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The Sothothic Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

To use this ritual you'll need five divine names. One of them is the name of the god or goddess with
whom you have a personal relationship. The other are four names taken from the pantheon you
worship, each of which has four letters. (Think ZEUS, ISIS, etc.) It's best to have two gods and two
goddesses; other than that, and the requirement that each name have four and only four letters, it's up to
you.* **

* If you use a sacred alphabet, such as the runes or Ogham, it's four runes or four Ogham fews, whether
or not that amounts to four English letters.

** In the ritual below, the names of the deities will be given as Patron Deity, Goddess 1, God 1,
Goddess 2, and God 2.

Part One: The Dismissal

Stand in the center of the ritual space, facing East, and imagine that everything bothering you has a
physical form. Begin to walk clockwise around the Circle and, using your hands/Athame/Wand as if
shooing away the forms of everything bothering you, call out:

Isaya Isaya Riqa Riqa

(Be off, Be off, Be gone, Be gone)

Repeat the chant until you feel that the space is clean, but no more than seven times.

Return to the center of the Circle, replacing the Wand/Athame if used, and face East.

Part Two: The Circle of Presence

Stand facing East. Raise your hands from your sides in an arc until your palms join above your head,
fingers pointing up. Draw your joined hands down to your forehead, visualizing light descending from
infinite space to a point above your head, and say:

In the name of

Draw your joined hands down to your heart, visualize a ray of light descending from above your head
to the center of the earth, and vibrate the name:

(Patron Deity),

Now separate your hands, and touch your right shoulder with the fingertips of your left hand and your
left shoulder with the fingertips of your right hand, the hands crossing at the wrist. Say:

my patron god/dess),

Now raise the elbows straight up and bring your hands up, out, and down in a circular motion,
bringing them back together palm to palm in front of your lower abdomen or groin (depending on your
body's proportions). Visualize your fingertips tracing a circle of light. As you do this say:

I place myself within the

circle of Her/His presence,

Now bring the joined hands up to your heart again, fingertips pointing upwards. Visualize the shaft of
light descending from infinite space to the center of the Earth, the circle of light you drew with your
hands, and your heart shining like a sun. Say:

and protection.

Part Three: The Pentagrams

Go to the Eastern Quarter of the space, and trace a pentagram with the first two fingers of your right
hand, beginning with the top point, and tracing counterclockwise to banish. Visualize the pentagram
drawn in a line of light. Point to the center of the pentagram and vibrate the name:

Trace a circle around to the Southern Quarter, draw the pentagram in the same way, point to the
center, and vibrate the name:


Trace a circle around to the Western Quarter, draw the pentagram in the same way, point to the center,
and vibrate the name:


Trace a circle around to the Northern Quarter, draw the pentagram in the same way, point to the
center, and vibrate the name:


Trace a circle back around to the Eastern Quarter and then return to the center.

Part Four: The Invocation of the Elements

Facing East, visualize a yellow octahedron floating in the space before you, and say:

Before me the powers of Air;

Try to feel the breeze of Elemental Air on your face.

Visualize a blue icosahedron floating in the space behind you, and say:

Behind me the powers of Water;

Try to feel the moisture of Elemental Water on your back.

Visualize a red tetrahedron floating in the space to your right, and say:

To my right hand the powers of Fire;

Try to feel the heat of Elemental Fire to your right.

Visualize a brown cube floating in the space to your left, and say:

To my left hand, the powers of Earth.

Try to feel the solidity of Elemental Earth to your left.

For about me stand the pentagrams,

And upon me shines the blessing
of (Patron Deity).

Part Five: The Circle of Presence

Stand facing East. Raise your hands from your sides in an arc until your palms join above your head,
fingers pointing up. Draw your joined hands down to your forehead, visualizing light descending from
infinite space to a point above your head, and say:

In the name of

Draw your joined hands down to your heart, visualize a ray of light descending from above your head
to the center of the earth, and vibrate the name:

(Patron Deity),

Now separate your hands, and touch your right shoulder with the fingertips of your left hand and your
left shoulder with the fingertips of your right hand, the hands crossing at the wrist. Say:

my patron god/dess),

Now raise the elbows straight up and bring your hands up, out, and down in a circular motion,
bringing them back together palm to palm in front of your lower abdomen or groin (depending on your
body's proportions). Visualize your fingertips tracing a circle of light. As you do this say:

I place myself within the

circle of Her/His presence,

Now bring the joined hands up to your heart again, fingertips pointing upwards. Visualize the shaft of
light descending from infinite space to the center of the Earth, the circle of light you drew with your
hands, and your heart shining like a sun. Say:

and protection.

This completes the Polytheistic Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.

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