)

24. Facilitates critical thinking, 3  2 1  0  2

creativity, and/or collaborative
problem solving (InTASC 5)
(CAEP 1.1)

25. Successfully di erentiates 3 2  1  0  3

instruction as appropriate (In-
TASC 2, 8) (CAEP 1.1)

26. Presents disciplinary content 3  2 1  0  2

accurately and clearly, focusing
on central concepts, processes
and language (InTASC 4) (CAEP

27. Brings closure to the lesson, 2

11/15/2020 Tk20 by Watermark | Field Experience Fall 2020 - Student Teaching Field Experience (1 CT)

such as summarizing and re- 3  2 1  0 

viewing of important points to
the lesson, relating the lesson to
future learning, activities and/or
real-world application (InTASC 5)
(CAEP 1.1)

28. Communicates clearly using 3  2 1  0  2

appropriate oral and written
language (InTASC 3, 4) (CAEP

29. Successfully conducts forma- 3  2 1  0  2

tive and/or summative assess-
ments that gather evidence of
learning aligned with objectives,
CCR/ state standards and in-
struction (InTASC 6) (CAEP 1.1)

30. Provides speci c, timely 3  2 1  0  2

and/or constructive feedback
(InTASC 6) (CAEP 1.1)

        Rubric Score 37

        Rubric Mean 2.176


Megan began her instruction using the white board to write a passage. She then asked the class to tell her what the various parts
of speech were and how they in uenced writing. Students readily responded to her. She did a nice job explaining the parts of
speech and providing clues to her class when they struggled.

Following the example, she worked through on the board she assigned the students an individual activity having them write
sentences. She gave students clear and concise instructions and outlined the expectations for the nished product. Megan used
her classroom management plan to engage students and get them working on the assigned activity. Her transition from the group
activity to the individual activity was smooth. Her classroom management plan is a system that rewards students for acceptable
behavior and engagement in the concepts being taught.

After she had the class working on the assigned task, she worked with her ELL students to get them started on their assignment.
She di erentiated the lesson to accommodate these students. They were asked to complete a free write because they are not at a
point yet to grasp all of the di erent parts of speech. When she had the ELL students on task Megan did a nice job moving
throughout the room assisting students with the assignment. This is a strength for her as it helps with classroom management and
provides her a means to assess student progress and engagement.

Megan asked 2 students to share their work with the class. I had di culty hearing the rst student, I believe Megan noticed this
and asked the second student to come to the front of the room to read their work. She also instructed them to read loudly. This

11/15/2020 Tk20 by Watermark | Field Experience Fall 2020 - Student Teaching Field Experience (1 CT)

was a good catch to ensure the entire class could hear the student. She also had one of her ELL students share their work with the
class. This was a nice way to include them in the overall class atmosphere.

Megan has an excellent relationship with her students, and they respond well to her. Her classroom is organized and operates in
an orderly manner.

I thought Megan’s pacing was good throughout the hour however, I would have liked to see her do more with her closing to tie the
lesson together for the students.

Post-Lesson: Re ection (9)*

3 2 1 0
  Exceeds Meets Inconsistently Meets Does Not Meet Score/Comment

31. Successfully uses evidence to 3  2 1  0  2

re ect on what students have
learned (or not), and why (or why
not) (InTASC 9) (CAEP 1.1, 1.2, 1.5)

32. Realistically evaluates planning 3  2 1  0  2

and preparation, procedural as-
pects of lesson, instruction and
assessment (InTASC 9) (CAEP 1.1,

33. Makes appropriate plans for 3  2 1  0  2

future improvement (InTASC 9)
(CAEP 1.1, 1.4, 1.5)

        Rubric Score 6

        Rubric Mean 2


Megan has consistentyl been able to accurately and honestly re ect on her teaching performance in our post observation
conferences. She readily accepts suggestions for improvement and has demonstrated the ability to implement them.


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