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Hul’q’umi’num’ Lesson Plan 1

Date: ​November 10, 2020

Grade: ​5/6

Teacher: ​Mr. Lescak

Learning Intentions: ​I can... use newly learned language skills to communicate emotion.
I can... use my listening skills to learn new words that I can use in my

Successful Learner Traits: ​I am ​enthusiastic​. . . . I am motivated, I get involved, l engage fully.

Rationale: ​The intention of this lesson is to provide the students with the chance to learn and practice
some introductory Hul’q’umi’num’ words that they may be able to use in the community. It will also give
students the opportunity to practice trying out the words in a safe environment and learning about different
emotions that they can attach to greetings and conversation.

Big Ideas:

● Aboriginal narratives are part of Canada’s ( . . . ) history and culture.

Curricular Competencies:

Comprehend and Connect

● Identify the elements and structure of Aboriginal and other stories in order to understand the
overall meaning
● Demonstrate how Aboriginal legends reflect specific beliefs
● Understand the importance of the storyteller and the art of storytelling in Aboriginal cultures
Create and Communicate
● Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
● Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create texts for a variety of purposes and
● Use language in creative and playful ways to develop style

Content: ​elements of oral tradition in Aboriginal texts:

● Blending of the real and the fantastic; oral expression and dramatization; portrayal
of a society, culture, or era in a story
● Google Slides
● UVIC ​Website

● Students will be observed with their participation in the activity and also their


Teaching Sequence: Timing: Classroom Management:

Students will listen to the pronunciation of the following 10 - 15 I will be using the Bump Method
conversation phrases. They will be asked to write them Mins of classroom management by
down and spell them phonetically as they hear them. giving looks or standing near
students if they are disruptive
during the reading. They will be
How are you? ​'Ii ch 'o' 'uy' 'ul'​ (E-choo-aye-ah)
given a choice in how they can
change their behaviour should
I’m Fine. ​'I tsun.​ (Eee’tsun)
their behaviour move beyond that
How are you? ​'Ii ch 'o' 'uy' 'ul'​ (E-choo-aye-ah)

Thank You ​Huy ch q'u.​ (High-ch-ka) Questions:

(either at end or during)
You’re Welcome ​Namut kwu​ (Namut-kwa)

5 Mins
The students will pick someone to ask “How are you?”
and that student that will need to reply “I’m fine”. This
will happen for 5 minutes.

Before each student starts, I will say 20 - 30

“​Tth'ihwum​”/”Please” and “​Huy tseep q'u​”/Thank You Mins
(Pl.) afterwards.
The students will then be paired up and given a slip of
paper that has either “​How are you?”​ and “​I’m fine”​ ​or
“​Thank you”​ and “​You’re Welcome​”. In addition to
these two phrases there will be another word that
describes how they must try and express that statement:
sad, happy, excited, scared, tired, angry etc. The rest of
the class must try and guess what the emotion is behind
the statement (factor BL into the activity as much as
possible if he is guessing)
Closing: 5 Mins

Students will be asked to do a pairing activity in their

duotangs that shows two people in conversation. They
must write and connect the appropriate response for
each of the images.


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