How Would You Use Attitude/models On Attitudes Toward Movie As Differentiated From Products and Service?

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How would you use attitude/models on attitudes toward movie as differentiated from products
and service?

Attitude shown by consumers towards a product or service is different from their attitude towards a
movie. We can take the tri component attitude model to differentiate consumer behaviour towards
movies from products and services. The tri-component attitude model consists of three components:
cognitive, affective and conative.

The cognitive component: The cognitive component consists of a person’s cognitions, i.e.,
knowledge and perceptions (about an object). This knowledge and resulting perceptions commonly
take the form of beliefs, images, and long-term memories. A utility function representing the
weighted product of attributes and criteria would be used to develop the final ranking and thus
choice. This model represents the process used by individuals with a with a strong Thinking Cognitive

In case of products & services a person experiences cognition from knowledge and perception of
product or brand features. But in case of movies the brand is not too clear; because every movie is a
brand by itself. A consumer experiences cognition from watching the trailer of a movie. They create
a mental map about the movie and decides whether to go and watch the movie. They can also
gather knowledge by viewing reviews posted in various online forums and according to the reviews,
viewers create a bias upon the movie even before going to watch the movie.

Affective: Affective component represents a consumer’s emotions and feelings regarding the
attitude object. This generates only after a consumer experiences a product or service by himself or
herself. And according to their experience with the object their emotions (good or bad) forms. In
case of movies bulk of the emotion forms while viewers watch the movie. And in case of products,
consumer’s emotions form according to their previous experience with the brand.

The conative component: The conative component is concerned with the likelihood or tendency of
certain behaviour with regard to the attitude object. It would also mean the predisposition or
tendency to act in a certain manner toward an object.
Conative model represents the likelihood that a person will behave in a certain way. This is depicted
as actions or behaviour towards a product or brand and expressed as intention to purchase a brand.
In case of movies the behaviour would be their decision of whether to watch the movie or not. As
creating a brand in movies are very difficult, producer’s needs to spend lot more in promotions.

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
2. Conceptualize how data provided in Exhibits 1 and 2 can be associated with the movies.

The data provided in Exhibit 1 & 2 are about consumer’s attitude, perception & belief of movies
Gulab Gang & Queen.

Exhibit 1 shows the survey data about Gulab Gang & Exhibit 2 about Queen.

There were 87 responses collected for Gulab Gang and 100 for the Queen.

A questionnaire was prepared according to consumer’s attitude, perception, beliefs and their
probable reaction towards the movie. The feedback was taken using a Likert scale ranging from 1 to
5 with input strongly agree, agree, somewhat agree, disagree, strongly disagree

Factor that contribute to film success-

Star Cast- Since Bollywood success heavily depend on star cast here from the repones it shows that
in case of Gulab Gang more than 95 percent feels that they are motivated by star cast to do watch
the movie unlike in Queen star cast manage to about 20 percent attracted by star cast.

Emotional factor- HereGulab Gang attract more than 90 percent of population on emotional factor
like 87 as did by Queen

Story- Story attract customer in both movie by more than 90 percent

Leading Director-Leading director affect little to about 40 percent for the Gulab Gang which even did
very less for the Queen

Controversy- Exhibit 1 shows controversy play major role(90%) in that attract audience to watch in
case of Gulab Gang but for Queen it did little role in attracting audience

Word of mouth- It play a major role in case of in case of Gulab Gang (more than 90 percent) unlike it
did completely opposite for queen.

To analyse the data given in exhibit 1 & 2 we can take the factors most consumers strongly agrees
and strongly disagrees with. This will give us an idea about what attitudinal factors are important in
movies. And after that by comparing the factors for two movies, i.e. Gulab Gang and Queen we can
analyse the attitudinal components.

Gulab Gang:
Strongly Agree

Questionnaire No. of
No. Important Factors(Strongly Agree) respondents
1 Star cast of the movie attracted you. 58

2 You felt emotionally involved with the star cast of the movie. 58
3 Star cast was responsible for you to see the movie. 60

4 You are more likely to watch movies that reflect a biopic. 57

5 You thought that movie was based on a true story. 60

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
6 You could relate to the story. 46

Story value of such a movie will make you decide to see the
7 58
You had felt that the movie should have been involved with
15 78
some controversy to have boosted its box office collection.

You thought that any controversy that surrounds a movie of

17 this nature in the social media is likely to arouse the emotions 78
of the movie goers.
Movie's song and dance by the actor/actress in the movie had
31 45
an impact on your overall assessment of the movie.

36 Movie's title had prompted you to go to the movie. 42

Your intent to watch the movie affirms/changes with critic
39 45
reviews after release.

Your intent to watch the movie affirms/changes with

40 47
audience reviews after release.

Strongly Disagree & Disagree

Unimportant Factors(Disagree & Strongly Disagree) No. of respondents

You were too emotional to note the directorial capability

11 72
involved in the movie.

18 You noticed that the dialogs of the movie to be realistic. 66

You had felt that dialogs of the movie had aroused

19 66
emotions in you.
Dialogues of this movie had appealed to you as one of the
21 61
highlights of the movie.

Music directors of the film had played a role in your

22 65
decision to see the film.
Music of the movie that you had heard made you see the
24 75

Movie promotion with fiction and non-fiction based TV

29 59
serials had enhanced its emotional appeal.

Locales of the movie added to the emotional appeal of the

38 50

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
Strongly Agree / Important Factors

Important factors (Strongly Agree) No of respondents
You felt emotionally involved with the star cast of the
2 47

6 You could relate to the story. 48

Story value of such a movie will make you decide to see
7 66
the movie.

Entertainment value of the movie was trigger for you to

8 64
plan for the movie.
You had planned to see this movie as it had both
9 66
emotional and entertainment value.

18 You had noticed the dialogs of the movie to be realistic. 63

You had felt that the dialogs of movie had aroused the
19 63
emotion in you.

You think the dialogs of the movie had the scope to be

20 63
talked about in the social media by avid film goers.

Dialogs of this movie had appealed to you as one of the

21 63
highlights of the movie.

23 You were able to connect with the music of this movie. 62

Movie's song and dance sequence by lead actress added

33 46
to its overall entertainment value.

Locales used in the movie were important for the success

37 54
of the movie.
Locales of the movie added to the emotional appeal of the
38 50

Your intent to watch the movie affirms/changes with

40 47
audience reviews after release.

Strongly Disagree / Unimportant Factors

Important factors (Strongly disagree) No of respondents

1 Star cast of the movie attracted you. 24

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
3 Star cast was responsible for you to see the movie. 24

5 You thought that the movie was based on a true story. 72

You were too emotional to note the directorial capability

11 42
involved in the movie.

You did not care about the directional capability associated

12 46
with when you had decided to see this movie.

You would have felt better if a leading director had been in

13 45
charge of this movie.

You would have liked a leading director to have directed

14 45
this movie as he would have made it very emotional.

You had felt that the movie should have been involved in
15 68
some controversy to have boosted in box office collection.

You had planned to see this as there was a controversial

16 word of mouth about this movie among your circle of 68
Music director/s of the movie had played a role in your
22 65
decision to see the film.

Music of the movie that you had heard had made you see
24 65
the movie.
Title of the movie made you think of the theme of the
35 46

36 Movies title had prompted you to go to the movie. 52

3. Analyse the data provided in Exhibit 1 and 2 with attitudinal components. How do they connect
with the conceptualization provided in question 2?

Factor that contribute to film success-

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
The attitudinal components in exhibit 1 and 2 are

Questionnaire Attitudinal
Important factors
No Components

1 Star cast of the movie attracted you. Cognitive

You felt emotionally involved with the star cast of the
2 Affective

3 Star cast was responsible for you to see the movie. Conative
4 You are more likely to watch movies that reflect a biopic. Cognitive

5 You thought that movie was based on a true story. Cognitive

6 You could relate to the story. Affective

Story value of such a movie will make you decide to see

7 Affective
the movie.
Entertainment value of the movie was trigger for you to
8 Affective
plan for the movie.

You had planned to see this movie as it had both

9 Cognitive
emotional and entertainment value.
You had analysed the directorial capability involved in the
10 Affective

You were too emotional to note the directorial capability

11 Affective
involved in the movie.
You did not care about the directional capability
12 Conative
associated with when you had decided to see this movie.

You would have felt better if a leading director had been in

13 Affective
charge of this movie.
You would have liked a leading director to have directed
14 Cognitive
this movie as he would have made it very emotional.

You had felt that the movie should have been involved in
15 Cognitive
some controversy to have boosted its box office collection.
You had planned to see this as there was a controversial
16 word of mouth about this movie among your circle of Affective

You thought that any controversy that surrounds a movie

17 of this nature in the social media is likely to arouse the Affective
emotions of the moviegoers.
18 You had noticed the dialogs of the movie to be realistic. Affective

19 You had felt that the dialogs of movie had aroused the Affective

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
emotion in you.

You think the dialogs of the movie had the scope to be

20 Cognitive
talked about in the social media by avid filmgoers.
Dialogs of this movie had appealed to you as one of the
21 Affective
highlights of the movie.

Music directors of the film had played a role in your

22 Conative
decision to see the film.
23 You were able to connect with the music of this movie. Affective

Music of the movie that you had heard had made you see
24 Conative
the movie.
You were aware of the type of the song in the movie even
25 Cognitive
before you had seen the movie.

Music of the movie was marked well to attract the

26 Cognitive
Music of the movie was marketed so well in the social
27 media that it had attracted adequate numbers of the Affective
moviegoers to see the movie.

Movie promotion with fiction and non-fiction based TV

28 serials had an impact on you opinion about the story of Cognitive
the movie.
Movie promotion with fiction and non-fiction based TV
29 Affective
serials had enhanced its emotional appeal.

Movie promotion with fiction and non-fiction based TV

30 Conative
serials had influenced your decision to see the movie.
Movie’s song and dance by the actor/actress in the movie
31 Affective
had an impact on your overall assessment of the movie.

Movie's song and dance sequence by lead actress added

32 Affective
to its overall entertainment value.
Movie's song and dance sequence by lead and/or guest
33 appearance actor/actress in a point that would provide Cognitive
the word of mouth in social media among moviegoers.

34 It could relate to the title of the movie. Affective

Title of the movie made you think of the theme of the
35 Cognitive

36 Movies title had prompted you to go to the movie. Conative

Locales used in the movie were important for the success
37 Affective
of the movie.

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
Locales of the movie added to the emotional appeal of the
38 Affective

Your intent to watch movie affirms/change with critic

39 Conative
review after release.
Your intent to watch the movie affirms/changes with
40 Conative
audience reviews after release.

The data that are provided in Exhibits 1 and 2 with attitudinal components are-The star cast of the
movies plays a major role to attract the consumers. In Gulaab Gang there was a strong star cast as
Juhi Chawla played a very strong role of lady politician and Madhuri Dixit another superstar. In case
of Queen the role was played by KanganaRanaut, a real life feminist, and youth generation actress.

But as having a strong star cast the movie Gulaab Gang was not successful but Queen was successful
which left the society by the other way impression that the girl should be independent, ambitious
and strong. The success of the movie doesn’t lie in the star cast purely but the content of the story of
the movie should be good enough to attract the viewers. The star cast was strong in Gulaab Gang
but it not achieved success whereas Queen was not having a strong star cast but due to its content it
was successful.

When the first look, the poster was launched the Gulaab Gang achieved huge response whereas
Queen almost remained unnoticed. Even the trailer of Gulaab Gang was successful but Queen also
not witnessed good responses.

The Gulaab Gang was based on real life story and Queen was just imaginary story but on the basis on
real life story the movie cannot be success.

Promotional activities should be given focus upon that more and more people should be aware
about the movie.

Music and dance sequences should have good effect on the viewers so that they can be entertained

The dialog should have given more stress in Gulaab Gang movie because as per the responses all the
viewers found out that the dialogs were not real whereas in Queen the dialog were real.

4. What are the influences that you would draw from the behaviour analysis associated with
Gulaab Gang and Queen?

‘Gulab Gang’ & ‘Queen’ both launched in March 8, 2014 and enjoyed a fantastic buzz at the time
filmmakers unveiled the first look publicity materials (posters and theatre trailer). Although Gulab
Gang enjoyed fantastic buzz and queen was hardly noticed by anyone; Queen experienced a huge

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
success and Gulab Gang was not successful at box office. Factors that normally helps a movie to
success in box office are to do good-

Promotional activities: Teaser Trailer, posters,

Script: Having good content in the film

Good social media responses

Star Cast: In Bollywood success depends heavily on film’s lead actors.

 Attractive Movie Title

 Dialogues

 Music

 Dance Song

The influences that we can draw from the behavioural analysis associated with ‘Gulab Gang’ and
‘Queen’ are that both of them are female centric movies. After doing the content analysis we can
say that they targeted towards women empowerment. India is primarily a male dominated society
and at the time of women empowerment both the movies ‘Gulab Gang’ and ‘Queen’ were like a
fresh breeze.

5. Is there a branding of framework that can be recommended on basis of the insights gained from
the analysis of the case?

A Brand can be associated with a functional benefit (solving problem), with consumers, self-
expression or with emotional or sensual consumption experience. Film are predominantly associated

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
with the emotional experience of consumer (viewers) and such emotional experience from the basis
of entertainment. In the film industry each film is a brand by itself. So to create a brand in film sector
we can follow some steps that helps to create a brand out of the film.

We can follow following steps

1. Creating Awareness- To increase the awareness we to release poster and hashtag in social media
sites like Facebook, Instagram, twitter. Then film production house should create awareness until
teaser got released.

2. Generating Interest-Teaser and trailer are the best way to grab attention of the protective
consumer. So movie production house can make use of campaign where actor and actress visit the
popular places and TV shows to promote awareness in area of high revenue generation.

3. Emotional Connect-Emotional connect is mostly based on story and script of the movie. If the
movie is based on the epic, historical event or based on true incident then it got emotional flavour

4. Fulfilling consumer expectations-Fulling customer expectation is the most important step in

creating a brand, in film industry for the production houses. A good film will lead to word of mouth
promotion of the movie. It will lead more viewers and improve performance in box office.

6. What do you interpret from Exhibit 3 associated with YouTube trailers? State your probable
analysis and suggestions with respect to movie based on your interpretation (graph only).

If we compare both then we can say that Gulab Gang received much better responses in comparison
to Queen.

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
Gulab Gang Queen

Views 46,42,085 27,63,913

Time watched 15 10

Subscription driven 1,2217 559

Shares 7,667 2,394

Time trend analysis shows that the interest of Gulab Gang was for short period time , in comparison
with Queen it had long interests span. This reflected on box office performance. Gulab Gangs
lifetime collection was 14.58 crore and Queen Lifetime collection was INR 61 crore.

Suggestion for better result

1. Producer should spend both money and effort for different campaign to promote for long period
of time to keep the interest and hype for long duration of time

2. Editor should come with some interesting teaser time to time and maintain buzz over the period
of time.

3. Promotion should be done in key places with local popular actor

4. Booking slots in advertisement in high TRP show.

5. Music and dance sequences should have good effect on the viewers so that they can be
entertained properly

Consumer Behaviour Assignment-1

Branding and Bollywood: The Behaviour route to branding film

Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM
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Consumer Behaviour assignment by Sibam Sain, 18202262, Sec-D, MBA-2, 2018-20, KSOM

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