Case Analysis 3

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Strategic Issues

The issues introduced by the Mindanao School Book case study depicts of the following

First, there is already in place a government project to supplement and sustain the need for
education. As presented by the case study conducted by Princeton University, it has laid down the fact
that government budget has already been appropriated for education, including but not limited to the
supply of books and other educational materials for public elementary schools in Mindanao, as well as
in other far-flung and considerably remote areas across the nation.

Second, identifying the problems that hinders the implementation of the governmental project
and partnering with private organizations in order to deliver the services needed. According to the
study, upon appointment of Mike Luz by the Ministry of Education to oversee and primarily
spearhead the implementation of the project of the government in distributing the public funds for
educational materials. Luz, in his sincerest desire to be able to deliver just and rightful service which
the citizens of this great nation deserves, aptly gathers all his resources and executed a most ambitious
plan in order to introduce innovative modes in delivering government service: People & technology.
In so doing, he incorporated two of the most promising gems the country has during that time. That is
very laudible considering that in other highly developed countries, it has already been proven that
investment in human resources and technology are a great combination which essentially yields to
better development and progress. These two factors, when worked together, produces not only more
positive outcome, but likewise forges a lifelong consensual contract in which people, both the private
citizens and private companies and organizations, are duty-bound to ensure that projects and
development are introduced and maintained in a manner more beneficial to the general populace.

Lastly, the ways to sustain and stabilize its implementation.

On the matter of projects introduced by the government in order to address the issue on the
delivery of basic necessities in line with education, the problems arise when factors involving
remoteness and accessibility to areas with limited access are concerned. These areas which are
remotely located usually receives less educational materials, thereby directly affecting the delivery of
quality education to students.

As to the problems which comes in way of the implementation, these involves matters which
may have been overlooked by its implementors, particularly the ways and means on how these
projects are to be implemented and therefrom delivered to the people.
Likewise, for a government project to be entered into in a partnership with private institutions
and organizations, some policies and laws are usually strict on this matter, since this could open doors
for corruption and mishandling of funds, considering that some politicians are directly involved or has
ties of interest with private corporations and organization.
Lastly, albeit successful implementation of the project, the problem continues beyond just
delivery since education connotes sustenance and consistency. It requires a continued overseeing and
guidance because education entails years of yearning and learning.

Alternative, Recommendation, and Action Plan

The most developed countries in the world presented models on how government can best
achieve its interest for their people. It has been told that one way in order for government to
effectively reach most of its citizens is by developing and forging ties with private corporations and
individuals. In places like Africa, for example, medical supplies are brought to rural areas with the
help of some beverage companies like Coca-Cola. Statistics have it that more areas in Africa have
access to a bottle Coca-cola than a potable water line.

This fact presents an idea that for Mindanao, where schools are remotely situated, one way for
the government to reach their projects is by entering into a private-public partnership with companies
which have more access to these areas. A Private-Public partnership technically connotes a scenario
where government, in its projects and dealings, taps and enters into a contract or agreement of sorts
with established companies, both domestic and foreign, in order to be able to effectively and
efficiently accomplish and thereafter deliver government-headed projects. These commercial
companies possess means in delivering their goods to almost anywhere, including the most remote
ones. With that, the government do not only reach said areas, but likewise cut the costing of having
the need to just simply hire couriers to deliver said educational materials. One best example in which
the Philippines has effectively and successfully entered into Private-Public Partnership and which
yielded to development is the construction of Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Express Way otherwise
known as TPLEX in Luzon. This project by the government with the Project Infra Development
Corporation (PIDC) has produced a road access to people coming from the northern most part of
Luzon to the Center Region in just under 20 minutes, which if not accomplished, could have taken
commuters a good 2-3 hours of travel just to get to the Metro. This is a classic example of how
effectively can government projects and social interests can be highlighted and addressed when
private companies enter in the scene in cooperation with the government in achieving one common
social goal for development.
For maintenance and sustenance of implementing this project of the government, there is a
need to continue forging a partnership with the society in these remote areas. Access to accountability
and transparency must both be worked together by the government and the people, to assure that
former does its job, and that money paid by the latter in form of taxes are translated to projects and
programs for their benefit.

On hindsight, it can be inferred that the best ways developed by countries with successful
economies are best done when public and private ties are tightened in order to deliver both their
interests – that is to reach to the masses, the people.

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