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Unit 1.

1 (total of 3 PERS) ‘Prepare and Maintaining clinical area’

PERS 1.1a Restorative procedure (filling procedure, can be amalgam, composite or glass ionomer)

Section 1 Clinical area details:

‘Witnessed by…….’

The procedure. Examples: UR 6 DO composite

Where you work: Dental Surgery/ Hospital NHS, private or mixed surgery

Hand washing with mild soap. List the PPE you put on (including uniform and closed in shoes)

List records /radiographs prepared (or checked on computer)

State patient details (no names) Age, gender

Say you checked (or Dentist informed you) patient’s medical history and they had/had no latex allergies
List any medical conditions, medications and /or disabilities

List the surfaces you cleaned / disinfected and what you used to do this

Name the equipment you switched on in the room - and briefly what you did to check it was working

Waterlines flushed. State you did this for 2 minutes at the start of day and 20 – 30 seconds between each

For treatments – You should prepare and list anything that could be used for this procedure – list the
specific instruments, hand pieces, burs, materials, patient items (PPE, mouthwash), suction tips etc.

E.g “I set up the tray with …..

For the patient I prepared: cup with Mouthwash, tissue, goggles and bib.

Section 2: - Details of how clinical area managed after procedure:

Safe removal and disposal of LA needle and cartridge (who done this?)
List the waste and where you disposed of it (sharps and clinical waste)

List the surfaces you cleaned and disinfected and what you used (e.g. disinfectant wipes)

Say that Spittoon was flushed /cleaned/disinfected

How you transported dirty instruments to decon room / dirty zone – in what?

Say you washed your hands and dryed with paper towel.

Say that you followed your practice guidelines


Strength( say something you did well during the set up of surgery)

Weakness’ (something you need to improve, maybe you forgot to prepare something )

Action to take (what you will do to make sure you will improve in future)

I confirm that patient consent was gained for a trainee dental nurse to assist the clinician prior to

PERS 1.1b Periodontal Procedure (scale and polish)

Section 1 Clinical area details:

‘Witnessed by…….’

The procedure. Examples: Scale and Polish

Where you work: Dental Surgery/ Hospital NHS, private or mixed surgery
Hand washing with mild soap. List the PPE you put on (including uniform and closed in shoes)

List records /radiographs prepared (or checked on computer)

State patient details (no names) Age, gender

Say you checked (or Dentist informed you) patient’s medical history and they had/had no latex allergies
List any medical conditions, medications and /or disabilities

List the surfaces you cleaned / disinfected and what you used to do this

Name the equipment you switched on in the room - and briefly what you did to check it was working

Barrier wrap – what on? (if used)

Waterlines flushed. State you did this for 2 minutes at the start of day and 20 – 30 seconds between each

For treatments – You should prepare and list anything that could be used for this procedure – list the
specific instruments, hand pieces, burs, materials, patient items (PPE, mouthwash), suction tips etc.

Section 2: - Details of how clinical area managed after procedure:

Safe removal and disposal of LA needle and cartridge (who by?)

List the waste and where you disposed of it

The surfaces you cleaned and disinfected and what you used

Spittoon was flushed /cleaned/disinfected

How you transported dirty instruments to decon room / dirty zone – what in?
Handwashing and drying

Say that you followed your practice guidelines


Strength( say something you did well during the set up of surgery)

Weakness’ (something you need to improve, maybe you forgot to prepare something )

Action to take (what you will do to make sure you will improve in future)
I confirm that patient consent was gained for a trainee dental nurse to assist the clinician prior to

PERS 1.1c Extraction

Section 1

‘Witnessed by…….’

The procedure. Examples: Extraction of UL1

Where you work: Dental Surgery/ Hospital NHS, private or mixed surgery

Hand washing with mild soap. List the PPE you put on (including uniform and closed in shoes)

List records /radiographs prepared (or checked on computer)

State patient details (no names) Age, gender

Say you checked (or Dentist informed you) patient’s medical history and they had/had no latex allergies
List any medical conditions, medications and /or disabilities

List the surfaces you cleaned / disinfected and what you used to do this
Name the equipment you switched on in the room - and briefly what you did to check it was working

Barrier wrap – what on? (if used)

Waterlines flushed. State you did this for 2 minutes at the start of day and 20 – 30 seconds between each

For treatments – You should prepare and list anything that could be used for this procedure – list the
specific instruments, hand pieces, burs, materials, patient items (PPE, mouthwash), suction tips etc.

Section 2:

Safe removal and disposal of LA needle and cartridge (who by?)

List the waste and where you disposed of it

The surfaces you cleaned and disinfected and what you used

Spittoon was flushed /cleaned/disinfected

How you transported dirty instruments to decon room / dirty zone – what in?

Handwashing and drying

Say that you followed your practice guidelines


Strength( say something you did well during the set up of surgery)

Weakness’ (something you need to improve, maybe you forgot to prepare something )

Action to take (what you will do to make sure you will improve in future)

Unit 1.2 Sterilisation – 3 PERS

PERS 1.2a Periodontal instruments or filling instruments (describe how you clean, sterilize etc)

Section 1

Please write only points below

state ‘Witnessed by…….’

state the procedure that had been carried out (eg: MO amalgam UR6)

List all the instruments/handpieces used

Say how you transported dirty instruments – what in and to where?

State that you washed your hands with mild soap and dried them

List the PPE you put on to set up for cleaning the instruments

If you used this, describe how - include timing, rinsing and inspecting

If you used this, describe how

How did you set up to clean the instruments (water in cleaning sink, cleaning fluid added etc.)
How exactly you cleaned the instruments and what you used to do this (eg type of brush)
Where you rinsed the instruments
How you inspected them - what with and why?
Say you did not submerge them
Say how you cleaned/wiped these – with what? Include oiling and wiping
Say how you dealt with the bur

say whether you used a vacuum or non-vacuum autoclave and that you checked the water levels
state placed on perforated tray and that you autoclaved them – what cycle did you select (holding time,
temperature and pressure)
Checking autoclave process: briefly explain the morning autoclave tests and what was recorded in the log
book (ask someone if you need to) and that you checked them e.g Automatic test control was done in the
morning by another nurse and recorded in the log book. Or If you do this please mention.

Clean PPE and removing once cool
if you pouched them - state the date you put on the pouches
If they were to be used again that day – where and how did you store them?
OR if they were to be used another day – say where and how you stored them

say that you followed your practice guidelines

Section 2 - aim
(include importance of removing all blood and debris before autoclaving)
-write definition of sterilisation

Strength( say something you did well during the sterilizing of instruments)

Weakness’ (something you need to improve, maybe you forgot to put on apron or didn’t scrub instruments well
and had to redo this )

Action to take (what you will do to make sure you will improve in future)
PERS 1.2b Sterilisation of Extraction forceps
Section 1

Please include all points below

state ‘Witnessed by…….’

state the procedure that had been carried out (eg: sterlilisation of extraction forceps used for extraction of

List all the instruments/forceps used

Say how you transported dirty instruments – what in and to where?

State that you washed your hands with mild soap and dried them

List the PPE you put on to set up for cleaning the instruments

If you used this, describe how - include timing, rinsing and inspecting

If you used this, describe how

How did you set up to clean the instruments (water in cleaning sink, cleaning fluid added etc.)
How exactly you cleaned the instruments and what you used to do this (eg type of brush) (e.g scrubbed the
forceps well in between the beaks to remove all blood debries and placed in autoclave in open position)
Where you rinsed the instruments
How you inspected them - what with and why?

say whether you used a vacuum or non-vacuum autoclave and that you checked the water levels
state placed on perforated tray and that you autoclaved them – what cycle did you select (holding time,
temperature and pressure)
Checking autoclave process: briefly explain the morning autoclave tests and what was recorded in the log
book (ask someone if you need to) and that you checked them e.g Automatic test control was done in the
morning by another nurse and recorded in the log book. Or If you do this please mention.

say that you followed your practice guidelines

Section 2: write definition of sterilisation

PERS 1.2c –Sterilisation of Handpiece (slow or fast)

Section 1

Please write only points below

state ‘Witnessed by…….’

state the procedure that had been carried out (eg: sterilization of fast handpiece used for MO amalgam
List all the instruments/handpieces used

Say how you transported dirty handpiece – what in and to where

State that you washed your hands with mild soap and dried them

List the PPE you put on to set up for cleaning the instruments

If you used this, describe how

How exactly you cleaned the instruments and what you used to do this (eg type of brush)
Say you did not submerge them in water
Say how you cleaned/wiped these – with what? Include oiling and wiping (wiped with non alcohol
disinfectant wipe , then oiled for one second then wiped again to remove excess oil)
Say how you dealt with the bur (you removed the bur and placed separately )
How you inspected them - what with and why?

say whether you used a vacuum or non-vacuum autoclave
say that you checked the water levels
state placed on perforated tray and that you autoclaved them – what cycle did you select (holding time,
temperature and pressure)
Checking autoclave process: briefly explain the morning autoclave tests and what was recorded in the log
book (ask someone if you need to) and that you checked them e.g Automatic test control was done in the
morning by another nurse and recorded in the log book. Or If you do this please mention.
Clean PPE and removing once handpiece was cool
if you pouched them - state the date you put on the pouches (1 year if pouched)
If they were to be used again that day – where and how did you store them?
OR if they were to be used another day – say where and how you stored them

say that you followed your practice guidelines


Strength( say something you did well during the sterilizing of instruments)

Weakness’ (something you need to improve, maybe you forgot to put on apron or didn’t scrub instruments
well and had to redo this )

Action to take (what you will do to make sure you will improve in future)

Unit 1.3 Disinfect Impressions – 4 PERS

2 x Alginate (same detail but different procedure e.g 1.3a1 alginate impression taken for
construction of upper full denture and for PERS 1.3a2 – alginate impression taken for construction
of night guard)
2 x Elastomer(putty) (same here, it can be : for PERS 1.3b1 - elastomer taken for construction of
UR5 crown.
1.3b2- elastomer impression taken for construction of a LL7 crown

Section 1: (Surgery set up/patient details not needed) Only write the points below

Include the following:

State ‘Witnessed by…….’

Why the impression was taken

List the PPE you wore

How the disinfectant bath was prepared including the name of the disinfectant used (no brands!)
(10%sodium hypochlorite mixed with water)

How you transported the impression to the sink / bath

Initial rinsing (where? what with? what is the purpose of rinsing?)

That you handled it carefully. Say why

That you fully immersed it in difinfectant

Length of time of immersion

Rinsing – how and why?

Packaging. If Alginate: kept damp – How? Why?

If Elastomer – kept dry / how you dried it

Labelling. What details did you write on the docket?

How you indicated ‘Disinfected’ on docket

Type of bag used

How you attached the docket

Where did you store it for collection?

Did you log it into a book? (if not use this for reflection)

Say that you followed your practice guidelines

Section 2 - Overall aim

Write definition of disinfection for all 4 PERS



Area to improve on (‘Weakness’)

Action to take

Unit 2 PERS Guidance

PERS 2.1a Scale and polish

The procedure. Examples: Full mouth scale and polish

Where you work: Dental Surgery/ Hospital NHS, private or mixed surgery

Hand washing with mild soap. List the PPE you put on (including uniform and closed in shoes)
List records /radiographs prepared (or checked on computer)

State patient details (no names) Age, gender

Say you checked (or Dentist informed you) patient’s medical history and they had/had no latex allergies
List any medical conditions, medications and /or disabilities

List the surfaces you cleaned / disinfected and what you used to do this

Name the equipment you switched on in the room - and briefly what you did to check it was working

Waterlines flushed. State you did this for 2 minutes at the start of day and 20 – 30 seconds between each patient

For treatments – You should prepare and list anything that could be used for this procedure – list the specific
instruments, hand pieces, burs, materials, patient items (PPE, mouthwash), suction tips etc.

E.g “I set up the tray with …..

For the patient I prepared: cup with Mouthwash, tissue, goggles and bib.

Describe your role and actions during the procedure:

- Greeting and seating the patient and giving PPE

- The PPE you put on

- When did you provide suction?

- Retraction of tongue / cheek with the suction tube

- What materials prepared and passed?

- How did you support the Dentist?

- How did you support the patient and make their experience better, more comfortable?

- Say what you monitored the patient for throughout the procedure (looked for any signs of
emergencies, changes in skin colour, breathing, body language, to make sure they are ok)

- Briefly say how you communicated with the patient (any words/ conversations you had before,
during or after the treatment) (asked if sitting comfortably, etc)
- Say how you reassured the patient- verbally and non-verbally (if patient was nervous))

- Where relevant, say how you supported someone who has special needs or a child

- After treatment – mouthwash (if relevant), tissues, checked /cleaned the patient’s face before
leaving and said goodbye to patient, escorted to reception

Section 2. Aim of procedure;

Write why scale and polish is needed.

Section 3.Reflective section

 MUST relate to the title of the PERS

• MUST include:

1. A strength (what you did well)

2. A ‘Weakness’ (an area to develop)
3. Action you would take to improve that ‘weakness’

Examples of ‘areas to develop’:

▪ What did you have to be reminded to do?
▪ Is there an area of knowledge you need to improve on?
▪ How could you improve on: efficiency, suction, communication with patient /Dentist?
▪ What do you feel you could know more about relating to this procedure?
▪ What would have improved the experience for the patient?
▪ Did your Witness comment on anything?

PERS 2.1b Fissure Sealant

‘Witnessed by…….’

The procedure. Examples: Fissure sealant on LR6

Where you work: Dental Surgery/ Hospital NHS, private or mixed surgery

Hand washing with mild soap. List the PPE you put on (including uniform and closed in shoes)

List records /radiographs prepared (or checked on computer)

State patient details (no names) Age, gender

Say you checked (or Dentist informed you) patient’s medical history and they had/had no latex allergies
List any medical conditions, medications and /or disabilities
List the surfaces you cleaned / disinfected and what you used to do this

Name the equipment you switched on in the room - and briefly what you did to check it was working

Waterlines flushed. State you did this for 2 minutes at the start of day and 20 – 30 seconds between each patient

For treatments – You should prepare and list anything that could be used for this procedure – list the specific
instruments, hand pieces, burs, materials, patient items (PPE, mouthwash), suction tips etc.
E.g “I set up the tray with …..
For the patient I prepared: cup with Mouthwash, tissue, goggles and bib.

Describe your role and actions during the procedure:

- Greeting and seating the patient and giving PPE

- The PPE you put on

- When did you provide suction?

- Retraction of tongue / cheek with the suction tube

- What materials prepared and passed?

- How did you support the Dentist?

- How did you support the patient and make their experience better, more comfortable?

- Say what you monitored the patient for throughout the procedure (looked for any signs of emergencies,
changes in skin colour, breathing, body language, to make sure they are ok)

- Briefly say how you communicated with the patient (any words/ conversations you had before, during or
after the treatment) (asked if sitting comfortably, etc)

- Say how you reassured the patient- verbally and non-verbally (if patient was nervous))

- Where relevant, say how you supported someone who has special needs or a child

- After treatment – mouthwash (if relevant), tissues, checked /cleaned the patient’s face before leaving and
said goodbye to patient, escorted to reception

Section 2. Aim of procedure;

Write why fissure sealant is and why is needed.

Section 3.Reflective section

 MUST relate to the title of the PERS

• MUST include:

1. A strength (what you did well)

2. A ‘Weakness’ (an area to develop)
3. Action you would take to improve that ‘weakness’

Examples of ‘areas to develop’:

▪ What did you have to be reminded to do?
▪ Is there an area of knowledge you need to improve on?
▪ How could you improve on: efficiency, suction, communication with patient /Dentist?
▪ What do you feel you could know more about relating to this procedure?
▪ What would have improved the experience for the patient?
▪ Did your Witness comment on anything?

PERS 2.1c Topical Fluoride

Witnessed by…….’

The procedure. Examples: Topical fluoride application on all molars for a 7 year old child attending with parent

Where you work: Dental Surgery/ Hospital NHS, private or mixed surgery

Hand washing with mild soap. List the PPE you put on (including uniform and closed in shoes)

List records /radiographs prepared (or checked on computer)

State patient details (no names) Age, gender

Say you checked (or Dentist informed you) patient’s medical history and they had/had no latex allergies
List any medical conditions, medications and /or disabilities

List the surfaces you cleaned / disinfected and what you used to do this

Name the equipment you switched on in the room - and briefly what you did to check it was working

Waterlines flushed. State you did this for 2 minutes at the start of day and 20 – 30 seconds between each patient
For treatments – You should prepare and list anything that could be used for this procedure – list the specific
instruments, hand pieces, burs, materials, patient items (PPE, mouthwash), suction tips etc.

E.g “I set up the tray with …..

For the patient I prepared:, tissue, goggles and bib

Describe your role and actions during the procedure:

- Greeting and seating the patient and giving PPE

- The PPE you put on

- When did you provide suction?

- Retraction of tongue / cheek with the suction tube

- What materials prepared and passed?

- How did you support the Dentist?

- How did you support the patient and make their experience better, more comfortable?

- Say what you monitored the patient for throughout the procedure (looked for any signs of
emergencies, changes in skin colour, breathing, body language, to make sure they are ok)

- Briefly say how you communicated with the patient (any words/ conversations you had before,
during or after the treatment) (asked if sitting comfortably, etc)

- Say how you reassured the patient- verbally and non-verbally (if patient was nervous))

- Where relevant, say how you supported someone who has special needs or child (you gave a
sticker to child for behaving so well.)

- After treatment – mouthwash (if relevant), tissues, checked /cleaned the patient’s face before
leaving and said goodbye to patient, escorted patient and parent to reception

Section 2. Aim of procedure;

Write what is fluoride application and why is needed

Section 3.Reflective section

 MUST relate to the title of the PERS

• MUST include:

1. A strength (what you did well)

2. A ‘Weakness’ (an area to develop)
3. Action you would take to improve that ‘weakness’

Examples of ‘areas to develop’:

▪ What did you have to be reminded to do?
▪ Is there an area of knowledge you need to improve on?
▪ How could you improve on: efficiency, suction, communication with patient /Dentist?
▪ What do you feel you could know more about relating to this procedure?
▪ What would have improved the experience for the patient?

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