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Bondad, Shehada.


1. A- because it measure the effect of this change on the dependent variable;

2. B-it is the outcome that was measured: 24 hours systolic d diastolic blood
pressure readings.
3. C- These are the Three basic principles, among those generally accepted in
our cultural tradition, are particularly relevant to the ethics of research
involving human subjects.
4. A- A normal agreement between the researcher and the participants because
the the researcher is willing to make a payment in exchange for the
participants decision.
5. B- Because according to the Bill of rights for the participants they have to be
told what the study is trying to find out, what will happen to them, and what
will be asked to do if they are in the study.
6. C- because prediction made by a researcher regarding a positive or negative
change, relationship, or difference between two variables of a population.
7. D-because the researcher obtained and let the participant signed the consent
form; a legal document that ensures an ongoing communication process
between you and your health care provider.
8. A- Informed consent because it is a process for getting permission before
conducting a healthcare intervention on a person, or for disclosing personal
9. B- because the Researchers employ a number of methods to keep their
subjects' identity confidential.
10. C-because they can make decisions on their own.
11. C-because they are making up results
12. C- because it measure the effect of this change on the dependent variable;
13. D- A hypothesis is a proposed idea that may explain an observation or
phenomena. However, the data does not support the hypothesis or refutes.
14. C-because dependent and independent variables are more than two.
15. A- because it investigate probable cause and effect relationships by having
one or more experimental groups exposed to one or more treatment
conditions and comparing the result to one or more control group.
16. B- before” refers to a measurement being made before an intervention is
introduced to a group and “after” refers to a measurement being made after
its introduction.

17. C-Because it in not aiming on finding the solution to existing problems.

18. C- Because we are collecting the number of participants which we can find it
in the population
19. C- the first statement uses deductive which is from general to specific, and
the next statement is inductive therefore both are philosophycal reasoning.
20. D; because in quasi experimental, it cannot randomized partcipants and the
researcher assesses differences in two groups and the researcher rule outs
initial differences.
21. A- involves the use of different sources of data/information.
22. A- Confirmability refers to the degree to which the results could be
confirmed or corroborated by others.
23. C-because member check, also known as informant feedback or respondent
validation, is a technique used by researchers to help improve the accuracy,
credibility, validity, and transferability (also known as applicability, internal
validity, or fittingness) of a study.
24. C- because it is often used to measure respondents' attitudes by asking the
extent to which they agree or disagree with a particular question or
Likert scales may meet your needs when you have attitude, belief, or
behavior items.

25. D- because it describe an individual situation and collecting the overall

status of a person.

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