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Modeling and Control of Elastic

Joint Robots
In this paper we study the modeling and control of robot manipulators with elastic
joints. We first derive a simple model to represent the dynamics of elastic joint
manipulators. The model is derived under two assumptions regarding dynamic
coupling between the actuators and the links, and is useful for cases where the
elasticity in the joints is of greater significance than gyroscopic interactions between
M.W. Spong the motors and links. In the limit as the joint stiffness tends to infinity, our model
Coordinated Science Laboratory, reduces to the usual rigid model found in the literature, showing the reasonableness
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, of our modeling assumptions. We show that our model is significantly more trac-
Urbana, III. 61801 table with regard to controller design than previous nonlinear models that have been
used to model elastic joint manipulators. Specifically, the nonlinear equations of
motion that we derive are shown to be globally linearizable by diffeomorphic coor-
dinate transformation and nonlinear static state feedback, a result that does not
hold for previously derived models of elastic joint manipulators. We also detail an
alternate approach to nonlinear control based on a singular perturbation formula-
tion of the equations of motion and the concept of integral manifold. We show that
by a suitable nonlinear feedback, the manifold in state space which describes the
dynamics of the rigid manipulator, that is, the manipulator without joint elasticity,
can be made invariant under solutions of the elastic joint system. The implications
of this result for the control of elastic joint robots are discussed.

1 Introduction
The proper choice of mathematical models for control is much more amenable to analysis and control than previous
system design is a crucial stage in the development of control models.
strategies for any system. This is particularly true for robot Specifically, we assume
manipulators due to their complicated dynamics. For simula- (Al) That the kinetic energy of the rotor is due mainly to its
tion purposes one would like as detailed a model as possible, own rotation. Equivalently, the motion of the rotor is a pure
while for control design and implementation one would like to rotation with respect to an inertial frame. We further assume.
retain only the most significant dynamic effects in the model (A2) The the rotor/gear inertia is symmetric about the rotor
in order to simplify the analysis and minimize on-line com- axis of rotation so that the gravitational potential of the
putational requirements. system and also the velocity of the rotor center of mass are
Because of the extreme complexity of the dynamic equa- both independent of the rotor position.
tions of motion for «-link manipulators with joint elasticity, Assumption (A2) hardly needs any justification and
most existing results on the control of such manipulators have Assumption (Al) is easy to justify for a large class of robots,
relied either on computer programs to generate the equations since roughly speaking it amounts to neglecting terms of order
[17] or have treated special configurations [26] and/or single at most \/m where m:\ is the gear ratio. In fact, most existing
link examples [27]. However, one generally obtains relatively models of rigid manipulators are derived under precisely these
little insight from symbolically generated equations, and an same assumptions; see for example Paul [4], equation (6.49).
understanding of the physics underlying the model is of prime The important point is to model the dynamic effects which are
importance in understanding the control problem. For this dominant, in this case the joint elasticity.
reason we first investigate the problem of modeling the
dynamics of elastic joint manipulators. For notational 2 Modeling
simplicity we treat the case of revolute joints driven by DC-
motors whose rotors are elastically coupled to the links. It We now consider an n-link manipulator with revolute joints
turns out that by making two rather simple approximating actuated by DC-motors, and model the elasticity of the rth
assumptions it is possible to derive a model of the system that joint as a linear torsional spring with stiffness kt. For nota-
tional simplicity we take kt = k for all /. Because of the addi-
tional degrees of freedom introduced by the elastic coupling of
This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation the motor shaft to the links we model the rotor of each ac-
under grant DMC-8616091 tuator as a "fictitious link," that is, as an additional rigid
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division for publication in
body in the chain with its own inertia. Thus the manipulator
received by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division July 1986. consists of n "actual" links and n "fictitious" or rotor links.

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Fig. 1 Elastic Joint

The specific design of the manipulator will dictate the man-
ner in which the actuators are coupled to the links. For The following example gives a simple illustration of the effect
simplicity we discuss the case in which the rotor is directly of the above assumption.
coupled to the link that it actuates as shown in Fig. 1. Other
configurations, for example when the motors are located on Example Consider the cylinder shown in Fig. 2. The rota-
link 1 and drive the distal links through cables, etc., can be tional kinetic energy is then
handled by finding the corresponding transformation between
"actuator space" and "joint space" as in [34]. The details are K = -yCf,X + IyA + hz^D (2.6)
Referring to Fig. 1, let q = (qu . . . q2n)T be a set of The principal moments of inertia of the cylinder with
generalized of generalized coordinates for the system where respect to the coordinate system shown are given by
q2j = the angle of link i,i= 1, . . . ,n (2.1) fMb
=Iyy (2.7)
Qv-i = 1, ,n (2.2)
where 8, is the angular displacement of rotor i and w ; is the 2
gear ratio. In this case then q^ — qn-t *s t n e elastic displace- Due to the gear ratio m:\ the angular velocity wz will
ment of link ;'. generally be a factor of m larger than the angular velocities
Lagrangian Dynamics The rotor, as an intermediate link, about the other two axes. If we take therefore wz = mcox = mu>y
now has its own coordinate frame and inertia tensor for the purposes of illustration, the kinetic energy becomes
associated with it. We shall model the "rotor" link as a right
circular cylinder of radius a and length b. From symmetry K=~-Mu2z(a2 + b2/m2) (2.9)
consideration we may establish the coordinate frame at the
center of mass and assume that coordinate axes are principal We now approximate according to (Al) the kinetic energy K
axes of the cylinder, with the rotor angle 6-, measured about as
the z2i axis. The inertia tensor of the rotor is then given by
K= -Mula2 (2.10)

The percent error in the kinetic energy incurred by using the

expression (2.10) instead of the true kinetic energy (2.9) is then
/,= 'w;
K— K
Error = x 100 (2.11)
where Ixx, Iyy, Izz are the moments of inertia of the rotor about -xlOO (2.12)
b + m2a:
the principal axes. The kinetic energy of the rotor is
For example if a = 1, 6 = 1 / 2 , and m = 100, the percent error
1 ,. 1 in kinetic energy is 0.01 percent.
*r, 2-MiVTvi+-2 tTi* (2.4)
Let us now partition the generalized coordinate vector q as
(qi.q2) r where
where vt represents the velocity of the center of mass of the
rotor, Mj is the rotor mass, and co,- is the vector of angular Qi = (92. 04 (linY (2.13)
velocities about the principal axes.
Now by the symmetry assumption (A2) the velocity i>; of the
center of mass of the rotor can written as a function only of q2 (qltq3, . . . , <7 2n -i) 7 (2.14)
the link variables q2, . . • ,q2i-2- If w e therefore include the
rotor mass as part of link 2i- 2 for the purposes of calculating In other words q[ is the vector of link variables and q2 is the
the inertia tensor of link 2 / - 2 then the first term in (2.4) will vector of actuator variables (divided by the gear ratio).
be included with the kinetic energy of link 2i- 2. We have shown by the previous discussion then that the
We now invoke Assumption- (Al) and model only the kinetic energy of the system under our modeling assumption
kinetic energy of the rotor about its principal axis of rotation, (Al) is
i.e., we assume that the second term in (2.4) above is given as
K=—qfD(ql)ql + — qJ7q 2 (2.15)
^lh^=\hzfi (2.5)
where D (q,) is the inertia of the ' 'rigid'' robot

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D(ql) = (diJ(ql)) (2.16) as k— oo and q2 - qi — 0. Therefore the Lagrangian of the rigid
which can be calculated using standard techniques, (e.g., for- system Lr is obtained from (2.20) as
mula 6.66 in [4]) once the rotor masses are included as part of
the proximal links for the calculation of the latter's inertia ten- Lr = — q?"(D(qi) + -/)qi- • ^ i ( q i ) (2.26)
sor. The n x n matrix J is given by
which leads to the equations of motion for the rigid system by
applying the Euler-Lagrange equations to (2.26)
J=diag \m\Izzv 'n*zz„ (2.17)
J D(q,+7)q 1 +c(q 1 ,q 1 )
=" (2.27)
where the diagonal elements are the motor inertias about their The interesting implication of this is that the usual textbook
principal axes of rotation multiplied by the square of the model of rigid robots is subject to the same assumptions (Al)
respective gear ratios. and (A2) that we use to derive the elastic joint model.
We now invoke our second assumption (A2) again that the Gyroscopic forces due to the rotation of the actuators are thus
rotor inertia is symmetric about its axis of rotation. This im- not considered in most existing rigid models. See [32] for an
plies that the gravitational potential is a function only of q,. exception to this statement which does consider the modeling
Therefore the total potential energy of the system is of these gyroscopic terms in the case of the rigid joints. It is of
interest to note that [32] concluded that these gyroscopic terms
p=p,(qi)+^2(qi-q2) (2.18) can indeed by neglected in most cases.
where, as in the case of the kinetic energy, the potential energy
term P , is found from standard formulae for rigid robots
(e.g., formula 6.54 in [4]). The second term above is due to the
3 Feedback Linearization
elastic potential of the spring and is given as
It is well known that the rigid robot equations (2.27) may be
1 globally linearized and decoupled by nonlinear feedback. This
-/t(q,-q2)r(q1-q2). (2.19)
is just the familiar inverse dynamics control scheme which
The Lagrangian L = K—Pof the system is now given by transforms (2.27) into a set of double integrator equations
which can then be controlled by adding an "outer loop" con-
trol [31].
= ^-q[-D(qi)<ii+^-42^2-^i(Qi)
The above technique of inverse dynamics control is now
understood as a special case of a more general procedure for
1 transforming a nonlinear system to a linear system, known as
-A:(q 1 -q 2 ) 7 '(q 1 -q 2 ) (2.20)
external ox feedback linearization.
and the equations of motion are found from the Euler-
Lagrange equations [4] using (2.20) to be
Definition 3.1: A nonlinear system
£>(qi)q'i +c(qj, qi) + fc(q, - q 2 ) = 0 (2.21)
X = f{x) + XJg;(x)H; (3.1)
•/q2-£(qi-<l2) = "- (2-22)
The rtXn matrix -D(qj) is symmetric, positive definite for
each q,. The vector C(q 1; qt) contains coriolis, centripetal, = Ax) + G(x)u
and gravitational forces and torques, and can be expressed as
. N A. 1 . T dD . is said to be feedback linearizable in a neighborhood U0 of the
c(qi, qi) = £>qi r - q i r r — Q r dq{ (2.23) origin if there is a diffeomorphism T:U0-*R" and nonlinear
2 9qi feedback
We note however that the gyroscopic forces between each
rotor and the other links are not included in this expression as u = a(x) + fi(x)v (3.2)
a result of Assumption (Al). It is interesting to compare the such that the transformed state
simplicity of our model (2.21)-(2.22) with other models of
y=T(x) (3.3)
elastic joint manipulators that have been derived in the
literature [13, 15, 18, 20, 23, 29]. It turns out that (2.21)-(2.22) satisfies the linear system
is structurally similar to the models used in [26] and [27]. Thus y=Ay+Bv (3.4)
our model can be viewed as the general «-degree-of-freedom
extension to the models in the latter references. where {A, B) is a controllable linear system.
Interestingly enough, our model is also the direct extension Necessary and sufficient conditions for a system of the form
to the case of elastic joints of the familar rigid models that (3.1) to be feedback linearizable are given in [3]. In the case of
have become standard in the literature. In fact, we can easily elastic joint robots, the feedback linearization property was
see that the usual rigid model can be recovered from investigated in [13] using computer generated models of the
(2.21)-(2.22) as the joint stiffness parameters k,- tend to infini- manipulator dynamics. These models are sufficiently com-
ty. To see this we assume that in the limit as k-~oo there is no plex, even for two link examples that another computer pro-
elastic deformation, so that gram was used in [13] to check the conditions for feedback
linearization. The answer was negative, i.e., the elastic joint
(2.24) model derived in [13] is not general linearizable in this fashion.
qi = q 2 . q i = q 2 -
In this section we show that the new model (2.21)-(2.22) is
On the other hand the force kfa - q 2 ) transmitted through the always globally feedback linearizable according to Definition
coupling between the rotor and link remains finite in the rigid 3.1. Moreover we do not need symbolic programs to check
case, i.e., as fc—o°, and it follows that the potential energy P 2 linearizability or to compute the required state space change of
in(2.18)satifies coordinates or the nonlinear feedback law. These can be
found by inspection.
^-Mqi-q2)r(qi-q2)-o (2.25) We first write the system (2.21)-(2.22) in state space by set-

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*i = Qi x2 <7l a/4 a/4
(3.5) " = ~^ X
2 ^ •D-^c + kOct-Xi))
J (3.19)
x3 = Q2 XA <?2
dx{ dx2
Then we have from (2.21)-(2.22)
= x2 (3.6) + (—-D-l\kxA+D~lk{J~lk{xl -x3) + J-lu)

-•D(*i) _ 1 (c(x,, x 2 ) + fc(x, - x 3 ) ) (3.7)

: = F(xi,x2,x3,x4) + D{xx) kJ~xu
where F(xx, x2, x3, xA) = F(x) denotes all the terms in (3.19) but
= /-'A^X] - X 3 ) + / ' (3.9) the last term, which involves the input u.
Solving the above expression for u yields
Since the nonlinearities enter into the second equation
above, while the control appears only in the last equation, it is u = Jk-lD(xx){v-F(x)) (3.20)
not obvious that the system is linearizable nor can u im- With the nonlinear change of coordinates (3.10)-(3.13) and
mediately be chosen to cancel the nonlinearities as in the case nonlinear feedback (3.20) the system (3.6)-(3.9) now has the
of the rigid equations (2.24). linear block form
In order to check feedback linearizability of the above
system one needs, in principle, to check rank conditions and 0 0 0
involutivity of certain sets of vector fields formed by taking
Lie brackets of the vector fields defining the state equations
(3.6)-(3.9). Our model is simple enough, however, that we can 0 0 / 0
show global feedback linearizabilty by directly computing the y+ (3.21)
required change of coordinates and nonlinear feedback law. 0 0 0 /
Moreover the new coordinates themselves turn out to have
physical significance for the control problem at hand. 0 0 0 0
Consider now the nonlinear state space change of coor-
dinates. w h e r e I = n x n identity matrix, 0 = nxn zero matrix,y T = (yf,
yl y{)eR4", and veR".
y\ = T1{x) = xi (3.10) The nonlinear control law (3.20) is not completely deter-
mined until the function v is specified. We will detail next one
y2 = r2(x)=f,=x2 (3.11) design scheme for v which guarantees robust tracking for the
above system.
y3 = T3(x)=t2 (3.12)
Closed Loop Performance and Robustness It is easy to
= -Dix^^icOc^ x2) + k{xl-xi)} determine from the linear system (3.21) with linear feedback
control (3.22) what the response of the system in thej,- coor-
y4 = T4(x) = t3 (3.13) dinate system will be. The corresponding response of the
original coordinates xt is not necessarily easy to determine
= --^•D{xl)-x{c{xl,x2) + k(xl-xi)} since the nonlinear coordinate transformation (3.10)-(3.13)
must be inverted to find the xt. However, in this case the
dc transformed coordinates y: are themselves physically mean-
D(Xlrl[ dx,
ingful . Inspecting (3.10)-(3.13)wesee that the variables y,, y2,
y3, y4 are n-vectors representing, respectively, the link posi-
dc tions, velocities, accelerations, and jerks (derivative of the ac-
+ -r—{-D(xl)-l{c(xl, x2) + k{xl-xi))) celeration). Since the motion trajectory of the manipulator is
dx2 typically specified in terms of these quantities [4], they are
+ /r(x 2 -x 4 )) natural variables to use for control.
The issue of robustness to parameter uncertainty is an im-
• = / t ( * i . x2, x 3 ) + Z>(x,)- l kx 4 portant one at this point. In order to control the linear system
(3.21) either the yt coordinates must be physically measurable,
where for simplicity we define the function/, to be everything or the yx must be computed from the measured xt variable ac-
in the definition of y4 above except the last term, which is cording to (3.10)-(3.13), or a robust observer for these
D ~' kx4. Note that x4 appears only in this last term so that / , variables must be constructed. In the first case, the required
depends only on x1,x2,x3. measurements may be difficult to obtain, although solid state
The above mapping is actually a global diffeomorphism. Its accelerometers are now available which could greatly simplify
inverse is likewise found by inspection to be the problem. In the second case, that of computing the y, via
(3.10)-(3.130), one needs accurate estimates of the parameters
in the manipulator model. In the third case there are results on
the design of nonlinear observers which could be applied to
x2 = yi (3.15)
this problem [35].
The computation of the overall nonlinear control law (3.20)
x3 = yi+k-l(D(y{)y3+c(yx,y2)) (3.16)
also requires knowledge of the model parameters. In what
follows we assume that both the original variables x, and the
x4 = k-lD{y,)(y4-f4(yx,y2,y3)). (3.17)
transformed variables yt may be used for feedback, and we
The linearizing control law can, now be found from the con- consider the robust tracking problem.
dition Following [33] we consider the transformed system
y4 = v (3.18) y = yi (3.23)
where v is a new control input. Computing y4 from (3.13) and
suppressing function arguments for brevity yields yi = y^

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yi = y* The problem of robust trajectory tracking now reduces to
the problem of stabilizing the system (3.30) by suitable choice
y4 = F(x) + DlkJ-xu of the additional input Av. The above formulation is valid for
any system that is feedback linearizable as is shown in [33] and
: = -I3(xy1a(x) + l3(x)-1u any number of techniques can now be used to design the input
Av. However, the problem of stabilizing (3.30) in nontrivial
that is, P(x) = Jk~[D(x) and a = $(x)F(x). since * is a function of both e and Av and hence * cannot be
Now the control law treated merely as a disturbance to be rejected by Av. A more
sophisticated analysis and design is required to guarantee
K = aCx) + /3(*> (3.24) stability of (3.30).
that is, (3.20), which ideally linearizes the system is Approaches that can be used to design Av in (3.30) to
unachievable in practice due to parameter uncertainty, com- guarantee robust tracking include Lyapunov and sliding mode
putational roundoff, unknown disturbances, etc. It is more designs [6], [5], high gain [8]and other approaches. We shall
reasonable to assume a control law of the form outline one approach to robust stabilization of feedback
linearizable systems based on Lyapunov's second method. See
u = u(x) + $(x)v (3.25) [33] for the details and proofs.
First we note that from our assumptions on the uncertainty
where 6t(x) and P(x) are estimated or computed values of u(x) we have
and fi(x), respectively. In addition, the functions a and j3 are
extremely complicated so that a and /3 may represent inten- 11*11 <a(IWII + yrell + \\Av\\) + $(j> (3.32)
tional model simplification to facilitate real-time computa-
tion. In what follows IIx II denotes the usual Z , 2 - n o r m o r Eucli- <</> + allA!>ll
dean norm of a vector xeR" and, for any matrix M, \\M\\ is the where 4>: = aOlj^ll + WKeW) + p<j>. Suppose that we can
corresponding induced matrix norm, i.e., simultaneously satisfy the inequalities
llMll=VAmax(M^M) 11*11 sMe, 0 (3.33)
where Xmax(») denotes the largest eigenvalue of a matrix. We
make the following assumptions on the functions a, a, (3, j3. llAyll<p(e,0 (3.34)
(A3) There exist positive constants /3 and 0 such that for a known function p(e, t). The function p can be determined
P<,W-l(x)\\<$ (3.26) as follows. First suppose that Av satisfies (3.34). Then from
(3.32) we have
(A4) There is a positive constant a < 1 such that
11*11 < j> + ap:=p (3.35)
llj8-'/§-/ll<a (3.27)
This definition of p is well-defined since a < 1 and we have
(A5) There is a known function 4>{x,, t) such that
lla-all <<£<<» (3.28) (3.36)
\-a 4.
We note that (A4) can always be satisfied by suitable choice of
(3. For example, the choice P=l/cl, where / is the identity It now follows from [33] that the null solution of (3.30) is
matrix and the constant c is 1/2 (/3 +13) results in [36] uniformly asymptotically stable (in a generalized sense) if Ac is
chosen as
\\(3-lP-I\\<- -<1.
P + fi
Now we substitute the control law (3.25) into (3.23) which BTPe
results in - p „\\B
n TTPe\\„; if ll£ r Pell*0
l l
y\ = p- J3v + p- Aa (3.29) Av =

= v + Ev + P~xAa 0; if \\BTPe\\=Q

where Aa = a - a , and E: = @~10-I. Note that ILEII<a<l (3.37)

from assumption (A4). where P is the unique positive definite solution to the
To track a desired trajectory yf(t) we first find K such that Lyapunov equation
A:=A +BK is stable, where A and B are defined by (3.21),
and we set v=yi(t)+Ke + Av, where e is the vector tracking ATP+PA=-Q (3.32)
error. for a given symmetric, positive definite Q. The argument is
completed by noting that indeed llAcll < p .
J V -yi
4 Integral Manifold Approach
yi- -yi
e(t) = The above feedback linearizing control scheme requires
y-i- -yi measurement of the link positions and velocities, the motor
positions and velocities as well as the link accelerations and
J V -yi jerks for successful implementation. In this section we present
_ J a differnt approach based on a reformulation of the dynamic
The above system may now be written in "error space" as equations (2.21)-(2.22) as a singularly perturbed system and
the concept of integral manifold. In the case of weakly elastic
e = Ae + B{Av + V) (3.30) joints, such as arise in harmonic drive gear elasticity, this ap-
where * is the nonlinear function (hereafter referred to as the proach has the advantage that it may be applied even when on-
("uncertainty") defined by ly the link position and velocity are available for feedback,
provided that the system has a degree of natural damping at
•^ = E(yd4+Ke + Av) + i3-1Aa (3.31) the joints. We will make this precise later.

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Returning to the original system, we set Z(t) = h(q{t),q{t),u{t),v) (4.12)

Z = k(q2-ql);
/x = — - (4.1) Z(.t) = h{q(t),q(t),u(t),ti) (4.13)
In otherwords, if the system lies initially on the manifold
Then z is the elastic force at the joints. If we now choose
MM, then the solution trajectory remains on the manifold M^
coordinates z and q, we have from (2.21) and (2.22) for t>t0.
q, = -/?(q,)-,c(q1>q1)-D(q1)-1z (4.2) The integral manifold M^ is characterized by the following
partial differential equation, formed by substituting the ex-
: = tfi(q> q) + Ax(q)z pression (4.9) into the equation (4.3)
where we henceforth drop the subscript on q for convenience. ixh = a2(q, q) + A2(q)h+B2u (4.14)
In otherwords, if the system lies initially on the manifold
liz = q , - q 2 (4.3) MM, then the solution trajectory remains on the manifold M^
for t>t0.
- -ZKq,)- 1 ^,, fl-a^q,)-1+/-')*-/-'«
. dh dh dh .
= a2(q, q)+A2(q)z + B2u dq dq du
In this case not that a2 = ax and B2 is constant and inverti- and h is to be similarity expanded. Although the p.d.e. (4.14)
ble. The model (4.2)-(4.3) is singularly perturbed. In the limit is seemingly difficult we shall actually find an explicit
as /i~0(4.2)-(4.3) reduces to the rigid equations of motion. In solution.
other words, by formally setting n = 0 in (4.3) and eliminating Once h is determined from (4.14), the dynamics of the
z from the equations, one obtains the rigid equations (2.24), as system (4.2)-(4.3) on the integral manifold are given by a
we now show. reduced order system referred as the reduced flexible system
Setting ii = 0 in (4.3) and solving for z yields formed by replacing z by h in (4.2)
| q' = «i(q, q)+Ay(q)h{q, q,u,fi) (4.15)
z = - ( £ > - i + / - i ) - i ( D - i c + ./- M ) (4.4)
which, when substituted into (4.2) yields Equation (4.15) is of the same order as the rigid system, but
as shown in [18] is a more accurate approximation of the flexi-
a = -D-^c + D-^D^1 +J-1)-1(D-ic + J~1u) (4.5) ble system than is the rigid model (2.24). We leave it to the
reader to verify that the reduced flexible system reduces to the
= -D^c + D-\DX +J-l)D-lc + D-l(D-lJ-{)~lJ-lu rigid system (2.24) as the perturbation parameter /x tends to
Now a straightforward calculation shows that the first two zero.
term in (4.5) above may be combined to yield We now utilize the concept of composite control [10] and
choose the control input u of the form
-D~lc + Dl{D-1 +J~l)~lD-ic (4.6)
u = us{q,q,v,n) + u/ri, ij) (4.16)
= -D-^c + D-^KD + J)-^ where v represents a new input to be specified. We also specify
M„(0.0) = 0 so that u = us on the integral manifold. The
= (.-D-1(D + J) + D-iJ)(.D + J)-ic variable 17 represents the deviation of the fast variables from
the integral manifold, i.e.,
= -(D + J)-lc
i) = Z-h{q,q,us,fi) (4.17)
Likewise the second term in (4.5) can be simplified as
D-l(D-l+J-l)-lJ~lu (4.7) ri = z-h(q,q,us<n).
Since u = us on the integral manifold we may combine (4.3)
= D-lJ(D + J)-1DJ,u and (4.14) to obtain
= [JD~'{D + J)J-'D]-1u = {D+J),u jit) = jxz~n'h
and so the reduced order system (4.5) simplifies to
nrj = a2+A2z + B2u-{a2+A2h + B2us)
q^-iD + fi-'c + iD + J)-^ (4.8)
which is just the rigid sytem (2.24). = A2rj + B2uf
Therefore, in terms of the variables q and r/, the system
(4.2)-(4.3) is rewritten as
Integral Manifold In the 4«-dimensional state space of
(4.2)-(4.3), a 2n dimensional manifold M^ may be defined by q = a, +Alh(q, q, us, li)+Alri (4.18)
the expressions,
H<j = A2(q)i) + B2uf (4.19)
z = h(q,q,u,fi) (4.9)
In order to solve the P.D.E. (4.14) defining the integral
Z = h(q, q, u,n) (4.10) manifold, we expand the function h in terms of ^ as
The manifold M^ is said to be an integral manifold h(q,q,us,n) = h0(q,q,u0) + iih(q,q,u0+iMl)+ ... (4.20)
(4.2)-(4.3) if it is invariant under solutions of the system. In
other words, given an admissible input function t-~u(t), if and we choose us as
q(0. z(t) are solutions of (4.2)-(4.3) for t> t0 with initial condi- us = u0 + iiul (4.21)
tions q(/0) = q°, q(/ 0 ) = q°, Z°, z(t0) = z° then Substituting these expressions into the manifold condition
Z° = h{q\q\u{t0),n) (4.11) (4.14) yields

Z0 = Kq°,q0,u(t0),ri lx.{h0 + li.hl+ . . . }=a2+A2(h0+nhl+ . . . ) (4.22)

implies that for t> t0 + B2(u0 + liul).

Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control DECEMBER 1987, Vol. 109/315
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Equating coefficients of y,k we obtain the sequence of Table 1 Parameters used for simulation
Mass m = 1
0 = a2+A2h0+B2u0 (4.23) Stiffness k = 100
Length (2L) L = 1
Gravity g = 9.8
h = A2hl+B2ul (4.24) Inertias 7 = 1
J = 1
K-x = A2hk,k>\. (4.25)
Equation (4.23) may be solved for h0 to yield M=A2(q)ri + yf]iA^q)ri + B2uf (4.35)
h0=-A2-l(a2+B2u0) (4.26)
in which the fast variables, represented by ij, decay to zero
The derivation now proceeds iteratively. The control u0 is with uj = 0. In other words the integral manifold, which in this
first computed at ^ = 0, that is, based on the rigid model, and case is the rigid manifold becomes an attracting set. Solutions
can be any one of the many schemes that have been derived for off the manifold rapidily converge to the manifold after which
control of rigid manipulators. Given u0 then h0 is computable the system equations are just the rigid equations. In this case
from (4.26). From this, with the given u0 we can compute h0 the control us consisting of the rigid control plus the corrective
and so we can write (4.24) as control achieves the desired result. The point to note that this
slow control is a function only of q, q. Thus the corrective
A2h1=h0-B2ui. (4.27) control compensates for the elasticity using a limited set of
where the right-hand side contains only known quantities and state measurements.
the control. Since both A2, and B2 are invertible, we see that If there is no damping in the fast variables, or if the damp-
by setting ing is insufficient then the fast control uf must be added. Note
that the choice
u^B^ho (4.28)
K/ = V ( f - ^ 2 ( q ) i j ) (4-36)
it follows that
where f is a new input, when applied to (4.34) results in
hx = 0 a n d therefore h\=0 (4.29)
W=f (4.37)
From this it follows iteratively from (4.25) and the invertibility
Inspecting (4.33), (4.37) we see that we have for all practical
ofy42 that hk = 0 for k>\.
purposes produced an alternate feedback linearization of the
We have show therefore that the choice of control input
original system, which exploits the two-time scale property of
us = u0 + )iul (4.30) the elastic system. A linear control scheme can now be
with Uj given by (4.28) results in h = h0. Thus, on the integral employed, for example
manifold, i.e., when ?j = 0, the dynamics of the system are v = al'q + a2'q + r (4.38)
described by the reduced order system.
q = ai-AiA2la2-AlA2lB2u0 (4.31) r=/3,.ij + VS32.ij (4.39)
to place the poles of the system arbitrarily. Note that im-
= -(ZJ(q) + J ) - I [ c ( q , q ) + «o} plementation of the above control scheme requires either
which is of course just the rigid system. direct measurement of the fast variables, which in this case are
We see that we have produced a solution h0 of the manifold the elastic forces at the joints and their time derivatives or else
condition (4.14). The fact that h0, given by (4.26), satisfies accurate knowledge of the system paramters in order that ij
(4.14) is significant. What this implies is that by adding the and ij can be computed from (4.17), which is an issue similar
corrective control jx/^ the integral manifold h becomes the to that which arises in the feedback linearization approach of
rigid manifold h0. To put it another way, the rigid manifold h0 section 3.
is made an invariant manifold for the flexible system by the
corrective control.
If the control u0 is chosen to be the feedback linearizing 5 An Example
control for the rigid system For illustrative purposes consider the single link with the
flexible joint of Fig. 1 with the parameters shown in Table 1.
u 0 = CD(q) + ./> + c(q,q) (4.32)
The equations of motion for this system in state space are easi-
we obtain the overall system ly computed to be
<i=v + AM)n (4-33) x
i = x
x2 = -MgL/Isiruc, -k/I(xx -x3) (5.1)
X3 — X4
M=A2(q)v+B2uf (4.34) x4 = k/J(xx-x3) + l/Ju
Since B2 is nonsingular the fast subsystem (4.34), which is a where xx = qx, x3 - q2, etc.
linear system in rj parmeterized by q, is controllable for each q. In the limit as A:— 00 the resulting rigid system is
Thus there exists a fast control Uf(y\, ij) to place the poles of
(4.34) arbitrarily. Note that we have not explicitly included X\ = X2
damping in the model. Thus for each q, since -A2 is a x2 = -Mgl/{I+ ^sin*! + 1/(7+ J)u
positive definite matrix, the open loop poles of (4.34) are on
the yco-axis. This shows clearly the resonance phenomonon where we take here xx = l=qx=q2.
whereby the elastic oscillations from (4.34) drive the slow The feedback linearizing control law for (5.2) may be
variables through (4.33). Since A2 is a function of q the reso- chosen as
nant modes will be configuration dependent, a fact that was u = (I+J)(v + Mglsiwcl) (5.3)
experimentally verified in [25]. In case the system (4.34) has
some inherent natural damping one can show that the fast sub- with v given as a a simple linear control term
system is of the form v = xi-al{xl-x\i)-a2(x2-xi) (5.4)

316/Vol. 109, DECEMBER 1987 Transactions of the AS ME

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Fig. 3 Rigid control applied to flexible joint. 1 = reference trajectory;
2 = link angle.

Fig. 4 Feedback linearization control. 1 = reference trajectory; 2 = link


designd to track a desired trajectory t—xf (0- The feedback linearizing control law computed from (3.19)
It is interesting to see the response of the flexible joint and (3.20) turns out to be
system (5.1) to this "rigid control." At this point one must
make a choice whether to use the motor variable q2 or the link u = -r(v-F(xl,x2,x3,x4)) (5.6)
variable qx in this control law. Figure 3 shows the response of
the link variable qx in the flexible joint system (5.1) using the where
motor variable xy = q2 in (5.3)-(5.4), with a desired tracjectory
Xi = sin 8^. It is interesting to note that if one tries to feedback F(xx ,x2,x3,x4)= MgL/I sin*! 'x\ (5.7)
instead the link variable q{ in (5.3)-(5.4) the system becomes
unstable. + (MgL/Icosxl +k/I)(MgL/Is'mxl +k/I(xl -x3))

Feedback Linearization Control. The feedback linearizing + k2/IJ(Xl-x3)

transformation for this system is given by (3.10)-(3.13) as A simple linear control law for v designed to track a desired
(5.5) trajectory t-~y?(t) can be expressed as
y2 X0
y* -MgL/I sinxj - k/I(X\ -x3) (5.8)
v=y\- E"i(yi-yf)
y< -Mgl/Icosx^ 'x\ - k/I(x2 -x4)

Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control DECEMBER 1987, Vol. 109/317
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Fig. 5 Corrective control based on the integral manifold. 1 = reference
trajectory; 2 = link angle

The zero-state response of the above system with a given the so-called matching conditions are satisfied, which is to say
desired trajectory yl = sin8/ is shown in Fig. 4. The gains in the that the nonlinearities are all in the range space of the input.
control law (5.8) where chosen for simplicity to achieve a This property allows the design of control laws which are
closed loop characteristic polynomial for the linearized system highly robust to parametric uncertainty. The second new
of (s+10) 4 . This response illustrates the improved tracking result is based on the integral manifold formulation of the
resulting from basing the control design on the fourth-order equations of motion. We have shown using the corrective con-
flexible joint model rather than on the rigid model. The robust trol concept that the manifold in state space describing the
version of this control law, given by (3.37) is omitted. dynamics of the rigid manipulator can be made invariant
under solutions of the flexible joint system, independent of the
Integral Manifold Control. In terms of the variables joint stiffness. This result holds in general only for the model
q = Qi and z = k(qx-q2) the equations of motion for the derived here. In previous models of elastic joint manipulators,
system of Fig. 1 in singularly perturbed form with /x = \/k are as shown in [23], the results here hold up to 0(/x') by applying a
q = -MgL sinq-l/Iz (5.5) corrective control
us = u0 + fiul + . . . +(i'uh (6.1)
HZ = -MgLsmq-(l/I+l/J)z-l/Ju (5.6)
With the present model the result is exactly achieved to any
In terms of the variables h and 77 the system (4.18)-(4.19) is order in /x and is done so only with a first order correction
q = -MgL sinq-l/I h-l/I-n (5.8) term /xw,.
There are several interesting research issues that arise at this
itrj = (\/I+\/J)t)-\/Ju (5.9) point. Among are the design of robust state estimators to
realize the feedback linearization control using only the joint
where ri = z-h and h is determined from the manifold condi-
tion positions and velocities and also the computational issues
associated with computing in real-time what amounts to a very
M = -MgLsinq-(l/I+l/J)h-\/Ju (5.10) complicated nonlinear control algorithm. Also, the robustness
The detailed calculation of the asymptotic expansion of the of the integral manifold based corrective control strategy
function h and the corrective control are carried out in [23]. needs to be investigated.
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and also more simulation results. In Fig. 5 the composite and
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