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1. Cash 3,000,000
Accounts Receivable 4,500,000
Less: ADA 750,000
Inventory 5,250,000
PPE 16,500,000
Less: Accum Depreciation 3,000,000
Goodwill 2,250,000
Cash Generating Unit 27,750,000

2. Cash Generating Unit 27,750,000

Value in Use 22,500,000
Impairment Loss 5,250,000

Impairement Loss 5,250,000

Applicable to Goodwill 2,250,000
Applicable to other
non cash asset

3. Carrying amount Loss

Inventory 5,250,000 840,000
PPE-net 13,500,000 2,160,000
18,750,000 3,000,000

Impairment Loss 5,250,000

Inventory 840,000
PPE-net 2,160,000
Goodwill 2,250,000

No impairment loss is allocated to accounts receivable because the accounts are considered collectible except t
28% of the impairment loss is from the inventory and the remaining 72% is from the PPE, based on impairment

onsidered collectible except those doubtful.

e PPE, based on impairment on other noncash asset.

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