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soctoty of PotrolcunEn@wor9
SPE 37138

Formation Damage and Horizontal Wells - A Productivity Killer?

D. Brant Bennion, F. Brent ‘l%omas,Ronald F. Bietz, Hycal Energy Reaesrch Laboratories Ltd.

Cw7@ 13%.SOciety Sn3incem
h. discussion of special core analytical techniques used to
fnumlmthm#t thelmawkmd Wamca m Nmimmd Well
TecJmdou optimize clrillingfluid and drilling process design is presented.
Chd8, NOV.
Mdh (h@y, Afbata, 18-M,

~h~-~ti~tiem~-~mfdwh;~wd~ Introduction
aWalned inm4mrac4suinliNrdbylheMhPx(s). cmtmts Of YkpqW, @BpaeMal,lmvenMtum
mvieued by tha 3odety of kbdcmn fhgin- ad am subjected to cmredim ~ the mtk+-(s). ‘fle
r@m-ld, np4’amed, da5nd ~lyrdleu mypOdtbm Ofthe SOc&syd Rndam fJW- Horizontal wells are being utilized throughout the world in an
iu c4Scem, m mcmkn. Pqem pmsmtcd M SPS meuinsa an subjcd to publicdm review by Mitdd
ever increasing fashion to attempt to increase production rates
Canmitteuoflk Soduy of Peb’deumfhghe$s. Pemdskmmqy Isresuictedman atmima afmt
~th3md. mu~~y~b+. mt~bdmddd-~k- by maximizing reservoir exposure, targeting multiple zones,
Write Lhukn,SPS,
dmiowledcenmIof where ad by whom the paper wu pmsemed.
reducing drawdowm to minimize premature water or gas
W,m, TX 7W83-3S36,
coning problems, exploit thin pay zones an~ more recently, in
such processes as steam-assisted gravity drainage and as
Abstract injectors and producers in secondary and tetiiary enhanced oil
recovery proccascs. Underbalanced drillrng using horizontal
The use of horizontal drilling is gaining widespread frequency well technology has also increased as a meaos of attempting to
throughout the world, Production results from many horizontal increase productivity from horizontal wells by reducing
wells have been disappointing, and it is believed that when this formation damage, improve ROP and reduce drilling and stuck
has occurred in situations where viable reservoir quality has pipe problems in severe lost circulation zones.
been present, near wellbore formation damage effects have
been a major contributor to the marginal flow performance. The use of conventional technology to drill and complete
Due to the fact that most horizontal wells arc completed in an horizontal wells has resulted in disappointing results in many
open hole fashion, even relatively shallow invasive near- applications, due to what is believed to be formation damage
wellbore damage (that would be penetrated by conventional effects. This paper reviews near wellbore skin damage from a
perforation practices in cased and cemented vertical mechanistic view in horizontal vs vertical completions,
completions) may substantially impede flow. Drilling induced highlights reasons why formation damage effects may be more
damage may include fines mobilization, invasion of mud significant in horizontal va vertical well applications and
solids, mechanical glazing, phase trapping or chemical reviews current technology levels which are being utilized to
reactivity between invading fluids and the formation matrix or attempt to reduce formation damage effects in horizontal well
in-situ fluids. Calculations illustrate how the permeability of applications.
horizontal wells can be reduced dramatically by high near
wellbore skins and how this damage effect is attenuated as Mechanism of Formation Damage During Drilling of
horizontal to vertical permeability ratio is increased (such as in Horizontal Wells
highly laminated sands). They also illustrate how damage
effects are reduced in situations of high vertical permeability, Mechanisms of formation damage which may be operative in
such as formations containing natural vertical fractures which reducing the productivity of horizontal wells have been
are penetrated by the horizontal well. Underbalanced drilling discussed in the literature by various authors’2.
is discussed as a solution to some horizontal well formation
damage problems, and the importance of maintaining a These damage mechanisms can be grouped into several major
continuous underbalanu pressure condition during the entire categories, these being:
drilling operation to obtain optimum results is emphasised. A
hat of reservoir parameters which should be evaluated to Fines Migration. Fines migration is the motion of naturally
design an effective drilling program is presented, and a brief pre-existing particulate matter in the pore system. This maybe


induced during the driiiing procbaa by high fluid leakoff rates chain polymer molecules. Polar compound adsorption may alter
of water 0s oil-baaed mud filtrate into the near wellbore region the wetting characteristics of the matrix in the near wellbore
caused by e@ated h-tic overbalance pressures or regiou generaiiy in most cases to a preferentially more oil-wet
excessively high tid6&iance pmaaums’. state. This causes a potentially si@lcant increase m water
phase relative permeability in this region, which may adversely
External DrWng/Mud S&is Invasion. The invasion of elevate producing water oil ratio for the well if the completion
artificial mud solids (weighting agents, fluid loss agents or is in a zone where a mobile water saturation is present.
bridging agents), or natursily generated mud solids produced
by bit-rock interactions and not removed by surface solids Mechankal Near Wellbore Damage Effeeta. Mechanical
control equipment into the formation during overbalanced action of the bit, combined witi t%w cuttings, poor hole
drilling conditions. cleaning and a poorly centralized drill string may remit in the
formation of a thin “glaze” of low permeability surrounding the
Phase Trapping. The 10SSof both water or oil baaed drilling wellbore. This problem is believed to be aggravated by straight
mud fiitrate to the formation in the near welibore region due gas drilling operations, where. a iarge amount of heat is
to leakoff during overbalanced drilling operations, or due to generated at the rock-bit rnterface due to the poor heat transfer
spontaneous imbibition in some situations during capacity of the gas baaed drilling fluid system in comparison
underbaianced driiling operations’, can result in permanent to a conventional drilling fluid. Open hole completions m low
entrapment of a portion or all of the invading fluid resulting in permeability clastic formations tend to k the most probable
adverse relative Penneabllity effects which can reduce oil or candidates for this type of damage. Glazing will not genemlly
gas permeability in the near wellbore regions. occlude large permeability featurea, such as fractures or vugs,
and the glaze is usually readily removable in carbonate based
Chemical Incompatibility of Invading Fhdda with the In- formations with a light acid wash due to its higidy soluble
situ Rock Matrix. Many formations contain potentially nature.
reactive materhd in-situ in the matrix, including reactive
sweiling clays such as amectite or mixed layer clays, or Factors Which Wiil Tend to Increase the Severity of Near
defloccuiatable materials such as kaolinite or other loosely Weilbore Damage
attached fines. Expansion or motion of these rnateriais within
the pore system, which may be induced by the invasion of The overriding factor which will incrtase the severity of near
non-equilibrium water baaed mud filtrates into the near wellbore damage will be the extent of incursion of fluids and
wellbore region, can cause considerable reductions in solids into the reservoir and Iiow these mat&ials will react with
permeability674’g. the formation once they come into contact with the rock
Fiuid-Iluid Incompatibility Effects Between Invading
lluida and In-Situ ~tti& Oil or waterbased mud fiitmtes Factors which will tend to increase the fluid/aoiid loss
invading into the near wellbore region during overbalanced performance of a drilliig mud in a horizontal drillrng
drilling processes can react adversely with in-situ hydrocarbons application may include:
or waters present in the matrix with detrimentalreauhswhich
may reduce permeability. Problems would include the Overbalance pressure The greater the density of the
formation of inaolubie precipitates or scales between hydrostatic fluid column and resulting dmvnhoie presawe
incompatible batera, deaaphatting of the in-situ crude or generated in comparison to the net effective reservoir pbre
hydrocarbon’ based drilling fluid caked by blending of pressure, the greater the tendency for kxaes of both fluids and
incompatible oiis, or the formation of higidy viscous stable mud solids to the formation. H@hiy weighted, mid systems
wa~r in oil emulsions due to turbulent blending of invaded (due to either deliberate hi~’ concentrations of weighting
fiitiatcs with either in-situ water or oil. agents for well camel or poor surface solids control klti’ng
in a undesirable tndidup of a high concentration of dense
Near Weiibore Wettabiiity Alteration and Surface naturalsilicate or carbonatebase+ ,formadon
j,, driils@idsinthe
Adsorption EffectJw Many drilling fluid additives used for fluid system), high backp~ures or driiiing operaii6ns in
mud rheology, stability, emulsion control, corrosion inhibition, significantly pressure dep@@ ‘f@@ona (particularly in deep
torque reduction or lu&icity contain polar surfactants or zones) may ail contribute,’~ w overbalance pr&#ea.
compounds which can ~,preferentiaily adsorbed on the surface Overbalance pressurea in’qx~ of ajplt 700b kh (Imp)
of the rock. The physical adsorptiori of these compounds can are generally considered to, be seveti and My causG,aenous
cause reductions in permeability by the physical occlusion of lmses to the formation, particqisry in zones of ~$h rmemoir
the pore systerm in ,the caae of high molecular weight long quaiity.
chain polymers, parkularly in iow Permetillity porous meda
where the small pore throats may be easily bridged by long High Solids Content. A high concentration of artificial or


natural solids in the mud system, which are inappropriately Why is Damage More of a Concern in Horizontal vs
sized to form a low permeability filter cake, can either invade Vertical Wells?
into the mck matrix (if the solids are too small, that is, less
than approximately 30% of the medm pore throat aperture), There are a number of reasons why horizontal wells appear to
or may screen off on the formation face forming porous, high be more susceptible to formation damage than their verticsl
permeability, thick filter cakes which may result in long-term well cOunteqmrts. One of the major reasons is related to the
filtrate seepage and stuck pipe problems if the solids are too completion practicea used for moat horizontal wells. The fact
large. For an open hole completion scenario, an appropriate is that the majority of horizontal wells are completed in either
size distribution of particulate matter in the mud is essential to a direct open hole fashion, or with some type of slotted or
establish a sealing, low permeability filter cake rapidly on the prepacked liner, whi~ as far as produced fluids are
face of the formation. ‘I%iswill minimize solids invasion to concerned, is equivalent to an open hole completion. This is in
directly at the wellbore-formation interface where it can comparison to vertical wells where moat of the wells are cased,
hopefully be readily removed either by direct mechanical cemented and perforated. One can thus see that a degree of
backflow or some type of very localized chemical or relatively small invasive formation damage, several centimetres
mechanical stimulation treatment. in depth about a vertical wellbore may be insignificant, as a
normal perforation charge will penetrate beyond the damaged
Poor Fluid Rheology. The use of high API fluid loss, low zone and accesa undamaged rcaervoir matrix to facilitate
viscosity fluids will generally increase the potential for filtrate reasonable production rates if a permeable formation is present.
losses to the formation. Consideration is often given to the use Many types of damage, such as solids invaaio% do, in fact,
‘ of so called ‘clear” fluids with no added solids in the hopes tend to be very localized about the wellbore in this limited type
that if the base fluid is compatible with the formation no of radius, particularly in the absence of zones of extreme
damage will occur, even if significant fluid losses occur during permeability (such has highly fmctured or vugular porosity
the drilling proms. Unfortunately, the presence of naturally systems).
generated drill solida in clear fluid systems often results in near
wellbore mechanical damage as large volumes of the base It can be observed in an open hole horizontal completion,
fluid, along with the often inappropriately sized naturally however, that the produced reservoir fluids must pass
generated fines from the drilling process, are carried off into completely through the zone of damage which may have been
the formation. The use of appropriate viscosifiers/polymem can created about the wellbore during the drilling process.
assist in the reduction of uncontrolled fluid losses to the Although shallow in some -, the permeability of this
formation in some cases, and should be evaluated for each affected zone may be extremely low, creating a very high zone
specific situation under consideration. of what is referred to as “skin” damage about the wellbore.
‘Ihus, even relatively shallow invasive damage, which maybe
Poor Base Fluid Compatibility. Even in the beat designed insignificant in a cased and perforated completion, can be very
overbalanced drilling operation, and often in many so called substantial in an open hole scenario. Other reasons contributing
“underbakmced” drilling operationa, some unavoidable losses to increased severity of damage in horizontal vs vertical wells
of mud filtrate to the formation occur. Shallow invasion may could inchde:
not be significant for Cased/perforatedcompletions, but may be
quite problematic for open hole situationa. This being the case, Greater Depth of Invasion. Drilling times for horizontal
it is usually prudent to design the base mud filtrate with full wells are usually greater than conventional vertical wells. Fluid
compatibility with the formation matrix in mind. This would exposure time at the heel of the well maybe significant if poor
include anticipating problems with reactive clays, in-situ fluids mud rheology is present in an overbalanced cmnditi~ or if the
(emulsion potential and precipitation ability) and phase mud filter cake is continuously disturbed by a poorly
tmpping (possibility of including IIT reducing agents such as centralized drill string or multiple tripping operations, invasion
surfactants or alcohols to lessen the impact of phase trapping depth of damaging mud filtrate and solids into the near
if fluid losses do occur). wellbore region may be substantially greater than in a
conventional vetiical well application.
Presence of Zones of Extreme Permeabfity. Fluid losses
and potential damage will generally be more significant in Selective Cleanup/Damage. The large exposed length of a
zones of high permeability, such as high perm intercrystalline horizontal well often results in zones of highly variable
streaka, fractures or interconnected vugular porosity which may reservoir quality being penetrated. High permeability streaks
be penetrated by the horizontal well. Convemely, if invasion may preferentially clean up upon drawdown resulting in
depth is not too significant, these zones may be the most minimal drawdown pressure being applied to more heavily
forgiving and easy to clean up in some respects due to more damaged and invaded portions of the well, making it diffkult
favorable capillary pressure relations and larger pore sizes. to obtain an effectual cleanup. Production logs on horizontal
wells often indicate the majority of the produced fluid is being


sourced from only a very small section of the total length of k. Average horizontal permeability, mz
the well. hw Pay wne heigh~ m
p= = Reservoir preasnm at effective drainage
Difficulty of Stimulation. Damagedverticalwells may often radius, Pa
be effectively stimulated economically using a variety of pw. Wellbore pressure,Pa
penetrative techniques such as hydraulic or acid fracturing, acid P= Viscosity, Pa.a
or other typm of chemical squeeses, heat Immmeats, ete. These Effective drainage radius, m
types of pmrxssea are not readily economically applied to & Wellbore radius, m
horizontal wells due to coat and tccbnieal conaidemtions
associated with attempting to stimulate a section hundreda of The effect of near wellbore damage can be included in
meters in length (instead of only a few meters in length as Equation 1 through the use of a reaistsnce factor commonly
often is the case in a vertical well). Thxefom, most horizontal called the “skin” factor. This concept was introduced in 1953
well stimulation treatments tend to be relatively non-invasive by van Everdingenl 1:
in nature, such as acid wsshea, and may only be effective in
AP,h=s Q!!L
penetrating shallow near wellbore damage. (2)
Anisotropic Flow. The flow patternsinto a horizontal well
are completely different than a vertical well, this is
schematically illustrated as Figure 1. It can be seen that a Thus, for a constant flow to the wellbore, the skirL induced by
vertical well in a uniform strata of cross bedded planea which a combination of the invasive damage mechankm which have
it penetrates in an orthogonal fashion will drain the reservoir been dMuaaed previously, adds a constant pressure drop to the
in a uniform planar radhl fashion. Conversely, a horizontal total drawdown (or,in other tans, a portion of the available
well sources fluids from both the vertical and horizontal planar drawdown is dissipated in overcoming the fluid resistance to
direction and hence is much more radically affected by flow through the zone of impaired permesbilhy created about
variations in the vertical permeability of the reservoir. This the wellbore). A wellbore with normal radius of ~ therefore,
shall be described in greater detail in the following sections of with a skin effect present, behaves as if the well were a
the paper. “clean” well with a reduced wellbore radius given by:

In a similarfsshirm invasion occuming during an overbalanced R~w = Rwe-s (3)

drilling operatkmis governed bydireotionai Permeability which
exists in the reservoir. ‘I%isis illustrated for a vertical and
horizontal well as F@ure 2. It can be seen that invasive where ~~ is the reduced wellbore radius which is substituted
damage about a verdeai well in a situation of uniform non into Equation 1.
directional horizontal permeability will be in a cylindrical
patte~ with the depth of invasion in an unimpeded fluid 10SS For a horizontal well of uniform drainage and perm&biiity, the
situation being governed by the variable permeability of the flow equation is given by 10:
strata under consideration. In a horizontal well, due to the
frequent anisotropy of horizontal vs vertical permeability in
Q =
many reservoir systems, the invasion pattern will be elliptical
in nature, with the direetion of the prirtiary axis of the invasion
ellipmid being oriented in the direction of highcat permeability.

Flow Into Horizontal and Vertical Wellbores

Uniform flow into a veticai well of constant and non L= Length of horizontal sectiou m
directional horizontal permeability can be described by the x= Distance to horizontal no flow boundary, m
To incoqmrate the effect of skin damage in a horizontal well,
2 w h%(P,- Pw) the skin factor, as described in Equati& 3, can be substituted
Q. (1) for the well radius as given in EquatioR 4. To arxxmnt f- the
P’[w% l%)] common situation of asyrnmetriq horizontal anfl vertical
permeabilities, which exist in many formations, the terms h
and & in Equation 4 can be further moditied as followw
Q- low rate of teservoir flui~ m3/s

However, it should be noted at extreme skin factors (which

h“=m (9 may occur in a badly darnaged overbalanced open hole
completion) that the horizontal well productivity is reduced to
only 13.9% of the original vatue (in comparison to the vertical
well whose productivity is reduced to 1.49% of the initial
1?; = 0.5I?w(1+ w) (6) value).

Comparison of Horizontal to Vertical Well Performance in

where: Zones of hltrOpiC permeability But Variable pay
k- Horizontal pexrneabiliry,m2
& =. Vertical permeability, mz Table 3 summarks the results of the calculations conducted
using vertical and horizontal weU geometries for pay zones
The resulting final formulation for inflow production rate to a thicknesses of 2, 10 and 50 meters respwtively in an isotropic
horizontal well with disparate horizontal vs vertical permeability situation. The data has been plotted for low skin
permeability can be expmased as follovwx factors as Figure 5 and for high skin and damage values as
Figure 6. Since the data is presented on a normalized baais the
1 profiles for the vertical well are identical for all rhree pay
Q= (Pe-Pw) ~ situations (ss the flow rate increase is a simple linear multiple
1X1+ ~ln ~ of pay zone thickness in this situation). It can be seen that on
7r a normalised basis horizontal well open hole performance
()2TR; becomes more sensitive to near wellbore formation darnage
effects as net pay increases (even though on an non-normalized
basis total flow rate will likely increase). This can be explained
by the greater contribution to flow from the overhmddying
Table 1 provides a list of the test parameters which were used sections of the formation in a thick pay zone. Bounday effects
for the comparative calculations. All results iiom the caused by damage in such a situation result m preferential
calculations are reprmentd on the basis of “normalized flow”. reductions in the ability of the well to effectively access the
The normalized flow repmaents the actual flow rate for the entire drainage volume and energy of the overlying formation
given horizontal or vertical well situation at the effective “skin” ZQnwl.
conditiom divided by the flowrate at the same conditions in an
undamaged zero skin ccmdition. Therefore, all curves at zero Comparison of Horizontal to Vertical Well Performance in
skin have an effective value of one. The purpose of this form Reaervoh Zones of Adaotropic Permeability
of analysis is not to illustrate the increase in absolute
production rate observed when moving from a vertical to a Table 4 summarizes the results of these calculations and the
horizontal well application as rhii is a rather strong function data have been plotted for low akin factors as Figure 7 and
of effective formation permeability, pay and well geometry, but high skins as F@re 8. These situationa mimic the more
to illustrate, on a comparative basis, the effect of skin and the common real life reservoir case where vertical and horisontsl
productivity of the wells as damage incrrxtsm. This allows permeability are not equal. Low vetical permeabilities,
comprehension of the effect and magnitude of permeability creating adverse ptmneability ratios, are common in many
reductions to be expected in the case of a severe near wellbore sands, particularly if a high degree.of interlamhation is present
formation damage problem in an open hole horizontal well. in the system. Calculations have been conducted for vertical to
horizontal permeability xatios of 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001
Comparison of Skin Damage in Horizontal w Vertical respectively. Absolute productivity of horizontal wells, in
Wells in an Isotropic Permeability Condition general, is sigoitlcantly reduced with adverse ~ ratios and
in many cases horizontal wells may not be capable of
Table 2 provides the results of the calculations on horizontal economic production rates at extreme ~ ratios, even in the
and vertical well geometries using identical reservoir total absence of any near wellbore formation damage effects.
parameters (as detailed in Table 1). This dsta is based on Examination of the data indcatea that the severity of formation
isotropic (equal) horizontal and directional permeabllities. damage is radically increased as formation ~ ratio becomes
Figure 3 illustrates the horizontal and vertical well normalized more and more adverse. A large number of horizontal wells
productivity in a low skin factor (S - 0-10) regime, and Figure are drilled in formations exhibiting kJlq ratios of leas than 0,1,
4 at the range of skin factors up to 500. The data illustrates so the impact of even a relatively small amount of near
that prefertmtially the horizontal well, due to greater length and wellbore skin on ultimate well productivity is apparent. It is
reservoir exposure (in this geometry) suffers less relative interesting to note at very adverse k& ratios the horizontal
productivity reduction than the equivalent vertical well. well productivity ratio is actually affected more significantly

than the vertical well value, a possible explanation as to why underbalanced drilling program is contained in the literature
some very badly damaged horizontal wells actually perform 4,12,13

more poorly than offsetting vertical well countmparta..

Fluid Design Criteria to Optimize a Drilling Program to
Table 4 and Pigurea 7 and 8 atso illustrate the effect of the Minimize Near Wellbore Damage in Horizontal
oppcsite situation, high vertical permeability in comparison to Completions
horizontal permeability. This situation might occur in a
reservoir where the horizontal well is orthogonally intersdng Technology that has proven viable and reliable for successful
vertical fracture planes as commonly occurs with horizontal vertical well applications in a given field often does not
well applications in areas such as the Austin Chalk in Texas. provide similar results for horizontal wells. This frequently
In this case, the reverse situation holds true tha4 the higher the results in the need to re-design the drilling program from a
~ ratio becomes, the less sensitive to skin damage the grass roots basis to obtain a successful horizontal well. The use
production rate. At a ~ to ~ of 1000, which would not be of the maximum amount of reservoir &@ special core analysis
uncommon for a tight matrix highly fractured formation, it can tec~lques to semen and evaluate vario~ fluid systems and
be seen that the production rate is virtually insensitive to skin, practices, and an experienced design team are all integral
even at very high skin values. Thii is somewhat of an components in obtaining the greatest chance of success for a
oversimplification, as we are assuming in these calculations horizontal well application. A goql understanding of the
that the entire wellbore is contributing to flow, rather than a following reservoir parametem is required
few isolated fractures. Therefore, massive fluid bases to a ● current pressure
vertical fracture system may still result in productivity ● variations in Iithology
reductions. Well results in areas such as the Austin Chalk ● permeability and porosity distribution in the target zone
where highly damaging drilling practices such as mud cap and the presence of macroporous features such as fractures
drilling are routinely utilized and highly productive horizontal or vugs
wells are still obtained, suggest, however, that the general trend ● composition of the matrix and presence of potentially
predicted here is correct for vertically fractured formations. reactive clays (such as swelling smedtic clays), or molile
or deflocculatable clays (such as kaolinite)
Underhalanced Drilling ● initial fluid saturations, nettability of the matrix and
relative permeability khacteristics to obtain an indication
The previous analysis has illustrated that near wellbore skin of potential severity of problems with phase trapping and
damage in a horizontal well can significantly reduce retention
productivity to the point where, in some situations, the wells ● pore throat size dtitribution and fractum$ape- aim (if
are uneconomic. Much of this damage is associated with
present) to qqantify ‘kim distribution of particnlmes
invasion of fluids and solids during the conventional
required to creole a stable hbn-invaa!ve filter cake on the
overbalanced drilling process. Underbalanced drilling has been
face,of the formation to reduce damage effects
used in recent years as a means to attempt to reduce invasive ● chemical comp@iMy &ween mud filtrate tbtd in-situ
formation damage and improve the productivity of wells in
formation flids (emulsion, scale and precipitation
high damage/high fluid loss prime scenarios. Success with
underbalanced drilling operations has been mixed, primarily
due to misapplication of the technology in many situations and
Special core anaIyais tests are often conducted on
a failure to maintain a continuously underbalanced condition at
representative sampIes of ~Ivoir’ “’-+e to verify the
all times during the drilling operation. Since no protective filter
performance of a given fluid system once preliniinary design
cake is formed during a pro$ecly executed underbalanced
has been conducted or to compare the @opnapce of seve@
operation, due to a net outflow of fluids from the formation,
potential fluid sys~ to Se@ the lesd+gilig &riatiye
even relatively short periods of periodic overbalance pressure
for use in the field.’‘F@+ 9 provides a scheihatic iUu&atibn
can result in si@fknt invasion of fluids and solids into the
of the region attempted to be simulated in tbe near wellbore
formation and severe damage, sometimes of greater magnitude
regime using a sp&ii core ana$sii ,~. Fi@re 10 provides a
than would have occumcd if a well designed and conceived
detailed schematic @ the corqilow h~t which is mo&fikx!
overbalancedsystem with good fluid loss control had been
such that whole fwld @ing” mud cori&@’ ‘a hi&h
used tn the same situation. In certain conditions damage may
concentration of solida cah *, cirqdated ~, the fd of *e
occur due to counteremrent imbibition, gravity drainage,
sample to mimi~ * an@u, flow “@ida filter 4 is
mechanical glazing or drawdown effects, even if a
allowed to form w* ,flti I* a@ cake $ability am
continuously underbalanced eondhion is maintained during the
monitored during a typical d@a# cxtion teat. ~@re 11
dril~mg operatiom A detailed discussion of problems
illustrates a typicdl test ati~, and Fig&es 12 and 13 detail
associated with many underbalanced cldlrng operations and
typical fluid loss profiles fo$varjous “fluidsystems as well a
suggested screening criteria for the proper design of an


variable drawdown rate return permeability test profile. Tlwae which me used as a tool to evaluate drilling fluids and program
variable pressure return permeability teats am conducted to design prior to the coat and risk of actual implementation m
quantify the degree of drawdown required to lift the filter cake the field to obtain optimum performance have been pmented.
from the face of the formation, re-initiate flow and track
formation cleanup as a function of drawdown pressure up to Acknowledgements
the maximum expected drawdown pressure level which can be
realistically applied in the field to obtain a realistic evaluation The authors express appreciation to Vivian Whiting aod
of true fluid performance. Maggie Irwin for their assistance in the preparation of the
manuscript and the figures and to Hycal Energy Rescamh
For heterogeneouspore systems, variations of the technology Laboratories for the funding of this work and permission to
can be applied using naturally or synthetically fmctured and present the data.
shimmed cores (l@ure 14) or new fill diameter radial
coreflood formation damage technology which precisely References
mimics the radial leakoff pattern seen in the reservoir (Figure
15). 1. Porter, K.E., “An Overview of Formation Damage”,
JPT, pp 780-786, August, 1986.
Figure 16 illustrates a modified coreflood apparatus to evaluate
underbalanced drilling. These experiments are defiied in 2. Bennion, D.B., F. Brent ThOlnSS, Benni~ D.W.,
additional detail in the literature’. The objective of these tests Biets, R.F., “Fluid Design to Minimii Invasive
is to determine if problems such as spontaneous imbibition Damage in Horizontal Wells”, Paper HWC 94-71
may be apparent during a true underbalanced drilling operation, presented at the Canadian SPVCIMICANMET
and also the degree of damage and invasion to be expected if International Conference on Recent Advances in
the underbalance pressure condition is lost and low viscosity Horizontal Well Applications, Calgary, cana~ Mar.
fluid and solids abruptly invade into the formation. In this 20-23, 1994.
fashion, the amount of damage can be compared to a
conventional overbalanced fluid system in the same situation, 3. fig, J.E., et al, ‘Velocity Miles in Perforated
and a risk analysis conducted to ascertain if the extra expense Completions”, JCPT, August, 1993.
and potential problems associated with an underbslsnced
drilling operation are justified. 4. Bennion, D.B., et al, “Underbalanced Drilling of
Horizontal Wells, Does it Really Eliminate Fmmation
Conclusions Damage?”, JCPT, November, 1995.

Formation damage in horizontal wells can be a signifhnt 5. Bennion, D.B., et al, “Aqueous and Hydmearbon
impediment to economic production of oil or gas. Near Phase Trapping in Porous Media, Diagnoais,
wellbore formation damage mechanisms, which can occur Prevention and Treatment”, prcaented at the 1995
during the drilling process, centre about fluid and solids losses CIM Annual Technical Conference, Banff, Alberta,
to the matrix and fracture/vug system adjacent to the wellbore canada.
during overbalanced operations as well as possible mechanical
darnage in some situations. Shallow damage is more significant 6. Bennion, D.B., et al, “Injection Water Quality, A Key
in open hole horizontal wells due to the need to be able to Factor to Successful Wateffloodmg”, Paper CIM-
produce through the zone of impaired permeability during AOSTRA 94-60, presented at the 1994 Annual
ultimate production, in comparison to a cased completion Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society of CIM.
where shallow invasive damage ia normally penetrated by a
typical perforation charge. Flow calculations indicate that the 7. Fogler, S. et al, “Rock-Clay Interactions”, JPT, 1989.
severity of damage in horizontal wells is signifkantly incmaaed
as the ratio of vertical to horizontal permeability degrades and 8. Scheunnrm, R., et al, “Injection Water Salinity,
also to a lesser extent as formation thickness increasea. Formation Pre-Treatment and Well Operationa Fluid
Underbalanced drilling may be a partial solution to many Selection Guidelines”, JPT, July, 1990, 836.
invasive formation damage problems in open hole hotiontal
wells, but only if properly executed and if a continuous 9. Bazin, B. et al, “Control of Formation Damage by
underbalance pressure condition is maintained. Modelling Rock-Water Interaction”, Paper SPE
27363, presented at the SPE Symposium on
A list of reservoir parameters to evaluate prior to designing a Formation Damage, hfayette, IA, Feb. 7-10, 1994.
drilling program for an open hole horizontal well has been
presented and various special core analysis tests described 10. Butler, R.M., “Horizontal Wells for the Recovery of


Gil, Gaa and Bitumen”, Perroleum Sociefy of CL!f

Monograph 2, Top~me Printing, Calgary, Cans&

11. van Everdingen, A.F., “The Sldn Effect and It’s

Impediment on Pluid Flow in a Wellbore”, Perroleum
Engineering, 25, B-6, Ott 1953.

12. Bennion, D,B., et al, “Underbalanced Drillii -

Praises and Perik”, SPE 35242 presented at the SPE
Permian Basin Gil and Gas Recovery Confenme,
Midland, Texaa, March, 1996.

13. Bennion, D.B., et al, “Formation and Fluid Criteria

for the Screening of Underbalanced Drilling
Pmceaa#, Presented at the Annual Conference of the
Petroleum Society of CIM, Calgary, Canada, June,

Table 1- List of Simulation Parameters for
Vertieal and Horizontal Flow Calculations
Parameter Value (W) value (Pm)

Psy Height (h) 8 metrcs 26.2 t

lforismntslPermeability (Q 5 x l(PS mi 5.07 rssrl
Rsssrvoil Prsssurs (P,J 20x 10$Pa 2902 psi
Wcllbm Prcsslm (PW) 18 X I@ Pa 2612 psi
viscosity @ 0001 Pas 1 CP
Bomsdsry(X) 200 mclrcs 656 ft.
Length (1) 800 snslsss 2625 ft.
Well Radius (RJ 0.1 melses 3.93 m.
Drsinage Rndhs (RJ 200 ssssws 656 fi.
Vertical Pormcsbilii &) Vsrisbk Vsrisblc

Table 2
Normalized Production Rate vs Skin
Vertical and Horizontal Wells
Vertical and Horizontal Permeabilties Equal
SkiISFactor QNorsa Q-Norm
Vetticsl Well Horisosstd Well

o I.Ooo I .000
1 0.884 0,988
2 0.792 0,976
5 0.603 “0.942
10 0.432 0890
20 0.275 0,802
50 0.132 0,619
100 0.071 0.448
200 0.037 0.288
500 0.015 0,140
h- — i

Table 3
Normdaed Production Rate vs Skin
Verticat and Horizontal Wel~ Kv-Kh
Effect of Pay Thickn&
Skin Factor Q-Norm Q-Norm Q-m (&norm Q-norm
Vc”cdwell HorimmtBIWtll VerUcal WcB Horkontd WeU ‘ VCr(kil Well HOriamtd well
h-2m h=2m b-1.m b-10m mm b-30m

o 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.Oal 1@oo 1.000

1 0.884 0.997 0.884 0.985 0.884 0.919
2 0.792 0.994 0.792 0.970 0.792 0.850
5 0.603 0.984 0.603 0.929 0.603 0.694
10 0.432 0.969 0.432 0.868 0,432 0.532
20 0.275 0.940 0.275 0.766 0.275 0.362
50 0.132 0.863 0.132 0.567 0.132 0.185
100 0.071 0.759 0.07J 0.3% 0.071 0.102
200 0.037 0.612 0.037 0.247 0.037 0.054
500 0.015 0.387 0.01s 0.116 0.015 0.022

Table 4
Normalized Production Rate Vs Skin
Vertical and Hotintal Wells
Variable K&

Wn Factor Vertbl well

Hodmmtal well
Eorhntal Hodzontd Weu Hobtd Well HOrizOO@well
well kv@-.l kqkb-.ol kvM-O.001 kv/kh-lo kv/kll-loal

o 1.WO I.000 1.OCO l.m moo lam

1 0.884 0.965 0.917 0.851 0.996 Moo
2 0.792 0.933 0.846 0.740 0.992 0.999
5 0.603 0.848 0.687 0.532 0.%0 0.998
10 0.432 0.735 0.524 0.363 0.%2 0396
20 0.275 0.582 0.355 0.221 0.926 0.992
50 0.132 0.357 0.180 0.102 0.833 0.980
100 0.071 0.21B 0.W9 0.054 0.714 0.%1
m 0.037 0.122 0.032 0.028 0.556 0.925
5@ 0.015 0.053 0.022 0.011 0.333 0.832


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