Female Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 34 Years Old Diet (High Carbohydrate) Sedentary Lifestyle Obesity Stress

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Predisposing Factors Precipitating Factors

Female Diet (high carbohydrate)

Gestational diabetes mellitus Sedentary lifestyle
34 years old Obesity

insufficient insulin level

inadequate reuptake of glucose in cells

extracellular hyperglycemia

increased blood glucose level

Decreased elasticity of blood vessels Glucose from the blood Blood glucose >
can’t enter the cells Renal threshold

Narrowed blood vessels

Intracellular hypoglycemia Kidneys remove excess
glucose from blood
through urine
Impeded blood flow
Body can’t convert the
foods ingested into energy
Reduced supply of blood and oxygen

Lack of energy
Osmotic diuresis
Risk of high blood pressure
Increase in hunger

High random plasma glucose (291 Sign
Lethargy, Polyphagia
mg/dL) (+) Glucose in UA
High HbA1c (8.8%) Symptom
High fasting glucose (184 mg/dL) Px reports increased thirst,
High blood pressure (152/97 mmHg) frequency of urination
Px reports increased hunger
“By the time I get home and
make supper for my family,
Nursing Diagnosis 1 then put my child to bed, I am Nursing Diagnosis 2
Unstable blood pressure related to too tired to exercise” as Risk for deficient fluid volume
increased blood glucose level as verbalized by the Px related to increased blood glucose
manifested by high B/P (152/97), level as manifested by (+)
high random plasma glucose (291 glucose in UA, marked increased
mg/dL), high HbA1c (8.8%), and thirst and frequency of urination
high fasting glucose (184 mg/dL) of the Px.

Nursing Diagnosis 3
Risk for unstable blood glucose
level related to inadequate
amount of insulin as evidenced
by high random plasma glucose
(291mg/dL), high fasting glucose
(184mg/dL), high HbA1c
(8.8%), high B/P 152/97 mm/Hg,
glycosuria, increased thirst,
hunger, urinary frequency, and
chronic fatigue

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