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A When medial
temporal lobe
David A. Wolk, Andrew E. Budson structures are
damaged and
memory is
ABSTRACT impaired,
Converging evidence from patient and neuroimaging studies suggests that memory is learning can
a collection of abilities that use different neuroanatomic systems. Neurologic injury still occur
may impair one or more of these memory systems. Episodic memory allows us to through other
mentally travel back in time and relive an episode of our life. Episodic memory memory
depends on the hippocampus, other medial temporal lobe structures, the limbic systems such as
system, and the frontal lobes, as well as several other brain regions. Semantic memory procedural
provides our general knowledge about the world and is unconnected to any specific memory.
episode of our life. Although semantic memory likely involves much of the neocortex,
the inferolateral temporal lobes (particularly the left) are most important. Procedural
memory enables us to learn cognitive and behavioral skills and algorithms that
operate at an automatic, unconscious level. Damage to the basal ganglia, cerebellum,
and supplementary motor area often impair procedural memory.
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4):15–28.

INTRODUCTION assertions that human memory is sub-

The ability to remember one’s personal served by several different memory sys-
past is a fundamental feature that defines tems was by the 18th century French
the human conscious experience. Dis- philosopher Maine de Biran, the charac-
orders of memory can have devastating terization of the famous patient Henry
consequences for patients and families. Molaison (‘‘HM’’; 1926—2008) pro-
Although numerous medical conditions vided the experimental support to pop-
may precipitate memory loss, the aging ularize this conception. HM underwent
of our population, with its accordant bilateral medial temporal lobe (MTL)
increased prevalence of Alzheimer dis- resections for intractable epilepsy in
ease (AD) and other neurodegenerative 1953. Unfortunately, the procedure re-
conditions, has accentuated the need sulted in the unintended consequence
for the clinician to have a general un- of profound amnesia in which he was
derstanding of normal memory func- unable to acquire new memories of ex- 15
tioning and the differential diagnosis periences or events following the sur-
associated with its disruption. gery. The description of this outcome
Critical to any discussion of memory firmly established the MTL system as
is the concept of a memory system, essential to episodic memory and was
which can be loosely defined as a brain disseminated to the scientific commu-
system that supports the maintenance nity in the highly influential 1957 manu-
of information that impacts behavior script by Milner and Scoville entitled
after passage of time from initial ac- ‘‘Loss of Recent Memory after Bilateral
quisition.1 Although one of the earliest Hippocampal Lesions.’’2

Relationship Disclosure: Dr Wolk has received personal compensation for consulting activities with GE
Healthcare, Inc.; and Avacat Consulting, LLC. Dr Budson has received personal compensation for speaking
engagements with Eisai Inc., Forest Laboratories, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., and Pfizer Inc.
Dr Budson’s compensation and/or research work has been funded entirely or in part by a grant from a
governmental organization to his university.
Unlabeled Use of Products/Investigational Use Disclosure: Drs Wolk and Budson have nothing to disclose.

Copyright # 2010, American Academy of Neurology. All rights reserved.

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


It was the sparing of other aspects involve explicit access or conscious aware-
A Memory
of HM’s learning and memory, how- ness of information, whereas nondeclar-
impairment may
be seen even if
ever, that provided the foundation for ative memories cannot be verbalized and
the medial the notion of separable memory sys- are instead manifested by changes in
temporal lobes tems. For example, his ability to learn behavior. In the current review, we will
are spared. new motor skills, demonstrate the ef- discuss two forms of declarative memory—
Frontal lobes, fects of perceptual priming, and re- episodic and semantic—and one form
inferolateral trieve remote pieces of semantic mem- of nondeclarative memory—procedural.
temporal lobes, ory suggested that these processes Working memory, another form of de-
basal ganglia, were not entirely dependent on MTL clarative memory, is covered elsewhere
and cerebellum function. Additional dissociations re- in this issue, although we have included
may all cause vealed in HM and other patients provide it in selected tables and figures for com-
certain kinds of
evidence that there are separable mem- parison (Table 1-1). As outlined below,
ory systems. one of the major values of considering
Although there is not complete agree- memory in this manner is that these
ment on the best way to categorize these systems rely on a dissociable neuroanat-
systems, almost all accounts involve sep- omy, which has variable sensitivity to
aration into declarative and nondeclar- different disease processes and, thus,
ative forms of memory. Declarative mem- has localizing and diagnostic implica-
ories can be put into words and generally tions in the context of impairment.

TABLE 1-1 Comparison of Clinically Relevant Memory Systems

Memory Length of Major Anatomic

System Examples Awareness Storage Structures

Episodic Remembering a short story, Explicit Minutes Medial temporal lobe,

memory what you had for dinner Declarative to years anterior thalamic nucleus,
last night, and what you mamillary body, fornix,
did on your last birthday prefrontal cortex
Semantic Knowing who was the Explicit Minutes to Inferior lateral temporal
memory first US president, the color Declarative years lobes
of a lion, and how a fork
16 and comb are different
Procedural Driving a standard Implicit Minutes to Basal ganglia, cerebellum,
memory transmission car and Nondeclarative years supplementary motor
learning the sequence of area
numbers on a touch-tone
phone without trying
Working Phonologic: keeping a phone Explicit Seconds to Phonologic: prefrontal
memory number ‘‘in your head’’ Declarative minutes; cortex, Broca area,
before dialing information Wernike area
Spatial: Mentally following a Spatial: prefrontal cortex,
rehearsed or
route, or rotating an object in visual association areas
your mind

Reprinted from Budson AE, Price BH. Memory dysfunction. N Engl J Med 2005;352(7):629–699. Copyright # 2005, with permission from
Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

EPISODIC MEMORY own experience of an event. (2) Only
A Episodic memory
Definitions episodic memory is tightly linked to a impairments
sense of time. Indeed, time forms part are common
The patient in Case 1-1 had a rela-
of the context by which these events are and often
tively selective impairment of episodic
represented, allowing for differentiation disrupt the lives
of events in the recent past from more of patients and
Episodic memory is the memory
remote events. their families.
system that allows us to remember past
Episodic memories may be fraction- A Episodic memory
experiences and episodes in our life, or
ated in a number of different ways, is the type of
as Endel Tulving put it, the kind of mem- which often have implications for the memory we
ory that allows us to ‘‘mentally travel’’ nature of an impairment of memory usually mean
in time.3 Two features differentiate epi- and the underlying neural substrate when we talk
sodic memory from other memory sys- involved. One such division is the dif- about memory.
tems. (1) Episodic memory involves a ference between item and associative It is memory for
form of consciousness in which the self is memory. Whereas item memories are an episode of
central—autonoetic or self-knowing con- one’s life.
for individual items without context, as-
sciousness according to Tulving. In other sociative memories involve the linking
words, it involves remembering one’s of multiple aspects of an event. For

Case 1-1
A 75-year-old man had decline in his memory over about 1 year. Per his wife, this was manifested
by his repeating questions and forgetting their daily plans. She noted little change in his ability
to perform instrumental activities of daily living, such as driving or handling the finances, but
he did have greater difficulty with
remembering details of books or shows
that they had watched together. He
admitted that his memory was poorer
and felt a sense of foreboding about the
future. On examination, he showed very
poor verbal and visual memory, and
limited knowledge of current events
despite avidly watching the news.
Although he recalled 6/10 words on the
third immediate recall trial of a verbal
memory task, his delayed recall was 0/10, 17
and he only recognized 4/10 items and
made one false alarm. His retention of a
story based on initial encoding was very
poor. Nonetheless, he performed in
the normal range on almost all tests
of language, executive functioning,
attention, and visuospatial ability. He FIGURE 1-1 MRI coronal T1-weighted image. Note
the relatively disproportionate atrophy
was given a diagnosis of amnestic mild of the bilateral hippocampi consistent
with the temporolimbic memory impairment
cognitive impairment. Note the of this patient.
diminutive hippocampi on his MRI
(Figure 1-1).
Comment. This patient has an impairment of episodic memory. A relatively isolated
impairment of episodic memory is a common feature of early AD given the early neuropathology
in the MTLs with this condition. This patient has a high likelihood of progressing from amnestic
mild cognitive impairment to clinical AD.

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


example, one may remember having ability to form new memories, whereas
A The hippocampus
seen a friend earlier in the day and also retrograde amnesia is the loss of pre-
and other
the color of the friend’s shirt and the viously acquired memories.
medial temporal
lobe structures
location of the meeting. A common
test of associative memory is to have Functional Neuroanatomy of
are critical for
normal episodic subjects study word pairs. At testing, Episodic Memory
memory function. the subject is shown one word in the The MTL—and particularly the
pair and is asked to recall the second, hippocampus—is traditionally thought
associated word. A related concept is to be the anatomic seat of episodic
source memory, which is the ability to memory, as exemplified by the severe
remember the specific context from amnesia of HM; however, a number
which a memory came. A common of other neural systems appear to be
memory error is related to this notion, involved. The processes that support
sometimes referred to as reality mon- episodic memory occur from the time
itoring. An example is when you are the to-be-remembered event is encoun-
unable to remember whether you tered (encoding) to the act of remem-
actually turned off the stove or just bering (retrieval). In between are pro-
thought about turning it off. Source cesses involved in the maintenance of
memory is frequently tested in the these memories. If the memory is to
laboratory by having subjects study two last for an extended period of time, an
lists. At testing, they need to decide not additional process known as consolida-
only whether a particular item was tion occurs. Given the disparate nature
studied, but remember from which list of these operations, it is perhaps not
it came. surprising that episodic memory re-
A related formulation to the item quires diverse neural systems for its
versus associative or source memory proper function and, thus, a variety of
distinctions is the difference between brain injuries can result in impaired
familiarity and recollection,4 a differ- memory. Historically, it has been diffi-
ence that may reflect dissociable under- cult to gain traction on the nature of
lying medial temporal and neocortical neural activity associated with these
structures. Familiarity is conceptualized different stages of memory. The advent
as an acontextual sense of prior en- of functional neuroimaging techniques
counter. An example of an experience of has allowed for assessment of neural
familiarity is when people see someone activity during memory encoding and
that they are sure they have previously retrieval, which has added greatly to
18 met but cannot recall how it is that they our understanding of these processes
know that person (‘‘That person is so (Figure 1-2). We will outline a num-
familiar to me! Where do I know him ber of critical brain regions associated
from?’’). In contrast, recollection is the with episodic memory function.
more detailed retrieval of information Medial temporal lobe. Much of
(‘‘Oh, that’s Bob. I met him at my sis- what we know about normal episodic
ter’s birthday party last week’’). Al- memory function comes from studying
though sometimes recollection occurs patients with amnesia resulting from
spontaneously, at other times addi- MTL lesions. The MTL is a complex struc-
tional conscious, effortful searching of ture frequently divided into hippocam-
one’s memory stores is needed. pal and extrahippocampal regions.5 The
A final important distinction is be- hippocampal structures include the den-
tween retrograde and anterograde am- tate gyrus, cornus ammonis subfields
nesia. Relative to the time of the brain (CA 1, CA2, and CA3), and the postsub-
injury, anterograde amnesia is the in- iculum. Extrahippocampal structures

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

A An injury to
typically causes
(1) anterograde
amnesia: an
inability to
form new
memories, and
(2) retrograde
amnesia: a loss
of previous
There are,
always (3) some

FIGURE 1-2 Episodic memory. The medial temporal lobes, including the hippocampus and
parahippocampus, form the core of the episodic memory system.
Adapted from Budson AE, Price BH. Memory dysfunction. N Engl J Med 2005;352(7):692–699.
Copyright # 2005, with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

include the entorhinal, perirhinal, and hippocampus differentially encode ob-

parahippocampal cortices. ject and spatial elements of an episode,
Whereas isolated hippocampal le- respectively, which are then bound by
sions produce significant amnesia, inclu- the hippocampus (Figure 1-3).8
sion of surrounding extrahippocampal In addition to significant anterograde
MTL structures tends to produce even amnesia, patients with MTL injury fre-
more profound memory loss.6 Some quently experience retrograde amnesia.
work has suggested that there may be a Often times, the retrograde amnesia is
division of labor within the MTLs with greatest for events learned nearest the
regard to the nature of their memory time of MTL injury but is spared for
stores.6–8 Hippocampal lesions tend to more remote episodes. This somewhat 19
produce impairment on tasks of asso- paradoxical pattern of memory loss has
ciative memory, source memory, and re- been labeled as Ribot law9 and may
collection, with relative sparing of item reflect the changing representation of
memory and familiarity. However, the memories over time. One popular ac-
additional involvement of extrahippo- count to explain this phenomenon is
campal MTL regions impairs item mem- the ‘‘standard consolidation’’ model.10,11
ory as well. These and other findings sug- This model argues that when memories
gest that the hippocampus is involved are initially formed, the MTL—likely, the
in the binding of different elements of hippocampus—binds neocortically rep-
a prior study episode. By contrast, the resented features of an event. Partial
perirhinal cortex and parahippocampus cues that reactivate elements of the epi-
appear critical for the storage of these sode will also activate related features
individual elements. An influential model mediated by connections with the hip-
is that the perirhinal cortex and para- pocampus. However, over time, these

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


form the perforant pathway (the main

input to the hippocampus). Such pa-
thology appears to result in a cortico-
hippocampal disconnection,12 perhaps
preventing the binding of different neo-
cortical elements necessary for effec-
tive encoding. Thus, it is not surprising
that memory loss is an early feature of
this condition (Case 1-1). As AD prog-
resses, all regions of the MTL become
significantly involved, further devastat-
ing the episodic memory system. Other
factors that likely contribute to the mem-
ory loss include reduced cholinergic in-
put due to basal forebrain pathology and
involvement of frontal-subcortical net-
works. It has also recently become ap-
Functional organization of the medial
parent that !-amyloid (A!), the protein
FIGURE 1-3 fragment that forms the hallmark amy-
temporal lobe system. Neocortical input
regarding the object features (what) loid plaques of AD, in its soluble form
converges in the perirhinal cortex (PRC) and lateral entorhinal
area (LEA), whereas details about the location (where) of may inhibit long-term potentiation, a
objects converge in the parahippocampal cortex (PHC) and critical cellular mechanism for learning
medial entorhinal area (MEA). These streams converge in
the hippocampus, which represents items in the context in and memory.13
which they were experienced. Reverse projections follow Extended medial temporal mem-
the same pathways back to the parahippocampal and
neocortical regions. Back projections to the PHC-MEA may ory system. Several structures with sig-
support recall or context, whereas back projections to the nificant connectivity to the MTL proper
PRC-LEA may support recall of item associations. are critical to episodic memory, as evi-
Adapted with permission from Eichenbaum H, Yonelinas AP, Ranganath C. denced by the amnesia associated with
The medial temporal lobe and recognition memory. Annu Rev Neurosci
2007;30:123–152. their injury. Many of these regions were
previously described by Papez in the
circuit that bears his name.14 Lesions to
neocortical representations form their the mamillary bodies, bilateral fornices
own associations and the critical role (an efferent pathway from the hippo-
of the MTL in retrieval may become di- campus to the mamillary bodies), and
minished or absent, and, thus, an older the anterior thalamic nucleus (which
20 memory may not be affected by MTL receives inputs via the mamillothalamic
pathology. track from the mamillary bodies) all
A number of conditions produce produce episodic memory impairment
memory impairment through MTL in- that is difficult to distinguish from hippo-
jury. These conditions include AD, de- campally based amnesia (Figure 1-2).6
mentia with Lewy bodies, hippocampal Additionally, the posterior cingulate
sclerosis, posterior cerebral artery stroke, and retrosplenial cortex also have dense
hypoxic-ischemic injury, and viral and connections with the hippocampus and
limbic encephalitis. By far the most anterior thalamic nucleus, and amnesia
common cause of memory loss in associated with retrosplenial lesions
older adults is AD, which is associated have been described.15 Although iso-
with extensive neuropathology in the lated lesions in these related structures
MTL. In particular, early neurofibrillary are uncommon, Korsakoff syndrome rep-
tangle pathology is found in the ento- resents a classic form of amnesia associ-
rhinal cortex layer II neurons, which ated with pathology in the anterior

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

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thalamic nucleus and the mamillary These patients may conflate details of
A Alzheimer
bodies.16 various events and are susceptible to
disease is by far
Frontal lobes. While their deficit is errors of reality monitoring reflective of the most
generally more subtle than that seen source memory confusions. In more ex- common cause
with medial temporal lesions, patients treme cases, patients may exhibit spon- of episodic
with frontal lobe damage frequently taneous and sometimes elaborative con- memory
exhibit episodic memory impairment. fabulations. Potential contributors to the impairment.
These patients tend to have relatively tendency to confabulate include com- A Memory
selective impairment on memory tasks bined MTL and frontal lobe dysfunction distortions,
that require the linking of different fea- (such as is seen in AD, frontotemporal false memories,
tures of a prior episode. As such, pa- degeneration, and Korsakoff amnesia), and confabulation
tients with frontal lobe damage tend poor selection or focus of the to-be- may occur with
to have difficulty on tests of associa- retrieved memories, impaired monitor- damage to
tive or source memory,17 memory for ing and editing of retrieved information, frontal cortex.
temporal order of presentation,18 and and impaired source monitoring and re- A Think of episodic
recollection.4 However, performance is trieval of temporal contextual details.22 memory as a
often normal on tests of item memory Differences in memory performance filing system:
or familiarity. Patients with frontal lobe between conditions that affect the MTL The frontal
damage also tend to have more dif- and those that affect the frontal lobes lobes are the
ficulty on memory tasks that require can be conceptualized by analogy. The filing clerk, the
medial temporal
spontaneously generated encoding or episodic memory system can be thought
lobes are the
retrieval strategies, but show improve- of as a filing system. The frontal lobes
recent memory
ment in the context of ‘‘environmental are analogous to the ‘‘file clerk’’ of the file cabinet, and
support.’’ For example, patients with episodic memory system, the MTL (and other cortical
frontal lobe lesions tend to perform Papez circuit) to the ‘‘recent memory file regions are the
more poorly on a memory test if told to cabinet,’’ and other cortical regions to older memory
simply study a list of words rather than the ‘‘remote memory file cabinet.’’ Thus, file cabinet.
when instructed to perform a specific if the frontal lobes are damaged, it is
encoding operation, such as to form a difficult—but not impossible—to get
mental image of each study item. This information in and out of storage. Ad-
notion also applies to different test for- ditionally, when the frontal lobes are
mats, as an unconstrained free recall task damaged, the information stored in
is much more difficult for patients with memory may be distorted due to ‘‘im-
frontal lobe lesions than cued recall or proper filing’’ that leads to an inaccurate
recognition memory.19 On these latter source, context, or sequence. If, on the
tasks, these patients may show little or other hand, the MTLs are impaired, it 21
no deficit at all. Thus, as a general prin- may be impossible for recent information
ciple, prefrontal regions appear to be to be stored. Older information that has
involved in different aspects of cognitive been consolidated over months to years
control mechanisms that enhance mem- is likely stored in other cortical regions
ory encoding and retrieval20 rather than and will therefore be available for retriev-
supporting the retention of information al even when the MTL or Papez circuit is
(likely a medial temporal function). damaged. See Table 1-2 for character-
In addition to failure to retrieve in- istics of memory impairment due to
formation from prior events, patients frontal versus medial temporal injuries.
with frontal lobe lesions are particularly A number of conditions produce
susceptible to memory distortions and memory impairment that is due, at
false memories. This is likely related to least in part, to frontal lobe dysfunc-
their poor memory for contextual or tion. In addition to frontal strokes
associative details of a prior episode.21 and mass lesions, other conditions

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

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TABLE 1-2 Memory Deficits With Medial Temporal Lobe Versus

Frontal Lobe Lesions

Medial Temporal
Characteristic Lobe Lesion Frontal Lobe Lesion

Immediate memory Normal to mildly impaired Impaired

Free recall Impaired Impaired
Recognition memory Impaired Often normal
or cued recall
Source or associative Impaired Impaired
memory (ie, recollection)
Item memory Impaired Normal
(ie, familiarity)
Effects of environment Minimal enhancement of Significant enhancement
support memory performance of memory performance
Tendency for false Variable High
memory or confabulation

associated with a frontally based epi- Other regions. Several other re-
sodic memory impairment include gions appear to be important substrates
frontotemporal degeneration, vascular for episodic memory function. Lesions
dementia (particularly when associat- of the basal forebrain, often due to an-
ed with subcortical white matter dis- terior communicating artery aneurysm
ease), dementia with Lewy bodies, rupture, produce memory impairment.
multiple sclerosis, depression, and head This region is the main source of cho-
trauma. Distinguishing between memo- linergic input to the MTLs and neocor-
ry impairment due to medial temporal tex. Blockade of acetylcholine with the
injury and that associated with frontal muscarinic antagonist scopolamine pro-
lobe dysfunction has potential diagnos- duces amnesia in healthy individuals.25
tic value. For example, while measures The relative decline in acetylcholine as-
of free recall and associative memory do sociated with basal forebrain pathology
22 not differentiate patients with AD from in AD is the rationale for the use of cho-
those with subcortical vascular demen- linesterase inhibitors in this condition.
tia, measures of recognition memory Given a general decline in cholinergic
(with patients with AD performing function with aging, it is not surprising
more poorly) appear to have better that cholinergic blockers, such as sco-
specificity.23 Although generally more polamine, have greater effects on mem-
subtle, ‘‘healthy’’ age-associated mem- ory and cognition in older than young
ory loss tends to be qualitatively similar adults, which is why anticholinergic
to memory loss due to frontal lobe medicines should be avoided in older
injury. This phenomenology is consis- individuals.
tent with data supporting the relative- Recent work, driven largely by the
ly selective vulnerability of frontal lobe functional imaging literature, has sug-
function in aging as a result of cortical gested that the parietal lobes also par-
volume loss, anterior white matter dis- ticipate in episodic memory retrieval.
ruption, and dopaminergic depletion.24 Studies have consistently revealed

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

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midline and lateral parietal activations ness.27,28 A number of potential hypoth-
A Semantic memory
associated with successful retrieval of eses have been postulated as to the
is memory for
memories.26 While midline structures, function of the parietal cortex in epi- knowledge of
including retrosplenial cortex, have been sodic memory and are just now begin- the world when
implicated in episodic memory, prior ning to be tested experimentally.26 it is unconnected
work had not suggested a role for the with a specific
lateral parietal cortex. A recent focus SEMANTIC MEMORY episode of
on episodic memory in patients with one’s life.
lateral parietal lesions has revealed, per- Definitions
haps, subtle deficits in this population. The patient in Case 1-2 had a rela-
While these patients appear to retrieve tively selective impairment of seman-
contextual details of prior episodes to a tic memory. Semantic memory defines
similar extent as controls, they seem to our knowledge of the world, including
have greater difficulty doing so spon- general information about objects, peo-
taneously and their memories may be ple, historical events, and word mean-
associated with less confidence or vivid- ing.3 Examples of semantic knowledge

Case 1-2
A 73-year-old man had several years of cognitive decline. Most salient to him was difficulty
naming and even recognizing a variety of items that used to be familiar to him. For example,
his wife bought a bag of microwave popcorn that he examined at great length, eventually asking
his wife what it was used for. On the way to one of his clinic visits he saw a cement truck and
commented that he had never seen such an unusual truck before. He described marked difficulty
in being able to name or even recognize close friends—they did not look familiar to him. Despite
these issues, he had minimal functional decline and scored 24/30 on the Mini-Mental State
Examination. His wife described his
day-to-day memory as essentially
unchanged. He spoke fluently on
examination and had reasonable
comprehension of simple words. He had
marked naming impairment on the
Boston Naming Test (14/30 correct), and
he could name only three vegetables in
1 minute. He performed average to above
average on tests of executive function,
attention, and visuospatial memory.
An MRI scan revealed severe bilateral
anterior and inferior-lateral temporal
lobe atrophy. This patient was
felt to have the early stages of semantic
variant of primary progressive aphasia.
Note the significant atrophy in the
anterior, inferior, and lateral temporal
lobe on an MRI scan (Figure 1-4).
Comment. This patient had a
relatively selective deficit of semantic
memory, but essentially spared episodic FIGURE 1-4 MRI sagittal T1-weighted image. Note the
severe temporal lobe atrophy, which
memory function. This case further includes anterior, inferior, and lateral
illustrates the dissociation of these two regions, relative to the rest of the brain.
memory systems.

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


are tigers have stripes and Philadelphia Semantic memory impairment is most
A Previously
is the largest city in Pennsylvania. This frequently manifested by naming defi-
learned semantic
form of declarative memory can be dif- cits. This impaired naming is not miti-
information will
be intact when ferentiated from episodic memory be- gated by the use of phonemic cues, and
a patient cause its retrieval is not associated with often naming errors reflect semantically
experiences an a sense of self-experience or linked to a related word choices (eg, dog for lion).
isolated loss of particular spatial and temporal context. Different from a pure anomia, however,
episodic memory. For example, remembering watching these patients will also display evidence
A The inferolateral President Barack Obama’s inauguration of nonverbal impairment, such as match-
temporal lobes speech on television with one’s wife ing pictures of items into different seman-
(particularly the is an example of an episodic memory tic categories, and difficulty in providing
left) are critical while knowing that he is president is a definitions or descriptions of items when
for semantic semantic one. That episodic and seman- provided with their names. Category
memory. tic memory represent different mem- fluency, in which patients are asked to
ory systems is supported by the disso- name as many items as they can think
ciations in impairment associated with of in a particular semantic category (eg,
different brain lesions. For example, the animals), is another bedside test that is
patient HM, who had bilateral MTL re- often impaired in those with semantic
sections, displayed profound amnesia memory dysfunction.
with relative sparing of previously learned
semantic information. Functional Neuroanatomy of
Semantic Memory
While semantic memory is likely repres-
ented in a distributed fashion through-
out much of the neocortex, the infero-
lateral temporal lobes (particularly the
left) are the brain regions whose injury
is most associated with disruption of
semantic knowledge. Indeed, seman-
tic variant of primary progressive apha-
sia, the archetypal disease producing a
relative pure semantic knowledge im-
pairment, is associated with relatively
focal neurodegeneration in this region
(Figure 1-5).
24 Rare instances of category-specific
semantic deficits have provided addi-
tional insight into the neural organiza-
Semantic, procedural, and working memory. tion of semantic memory. The litera-
The anterior and inferolateral temporal ture describes a number of patients
lobes are important in the naming and
categorization tasks by which semantic memory is typically with relatively selective impairment of
assessed. However, in the broadest sense, semantic memory may knowledge of living things (eg, animals
reside in multiple and diverse cortical areas that are related to
various types of knowledge. The basal ganglia, cerebellum, and vegetables) but preserved knowl-
and supplementary motor area are critical for procedural edge of artifacts, such as tools.29 The
memory. The prefrontal cortex is active in virtually all working opposite dissociation has also been
memory tasks; other cortical and subcortical brain regions will
also be active, depending on the type and complexity of the described, strengthening the functional
working memory task. segregation of these forms of seman-
Adapted from Budson AE, Price BH. Memory dysfunction. N Engl J Med tic memory. Work has suggested that
2005;352(7):692–699. Copyright # 2005, with permission from Massachusetts
Medical Society. All rights reserved. these dissociated representations may
be a reflection of the nature by which

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

one experiences these different cate- tic memories overlap. These memories
A Because
gories.30 For example, our knowledge of our own personal experiences are
Alzheimer disease
of animals usually is largely related to generally conceived as a type of episodic affects the
the visual modality, while our experi- memory. More remote autobiographic inferolateral
ence with tools is more related to mo- memories, however, often become qual- temporal lobes,
tor representations. itatively more akin to semantic knowl- it is the most
Semantic memory deficits are most edge and are likely supported, in part, common cause of
commonly seen in patients with AD and by the semantic memory system. One semantic memory
are likely a reflection of the pathology simple test is that if, when recalling a impairment.
in inferolateral temporal neocortex. Of memory, you can see yourself in it, the Semantic variant
course, AD is also associated with sig- memory is likely semantic rather than of primary
nificant episodic memory impairment, episodic, since you would not ordinarily
which often dominates the initial clini- see yourself in a memory.
cal picture. Other conditions associated trauma, and
with semantic memory impairment in- PROCEDURAL MEMORY stroke are other
clude semantic variant of primary pro- causes of semantic
gressive aphasia, herpes encephalitis, Definitions
trauma, and occasionally stroke. Procedural memory is the nondeclar- impairment.
ative memory system that refers to the
A Procedural
Overlap Between Semantic and ability to learn cognitive and behavioral
memory is
Episodic Memory skills and algorithms that operate at an memory for
Despite being considered separate mem- automatic, unconscious level. Examples cognitive and
ory systems, semantic and episodic mem- include learning to ride a bicycle or play behavioral skills
ory interact in important ways. For the piano. Because procedural memory and algorithms
example, work from the cognitive psy- is spared in patients who have severe that are typically
chology and functional imaging litera- deficits of the episodic memory system operating
ture supports the benefit of semantic (such as those who have undergone unconsciously—
encoding on subsequent episodic mem- surgical removal of the MTLs), it is clear such as riding a
ory of studied items.31,32 Further, se- that the procedural memory system is
mantic deficits themselves sometimes separate and distinct from the episodic A Critical brain
correlate with performance on episodic memory system.35 regions for
memory tasks, presumably by reduc- procedural
Functional Neuroanatomy of memory are the
ing the effectiveness of the encoding
Procedural Memory basal ganglia,
cerebellum, and
The episodic memory system is also Patients with damage to the basal gan-
critical for the formation of new se- glia or cerebellum show impairment in
supplementary 25
motor area.
mantic memories, as evidenced by the learning procedural skills.36 Functional
profound impact of MTL lesions on such neuroimaging has found that these
new semantic memory formation. While regions—and the supplementary motor
factlike learning in patients with severe area—become active as a new proce-
bilateral medial temporal injury has been dural memory task is being learned37
reported, this appears largely relegated (Figure 1-5). Because the basal ganglia,
to fragmented information likely sup- cerebellum, and supplementary motor
ported by perceptual learning rather area are relatively spared in early AD,
than true pieces of new semantic infor- these patients show normal acquisition
mation.34 Even relatively limited hippo- and maintenance of their procedural
campal lesions can seriously degrade the memory skills, despite their episodic
acquisition of new semantic knowledge. and semantic memory deficits.38
Autobiographic memories are an- Patients in the early stages of Parkin-
other area in which episodic and seman- son disease show impaired procedural

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2010;16(4)

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


memory while performing nearly nor- explicit thinking becomes required for
A Parkinson disease
mally on episodic memory tests.38 Proce- their performance. As a result, patients
is the most
common dural memory is also disrupted by other with damage to the procedural memory
disorder causes of damage to the basal ganglia system lose the automatic effortlessness
disrupting or cerebellum, including Huntington of simple motor tasks that healthy in-
procedural disease, olivopontocerebellar degenera- dividuals take for granted. Lastly, it is
memory. tion, tumors, strokes, and hemorrhages. worth noting that patients whose epi-
Huntington Patients with major depression may sodic memory has been devastated by
disease, tumors, also show impairment in procedural a static disorder, such as encephalitis,
strokes, and memory tasks, perhaps because depres- have had successful rehabilitation by
hemorrhages sion involves dysfunction of the basal using procedural memory (and other
may also disrupt
ganglia.39 nondeclarative forms of memory) to
Disruption of procedural memory learn new skills.40
should be suspected when patients
show evidence of either the loss of
previously learned skills (compared CONCLUSIONS
with their baseline) or substantial dif- Evidence from patient studies and more
ficulties in learning new skills. For ex- recent neuroimaging research suggest
ample, patients may lose the ability to that memory is composed of separate
perform automatic, skilled movements, and distinct systems. An understanding
such as writing, playing a musical in- of these different memory systems will
strument, or swinging a tennis racket. aid the clinician in the diagnosis and
Although these patients may be able to treatment of the memory disorders of
relearn the fundamentals of these skills, their patients.


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