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Signs and symptoms of anemia
1. Weak, tired, lethargic and tired
2. Often complain of dizziness and dizzy eyes
3. Further symptoms of eyelids, lips, tongue, skin and palms turn pale. Pale due to
lack of blood volume and hemoglobin, vasoconstriction
4. Tachycardia and heart noise (increased speed of blood flow) Angina (chest
5. Dispnea, shortness of breath, quickly tired during activity (O2 delivery
6. Headaches, weakness, tinnitus (buzzing ears) illustrate the reduced oxygenation
of the CNS
7. Severe anemia of GI and CHF disorders (anorexia, nausea, constipation or

a. Medical Management
1. Transparency of red blood cells.
2. Antibiotics are given to prevent infection.
3. Folic acid supplements can stimulate the formation of red blood cells.
4. Avoid situations of lack of oxygen or activities that require oxygen
5. Treat the cause of abnormal bleeding if present.
6. Iron-rich diets containing meat and green vegetables.

b. Treatment (for treatment depends on the cause):

1. Iron deficiency anemia. Organize foods that contain iron, try to provide food
such as fish, meat, eggs and vegetables. Provision of Fe preparations, Perrosulfate
3x 200mg / day / per oral after meals, Perogluconate 3x 200 mg / day / oral after
2. Pernicious anemia: administration of vitamin B12
3. Anemia of folic acid: folic acid 5 mg / day / oral
4. Anemia due to bleeding: overcoming bleeding and shock with administration of
fluids and blood transfusions.
B. Diarrhea
Signs and symptoms of diarrhea
a. Liquid or soft defecate
b. Gag
c. Fever
d. Symptoms of dehydration, namely sunken eyes, decreased skin tension, apathy,
and even anxiety.
e. Vibrio cholera: severe diarrhea, stool color like rice laundry and fishy smell.
f. Disentiriform: mucous and bloody stools.

a. Medical
1. Giving fluids
2. Giving antibiotics

b. Non medical
1. Drink lots of fluids
2. Avoid certain foods such as solid / hard, spicy, fatty, oily, raw, high-fiber
foods, and lots of seasoning.
3. Choose foods that contain probiotics
4. Diligently wash your hands
5. Providing good nutrition

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