Performance Task: A Research On

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Performance Task

A Research on
The TCVB students who would like to
continue their senior high school at POI

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From 1-100, at what percent would you like to continue your
senior high school here in GEI?

Almost 4 years and how many months ago, when our curriculum was
changed. Year 2011 when k-12 curriculum has been implemented. The
k-12 program, covers, kindergarden and12 years of basic education. Six
years of primary education, 4 years of junior high school and two years
of senior high school . It is to provide sufficient time for mastery of
concepts and skills, to develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduate
for college.
K-12 is our new curriculum now. And we all know, that in the next
school year all grade 10 students will not yet go to college instead they
will move to senior high school, which we call the grade 11 and the
grade 12.
As of now, there are a lot of students still do not know where they will
continue their studies, coz as we know you need first identify the strand
of the course you want to take in college. So, student must find a school
which will offer the strand they are looking for. And that’s result the
topic of mine. The topic that I think will help students like me. It is
about GEI’s grade 10 students who still want to continue their studies in
this school as a grade 11 students.
The aim of this is to know the percentage of students who will
continue their senior high here in this institution, so that the school will
be prepared for the number of students. And not only that, because this
research will also help students here to decide earlier.
My target respondents for this research are of course the GEI grade 10


Q1- 25% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to continue
their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 47.98.

Q2- 50% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to continue
their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 79.46.

Q3- 75% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to continue
their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 91.5.

D2- 20% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to continue
their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 45.15.

D4- 40% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to continue
their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 70.5.

D6- 60% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to continue
their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 84.28.

D8- 80% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to continue
their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 94.1.
P10- 10% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to
continue their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 39.5.

P30- 30% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to

continue their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 50.80.

P70- 70% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to

continue their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 89.09.
P90- 90% of grade 10 students answered that they would like to
continue their senior high school in GEI at a percent ≤ 99.3.

A research project like this is not just a thing that must be is
not just a performance task that must be submitted as a requirement.
Because this is something that is done for a purpose. To gather
informations, to get different ideas, to help us answer our questions, to
know the truth and prove something and to action if it needs
improvements and if there is something wrong.
For Q1, I therefore conclude that from 100 grade 10 students of GEI
that I chose to be my respondents, 25% of them answered that they
would like to continue their studies in the same school at a percent less
than or equal to 47.98.25% of them didn’t gave their 100% due to GEI is
one of their options, and if they have given a chance to transfer, they
will transfer in other school.
For Q2, 50% of them answered less than or equal to 79.46. if you see ,
half of the respondents gave high percentage because according to them,
they saw the readiness of GEI for senior high, the upcoming buildings.
For Q3 , 75% of the respondents answered less than or equal to 91.5, it
is because they based their answer on the quality of education that GEI
can give to them.
For D2 , 20% of theme answered less than or equal to 45.15. it is
because they said GEI is still lack of facilities that is needed by the
For D4 , 40% of the respondents answered less than or equal to 70.5,
due to the reason that they do not have choice, but to obey their parents
For D6 , 60% answered less than or equal to 84.28., because their strand
are here. GEI offers the strand they want to take in senior high school.
For D8, 80% answered , less than or equal to 94.1 , base on their
answer why, they still not ready to adapt in a new environment.
For P10 , 10% gave less than or equal to 39.5 , because they will not
study at GEI anymore.
For P30 , 30% gave less than or equal to 50.80,they can’t gave 100%,
due of considering parents choice and decision.
Then P70 , 70% gave less than or equal to 89.09, coz they want to
study in GEI.
And last, P90 , 90% of the respondents gave less than or equal to 99.3,
almost 100% ,it is because according to their answer why, they are
already reserved or enrolled at GEI.

Recommendation is not just a thing that people do for nothing. We do
it to help by giving or recommendations itself.
For Q1, I will recommend to GEI to offer something new to the
students. They must provide the things that some students are looking
for. For them to stay and not to transfer in other schools, for them to
change their mind to what they said that GEI is just one of their options.
For Q2, I will recommend to GEI that do not disappoint students,
make them satisfied. Buildings should be ready before the first day of
school of the upcoming school year. So that they have the assurance that
GEI has the facilities.
For Q3, I will recommend to GEI to continue giving the students the
quality of education. The promising mission and the vision.
For D2, I will recommend to GEI to improve some buildings and add
more facilities for students so that they will not feel the insufficiency of
the school in terms of the facilities.
For D4, I will recommend to GEI to encourage more students .And
don’t disappoint the parents that they’ve chose GEI for their children.
For D6, I will recommend to GEI that don’t dissatisfy students in
choosing GEI for their senior high that every strand they’ve opened has
the capability to give them what they will need in college.
For D8, I will recommend to GEI to make the students still feel
comfortable in school. Dont change regarding on treating students.
For P10, I will recommend to GEI , to still encourage students to
study, prove to them that GEI also have the facilities they’ve saw in
other schools.
For P30, I will recommend to GEI to still encourage students, not only
the students but also to get the trust of their parents that GEI is a better
For P70, I will recommend to GEI to not fail the students give in
choosing the school. Give them the best in terms of facilities, teaching
skills and in other more. And not to made them feel that they are wrong
in choosing this school.
For P90, just like the most of my recommendations or suggestions
,don’t dissatisfy students especially the parents because they are the one
who trusted the school and let their children study in that school. Give
them the best education.

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