Koutsoyiannis PMP Hershfield wrr1999 PDF

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4, PAGES 1313–1322, APRIL 1999

A probabilistic view of Hershfield’s method for estimating

probable maximum precipitation
Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Civil Engineering, National Technical University, Athens, Greece

Abstract. A simple alternative formulation of Hershfield’s statistical method for

estimating probable maximum precipitation (PMP) is proposed. Specifically, it is shown
that the published Hershfield data do not support the hypothesis that there exists a PMP
as a physical upper limit, and therefore a purely probabilistic treatment of the data is
more consistent. In addition, using the same data set, it is shown that Hershfield’s
estimate of PMP may be obtained using the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution
with shape parameter given as a specified linear function of the average value of annual
maximum precipitation series and for return period of about 60,000 years. This
formulation substitutes completely the standard empirical nomograph that is used for the
application of the method. The application of the method can be improved when long
series of local rainfall data are available that support an accurate estimation of the shape
parameter of the GEV distribution.

1. Introduction maximum” instead of “maximum possible”. This was done, how-

ever, at a sacrifice of any meaning or logical consistency that may
The probable maximum precipitation (PMP), defined as have existed originally [z z z .] The only merit in the value arrived at
is that it is a very large one. However, in some instances, maximum
“theoretically the greatest depth of precipitation for a given
probable precipitation or flood values have been exceeded shortly
duration that is physically possible over a given size storm area after or before publication, whereas, in some instances, values
at a particular geographical location at a certain time of year” have been considered by competent scientists to be absurdly high.
[World Meteorological Organization, 1986, p. 1], has been widely [z z z] The method is, therefore, subject to serious criticism on both
used for the design of major flood protection works. Typically, technical and ethical grounds—technical because of a preponder-
ance of subjective factors in the computation process, and because
PMP is used to estimate the largest flood that could occur in a of a lack of specific or consistent meaning in the result; ethical
given hydrological basin, the so-called probable maximum because of the implication that the design value is virtually free
flood (PMF). In turn, PMF is used to determine the design from risk.
characteristics of flood protection works. The PMP approach,
which practically assumes a physical upper bound of precipi- The defects of the PMP concept is vividly expressed by two
tation amount, is contrary to the probabilistic approach, ac- of the Willeke’s [1980] myths: the “myth of infinitesimal prob-
cording to which any amount must be associated with a prob- ability,” which reads “the probability of occurrence of probable
ability of exceedance or return period. maximum event is infinitesimal,” and the “myth of impossibil-
Despite its widespread acceptance, the concept of PMP has ity,” which reads “hydrometeorological estimates of stream
been criticized by many hydrologists. We quote, for example, events are so large they cannot or will not occur.” Here he
from Dingman [1994, p. 141]: points out a number of storms recorded in the United States
that exceeded the PMP estimates [see also Dooge, 1986].
The concepts of PMP and PMF are controversial. Can we really
specify an upper bound to the amount of rain that can fall in a
The justification of the wide use of the PMP approach is
given time? [z z z] We must recognize that the plotted values are attributed to the “no-risk” aspect of the method. According to
only those that have been observed historically at the infinitesimal Benson [1973, p. 30],
fraction of the earth covered by rain gages, and higher amounts
must have fallen at ungaged locations at other times and places. The method has been used and accepted for a long time, for one
And, conceptually, we can always imagine that a few more mol- reason, not because of its merits, but because it provides a solu-
ecules of water could fall beyond any specified limit. tion that removes responsibility for making important decisions as
to degree of risk or protection.
Among the most neat criticisms of the concept of PMP is that
of Benson [1973, p. 30]: However, the removal of responsibility is an illusion because
the adoption of the PMP approach by no means implies zero
The “probable maximum” concept began as “maximum possible” risk in reality. Therefore, not long ago, there has been an
because it was considered that maximum limits exist for all the
elements that act together to produce rainfall, and that these
initiative for a movement away from the PMP-based methods
limits could be defined by a study of the natural processes. This to risk-based approaches for engineering design [e.g., Stedinger
was found to be impossible to accomplish— basically because na- and Grygier, 1985; Dawdy and Lettenmaier, 1987; National Re-
ture is not constrained to limits [z z z .] At this point, the concept search Council, 1988, 1994].
should have been abandoned and admitted to be a failure. In- Besides the general concept of PMP itself, other issues re-
stead, it was salvaged by the device of renaming it “probable
lated to the methodology of determining the PMP amount
Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union. have been criticized, mainly because there is no unique method
Paper number 1999WR900002. for determining the upper bound of rainfall, assuming that it
0043-1397/99/1999WR900002$09.00 really exists. A variety of procedures to determine PMP have


Table 1. Summary Table of the Data Published by answer to this question is negative (and, in fact, it is), we can
Hershfield [1961] maintain that there is no reason to consider the results of
Hershfield’s method as PMP. Then other questions arise, for
Length of Number of Minimum Value Maximum Value
Record, Individual of k m , Interval of k m , Interval example, whether this standard method can be reformulated in
Class Years Records Where It Lies Where It Lies a purely probabilistic manner, without postulating the exis-
tence of PMP, and what the probability of exceedance of the
1 10–14 208 1.0–1.5 14.5–15.0 method’s results is. The answers to these questions are the
2 15–19 851 1.0–1.5 13.0–13.5
3 20–24 92 1.5–2.0 14.0–14.5 objectives of this paper, and, as we show in the following
4 25–29 108 1.5–2.0 8.0–8.5 sections, they are achievable and simple.
5 30–34 97 2.0–2.5 10.5–11.0 The reader may have a primary objection for the attempted
6 35–39 85 2.0–2.5 9.5–10.0 probabilistic reformulation of Hershfield’s method mainly be-
7 40–44 108 2.0–2.5 10.0–10.5
cause of the use of a specified type of probability distribution
8 45–49 149 1.5–2.0 9.5–10.0
9 50–54 260 2.0–2.5 9.5–10.0 function for describing data from 2645 rain gauge stations that
10 55–59 352 1.5–2.0 11.0–11.5 may experience a variety of climatic conditions. Indeed, a sin-
11 60–64 279 2.0–2.5 11.0–11.5 gle type of distribution function may not be appropriate for all
12 65–69 45 2.0–2.5 8.0–8.5 stations, but it would be very useful to have an idea of an
13 .70 11 2.0–2.5 6.0–6.5
“average” probabilistic behavior of maximum rainfall for such
Total zzz 2645 1.0–1.5 14.5–15.0 a tremendous number of stations. Besides, such an objection is
justified only on the same grounds as that for the original
Hershfield’s method, because this method actually did the
same sort of generalization. Moreover, we include in our anal-
been proposed [e.g., Wiesner, 1970; Schreiner and Reidel, 1978; ysis an investigation of the implications of such an assumption
World Meteorological Organization, 1986; Collier and Hardaker, via simulation.
1996], and different procedures may result in higher or lower
Most procedures are based on a comprehensive meteoro-
2. Statistical Interpretation of Hershfield’s Data
logical analysis, while some are based on statistical analysis.
Among the latter, the most widely used is Hershfield’s [1961, Hershfield [1961] published a table with summary data of all
1965] procedure, which has become one of the standard meth- 2645 records he used; this table serves as the basis of all
ods suggested by World Meteorological Organization [1986] for analysis of the present study. More specifically, Hershfield di-
estimating PMP. It has the advantages of taking account of the vided the available records into 13 classes according to the
actual historical data in the location of interest, expressing it in length of record, which varied from 10 –14 years to more than
terms of statistical parameters, and being easy to use. The 70 years, as shown in Table 1. Furthermore, he calculated for
procedure is based on the general equation each record the value of k m (equation (1)) and discretized the
range of k m, which was extended from 1.0 to 15.0, using a step
h m 5 h# n 1 k ms n (1) equal to 0.5 (thus having 28 intervals in total). In his table he
published the number of occurrences of each interval of k m for
where h m is the maximum observed rainfall amount at the site
each class of record length. In Table 1 we reproduce the ob-
of interest, h# n and s n are the mean and standard deviation of
served minimum and maximum interval of k m for each class of
a series of n annual rainfall maxima at that site, and k m is a
record length.
frequency factor. To evaluate this factor, Hershfield [1961] ini-
Let us provisionally ignore the effect of the record length n
tially analyzed a total of 95,000 station-years of annual maxi-
on k m (which apparently exists; we will return to it later) and
mum rainfall belonging to 2645 stations, of which about 90%
unify all classes of record lengths adding the number of occur-
were in the United States, and found that the maximum ob-
rences of all classes (as Hershfield already did, as well). Then,
served value of k m was 15. Then he concluded that an estimate
using the well-known Weibull formula, we can estimate the
of the PMP amount can be determined by setting k m 5 15 in
probability of nonexceedance of the random variable K m,
(1) and substituting h m for the PMP value. Subsequently, Her-
whose realization is k m, by
shfield [1965], proposed that k m varies with the rainfall dura-
tion d and the mean h# n . More specifically, he found that the r~k m!
value of k m 5 15 is too high for areas with heavy rainfall and F*~k m! 5 (2)
r9 1 1
too low for arid areas, whereas it is too high for rain durations
shorter than 24 hours. Therefore he constructed an empirical where r(k m) is the number of records with K m # k m, and r9 is
nomograph indicating that k m varies between 5 and 20 depend- the total number of records (2645). In fact, this estimation is
ing on the rainfall duration d and the mean h# n . This nomo- possible only for the upper bounds of the 28 intervals of k m
graph and (1) constitute the basis of the statistical method for used by Hershfield.
estimating PMP, which was standardized by World Meteorolog- A plot of k m versus F* (more precisely, versus the Gumbel
ical Organization [1986]. reduced variate 2ln(2ln F*)), is given in Figure 1 on Gumbel
Undoubtedly, the data, analysis, and results of Hershfield probability paper. Contrary to the interpretation of World Me-
contain extremely useful information and additional validity teorological Organization [1986, p. 96], which speaks about an
has been appended to them by the widespread application of “enveloping” value of k m, this figure suggests that there is no
the method. However, after the discussion in the previous such an enveloping value. As in any finite sample, we have in
paragraphs, the question arises of whether the huge amount of Figure 1 a finite maximum value (k m 5 15 in our case), but
rainfall information used by Hershfield suggests the existence there is no evidence to consider that value to be an enveloping
of a deterministic upper limit of precipitation or not. If the one. This would be justified only if there was a trend for k m to

Figure 1. Empirical (diamonds) and GEV (continuous line) distribution function of Hershfield’s maximum
standardized variate k m for all classes of record length (on Gumbel probability paper). The parameters of the
GEV distribution are k 5 0.0857, l 5 1.12, and c 5 2.63.

stabilize (or saturate) at a certain value as the probability of data values are, the more likely is the occurrence of a higher
nonexceedance F*(k m) approaches unity. But this is not the value of k m. Second, as k m is an amount standardized by the
case in Figure 1, where we observe an intensifying rate of sample mean and standard deviation, the larger the record
increase of k m versus the increase of the Gumbel reduced length, the more accurate the estimation of k m. In Figure 2 we
variate 2ln(2ln F*). If this rate of increase were constant have plotted the empirical distributions of each class of record
(i.e., the points in Figure 1 formed a straight line), this would length separately, using again (2) but with r9 being the total
indicate that k m would have a Gumbel distribution. The ob- number of records of the specific class. Clearly, for low and
served curvature (i.e., intensifying rate of increase) suggests moderate probabilities of nonexceedance (low and moderate
that a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution with values of the Gumbel-reduced variate 2ln(2ln F*)) the em-
shape parameter Þ 0 is more appropriate (the curve shown in pirical distribution of a class with small record length (e.g.,
Figure 1, estimated by least squares, corresponds to k 5 10 –14 years) differs from that of a class with long record length
0.0857). In conclusion, Figure 1 indicates that the maximum (e.g., 65– 69 years), the curves of the former being below those
observed value k m 5 15 is not at all a physical upper limit and of the latter. This is absolutely justified by the first reason
that it would be greater if more records were available. To reported above. For very high probabilities of nonexceedance
support this interpretation, we invoke the cautionary remarks (very high values of the Gumbel-reduced variate 2ln(2ln
of World Meteorological Organization [1986, p. 108] on the F*)) this situation is reversed in some cases (e.g., the empirical
statistical method of PMP, which mention values of k m equal distributions of the classes of record length 10 –14 and 20 –24
to 25–30 for the United States and Canada. years surpass those of classes with longer record length). Most
We note that the Gumbel distribution of maxima is probably, this is a consequence of the poor estimation of the
mean and standard deviation for the classes with small record
F X~ x! 5 exp ~2e 2x/l1c! (3) length.
and the GEV distribution is The effect of the record length on the accuracy of estimation
of the mean and standard deviation of a random variable is
F X~ x! 5 exp H F
2 11k S x
2c DG J
intrinsic and unavoidable. However, the effect of the record
length on the value of maximum k m can be easily averted if,
instead of studying the distribution of the maximum observed
k x $ kl ~ c 2 1/ k ! k m, we choose to study the distribution of all standardized
In both (3) and (4) X and x denote the random variable and its annual maxima k i within a record, defined by
value, respectively (in our case they represent K m and k m, h i 5 h# n 1 k is n (5)
respectively); F X ( x) is the distribution function; and k, l, and
where h i , i 5 1, z z z n, is the ith observed annual maximum
c are shape, scale, and location parameters, respectively. Here
rainfall within the record. Denoting by F*( ) and F( ) the
k and c are dimensionless, whereas l (.0) has the same units
distribution functions of K m and K i , respectively, and since K i
as x. Note that (3) is the two-parameter special case of the
are independent, it is well known [e.g., Gumbel, 1958, p. 75]
three-parameter (4), resulting when k 5 0.
that F*(k) 5 [F(k)] n , so that we can find the empirical
In the above analysis we have not considered the effect of
distribution F(k), given F*(k) from (2), by
the record length n on k m. Apparently, there exists such a
serious effect for two reasons. First, the more available the F~k! 5 @F*~k!# 1/n (6)

Figure 2. Empirical distribution functions of Hershfield’s maximum standardized variate k m for each class
of record length (on Gumbel probability paper).

This we have done for all Hershfield’s classes of record 3. Proposed Alternative Formulation of
length by adopting a unique value of n for each class, equal to Hershfield’s Method for 24 hour Depths
the arithmetic mean of the class’s bounds (for the last class
which does not have an upper bound we assumed n 5 85, so The approximate analysis of the previous section indicates
that the total number of station-years is 94,523, that is, very that the classes of different record lengths do not differ sub-
close to the value of 95,000 station-years mentioned by Her- stantially in regard to the distribution of k. Apparently, the
shfield). Again, the estimation of F(k) is possible only for the record length which was the criterion for separating classes is
upper bounds of the 28 intervals of k m used by Hershfield. The not the most appropriate one; other criteria such as climatic
estimated empirical distribution functions F(k) are depicted in conditions would be more appropriate to test whether they
Figure 3. Clearly, the departures in F*(k m), among different affect the distribution of k. However, even if the existing Her-
classes observed in Figure 2, have disappeared in the F(k) of shfield’s 13 classes are considered as totally randomly selected,
Figure 3. Some departures of different classes appear in Figure the absence of substantial difference among them provides a
3 only for 2ln(2ln F) . 6, or F . 0.998, or, equivalently, for rough indication that the specific standardization of annual
return periods greater than 500 years. This is not so strange if maximum rainfall (i.e., the use of k) is a useful analysis tool.
we consider the high uncertainty for such high return periods, Therefore, with the reservations and explanations given in
especially for the classes of small length. We note also that the the last paragraph of section 1, we can proceed assuming that
Gumbel probability plot of Figure 3 enlarges greatly any dif- all records of standardized annual maximum rainfall k repre-
ference in probability at the very right part of the graph. As a sent practically the same population. This assumption is also
rough indication that these differences are not significant, we supported by the original work of Hershfield [1961], who tested
have plotted in Figure 3 a couple of confidence curves around the different records for randomness and independence.
a theoretical GEV distribution. The GEV distribution is rep-
It is rather simple to find the empirical distribution function
resentative for the unified record containing all classes, and its
F(k) of the union of all records. Given from (6) the empirical
derivation is discussed in section 3. The 99% confidence limits
distribution function F i (k) for class i which has m9i station-
at a certain value of F are F 6 2.576 s F where 2.576 is the
years in total, we estimate the number m i (k) of station-years
standard normal variate for confidence coefficient 99% and
s F 5 [F (1 2 F) (1/m9)] 0.5 is the sample standard deviation whose values are less than or equal to k by
of F for a sample size m9 [Papoulis, 1990, pp. 284, 299]; in our m i~k! 5 F i~k!~m9i 1 1! (7)
case m9 equals the number of station-years. For the construc-
tion of the confidence curves of Figure 3, the value of m9 was Adding m i (k) and for all i we find the total number m(k) for
taken 2000 which is representative for class 3 with mean record the union of all records; similarly, adding all m9i we find the
length 22 years and 2024 station-years. total number of station years (m9 5 94,523), so that finally

Figure 3. Empirical distribution functions of standardized rainfall depth k for each class of record length
(on Gumbel probability paper).

m~k! One may argue that because k is a standardized variable, the

F~k! 5 (8) parameters must be constrained so that the theoretical mean
m9 1 1
and standard deviation of k equal 0 and 1, respectively. We
Again, the estimation of F(k) is possible only for the upper preferred not to introduce those constraints into the optimi-
bounds of the 28 intervals of k m used by Hershfield. Thus the zation process for two reasons. First, the union of many
range of k where the estimation of F(k) is possible extends records with standard deviation 1 has no longer standard de-
from k 5 1.5 to 15. The corresponding estimated range of viation 1, as it can be easily verified. Second, Hershfield [1961]
F(k) is from F(k) 5 0.7759 to 0.9999904. We do not have used adjusting factors for both the sample mean and standard
any information for values of F(k) , 0.7759 (or, equivalently, deviation, so that the mean and standard deviation of k in each
for return periods less than 4.5 years), but this is not a signif-
record do not actually equal 0 and 1. Therefore the theoretical
icant gap because typically in engineering problems, our inter-
values of mean and standard deviation for the above parame-
est is focused on high return periods.
ter values are 0.87 and 0.94, respectively. If we force parame-
The empirical distribution function of all records is given
ters to obey the requirements regarding the mean and standard
graphically in Figure 4 on Gumbel probability paper. The cur-
deviation, by introducing the relevant constraints into the for-
vature of this empirical distribution function clearly shows that
mulation of the optimization problem, the estimated parame-
the Gumbel distribution is not appropriate. Therefore we have
fitted the more generalized GEV distribution which is also ters become k̂ 5 0.13, l̂ 5 0.64, and ĉ 5 20.69, that is, k
shown in Figure 4 (as well as in Figure 3), along with two 99% remains constant, l changes slightly, and c changes signifi-
confidence curves derived with the method already described cantly.
in section 2 for m9 5 95,000. Because of the unusual situation In fact, the only parameter that we practically need to know
about the available empirical information (only 28 values of is the shape parameter k because this is the only one that
the empirical distribution), typical fitting methods, such as remains invariable when we apply the standardization trans-
those of moments, L moments, maximum likelihood, etc., are formation on the random variable representing the annual
not applicable for fitting the theoretical distribution. Instead, maximum rainfall depth. Moreover, k is the most difficult to
we used a least squares method aimed at the minimization of estimate accurately from a small record, whereas l and c are
the mean square error among theoretical end empirical values more accurately estimated, for example, from the sample mean
of the magnitude 2ln(2ln F(k)) for the specified values of k. and standard deviation.
The objective function (mean square error) is a function of the Adopting the parameter set k 5 0.13, l 5 0.6, c 5 0.73 and
GEV distribution parameters, that is, k, l, and c of (4), and its solving (4) for the value k 5 15, which was specified by
minimization using nonlinear programming resulted in param- Hershfield as corresponding to PMP, we find that F(k) 5
eter values k̂ 5 0.13, l̂ 5 0.6, and ĉ 5 0.73. 0.999982, which corresponds to a return period of 55,700

Figure 4. Empirical (diamonds) and GEV (continuous line) distribution function of standardized rainfall
depth k for all Hershfield’s [1961] data (on Gumbel probability paper).

years. If we assume that k has zero mean and unit standard imum rainfall k 5 15 (which was considered by Hershfield as
deviation, then (3) and (4) after algebraic manipulations re- corresponding to PMP) corresponds to a return period of
duce to about 60,000 years. (3) The shape parameter k of the GEV

distribution is 0.13.
F~k! 5 exp 2exp 2 2g k50 (9) This formulation is more consistent than the original of
Î6 Hershfield [1961] with the probabilistic nature of rainfall and,
F~k! 5 exp $ 2 @sgn ~ k !@G~1 2 2 k ! 2 G 2~1 2 k !# 1/ 2k furthermore, it allows quantification of the risk when k 5 15,
as well as an assessment of the risk for different (greater or
1 G~1 2 k !# 21/k% kÞ0 (10) less) values of k.
We must emphasize that the above results are subject to at
where sgn (k) is the sign of k, g is the Euler’s constant
least two sources of possible bias, introduced first by the pa-
(5 0.57722) and G( ) is the gamma function. Apparently,
rameter estimation procedure used by Hershfield to estimate
F(k) is a function of the value of the standardized variable k
the mean and standard deviation for each record and, second,
and the shape parameter k only (note the distinction of the
by the unification of all records as if they were independently
Latin k and the Greek k). Setting k 5 0.13 and k 5 15 to (10)
identically distributed. To quantify the bias from both sources,
we find that F(k) 5 0.999983 and T 5 58,600, that is, very
we have performed simulations whose results are given in
close to the previous results. By rounding these results we
Table 2. In each simulation we generated an ensemble of 60
could say that Hershfield’s value k 5 15 corresponds to a
return period of about 60,000 years. This is somehow different sets each containing 2645 records with randomly chosen
from the empirical estimation, which would be 95,000 years lengths from the distribution that is derived from Table 1 of
(equal to the number of station-years). The difference is ap- Hershfield [1961]. The about 60 3 2645 3 36 5 5.7 3 106
parent in Figure 4 (last point to the right versus the solid line). values of k (where 36 is the average record length) were gen-
However, it is not statistically significant: If we assume that the erated from the distribution function (10) with population
probability that k does not exceed 15 is p 5 1 2 1/60,000, mean 0 and variance 1. These values were then restandardized
then the probability that all 95,000 observations do not exceed using the sample mean and standard deviation of each gener-
15 is p 95,000 ' 0.20. Therefore the hypothesis that the em- ated sample. These statistics were estimated both by the typical
pirical and theoretical probabilities are the same is not rejected unbiased statistical estimators (method C in Table 2) and Her-
at the typical levels of significance (e.g., 1%, 5%, or even more, shfield’s adjusting factors (already mentioned above), as they
up to 20%). This result is graphically verified by the confidence are implied by his nomographs (method B). From each ensem-
curves of Figure 4. ble we estimated the value of k m, as well as the empirical
The above results may be summarized in the following three return period of the value k 5 15, as the average values from
points, which provide the alternative interpretation to Hersh- the 60 generated sets. We examined five cases as shown in
field’s [1961] statistical PMP method: (1) The GEV distribu- Table 2. In case 0 we assumed that all 2645 synthetic records
tion can be considered as appropriate, for annual maximum have constant parameter k equal to 0.13. In cases 1– 4 we
rainfall series. (2) The value of the standardized annual max- assumed a varying k randomly chosen (for each synthetic

Table 2. Simulation Results for the Exploration of Sources of Bias in the Proposed Formulation of Hershfield’s Method
Assumed Statistical k m Using Estimation Return Period of k 5 15
Characteristics of k Method* Using Estimation Method*

Case E[ k ] Std[k] C s[ k ] A B C A B C

0 0.13 0 0 17.6 (16.2)† 18.8 7.1 66,300 (58,600)† 42,900 ..95,000

1 0.13 0.036 1.35 19.1 21.4 7.2 44,900 28,500 ..95,000
2 0.12 0.039 1.24 18.2 19.7 7.1 52,800 38,000 ..95,000
3 0.11 0.042 1.15 17.5 19.9 7.0 82,600 47,500 ..95,000
4 0.10 0.045 1.08 17.0 19.0 7.1 93,400 53,300 ..95,000

*Estimation methods: A, using theoretical moments (mean 0 and standard deviation 1); B, using adjusted moments by Hershfield’s procedure;
and C, using typical statistical moments.
†Theoretical values (where applicable).

record) from a gamma distribution with mean value 0.10 – 0.13 Hershfield’s adjusting factors, results in overestimation of k m
and plausible values of standard deviation and skewness as and safer design parameters on the average.
shown in Table 2. In his subsequent work Hershfield [1965] replaced the unique
From the results of Table 2 it is evident that the adoption of value k 5 15 with a nomograph giving k as a function of the
Hershfield’s adjustment factors in all cases results in slight mean value of annual maximum series h# , which is reproduced
overestimation of the value of k m (method B versus method A) in Figure 5 (curve of 24-hour rainfall). The curve of this no-
and, consequently, in underestimation of the return period of mograph may be easily replaced with a mathematical relation-
the value k 5 15. Notably, however, if these adjustments were ship of the shape parameter k with h# . To establish this rela-
not used the result would be a serious underestimation of k m tionship we can follow the following steps: (1) select numerous
(method C versus method A). Furthermore, the adoption of points h# and estimate from the nomograph the corresponding
varying k results in an increase of k m and decrease of the values k; (2) for each k find from (10) the value of k so that
return period of the value k 5 15 (case 1 versus case 0). F(k) 5 1 2 1/60,000; (3) from the set of pairs (h# , k ) establish
Conversely, given that Hershfield’s 2645 records certainly do a simple type of mathematical relationship and estimate its
not have constant k and that the parameters were estimated by parameters. Using this procedure, it was found that this no-
method B, we can expect that the estimated value k 5 0.13 is mograph is practically equivalent to the following mathemati-
too high as an average value if the value k 5 15 must have a cally simple statement, which substitutes point 3 in the previ-
return period of about 60,000 years; a smaller average value of ously stated alternative formulation of the method: (3a) The
k ' 0.10 (case 4, method B) seems more consistent. Therefore shape parameter k of the GEV distribution is given as a func-
the adoption a constant value k 5 0.13, among with the use of tion of the mean value of annual maximum series h# , by

Figure 5. Comparison of Hershfield’s empirical nomograph for k m, as a function of the mean annual
maximum rainfall h# d and duration d (dashed lines), with the curves obtained for the proposed alternative
formulation (k for T 5 60,000; continuous lines) by applying equations (10), (11) and (17).

Figure 6. Empirical and theoretical distribution functions of the annual maximum daily rainfall at Athens
(on Gumbel probability paper). The GEV distribution obtained by the proposed method coincides with the
GEV distribution fitted directly from the sample with the method of maximum likelihood.

k 5 0.183 2 0.00049h# (11) both k and h. Then, adopting the GEV distribution for h and
using the simplest method of moments for estimating the re-
where h# is in millimeters. The curve k 5 g(h# ), which is maining two parameters (with mean and standard deviation of
obtained by combining (11) and (10) with T 5 1/60,000, is shown h 47.9 and 21.7 mm, respectively), we find l̂ 5 12.95 mm and
in Figure 5 and agrees well with Hershfield’s empirical curve. ĉ 5 2.93 (the corresponding parameters for k are l̂ 5 0.60 and
We observe that for very large values of h# , that is, for h# . ĉ 5 0.77).
373.5 mm, (11) results in k , 0. This combined with (4)
Alternatively, we fitted the GEV distribution to the given
implies that in that case, k will be upper bounded (and lower
sample of h itself, without reference to the proposed method,
unbounded). However, to the author’s opinion there is no
using the standard methods of maximum likelihood and of L
sufficient physical or empirical reasoning to accept an upper
moments. The estimated parameters are k̂ 5 0.161, l̂ 5 12.93
bound for k. A direct solution would be to set k 5 0 and use
mm, and ĉ 5 2.94 for the method of maximum likelihood
the Gumbel distribution in such extremely unusual situations,
[Papoulis, 1990, p. 303] (the maximization was performed nu-
even though this results in slight disagreement with Hershfield
merically), and k̂ 5 0.185, l̂ 5 12.64 mm, and ĉ 5 2.98 for the
for h# . 373.5 mm. We note that in his original study, Hersh-
field [1965] had only 5 out of about 2700 points located in that method of L moments [Stedinger et al., 1993, p. 18.18]. Inter-
area (h# . 373.5 mm) to draw his enveloping curve, and estingly, the parameters of the method of maximum likelihood
therefore the uncertainty is large, anyhow. almost coincide with those of the proposed method. This in-
dicates that the estimate of the shape parameter k by (11) is
reliable, at least in the examined case.
4. Verification of the Proposed Alternative The empirical distribution function of the 136-year record,
Formulation of the Method in comparison with GEV distribution function with all three
To verify the proposed method with historical data we used parameter sets are shown in Figure 6. As expected, the GEV
the longest available record of annual maximum daily rainfall distribution fitted by the proposed method (as well as the
in Greece [Koutsoyiannis and Baloutsos, 1999]. This comes indistinguishable one fitted by the method of maximum likeli-
from the National Observatory of Athens and extends from hood) verifies that Hershfield’s PMP value (424.1 mm) has a
1860 to 1995 (136 years). Its mean and standard deviation are return period 60,000 years (Figure 6). For comparison, we have
47.9 and 21.7 mm, respectively, and the maximum observed additionally plotted in Figure 6 the Gumbel distribution func-
value is 150.8 mm (therefore the observed k m 5 (150.8 2 tion, which apparently has very poor performance with regard
47.9)/21.7 5 4.74). The direct application of Hershfield’s to the empirical distribution and underestimates seriously the
method results in k m 5 17.2 and, consequently, in a PMP value rainfall amount for large return periods.
of 424.1 mm. From (11) we find k̂ 5 0.160, which applies for In conclusion, in the examined case we may replace the

statement “the PMP is 424.1 mm” with “the 60,000-year rain- Using (17) and starting with the known function k 5 g(h# 24 ),
fall, as resulted from the GEV distribution is 424.1 mm”; the we calculated the function g d (h# d ) for d 5 1 hour and 2 hours
latter implies that greater amounts of rainfall are possible but and we plotted the resulting curves in Figure 5 in comparison
with less probability. with the empirical curves of Hershfield. Interestingly, the two
sets of curves almost coincide.
In conclusion, the analysis of this section shows that (1)
5. Effect of Rain Duration there is no need to establish relations of the standardized
In addition to the curve for the 24-hour rainfall, Hershfield annual maximum rainfall k with any of the rainfall character-
[1965] presented in his nomograph curves of k m for shorter istics for rain durations less than 24 hours because such rela-
durations, that is, 1 and 2 hours, as a result of analysis of tionships are directly derived from idf curves and that (2) the
rainfall data from about 210 stations. These curves are also particular Hershfield curves of k m for low durations are prac-
shown in Figure 5. tically equivalent with the assumption that the rainfall depth is
Generally, if we have available the intensity-duration- proportional to the square root of duration.
frequency (idf) relationships for the location of interest we can
easily infer the relevant effect of the duration without the need
of additional curves. The idf relationship may be expressed 6. Conclusions
[Koutsoyiannis et al., 1998] by the general form Hershfield’s method of estimating probable maximum pre-
cipitation (PMP) is a very useful, widespread, and reliable tool
i d~T! 5 (12) for hydrologic design because it is based on the analysis of a
b~d! huge amount of rainfall information (2645 data records
where i d (T) is the rainfall intensity corresponding to duration throughout the world containing 95,000 station-years). How-
d and return period T, and a(T) and b(d) are functions of T ever, what the method estimates may not be PMP, and there is
and d, respectively. Particularly, the function b(d) is typically no reason to consider it so. More specifically, the analysis
a power function of d and, as we will show, determines com- performed with Hershfield’s data provided no evidence that
pletely the effect of duration and can be used to infer curves there exists an upper bound of precipitation amount and, be-
such as those of Hershfield’s nomograph. Writing (12) for two sides, suggested that a simple alternative formulation of the
durations, d and 24 hours, eliminating a(T), and also substi- method is possible. This formulation can be purely probabilis-
tuting i d (T) 5 h d (T)/d, where h d (T) is the rainfall depth tic and need not postulate the existence of PMP as an upper
corresponding to duration d and return period T, we find physical limit.
It is shown that Hershfield’s estimate of PMP may be ob-
b~d! b~24! tained by using the generalized extreme value (GEV) distri-
h d~T! 5 h 24~T! (13) bution with shape parameter given as a specified linear func-
d 24
tion of the average of annual maximum precipitation, and for
which implies equality in probability for [h d b(d)/d] and return period equal to 60,000 years. This formulation is sup-
[h 24 b(24)/ 24]. Therefore, if m d and s d denote the mean and ported by the published Hershfield data and substitutes com-
standard deviation of the rainfall depth for duration d, then pletely the standard empirical nomograph that is used for the
b~d! b~24! b~d! b~24! application of the method. Moreover, the alternative formula-
md 5 m 24 sd 5 s 24 (14) tion assigns a probability distribution function to annual max-
d 24 d 24
imum rainfall, thus allowing for the estimation of risk either for
If we denote k d (T) 5 [h d (T) 2 m d ]/ s d , the standardized Hershfield’s “PMP” value or any other large rainfall amount.
variate of hd(T), we easily find from (13) and (14) that kd(T) 5 The return period of about 60,000 years estimated here for
k 24 (T) 5 k(T), that is, k d (T) does not depend on d, so that Hershfield’s PMP is rather small as compared to other esti-
we can use (10) and (11) to determine it. Note that the h# that mates of the literature (although the other estimates may not
appears in (11) is the sample mean of h 24 , that is, h# [ h# 24 , be fully comparable as they refer to other PMP estimation
which corresponds to the true mean m24. The relationship k 5 methods). For example, according to the National Research
g(h# 24 ) that resulted numerically from (10) and (11) for T 5 Council [1994, p. 14], the return period of PMP in the United
60,000 (Figure 5, curve for 24 hours) may be reformulated so States is estimated to be 105–109 years, whereas Foufoula-
as to write as a function of h# d , which is the case of Hershfield’s Georgiou [1989] and Fontaine and Potter [1989] indicate that
curves. Assuming that the sample means h# d and h# 24 have the values of PMP of the literature have return periods of 105–106
same relation as the true means m d and m24 (equation (14)) we years. Likewise, according to Austin et al. [1995, p. 74], the
can write values of PMP estimated in Great Britain by a storm model are
associated with return period of 200,000 years.
k 5 g~h# 24! 5 g h# d
24 b~d!
d b~24! D 5 g d~h# d! (15) The verification of the proposed alternative formulation of
the method was performed by applying it to Athens, Greece,
where where there exists a long (136-year) record of annual maximum
daily rainfall. The available long record suggested that the

g d~ x! :5 g x
24 b~d!
d b~24! D (16)
GEV distribution is appropriate and made possible a rele-
vantly accurate estimation (by standard statistical methods) of
its shape parameter, which almost coincided with that obtained
Now, if we assume for simplicity that an “average” expres- by the proposed method. This coincidence enhances our trust
sion for b(d) is b(d) 5 d 0.5 , then (15) becomes for the results of the typical statistical analysis in the examined

k 5 g d~h# d! 5 g h# d
24 0.5
d 0.5 D (17)
case, which prove to be in agreement with the outcome of a
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