Your Thoughts Parneet Badesha

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Badesha 1

Parneet Badesha

Ms. Sharma

CLC 12

November 24, 2020.


In the assessment the personality type, strengths and weaknesses were all accurate.

Mediator’s are personality types that are more quiet, open-minded, and imaginative. They have a

caring and creative approach to everything that comes their way. Their tendency to daydream

and fantasize about life and what it should be like seems very accurate. Strengths such as being

thoughtful, generous and passionate, seem to be correct. Caring about others feelings, valuing

equality and giving their whole heart to an idea or movement that they believe in, are great

strengths. As for weaknesses overly idealist, self critical and conflict-averse, Over idolizing

things can lead to disappointment when reality falls short. Accusing themselves for being selfish

or woefully inadequate can cause loss of motivation to do necessary things such as self-care.

Lasly avoiding conflict and trying so hard to please everyone will drain out all the energy that

person has. To conclude the assessment was accurate in many ways including the sections

personality type, strengths and weaknesses.

The assessment was inaccurate about the daydreaming of a perfect soulmate. No one is

perfect, everyone has flaws that are good and bad. As for finding true love it takes time, patience,

compromise, understanding and a lot of effort. Even with all these, there will never be a perfect

soulmate for everyone. Not all Mediators believe in the perfect soulmate and true love, the

assessment was wrong about those two concepts.

Badesha 2

I learnt a lot about myself today, but what I found most interesting was how I avoid

conflict. I hadn’t realized that before, but when I came to think about it, it was true. I do avoid

conflict and like to see people happy. I don’t like fighting or seeing others fight it scares me,

especially when someone starts crying in the argument. My first reaction is always to go comfort

and make the person feel better. It is also my weakness, I shouldn’t mentally fixate on problems I

may have and keep them to myself. It is better to discuss it openly with that certain person. I

should let others know how I feel too, instead of just agreeing with them to avoid any conflicts

that may rise. I was surprised how hard I try to avoid conflict and keep others happy, when I

should be letting them know how I feel too. It is good that I listen and care about others, but I

should be heard as well. My thoughts and feelings matter too. In conclusion, I learnt that I try to

avoid conflicts which is good because that is how my relationships stay strong and stable.

However it is important to discuss openly with that partner or friend so that they know how you

feel as well, relationships are not just one way, they work both ways. The other person should

know your perspective as well.

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