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Comenzado el Thursday, 26 de November de 2020, 08:06
Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 26 de November de 2020, 08:15
Tiempo empleado 9 minutos 9 segundos
Calificación 20,00 de 20,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1
Fill in the gaps with the negative form of the verb in the simple past tense.
The musician played the guitar very well.
Puntúa 2,50
sobre 2,50 No, the musician didn't play it very well.

Pregunta 2
Use the correct verb form positive or negative ( Say true if it is correct)
I didn't start to work, because My neighbours needed a babysitter.
Puntúa 2,50
sobre 2,50

Seleccione una:

Pregunta 3
Put the following parts of the sentences in the correct order. Form negative
Correcta sentences in the Simple Past.
Puntúa 2,50 play / My friends / for me / a birthday song / last year.
sobre 2,50

Respuesta: My friends didn't play a birthday song for me last year.

Pregunta 4
Use the correct verb form positive or negative
My parents _________(phone) me early in the morning, but I _______ (answer)
Puntúa 2,50
them, I was busy.
sobre 2,50

Seleccione una:
a. phoneed / didn't answer
b. phoned / didn't answer
c. didn't phoned / answered
d. phoned / answered
e. phoned / didn't answered

Pregunta 5 Put the following parts of the sentences in the correct order to form a negative
Correcta sentence in the Simple Past.

Puntúa 2,50 visit / last summer. / us / Your best friend

sobre 2,50

Respuesta: Your best friend didn't visit us last summer.

Pregunta 6
Choose the correct verb form positive or negative
A few years ago I_________(want) to buy a new car, but I_______(obtain) enough
Puntúa 2,50
money to buy it.
sobre 2,50

Seleccione una:
a. wanteed / didn't obtain
b. wanted / didn't obtain
c. didn't want / obtained
d. wanted / obtain

e. wanted / didn't obtained

Pregunta 7
Use the correct verb form to make a negative sentence.
- The computer worked correctly.
Puntúa 2,50
sobre 2,50 - No, the computer didn't wor .
Pregunta 8
Use the correct verb form positive or negative:
The film wasn't very good. I didn't enjoy (enjoy) it very much.
Puntúa 2,50
sobre 2,50

◄ Attendance: Nov 26th.

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