Response Paper 1

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In the past, students were considered the same and that teaching was all about teachers
only lecturing the predetermined course subject. The old system ignored the fact that not
everyone learns the same way. As a matter of fact, every individual has a unique learning
process. This uniqueness is based on how each and every student is different than the other,
which was explained in the relevant chapter. I learned that it is important to understand this to
the fullest extent in order to accomodate instructional methods to individual learning needs
and to keep up with the learners’ school performances. Also, recognizing their strenghts and
weaknesses in terms of education is helpful to set goals and methods that would be the most
beneficial for them. This is so much better than categorizing them according to their general
intelligence. Furthermore, other things that may differentiate students are socioeconomic
status, culture, and language. I learned that it is essential to focus on culture-based solutions
rather than a learner’s deficits to help them improve their performance. Apart from this, there
are many differences in terms of learning styles. For example, while some individuals are
visual learners, some are verbal learners and so forth. Therefore, before defining the
instructional strategies, teachers should be careful not to create unfavoruable stereotypes.
Learners’ family lives is also a determinant in learning differences. Relationships between
them and the school should be kept in mind to understand the students better socially. Also, I
learned that almost every teacher expresses a bit of bias among students. In order to prevent
that, there are ways such as randomly assigning work to students, interacting with them all
equally, etc. I think all of these need to be discussed during the upcoming lesson.

These materials relate to teaching and learning in a tremendous way. I do not think a
healthy learning environment can be established without acknowledging that all learners are
unique and that different approaches should be taken to fulfill their needs in terms of
education. It would be discouraging for the class because students’ performances would not
be the best due to disregarding their needs and differences. I would like to employ these
principles as a student because I have my own differences and it effects the way I learn to a
large extent. While I study, I should be more aware of how my learning style works and study
accordingly. Furthermore, I would like to use these principles when I become a teacher in the
future. I would try to get rid of my biases if any and get to know my students more in time to
adjust myself according to their needs. I would also consider their strenghts and weaknesses
while setting goals and defining methods for them. Consequently, I believe that it is extremely
important to understand the students as a teacher because it is one of the core principles of
teaching. If there is no mutual relationship between the teacher and the students, the hours
spent during class cannot be much beneficial and that most of the class would not be able to
progress as well as others.


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