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Technology Philosophy Statement

This semester in Ed199 we discussed a lot about technology. We used the ISTE standards

to guide our class discussions. Along with the ISTE standards, we did an oral history project. I

talked with a teacher about their experience with technology and its changes throughout their

time as an educator. Next, we each had to do a digital tool. They were all informative and were

interesting tools that I will use in my future class. This semester has brought me new

technological tools and ways I use it in the classroom.

There are 7 ISTE standards. The first standard area is the learner. I as an educator will

continue to learn about technology from my peers. When I am older in the field, my younger

colleagues will know the technology better, so it would be easier to ask them for help. I will also

do research myself to learn about different tools. It is important to keep learning about

technology in my profession, so I am providing the best learning experience for my students.

Technology is able to aid students in learning. I plan to stay up to date with technology for the

sake of my students. The second standard area is the leader. I can show leadership within my

professional community by helping others learn about technology. I will show them the tools that

I use in my classroom. This will give them ideas to use for their students. I can support others in

using a wider range of tools by displaying how beneficial technology is for students. The third

standard area is the citizen. Digital citizenship is an important part of using technology. You, as a

teacher, most know how to use technology in a smart way. I will support digital citizenship by

doing it myself, so they can learn from what I am doing. My students need to know about things

like cyber-bullying, identity theft, screen addiction, and fair use of digital resources. I will give

them the information they need to be responsible and safe on the internet. The fourth standard

tool is the collaborator. I will use technology to collaborate with other teachers through online
discussion boards. There are many different ways to communicate with teachers all over the

country. This will allow me to better myself as an educator. I will collaborate with my students

to know what works best for them in order to better their learning. As a teacher, I will use

collaborative tools to the best of my ability to gain more knowledge as an educator and give my

students more resources. The fifth standard area is the designer. I will use technology to help

better support my teaching environment. By doing that, learning will become more individually

personalized and more innovative. Students can use technology to help design what learning

style and pace is best for them in a classroom and at home setting. The sixth standard is the

facilitator. I, as the teacher, will act as the facilitator of the technology. I will give my students

the tools they need and show them how to best use them. After that, I will allow them time to

explore the tools. I will use technology to strengthen their learning by using it alongside my own

teaching. I need to think about how I will manage the tools used. To do this, I will set boundaries

with my students. The final standard is the analyst. I will use technology to help students gain a

mastery and competence of the skills they are learning. I can use different tools with the

technology to help me see what my students are learning and if they need more help. This will

give me good feedback that I can use. Each of the ISTE standards help to add to my philosophy

of technology in my classroom.

For my digital tool project, my group did Flipgrid. This is a tool where you as a teacher

can upload a question and students can respond in various ways. For example, they can type it or

make a video. This is a great tool to use in order to showcase each student's ideas. They can see

and respond to their peers. My group thought this would be a great tool to continue a classroom

community and interaction for virtual learning. Each digital tool project brought in some form of

collaboration or assessment that can be used in the classroom. I will definitely use some of these
tools with my future students. Overall, technology is important for students to use and I as the

teacher will be in charge of making sure they benefit from it.

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