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1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!
EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!
What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!
(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing
(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________
(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________

1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________


1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.
1.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

       Last  week  I   decided   (decide)  to  invite  some  friends  over  for  dinner.
I  had
(1) _____________ _______ (buy) lots of delicious food, including some
expensive ham. At about 6 pm I (2) ______________________________
(cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3) ________________________ (shine)
and as it (4) ____________________________ (be) such a beautiful evening,  I
(5) __________________________ (open) the back door. The telephone then
(6) ________________________ (ring). I (7) _____________________ (go) to
answer it. When I (8) __________________________________ (come) back
the ham (9) _______________________________ (not be) on the table any
longer. I turned and (10) __________________ (look) out of the kitchen window
through which I could see a cat (11) __________________________ (sit) on
my garden wall, and it (12) ________________________ (eat) my ham! What
(13) ___________________ (can) I do? I (14) ____________________ (fill) a
pan with water and (15) _______________ (go) quietly outside. The cat (16)
___________________________ (not look) in my direction, and as it (17)
____________________________________ (enjoy) the ham so much  it (18)
__________________________ (not hear) me approach. I (19)
__________________ (walk) slowly up to it. I (20)
___________________________ (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit
cruel, I know, but the ham (21) _______________________ (be) very
expensive! But at the last moment the cat (22) _______________________
(hear) me, (23) _________________________ (jump) over the wall, and (24)
_________________ (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

(2) Answer the following questions about you!   What were you doing

(A)    6 a.m. yesterday morning? ____________________________________________

(B)    8 a.m. yesterday? ____________________________________________________
(C)    10 p.m. last Sunday? _________________________________________________
(D)    Midday yesterday? __________________________________________________
(E)     5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? _____________________________________
(F)     2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon? _________________________________________
(G)    3 p.m. last Thursday? ________________________________________________
(H)    10 minutes ago? ____________________________________________________

1.    Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Last week I decided (decide) to invite some friends over for dinner. I had
(1) bought (buy) lots of delicious food, including some expensive ham. At about
6 pm I (2) was cooking (cook) in the kitchen. The sun was (3)  shining (shine)
and as it (4) was (be) such a beautiful evening, I (5) opened (open) the back
door. The telephone then (6) rang (ring). I (7) went (go) to answer it. When I
(8) came (come) back the ham (9) was not (not be) on the table any longer. I
turned and (10) looked (look) out of the kitchen window through which I could
see a cat (11) sitting (sit) on my garden wall, and it (12) was eating (eat) my
ham! What (13) could (can) I do? I (14) filled (fill) a pan with water and
(15) went (go) quietly outside. The cat (16) was not looking (not look) in my
direction, and as it (17)  was enjoying (enjoy) the ham so much it (18) did not
hear  (not hear) me approach . I (19) walked (walk) slowly up to it. I
(20) wanted (want) to empty the water over its head. A bit cruel, I know, but the
ham (21) was (be) very expensive! But at the last moment the cat
(22) heard  (hear) me, (23) jumped (jump) over the wall, and
(24) escaped (escape). The happiest cat in the neighborhood!

EXERCISE (2): Answer the following questions about you!

What were you doing at………….. (Some examples).
(A) 6 a.m. yesterday morning? I was sleeping.
(B)  8 a.m. yesterday? I was having breakfast.
(C)  10 p.m. last Sunday? I was drinking a cup of tea.
(D) Midday yesterday? I was eating lunch.
(E)  5.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? I was driving home from work.
(F)   2.30 p.m. yesterday afternoon?   I was  working.
(G) 3 p.m. last Thursday? My boss and I were having a meeting.
(H) 10 minutes ago? I was reading my emails.

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