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 occurs when a person who is
actively searching for
UNEMPLO employment is unable to find
work. It is often used as a
YMENT measure of the health of the
 is a measure of employment and
labor utilization in the economy that
looks at how well the labor force is
UNDEREMPLO being utilized in terms of skills,
experience and availability to work. It
YMENT refers to a situation in which
individuals are forced to work in low
paying or low skill jobs.
The unemployment rate in the Philippines stood at 5.1% in 2019,
down from 5.3% in 2018, according to the Philippines Statistics
Authority’s preliminary results of its annual labor and employment
estimates for 2019.

At the same time, the country’s underemployment rate stood at

14.0% in 2019, down from 16.4% in 2018.

The annual employment rate in 2019 was estimated at 94.9% in

2019, up from 94.7% in 2018. The total employed persons in 2019
was approximately 42.4 million.
 Seasonal Unemployment
TYPES OF  Technological
UNEMPLOY Unemployment
MENT  Cyclical Unemployment
 Change of Season
 Industrialization
 Lack of adequate technical training
and education
CAUSES OF  Continual changes in a nation’s
UNEMPLOY pattern of demand for product
MENT  Unable or unwilling to perform
satisfactorily in their jobs
 Lack of opportunities due to rapid
population growth
Unemployment is usually categorized as seasonal (during certain periods), technological (resulting from labor-displacing inventions) and
cyclical (resulting from reoccurring depressions).

Unemployment may be cause by several factors, one of which is the burgeoning population. Poverty is an effect of unemployment and
eventually those affected become malnourished and ill. Apart from physical deprivation unemployment affords, it has morale-destroying
effects in the form of hopelessness, family discord, and the like. Hence, the unemployment problem is of grave concern.

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