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THE-UIPESOr FRANCESCO GUICCIARDINI by ROBERTO RIDOLFI Tranlated fom the lain by CECIL GRAYSON nny paid in aly os Cappigh 196 by Angels Bele Eine, Rome Fit ped in Great Bn 196, by Rowley © Keen Pad Lined Bruny Hse, 6-74 Cr Lane CONTENTS tain, EC ined Get eta by (Cor Wen Lied seerensooseansonoccoacensecccenseesssscetnnoneenntnns ‘and, Feb od Reng lik Tein © Rawle 6 Kegan Pal Ld if 1 prt of hs bok me be reprard — te ‘ny fom witht pei fo he oom rt: men Fm AO ser, xe he uation of ae ef page rien 2 om rx Frou mae eons » SBN eo garry 3. uk rmx rou sana WES a Sermons ofan eis comnon omen : Fon rm rena ro mnocemD os AIBLIOTECA BERENSON HARVARD UNVERSITY " TRANSLATOR’S NOTE For this English edition of Goicciardin’'s Life the author fas fevied and brought vp to date, pecially a che notes and Tiblogaphy, the txt of the orignal Taian edition published im 19 {HE IDLENESS' OF 5, MARGHERITA A MONTICt eh, us padre eos de tein tw le mabe oie tm ee aot Me dee Pensa 0 iP fre ot Parsi nore pret hom, [As wha grief en with ou on hands he tombs of our Shes, the howe of Chrians! Als, wt sorrow to thin dat «Pop, het ‘own ci, drives the mother country to such ae, But Pope you willnerer bout of holding Herece o you will have herding tive ‘ier oly ston] ‘The ls delays over, on the 1ath October the enemy appeared atthe ps of Appacit, an outport of Florence, where te Spun ae supposed 10 have raised thee famous cry: “Get out your brocade tne, for me are coming ro mesure them with ou esa Thay ‘regan dhe memorable defence by which the nation renowned fort ‘alr, showed to the world unexpected valour, Made for the ars of Bee, they beame noble in war; fimous for the subry of tha polis after pursuing 2 policy which was madnes, dey reieved thenselvs by the impersous ded of romantic courage. Those beds ‘men, made obsinstly thc hopeless of tira, could be numbered among those whom Gained in is Rll eal madmen, Yet hee ‘na point hard o deine, a which "madmen! become heroce ‘Uses to ask oneself whether the ‘wis’ Gacearding igh have been onthe side of the defenders of Florence they had mt dane evry thing pouible wo anger and make an enemy of his. Cereal he woedd ‘ot ave laced courage no frm reolton, bt he was boy snd sul ‘on he other side ofthe fence; nor should one forget tat Clement VI ‘was nota forcjgn enemy bata Florentine the head ofa action to which ‘maser Franco, ven if he didnot rey lve, was fly bound. Ani at he kd oy, "vlenes ft dacant, clenies runt Besides he was too wie’ involve himefin a war which was loin advance, Javing one lst a war which had appeared tobe won before stared "Pray God not fnd yourself on the losing de>" Chapter 19 EXILE. THE ‘CONSIDERAZIONI’ AND THE ‘RICORDI’ oe eee a eer \W V/s coneciee epee ne Osea es ae SS anaes ese Sart ee ees See eee a eae Sete ics eee eae a ES acon eer ee ee eee Soc eeee Coe ee eae bemoeee et cece Poleng lyons eee in ere cee a eee SEU Snare ace ae eee eee Cy ee eee [EXILE, THE ‘CONSIDERAZIONI’ AND THE ‘RICO! tie goverment t home di ot bere hem to be sincerely meat, tadse date proples olson should no be weakened by sweet Beno pat, yf No eel et eons me ‘oman ad xia ely ora ‘poceling Conary ste Bf ofsome stories Te nw aie tht Guitare i succeed noting tne condos om tke Pope, tough of cane one cannot be sre ta the Pope ad any inion of honouring da wold noe pt ayia nthe Be ort or dT eve Goan would hae done sot any ving achieved hs mind Guin sid he wanted to ak leave wo dr fo Ancona, bt ht tote ad th oe Frenne amano who now red Kim a thc pon ats eg hi to Tard go wih them aa at Bologea St he wen the ad veyed tobe hate wool tae gone cre ty bd fo ak hin He tayed on tee ae al ate aa apres IS hn of oe Sag ter po i suposed o have spoken vey aap t poor Clement Belrawbibea geet eae ae “The eye of he worl were then fis upon Blog, Afr the Pope's wma ary Gucci asso cjy the mach moe ‘plaid on of Chars Vand he shows of mul son betwee the Pope who had ed o grat a war apse te Emperor, snd te Enger who had pied he Pope withthe ck of Rome and Iprioument Kwa writen dt hy Hed tc nen ox be mul ofa: One woul ket have men Grins ce when Fete dar ow molar denn, ig thee days in Bologna tte nas nothing bux fx ‘Whe Bee wat begets com dice dete bye sin ng ewe og a ec ag nz bom in hci ha eaphan sega Ener hom 1d ws deve out ofa nd wh wasn’ aly er of Inly andthe word: no dot tle tn how Googe snd that spec cold rie shea, though never erated hat © ‘epronh Gd, aoe poet wa ltr td, for ot ang bough ad en eid de a afk Se ap wry of kee Iechind without mach hope of ssing them agin, His seiry became agua whe ate begining of Decne his bec aap i EXILE, THE ‘CONSIDERAZIONI AND THE RICORDY formed hm hata sewad for having obtained fo he cy shee nepected tem of grsment the Or dr Gaara acid i of Having plowed agai the Seta? wat a ee fi he Qual, bo Bre edly dei ing ea iva hha when the proseton wn oly inagiay a 2a Neb dt bere Gaetatad who wee ae Ppolad & ‘typos oh popula the any ~ined he ter ws “prob = bogged hin vo proeathnslf in Florence hese dh Cat ws widowed tht he would te remove tcf om the shadow of tc Pope and wane fo Laca wht hi conemacy wool pps bw me Tey ge avi wee Ser Inne agreed tthe Be propos he cand he mig hae ‘Sopeed uwlingy snd hen ony tpl op, Indeed seed ins uncom eH to pres de Horie alg sc ‘rowley ot 0 prove dag brand pol hen ae’ thay Ie the Pop's our Que pe om he ft ht had ‘ester guns in Bologna on which the flower of the world Bad cca Iscmed bet tempi. On he ah Deze, the, be wrote See tosh Hight, in which he avoided ging a stsightsnwer a fa ting 38 penance went and even eas removing wo a pent ple iene twos vr eve eng the actions, where be ad ahily andro ons sl. Th peat nt was mde ce irene che fine wiih accied him of having Ie Floren in ‘ans ofthe to war qt wo, bth fed aceptabe exces jy ie eon. Arto the sand whch charged hn with having ove to Bolan with he Pope, he oul answer aly by cling o> ‘Since the Hoang ambos As te dd Radng wich ‘Rproced bin with having set Hlornc r apit he Sat it ‘rarcoogh oti th Ew kes head wee, whch indeed ad all Ec in he bad of he Eight" He wool oe have own sch Cerny if shad bon afd tn some cepted leer igh Bae fretted stint clay cane foe eran ying tht he wt going tose the Pope tices dy Unt jh fom Heer A sco clamny, sac Fovnie Pope fad no la of men oe mens bt formation tierly onthe afi ofthe yy sod Gai wo ot ely, Sroced and dsr se way owl iin och ngs Proceedings. 20 BXILE, THE ‘CONSIDERAZIONI’ AND THE ‘RICORDI’ Fal on Chrismas Es flavin eyed nd rggledas uch 1s pombe bere isl ane log jt whes os wee ‘thr bou"andgotolaca wht lado rand dnges tome dre Buc at deur hs erie hand iaope ‘eprom only sve wn fsponment of raha ie ‘ie ed for him appv Senso f'n day ae Son hadnt pened ‘Wer we toner be pent tine inte biel of aca we mig saga Hi hing of te meoped Ge for fam ce onl re ab ld arenes ar fig he grees which coin tem andthe mar ede tana ir work: However noe of hs oto boy ne md navel we ind someing beter an cnet ‘ay pap te enh moms dsr Blogs cL Eight mich webs ox splen thc ien cose mae beso tbe wellnows Epa of Layo Caigoncio® The nr wes ‘Rnking of oan faving jo acc he pom in hs work where ‘ment ap sted by tify he mckaned ma Aad wars 1 Fence Gc ado an pefevor alae apy ie i noble in danger of ing te hn of lion fom «fopda fovemment He thn wer ight ft me up ana Ings conoid plain he cone th wry eden fe ced in th oh of mor Dot Barta oh se bs road by the popular goverment (Fo hk a ome people oul ke o oni icy works ety on tc own mets {csc fom te ccm which pede hem) fe die ‘ome be wt ford the cys ingrid wear fv pra os ‘egiming ith Dt himsle Nor here ny due tthe were ‘i hina was sisting of sown ees One wee nly nee lange fw naan ew Sh a nt an apelgyfr Giri ante chguse Dymo sn outa of Be ‘he axon deep tes “is noes] dou ot ico ve me, sould not el any sor ear lon wicca ath rch cise, olor oi fly and pone ‘those who have brought her honour and Kanne ‘man who pen nin pe Sel cre iy tlre ope gory in th prac ofthe whe cut of Rome who meet spud som Mer or gen the rif a Rept sere a abrlly tf othe Palsy to your cy, now sa ea foe Is good ded on the otery of th ignorant populace sowed bythe ing of wwe cists, your oficls prevaded upon by re, cel col of jee vel, be el for ny ‘pb than anni...» We go to satay age of oreo, {ofr m exile dats logon cit ves doer ote to defend good mn. T hope neve dn God je jie, wil ring eetbuton to the stor of rch wickedncs, Bat ‘pon you ignore and angel people | ke a dhe vege ‘dan da you shoul never ow oc te Hoty, Bt vig Alvar ste odes tented pevenaeatcr ws ppeing ae fies witha daordeed lence, you yn i ier snd eet crane Lngg fx Hy os you inte ether of ong sewing He to ike Bahr, es yma (bt be couldnt bese tow fr twat) sword hanging ove i. Ad theo wa ed ‘hreteingly onthe th Mate, when ah conned dant, ee anh Quoi Ad yet po no ‘ata meacger on pup th ans ay he wrote asso eer ‘Somat igh ery kee aod chal spat fo hve been writen under dhe th, cou alesis which ea be ead though he rv fe dae bck eo Theand Marc "The lee dd hi no good, citer did dhe pene which he ‘Quand meting onthe 7h the worthy ep a od he ent of the Mort, of Santa Chis, f San Marco (charging hit tothe they wih the mepectveeaa) noc we he ees eset ayo ete ‘ppotton he ws condemned to tsactars belo cofistion ‘thi prope wih a muck ser and mh rogue ection then tbe iaghary anche dopo bought wna le deat: "Then thud! bono ech differs of pain. [shoo Ek Liaw Sis ae iar ene ee eee him en have done oem och ofc, nd we get inary 0a cayenne csv oper crate doerien, Wonk ea HE [pc hm ee sels you mh esd word? Yet hope {estate ty nd he may be panshed ft. Ue now eee oni aes when the stem warding nest al i good wee seed is 205 [BXILE, THE ‘CONSIDERAZIONI’ AND THE ‘RICORDI Posexions sold: ong of "books fw ina une and {bond volumes and ewety-foortmbound, aad mum af Becrary wok and eke was boghtia by cope ta svete athe moda psf te Boro gy mac?" (Guiectin dd no waif hs bots ord ncws ofthc sence. ih head immedi news oem anaue sous oe whi ll ioa information, be ado son show he omsy aft Jules in the ery atmorpere of Florence unde segs” cmeeing ‘owl had gained by i jum in Lace he west wling ‘en there ne day long to dif boredom and oer and wi the father danger of hung ths Pope's vou, Thom the 1 es fox Rome He old aco, who hd wee oh he sme dy hat Ie Lae ogo wo Loo oil lngstanding oe See bow devout meser Feneaco had beome! ats we know, th Inna ofthe vow to Our Lady of Lori wa an old Fowatne expect, Hs bor Lope weg ton vain oped Ms ‘stm nde af cond yr with atand cnet expenons ‘nd cans heslowed hin undead habe woul noe eon Flore unl i goes wee hang So ef br is boat He woul ever hve ge, tBaso ‘Vel did to be eommisionc of th sms bog the ys nded eve afer hiss, he showed feral pect ot a dt ‘gia nd {mare ae scan wh have expend ope sth siete npg within chaste tnd ne ad 0 mason tw oucrbas the magints white were sl peng Nese enn tii dey stains ois ahs” “Weiig olcopo be iid is move to Rome by the ned to bean some governonhip Eon the ope a ep ims afer Bango quely depo of evrything by the conics” bt he didnot fone ht apo wa on he oer sie and we ma not forge cies. At this pero, lke wo many ec Hloneunes on he Met ‘de, deen by his own expe di, we do wo nd nom Boyed by the Pope in anyway gan sma nd Lt tose three what he Wat ding in Rome daring te meni ews hrs, wich ceria hang hear i ths who He hn pen ho al sey. ‘Meanwhile the Famous Considerations on he Dieses of Maki, ‘writen in the same traveling notebook, are undoubtedly of this 296 [BXILE, THE ‘CONSIDERAZIONT’ AND THE ‘RICORD? sexind The words ofthe text which permit stoi ita dt, would Ese forato Gem ing is comport sy mei ee Ea sihough sens probable dha ann Bs orks of Es chs feu ah wrk hy hin end, Id nr tn wey Rly at as Gacelicyoten agian eee eee ‘ha ath ht Di hy eon wl b> facing hypothe bt san, pol, ne oe it trem any mote lly, atthe work had site celina ‘roel teddy Lore fed imme copy Boba Tors In Rome, onthe other nd a he howe of Carnal Gad thee as Shen ng prepared the fin eon hich cme tt lereg etal ae ea eae Senos Hcy of Cain BSS nd ov cre os is in doe comact wth bh hoe prelate who wer hi llow cco, (Gough ith one sore than the th) one dace no ely eae [pet dle inguin tr cmete tw tne Gmina Sie wien Ini, to pick oth few pins whch ar eeane to biography, vw Sind cram nec of Galen's tleranc, in ore sat Form than cers forth, for Maal endoy sin on daha whee hint ed orn he pac othe pared and as epic ppd ‘Sage fray fight of tsa: kane tw Machel peeing sme leper doer ages Trova oof tt war rw snd pine and heyond praca end, ‘ih ee al dia uct ol cone lem, teal lore, ly min tease. Be who Knew owt see ry ip cetera cere exfliy < ) aja Sener essen ae eee spend op by hi haat Tinie be dos om ein para cla yl pan pole lee iliac ae itn ire averdon fom eveything wich dap i the very tigi fm ek nd way. We re ead ste in i Ps (Godin cet dit or Maciel inl, which ot Sooke wantin Gravy Goh ow rind ths combat of thee coorning kgs in spice i wat tun tele) to genet tht eeinete acti which be ad peseee Solar os eee ee ges ood Cree we era ces 207 ‘The work remained unfnishd, at wel kaown, The autho had ‘einen ‘on at many blink abet the conecate numb of the Dien of Machvell which he was peopsng to des, Having lose hiety-ight belefthenext way pages nk; adit would tpl oy th aberrations, wh a ren ais mind whe ‘eating, became fewer when hc to wie, o wht the work {ee be leacon ween regu gy headed inet Sickie "However, bead eo attend to anew von ofthe Rio He tegan towards th dl of iy whanthe Hoes nd edad thee wal fom the enemy ate for seven months when one Weald hot hve expected thant et fen dye Foe the psge eft ew version dicated tthe rower of is low cand one cb in roger wih rion th oa ly ouch ‘ofan. Perhaps sinlr ising wa sce ni mets by Maciel’ ardour Used pu on bee hy he mst yet ‘ognize i dhs, by te deeds of oes at iden veins do gene hing than reson thts ve see verde slpng ihe sects tm grea mace explntn) he Sudely conic ob rs wit spew pope sn, Gata man ‘ih ith may aie pe things and athe Gogsy fl ‘hove oun’ IF am oe sae, tn th "aovery of ht decining yu thtcinashadow of weary dnc “hacia Ril hs hat, which pea fix th itn a he se weno, ate even ore shot erg wih cacy dan the tate on whch spear with oe evo. Theva more doaate pesimimy + mor sulle inc “An nlignce, above te frerge given to men fr thi stow st foment” opr inate And then ea git ire to be ina poston wher you sweeten for Gi. indi the exteme bivcrnen of having ben excladed from them. ‘Apart fom the sual imperial exactions which sacked the ety stil forter dey, Cifiess obtained the fren of Florence, Pi sd Leghors. A batfal and heary yoke upon the Horentin! Shut out, fiom the secret deliberations, Gucci had only en able 10 ‘oppose ic “strongly in the public council with the sole ect of rendering him even more spec #9 Cosimo and his imperil tos ‘When it was done he coacaded> Ie tid the Coust wil deparé and lave sin the sae in which he ound a, but without the fore ‘wees and with lt eputstion and hope” These wordy, spoken fo the whole ciy, were aso very slevane to his own peat inte Casino meanwhile by the stcifice of the frees had bough the tstifcaton of his clei, the Emperor's proeeon, andthe tide of “duke despite Goiccardin’s limitations. The forces of the exes 2s ‘THE ELECTION OF COSIMO: "THE HISTORY OF ITALY” tering been defeated shor frat Menem, cio Valo and cdr apo’, ipo Soe ying in peo, Praneaco Veto pone a his om Spi, wa ely acd in lence of the ist rcs of the ea expend In hve word ier a poe ‘prypeia which Chinen Soi wot tthe ead of one ait iSsra tnd which could hae ben ts the pion on Ge Gadin'salogu on the Rein Fre ‘Goin dled ell hi i bt he ado appen cfr lament a Alene and bry alogetcr wih con Of Cosina, Andre he opt and ree vay ateptng {> roainte manhe ad pld upon swede hoe step fine wo dipon hin towards clemency towards te et then foe the ted t Monemarlo™ Hes be (ube ws by 3 in not dit in ee deme ns ‘wus dacovred apna having bonnie, Spicer ial cnoreseel eee ‘pursue’ by de man who owed hs pouton" This Ge: crn ge. He wus morely wounds, nd in ie of hi ore mata the tamouts of tht wound had o charge 1 was a hat pot at Pope Pal ffl him » govern athe Sate of be Chuc™ ido hog Roberto Pcl wh in st ers, with i nepow hl Pr atoms ion cel dh oe ing nd taper f tat od mais of Popes rev ine ply word ofthe higher eteen" He was Ge om beng fara o Bocas a ccm of te new maser he ed ben Eo ocmer one {do ot thik Pope Pl wou ave gone 0 choose 2 fovemor among Cone’ miner fhe id so ow, perhaps isdn Pet hel ofthe davon ino which Garba len ‘a areaarsoag wo Gace Someone sil “This war nn sohing to i re pi ‘in nce ap ge fed on an thax praunpuow yout The way 0 honour ws gun open ble timand wold avctke i away fom Forencewherc threw n0W tomate eco Jo, Yer and woes wee ning weigh wp Him yt the tempat stout again apo tat oad ws et. ‘An get ms ve Bec hs son onc day when eeu {Else Dat fhe snare im, sod ould as perion {baer He ws wo ad that he would refi, ba tend to his ‘THE ELECTION OF COSIMO; “TH HISTORY OF ITALY" asoishment he agiedat onc? Petts Cosi’ sindierene some Wat diminished the plete of his vege ad the dite 9 0, “Boog is dagst may have incest He thf pil to act nt oly thik him bu ako in ie tp sept Only oe thing lt is scepance somewhat in ese the notion fo the mgs of it born, Lat, He i ot sh oe rch an oppo on thi count Om the ce had ‘war compa by “honour, love snd ely day He hoped to

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