Kinds of Quantitative Research

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Kinds of More Descriptive Example of Abstract of Each

Quantitative information you Quantitative Research Quantitative

Research research about Titles in kind each of Research Titles
Quantitative research
1. Descriptive Use to describe 1. Economic Growth 1. Abstract
characteristics of a trends under different Simulation modelling
population or President. along with scenario
phenomenon being analysis is a useful
studied and cannot be tool for urban
used as basis of a planning, by
causal relationship providing an
when one variable appraisement of
affects another different alternatives
and trade-offs and
thus contributing to
improved decision
making. The
objective of this
study is to explore
potential future urban
dynamics in the
Philippines under
scenarios that reflect
future growth traits in
the area related to
different economic
performance realities
and alternative

2. . Establishing an
2.Culture expectations process for
and practices newcomers helps
to ensure that
new members are
better able to
conditions, new
cultural contexts,
and new role
expectations. For
new adjunct
faculty joining
colleges, a robust
process and
effective self-
strategies may
promote a greater
sense of
inclusion, role
clarity, and
alignment with
initiatives and
2. Survey Used for collecting 1. How Music Affects This study refers to
data from a Early Childhood the development of a
predefined group of Development child through music.
respondents to gain This refers to the
information and multiple intelligences
insights into a of Howard Gardner
various topics of in which one person
interest. can learn faster
through Auditory.

A study on
2. "Peace Studies:  Democracy works
Nonviolence in Action" through citizens that
are willing to engage
with the government
and create grassroots
change for Building a
nonviolent movement
in the country is a
crucial part and also
aims of ensuring a
successful transition
to a democracy or to
defend pillars of
democracy in the
situations where it
may be under threat.

3. Correlational A research design 1. Nutrition and Child A study that refers to

which involves a Health Status: the health status of
systematic Correlation Analysis individuals and aims
investigation of the to determines what
relationships or factors are affecting
associations among the malnutrition of
variables rather than individuals.
direct cause and
effect relationships. A Study of
2. "Being in the individuals journey in
World: An the world that aims to
Exploration of the determine what are
Relationship the odds between
between Our relationships and
Identities, Our identities and the
Communities, and purpose of
Our Environments" individuals in the

4. Experimental The independent 1. “Democracy, A Study of the

variable is being Education and freedom of education
manipulated and Social Change: in which everybody
process to the Expanding the aims to achieve the
dependent variable to Praxis of Quality Education
determine whether if Contemplative and an Education for
affects the dependent Education All amidst the
variable or not like changes in the
case study and community .
survey research that
uses systematic or 1. Pinagtagpo Pero This Study refers to
scientific approach. Hindi the new trend of the
Itinadhana: A new generation in
Case Study which somebody can
about couples be “ The One That
who had long- Got Away” .
term Engaging to a very
relationship bud romantic relationship
did not Marry where both are
each Other physically and
5. Evaluation A research design  1. "How
which involves or Expressive Arts A study that aims to
making a judgement Therapy and know the effects of
by bringing out Outdoor expressive arts in
effects and providing Adventure healing individuals in
information needed Activities Can the ways of
to answer. Increase interpersonal
Interpersonal communication that
Communication could help them
Skills: boost their
Adventure in confidence and
Building finding its true self.
with Children"

2. Family, Identity A study of how each

and Fiction family accepts and
giving judgement to
the individual
uniqueness .


1. How can you identify independent variables and dependent variables in the world around

An independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in

a scientific experiment to test the effects on the dependent variable while dependent
variable is the variable being tested and measured in a scientific experiment.

2. How can you apply your understanding of independent and dependent variable in real life

For example , The relationship of a girl and boy depends on the decision of the girl’s
parents even though they loved each other.

3. How do you know that a variable is independent and dependent?

- Independent variables can stand alone while dependent variables depends on the
variable being measured or tested.

4. Why is it so necessary to recognize variables in quantitative research?

- For some reason, independent variables can be identified as the cause while the
dependent variable is the effect.

5. Do dependent variables in quantitative research depend on independent variable?

Yes, item indicators in dependent variables can’t be measured nor tested

without the independent variable who influence the dependent variables.

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