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CLASS SYLLABUS | 2021-2022 Ms.

Erin Morrisey

Butler University 2021
(123) 333-4444 ext. 1234
(tenth grade edition)
to tenth grade! I’m excited to get to I believe education’s foundational purpose is to prepare young
know you and to help you grow as a people to become contributing members of society: someone who
linguist, storyteller, and expert knows themselves, who is trying to live out their purpose in the
communicator. world, who communicates well with others, and who strives to
make this world a better place. I believe we can all become better
MATERIALS contributing members of society through the power of language.
You might love language.
Way to access web

Writing materials

You might be wondering when you last picked up a book. You may
Binder/ folder

correct your friends’ grammar or still be scratching your head,

wondering why everyone seems so concerned about comma
placement. In this class, you’ll begin to explore the purpose of
literature in your world, consider the power it has inflicted on
* bring these to class every day *
others throughout history, and learn about contemporary poets,
political speeches, and your classmates’ ideas.
You might notice “Contribution &
Engagement” is 1/3 of your grade.
- What stories do I tell about myself? My world?
What does this mean?
- How can language shape reality?
Neuroscience research (and
- What tools do I have to enact real change in the world?
common sense) tell us that we - How can I understand others better?
learn by talking. Some people are - How can I help others understand me better?
more comfortable with this than
others. Throughout the year, I’ll be
measuring the quality of
- Foundations
conversations you have and your
+ neuroscience (Brain Rules excerpts)
engagement with conversations
+ the “what” and “why” of storytelling
when you’re not talking (how you
+ characteristics of quality learners/ readers/ speakers/ listeners
listen, ask questions, take notes,
- How Literature Influenced History (argumentation)
+ speeches and Great Works (1984, Animal Farm, or In Cold
ASSIGNMENTS + speech & persuasive essay
Group - How Language Shapes Reality (narrative)
+ contemporary poetry and short stories (Stephen King!)
Writing & + self-selected reading book clubs
Daily Work
Contributions & + creative writing & literary analysis
Engagement - How Language is Power (research)
Formal Writing, + activism, speaking and listening, language in the media, and
Projects & TED talks
+ investigative research/ reporting & news spread
- Examine concrete ways language shapes our - We are respectful of each other’s ideas.
world (personally, politically, historically, etc.) - We take responsibility for our actions.
- Practice expressing yourself in various situations - We come to class prepared each day (mentally &
- Articulate the power literature has wielded in emotionally). If we’re not prepared, we’ll let each
our society other know.
- Excel at thoughtfully listening to others - We stretch our minds. We expect growth. We
- Author one presentation/ article/ paper you’re are prepared for challenges.
exceptionally proud of - We are striving. We are not perfect.

Canvas/Instructure e-Portfolio Google Suite


- Here, you’ll upload your - We’ll use an e-Portfolio to - Obviously, Google is kind of
assignments and find compile our work and, more a useful tool.
resources (i.e. readings, importantly, our progress - Specifically, I’m asking you
videos, makeup work, daily throughout the semester. to set up a Google account
schedules, etc.) - We’ll talk about this more (if you haven’t already) so
- Access it at later, but we’ll use Weebly you can create & access to set up this portfolio. Google docs, slides, etc.

* Because this is the 21st century, we’ll be using technology in class. Because the conversations we have in class are the
most important thing we’ll be doing, though, your technology needs to be put away unless prompted. *

There are two types of assignments: formal and If you’re absent for a day, look on our class Canvas
informal. Informal assignments are all the things we and talk to a member of your triad about what we
do in class or as homework. Formal assignments are did. If you’re absent for longer (or if you want more
things like essays, presentations, and projects. All guidance), email me to arrange a meeting. If you
our assignments will be posted on our course know you’re going to be absent, let me know a week
Canvas. As such, almost all our assignments will be in advance.
turned in virtually. Upload your assignments to our
course Canvas by 12:00AM (that’s midnight). LATE WORK
I assign homework for two reasons: (1) to prepare
RESUBMITTING WORK you for something we’ll do in class and (2) to help
I’ll always let you resubmit any formal assignments you reflect on your learning. If you miss a
you do. We’ll discuss this process more when the homework of the first kind, you’ll have to make it up
time comes for our first formal assignment, but during class and miss the activity we do. If the
know that I create assignments to measure your homework is the second kind, you can turn it in by
the end of the week—after that, the reflection won’t
growth and understanding, not trick you into doing
do much for your learning, so I won’t accept it.
poorly. I want you to succeed.


My goals for this year are to create lessons you find valuable Scan the QR code or
for your life outside of school and to help you find/ develop go directly to our
the tools you need to be successful throughout the rest of course LMS to
your schooling. I pledge to check in with you to see how complete your first
things are working for you in the classroom. I pledge to adapt assignment (the T-
my teaching when it’s not working. I ask that you pledge to Chart I described in
let me know when something is not working, and to try the class today).
adaptations I offer you. Remember—it’s due at midnight tonight!

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