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Activity 1, Unit 1

Teacher: Octavio Espinoza Lozano

Student: Avalos Márquez Manuela Jaqueline
Group: 7° “Z”

Topic: Verbs followed by gerunds

1. I usually avoid telling people that I´m angry with them.

2. I am always happy to do helping with the chores.
3. I hate listening to people´s personal problems.
4. I don´t like eating a full meal late at night.
5. I prefer don´t starting conversation with people I don´t know.
6. I love going to places where I have to use English.
7. I hate getting to the school late.
8. I didn´t anticipate having to study from my home online.
9. I decide to eat pizza for dinner last night; I really like to eat pizza.
10. I want to continue learning as many languages as possible.

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