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Urinary Obstruction and Inflammatory Bowel Disease


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Urinary Obstruction and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Urinary Obstruction

Case Study 1

Does BPH Predispose This Patient to Cancer?

Based on medical journals, most male within the age of 60s develop Benign Prostrate

Hyperplasia (BPH). This is age related urologic aberration that is related to be by partial or

complete urethra blockage. This means that it is correct to say if a patient is exhibiting BPH he

or she is likely to get cancer. It is important to note that in such a case, there is a significant risk

that the patient can develop prostate cancer as a result of the hormones, possible inflammations,

and metabolic syndrome. It is likely that the identified symptoms will increase the chances of

BPH that causes cancers if they are thoroughly analyzed. It is important to note that the patients

that have BPH suffer disruption in the homeostasis between the proliferation of prostate cells and

the cell deaths (Jiwrajka et al., 2018). This is due to the dihydrotesterone and estrogen.

Why Are Patients with BPH at Increased Risk for Urinary Tract Infections?

BPH patients are in a significant risk of UTI. This is mainly due to BPH being the reason of the

blockage of urine or sometimes the slow flow of urine. This establishes the possibility to bacteria

to grow and become dominant. Despite this, this problem can be prevented through BPH

treatment. It is important to note that the treatment involves surgical process plus in-office

medications. It is imperative to closely monitor the patient after the surgery.

What Would You Expect the Patient’s PSA Level to Be After Surgery?

The expected PSA level is more likely to drop to less than 0.1 after the surgery of removing the

prostate. It is important to consider that this value depends on the lab that carries the PSA test.

Different surgical processes reflect on more curative methods that are effective for managing

prostate gland abnormality. PSA test is significant to determine the appropriate treatment.

According to Deters (2019), the ability to evaluate PSA efficacy and establishing the risk of

having prostate cancer relapse is critical in this scenario.

What are the Recommended Screening Guidelines and Treatment for BPH?

Following the screening guidelines is critical to monitor the patient’s wellbeing. It is important to

note that this evaluation is established in analyzing the patient’s medical history. This will also

involves assessing the symptoms and other health factors. This involves physical examination

with DRE and urinalysis procedure (Jiwrajka et al., 2018). Despite this, there are currently other

possible assessment processes to apply such as PSA, frequency volume charts and to establish an

endoscopy of the lower urinary tract. After the completion of screening, the physicians will be

able to determine the next course of action. This will be followed by making decision on the best

possible treatment course for the patient. For instance, the doctors will determine whether to

proceed with surgery or use medications. Today, when the management approaches based on

BPH are analyzed, it can be established that they need changes in several aspects (Deters, 2019).

What Are Some Alternative Treatments/Natural Homeopathic Options for Treatment?

There are a few prospects to regulate the patient and elective treatment that has had great

outcomes in different patients. For instance, the utilization of some common homeopathic

choices, for example, saw palmetto can assist the patient with calming urinary side effects related

with augmented prostate. There is Ryegrass dust separate, it can likewise be utilized because it

assists with improving the pace of pee. Beta-sistosterol can and calms the manifestations of BPH

patients by expanding the quality of the urinary stream rate. Many these elective medicines have

been utilized with excellent outcomes in patients with BPH, so it is important to utilize them

since they help the patient to feel good (Deters, 2019).

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Case Study 2

Why was this patient placed on immunosuppressive therapy?

The immunosuppressive treatment is vital for individuals who have Crohn's condition since

immunosuppressant treatment help the human system of the body to stifle or diminish the rate

where the body is battling against the speculated unfamiliar body that is assaulting. This

condition incites that the patient will have a decrease of the intestinal ingestion and a helpless

assimilation of nutrient B12. Above all else, Crohn is an immune system sickness that makes the

body to assault its body tissues. Because of this, it was important to decrease these assaults by

debilitating the resistant arrangement of the patient, so this made significant to utilize

immunosuppressive treatment. At the point when this patient had a gastrointestinal medical

procedure, it was important to proceed with this treatment since it was critical to decrease to the

base the likelihood that the relocated organ could be dismissed. According to Jenna (2017), it is

especially imperative to realize that the immunosuppressive treatment was applied as an enemy

of rejective strategy to the body's invulnerable framework against the relocated organ, to dodge

by all methods the chance of dismissal.

Why was the Meckel scan ordered for this patient?

The physicians decided to carry out a Meckel diverticulum output to the patient since they

thought there could be an abnormal growth in the patient’s intestine. It is critical to note that

Meckel's diverticulum is some anomaly in the small intestine. This condition has existed since

the birth of the patient. That is the reason it was important to do a scanning procedure that is

some type of nuclear medication test, this system is utilized to distinguish the abnormal

identified in the gastric mucosa, when the test is done it can be established which mucous film

layer of the stomach is identified (Jenna, 2017).

What are the clinical differences and treatment options for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn´s


In order to identify the clinical differences and treatment between both diseases, it is important to

explain the differences between the two. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of

the gastrointestinal tract (GI). It is important to note that this GI forms part of the group of

diseases named the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Note that this disease usually affects the

end of the small intestine until where the colon begins. In addition to this, it also introduces

problems in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. This means that it starts from the mouth and

ends in the anus (Jenna, 2017). Because of this, ulcerative colitis also belongs to the BPD group,

but it can affect only the colon. It is important to note that the ulcerative colitis exists as an

outcome of the overreaction of the immune system. This is entirely because it seems to mistake

the lining the colon and sees it as a foreign object and because of this it ends up attacking it.

The ability to analyze the treatment procedures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis will

depend to the frequency and location of the affected parts. It is important to note that there are

some cases where surgical procedures will be required to be applied. This may be because some

these cases are related with specific complications such as bowel perforations, excessive

bleeding, cancerous growth.


What is the prognosis for patients with IBD and what are the follow up recommendations

for managing disease?

During the analysis of the prognosis of IBD, it is important to note that this is considered as an

immune disease. Despite this, there are some studies which have shown that this chronic

inflammation is unlikely to be due to the fact that the immune system reacts and attacks the

human body. These researches may imply that the immune system reacts and attacks other

elements that puts the body in a significant risk. Because of this, it is critical to understand that

ulcerative colitis affects only the colon but Crohn’s disease affects the entire gastrointestinal tract

(Jenna, 2017).


Deters, L.A. (2019). Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Medscape.

Jiwrajka, M., Yaxley, W., Ranasinghe, S., Perera, M., Roberts, M. J., & Yaxley, J. (2018). Drugs

for benign prostatic hypertrophy. Australian Prescriber, 41(5), 150–153.

Jenna, F. (2017). What is the difference between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis?

Retrieved October 5, 2019, from Medical News Today:

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