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Your coffee:

1. Straight black coffee

2. Espresso
3. Extra sweet coffee
4. Coffee with a little bit of milk/sugar
5. Flavored coffee
6. Decaf coffee
7. 4+ coffees per day
8. Instant coffee

…means that you are:

a) friendly
b) cautious
c) antisocial
d) have a high metabolism
e) a risk taker
f) well-traveled
g) a procrastinator
h) well-balanced

Connect the descriptions to the adjectives a-g and check your guesses:

A. In today’s world, it’s hard to find a person who doesn’t make instant coffee for themselves.
There’s always a rush to be on time and to optimize the way you spend your time. But if you’re
the kind of person that will make yourself a cup of instant coffee even when you’re relaxed and
you’ve got extra time on your hands, then it might just mean you’re lazy. … The bottom line is
you don’t want to put too much thought or effort in and don’t mind doing things (like making
coffee) last minute.

B. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital
analyzed genomes from over 100,000 people …[and]… found was that people who make
multiple coffee orders (four or more cups per day) possess certain genomes that are associated
with a greater risk of addiction. They are also genetically predisposed to digest faster, which
explains why they’d need so many cups per day to keep themselves going.

C. ...a lot of people who can only drink their coffee this way, and it’s been reported that those
people tend to be … narcissistic, and, occasionally, even psychopathic. A 2015 study suggested
that people who prefer bitter tastes “are associated with traits related to the darker side of
personality.” You might not be a knife-wielding psycho if you like your coffee black, but you may
not be the most cheerful, gregarious person either.

D. If your coffee order is decaf, you’re thinking about how you want to avoid being wired all night
long or getting those unsettling jitters. Ordering decaf is like taking a preventative measure. You
want the taste, but you don’t want the effects. Basically, you are the type of person who likes to
be in control. You’ll have coffee, but you don’t want it to get the best of you or affect your

E. Bitter tastes are associated with antisocial personalities, so … ordering an extra sweet coffee
means just the opposite. If you like lots of milk, cream and/or sugar in your coffee (and even
whipped cream on top), then research suggests you are a more social kind of person. It also
means that you’re more in need of comfort than a black coffee drinker is. Statistically, people
tend to eat and drink sweeter substances when they’re stressed. If you’re ordering an extra
sweet coffee, you’re looking for a treat. Either it’s because you’re stressed and looking for a
reward, or maybe because it keeps the stress at bay.

F. If you don’t lean significantly to one side of the coffee spectrum or the other, then your tastes
are as moderate as your personality. You enjoy the sweet side of life and the bitter side equally
mixed together. You’re likely a … person who falls in the category of average.

G. If you tend to go for coffee combined with various flavors, like caramel, mocha, or raspberry,
then you …[must]… like to try new things and enjoy adventure. Flavored and blended coffees
are the most creative of the coffee world, so it follows that those who drink them are creative
and imaginative as well.

H. …espresso hugely multiplies … taste. Just one little shot of espresso can be very bitter and very
intense. Likewise, the person who drinks it can also have a rather intense or bold personality. …
it can mean that you want to associate yourself with a particular social class or even that you’re
pretentious. People often link espresso with … having a more refined palate.
Check out the article here:

Everyone’s coffee order is different. One way is to just take it black. For many people, this isn’t an
appealing option because it offers too bitter a taste. But there are also a lot of people who can only
drink their coffee this way, and it’s been reported that those people tend to be more antisocial,
narcissistic, and, occasionally, even psychopathic. A 2015 study (“Individual differences in bitter taste
preferences are associated with antisocial personality traits” by Sagioglou C. & Greitemeyer T.)
suggested that people who prefer bitter tastes “are associated with traits related to the darker side of
personality.” You might not be a knife-wielding psycho if you like your coffee black, but you may not be
the most cheerful, gregarious person either. Find out more about the connection between black coffee
and psychopathic traits.

Now, if black coffee is bitter, espresso hugely multiplies that taste. Just one little shot of espresso can be
very bitter and very intense. Likewise, the person who drinks it can also have a rather intense or bold
personality. If your coffee order is espresso, it can mean that you want to associate yourself with a
particular social class or even that you’re pretentious. There are a myriad of articles that discuss the
attractiveness and the sophistication of espresso and even offer a guide on how to drink it the proper
way. People often link espresso with being well-traveled or having a more refined palate. Test your
coffee expertise with these trivia questions only coffee lovers will get right.

Bitter tastes are associated with antisocial personalities, so it only makes sense that ordering an extra
sweet coffee order means just the opposite. If you like lots of milk, cream and/or sugar in your coffee
(and even whipped cream on top), then research suggests you are a more social kind of person. It also
means that you’re more in need of comfort than a black coffee drinker is. Statistically, people tend to
eat and drink sweeter substances when they’re stressed. If you’re ordering an extra sweet coffee,
you’re looking for a treat. Either it’s because you’re stressed and looking for a reward, or maybe because
it keeps the stress at bay.

If you don’t lean significantly to one side of the coffee spectrum or the other, then your tastes are as
moderate as your personality. You enjoy the sweet side of life and the bitter side equally mixed
together. You’re likely a more balanced person who falls in the category of average. Find out the
surprising secret ingredient more people are adding to their coffee.

If you tend to go for coffee combined with various flavors, like caramel, mocha, or raspberry, then
you’re likely more of a risk taker, says PsychCentral. People who prefer blended and flavored coffee like
to try new things and enjoy adventure. Flavored and blended coffees are the most creative of the coffee
world, so it follows that those who drink them are creative and imaginative as well.
If your coffee order is decaf, you’re thinking about how you want to avoid being wired all night long or
getting those unsettling jitters. Ordering decaf is like taking a preventative measure. You want the taste,
but you don’t want the effects. Basically, you are the type of person who likes to be in control, according
to PsychCentral. You’ll have coffee, but you don’t want it to get the best of you or affect your behavior.
Don’t miss these simple ways to make your coffee habit healthier.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital analyzed
genomes from over 100,000 people to get a biological sense of our relationship with coffee. What they
found was that people who make multiple coffee orders four or more cups per day) possess certain
genomes that are associated with a greater risk of addiction. They are also genetically predisposed to
metabolize faster, which explains why they’d need so many cups per day to keep themselves going.

In today’s world, it’s hard to find a person who doesn’t make instant coffee for themselves. There’s
always a rush to be on time and to optimize the way you spend your time. But if you’re the kind of
person that will make yourself a cup of instant coffee even when you’re relaxed and you’ve got extra
time on your hands, then it might just mean you’re lazy. It could also mean that you are more of a
procrastinator than others. The bottom line is you don’t want to put too much thought or effort in and
don’t mind doing things (like making coffee) last minute. Next, get to the bottom of these myths and
facts about how coffee affects your health.

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